The commander-in-chief test


Long Time Member
With Barack Obama close to victory in the Democratic primary ? depending on whose calculations one uses ? maybe it's time to take a trip in the Wayback Machine to March. Hillary Clinton tried warning the Democrats that nominating Obama for the ticket would open a critical experience gap between Democrats and Republicans, whose nominee could claim a lifetime of knowledge and action on national security:

Why take a look at this now? If Hillary really does concede in the next few days, she will almost certainly begin giving speeches making Barack Obama sound like Winston Churchill. Having this reminder of her assessment of Obama?s sum-total experience on foreign policy ? he ?gave a speech once? ? will serve as a fine rebuttal to any claims of superiority for a man who hasn't yet finished his first term in national office.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
So you're saying we need a politian with lots of experience with being a politian? the less time they've had being a poltitian the better as far as I'm concerned.

I respect McCain for his service and the fact he survived his time in a horrible prison camp but just what qualification does one get from being abused and eating fish heads that makes one fantasic commander-in-chief? no question he's got more miltary experience than Obama but his name is McCain not MacArthur, he's not a proven CIC himself.
There are only like....5 people who believe any thing Hillary says, so it doesn't matter.

JFK didn't have a great deal of experience as commander and chief. Eisenhower had all kinds of experience yet set up all the ground work for the disaster called the Bay of Pigs which occured 9 days into the Kennedy presidency. With the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Soviets disallowing access to Berlin JFK made the Soviets blink first with the blockade and then the airlift. It appears to me sometimes good judgement in the fight you pick and how you fight the battle might be more important. Now why did I just think of George W. Bush?
Obama's list of possible VP's includes Wesley Clark and Chuck Hagel, either one of those guys would shut McCain up on his military superiority. both are great guys and would pull a lot of moderate votes, but I'm not going to hold my breath he'll choose one of them. he'll probably choose some creep like Bush did.
Here are some scary thoughts too!


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

You may want to revisit some history of JFK and the Bay of Pigs. He pulled the promised air support which doomed the invasion.

If you remember correctly he stood by as the Berlin wall was built and allowed for a 40 year division of that City.

In addition JFK served in the Navy in WWII or have you forgotten the entire PT 109 incident? He at least knew what is was like to put on a uniform and serve.

I am not saying that military service is a prerequisite to be President but service to ones country does tend to change your views regarding how you approach life.

My problem with Obama is that he has no real world experience in business, the military or anything other then academia and politics. Those two fields are not a very good background for dealing with real people on real issues. He has the idea that government is to be the system to "help" people rather then the JFK motto of "ask not what your country can do for you rather what you can do for your country".

To compare Obama to JFK is like comparing GWB with Teddy Roosevelt.


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