The Audacity Of Hope and other poppycock


Long Time Member
This quote from Obowma's book gives me pause. From ?The Audacity Of Hope, ?I WILL STAND WITH THE MUSLIMS SHOULD THE POLITICAL WINDS OF WAR SHIFT IN AN UGLY DIRECTION..?
That's an odd thing for a supposed christian to write.

I am sure he meant something totally different than what this quote appears to mean. For one thing, it is totally racist that you would even bring it up or question him or his motives. Anyway, GWB is the reason BO feels this way and its his fault! (L.O.L.)

Muslims loved the US until GWB stole the election in 2000...

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

It's really an odd thing for a man who became the US President to have said. I wonder why he said it?
Stop being so nosy Ransom. It is a free county, last I checked the 1st amendment allows him to say whatever he wants to...geez.

The 1st Amendment gives me the right to ask the question. Why would a man who was to become a US President say such a thing?
I haven't read the book, but I have heard an "expert" say that he thinks Bill Ayers was the ghost writer for that book. I can't remember the details, but he made a pretty convincing case.

Good question though, why WOULD he say that?

Simple Q there Ran'

Luke: 6- 45 The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.

basically his mouth give's him away

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