The Dallas Cowboys WILL win Superbowl


Long Time Member
OK. I know EVERYBODY has been waiting for this. It's time. I think the Cowboys have a shot this year. I'm gonna start slow, I think they have a shot at the playoffs. The Eagles and Oregon offense? NO. RG3 is one bad cut or leg plant from never playing again, Washington? NO. The Giants? Maybe. If the Boys get in and play hot, who knows what can happen. SO guys, I think the Cowboys take the division. What are your picks for the big game? How is your team gonna do? mtmuley
I thought you swore off the drinking.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
...and so the passing of another year on MonsterMuleys.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I was just thinking the other day I knew this post was coming. I will again say no they wont
LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-13 AT 10:37PM (MST)[p]mtmuley-you had better become a Mormon, because you will never be drinking again. Edit-I thought he said win it all, not a winning season. We can probably hold off the missionaries for a couple of years first.
I'm gona go out on a limb and agree with ya mtmuley...if the defence stays healthy there in the top 5... and this will be good enough to take the division... after that who knows.

>Wow. You guys are being nice
>so far. Denver? Really? The
>offensive line is a BIG
>question mark. mtmuley

You obviously don't stay on top of your football!
Go look at any of the Las Vegas betting odds, Denver is still the #1 pick for a super bowl win. Both their offense and defense is unstoppable even with Von Miller missing four games. Denver totally shut down the 49'ers in their own house with our second string.

Dallas can't even get past the worst ranked team in the entire NFL....Oakland. And don't use the excuse of it just being a pre season game. Players are fighting for their jobs in the pre season. If the Cowboys don't have a second string to back up the already horrible starters, how can you even fathom a playoff game, let alone a super bowl?
Delusional is all I can say. The Vikings will go farther than the cowgirls, and that isn't saying much. I would be surprised if the cowboys can get above a 8-8 record. Now that Romo has his contract, his best days are behind him. Plus there is a new defensive coach there in dallas, so that will take time.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
They have yet to win a playoff game with Romo.... Most over rated, over paid QB in football
Slam, C'mon man. I don't base my picks off of Vegas. Denver lost a center and left guard. Bad, bad news. As far as pre-season and Oakland. Matters not at all. When the Hell has pre-season ever showed what a team will do when it's for real? The Vikings will do better than the Cowboys? You can say Romo is overpaid, but the Vikings quarterback? What's his name anyway? nezzy, they have won playoff games with Romo. Some say over rated. Check out Mannings playoff record sometime. mtmuley
Have I been in a coma? I thought we were still in the pre-season.

mt- I commend you for being a diehard. I am a true Steelers fan. I bleed black and yellow. I know their limitations though. Steelers will be lucky to go 8-8. I'm realistic...maybe you should try the same? :/

M'Balz Es Hari
Wiz, being a diehard fan is believing your team can go all the way every year. The Cowboys have had the talent to do way better than they have for a lot of years. I begin every year faithfully thinking "this is the year". The bashing and other crap is part of being a Cowboy fan. No problem. Until they are out of the playoffs, I'm thinking Superbowl. mtmuley
winning season, How many games is that, 3 maybe 4 that a good year for the "Boys" LOL
That like a slow pitch to a Major leaguer.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Well my dang vacuum quit working about a week ago, so I go out and pick me up a Cowboys sticker to slap on that puppy, and just like that it sucks again.
Romo lost his mojo when he lost these.

He's one for sure. I always liked Randy White. I figured somebody would take a shot over the Cardinal game, since it means so much as to how the regular season will play out. mtmuley
Cowboys coach before game: ?K Boys this is just a preseason game. Let them B1tch slap you and take the ball whenever they want. We are going to the superbowl."........ I get it..... :) Terry
LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-13 AT 08:00PM (MST)[p]Muzzhunter,thats funny sh!t thanks for the laugh...

"Sometime's i drink water to suprise my liver"
OK I'll play again this year. I do believe your division is open, and the Cowboys do have a chance. I hope for your sake, that Room doesn't let you down. He got big money for a guy that has yet to prove himself.

Washington is the front runner, but RG better stay healthy, especially with Cousins getting hurt. That would leave them with Grossman. Their def is solid. Run game awesome.

NY is questionable. Can Eli really carry this team to another SB. I think he's used up all his genie wishes. Their run game is suspect. I'm not sold on D. Wilson. They have some questions on def as well.

Philly is interesting. Vick looks good so far. Run game is solid. Def improving, but still needs work. Kelly has gotten all his guys to buy into his style. To say it won't work, well it worked in NE last year. Kelly helped Bill B. With his hurry up.

I love football season and everybody's input. It's fun and interesting. Guess I'll go out on a limb. I'm not a fan of either one but if I had to pick I'd say.....

Denver Broncos vs Atlanta Falcons
Look at who is injured and out for the year in Denver. Not to mention suspended. Then see if you still like them to go all the way. The Manning experiment won't get them a SB. mtmuley
If DeMarco Murray has a stellar year then the Cowboys have a good chance of making the playoffs. But that could be a challenge given Murray's propensity for injuries. It may come down to Romo playing near flawless football. At least the D should be better this year late in the 4th Qtr. That was always the Cowboys downfall.

