


It seems premature to look for a taxedemist before the hunt but i was told there is something you have to shoot into the antlers as soon as you shoot a deer to save the velvet? Can i buy whatever it is in a store to take with me just in case? Any sugestions on a good taxedermist?
Two ways, 1/ Have the antlers injected with fermaldahide(spelling?) 2/ You can also put the antlers in the freezer for a year or so and they will freeze dry. You must do one or the other ASAP.
IMO, the fermaldahide is the best method but you don't want to do it yourself. That is some nasty stuff and can really screw you up if you accidently inject yourself. Just get to a taxi asap and let them do it.

Good luck.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-02-04 AT 04:38PM (MST)[p]There are rplacement chemicals for Formaldihyde. I have used "Antler Tan" without any problems. But I have only done it twice.

You inject it just like formaldihyde and then take a brush or rag and wipe the entlers down with it.

The sooner you can do this the better.

Look up they should have the chemical.
The Chemical is called "Antler in velvet tan". I am a Taxidermist and you have to do more than just inject the antlers. You have to first make some small holes in the tips of the antlers so when you inject them the blood in the veins has a place to go. Then when you inject them you need to make sure you catch the main arteries and push the blood out with the chemical. Then you can brush it on the outside with the chemical, then you need to hang them until dry. Make sure they dry in an area that there is good cross ventilation to dry. It is important that when drying there is plenty of air circulation. or you run the risk of loosing them. I personally like to mix formaldehyde with "Antler in velvet tan". I get better results with that mix. And yes formaldehyde is very dangerous!! I wear a full resperator and face mask and rubber gloves and long sleeve shirt and protect every place. If you poke yourself with it is not cool!! As for a good taxidermist where do you live? and maybe I can help.

I hope that helps and good luck!!!

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