Thanks Soldiers


Long Time Member
The link below is to a really great slide show of our U.S. troops who've died in Iraq and Afghanistan and there are comments left by those who submitted the photos. It made me bawl. Doesn't take much on Memorial Day though. Everytime I see the American Legion doing their 21 gun salute at the cemetary it reduces me to tears. My grandparents were very involved in The American Legion and raised some very patriotic children and grandchildren. I also love seeing all those American flags flapping in the breeze at the cemetary on Memorial Day.

Today we went to the local cemetary to decorate some graves and my 6 year old daughter looked at all the flags after I explained to her that each flag represented someone who served in a war for our country and she said with amazement, "Wow. Look at all those warriors." Indeed.
True story, it doesn't matter if you agree with this war or not the sacrifice made is the same as any other.
God Bless all who have served and sacrificed, past and present, and the families who carry so much burden as their soldiers go to defend our freedoms.

While attending the memorial day service this morning, my 17 year-old son commented how many people in our town of 30,000 had served to protect the rights of all. And, how few poeple had come to honor them and their sacrafice.

It always has a profound affect on him, and me, and gives us reason to discuss all our family members who have served our country.

Best to all!

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"

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