Cowboys fans are going to be drinking a lot of beer this season.
drowning out the sorrow. LOL
My Viking just might be sit right next to ya. B.J Daniels would be a good pickup in a trade with 49ers.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Let's see...... There are 15 games left. What could happen? Peyton looked great. It ain't over by a long shot. mtmuley
>Let's see...... There are 15 games
>left. What could happen? Peyton
>looked great. It ain't over
>by a long shot. mtmuley

Yea that weak O line sure screwed him. Good call.
Sure it is only one game, but no matter how you try to spin it, it was a big win against the Super Bowl champ.

Much better than a close loss.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
I'll remind you guys that the Cowboys beat the Superbowl champ last year in the first game. Really don't mean squat. Two teams have played so far. mtmuley
>Bob Lilly. The Greatest Cowboy.

Many years ago the National HS Rodeo finals were held in Pueblo. I happened to be back from a reserve gig and stopped off at a bar to have a sandwich and beer. Got my beer, drank a bit, then went to the toilet. When I got back there was some huge guy standing directly in front of my stool. I tapped him on the shoulder and said 'excuse me'. He apologized shook my hand and introduced himself. Walt Garrison. Good guy; we talked about hunting and girls, bought each other a beer and that was it.
Ugly win but I'll take it, especially against the Giants. They better shore up their pass coverage or it could be a long season. Romo looked good tonight but you wonder how long he's going to be able to take hits like the one he took before half time. Ouch.

No Big "D" in the Game today by both clubs.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
>Yeah, must have been the awesome
>Ravens front. You one game
>guys are funny. mtmuley

Yes. Yes, we are funny. How 'bout that one game?
This one was really, really hard to to deal with for me. Hats off to the Broncos. I want a re-match. In the Superbowl. mtmuley
Cowboys leading the division. A weak division, but they are leading. The broncos aren't leading theirs. mtmuley
>Cowboys leading the division. A weak
>division, but they are leading.
>The broncos aren't leading theirs.

Oh so now having a marshmallow division is a good thing?

You crack me up dude!

Just remember this - it's October. The Superbowl is in February. Maybe we should wait until then and see who's left standing.


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I think mtmuley has a man crush on Manning.

Sort of off topic, but my mom used to love the Cowboys. I met Drew Pearson several years ago in the 70s. Good guy, very personable. Met Walt Garrison at a bar in Pueblo, CO in the 80s. He was in town for a High School rodeo (I think it was the National Finals). I came back from the toilet to find him standing (didn't know who he was at the time) in front of my stool. I tapped him on the shoulder and asked if I could grab my beer. He apologized, we bought each other a couple beers and chatted about football and rodeo (the guy who taught me steer wrestling was a world champion in the 40s...I was just a rank amateur) and hunting. Not any taller than I am, but his shoulders looked to be about 8' wide.

Nice guy.
I have the man crush? You guys are choking on Manning Kool-Aid. A Manning Kool-Aid mustache on you boys. Ride the wagon man. mtmuley
I hope Bryant's sideline rant wakes up this team. But I doubt it. Nothing will get done until the old man gets a phuking clue and that is unlikely to happen. The culture of futility and mediocrity is alive and well in Big D.

Not if calvin johnson has anything to do about it. lmao looked like the dude was open on every play. When he wasn't he just ran over those puzzys. lol


who farted?
LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-13 AT 03:05PM (MST)[p]Once again, Romo throws an Int. in the last few minuets of a winnable game !

Opps, what happened.
Well Viking are still in the running for 1st draft pick.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
>Well Viking are still in the
>running for 1st draft pick.

yep :-( have given up hope and hate saying this but I hope they lose out and go 1-15. Maybe, just maybe they can get the #1 pick. Probably #2 or #3 though...


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
It's Thanksgiving. Yep, I'm happy the Cowboys won. BUT I'm really thankful for the Patriots beating the donkeys. The Boys took one more step to winning the division today. Happy Thanksgiving. mtmuley
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-13 AT 08:17AM (MST)[p]Well, just remember they may have looked good, but they played the Raiders.


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Closet Cowboy glad to see ya back.Been gone since the
New Orleans game.Congrats on your win with Jokeland.We should move those fools to the NFC East.
>A win is a win.

Not according to mtmuley! Remember - the Raiders are part of the Bronco's "marshmallow schedule".


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-13 AT 10:54AM (MST)[p]Good thing the Cowboys won on the field on Sunday - because they didn't win in the parking lot!

Typical Raiders fan behavior:

Friday, November 29, 2013
Cowboys fan beaten by Raiders fans

By Calvin Watkins

A Dallas Cowboys fan was beaten by Oakland Raiders fans following the Thanksgiving Day game, according to the Arlington Police Department.

The police are still looking for witnesses to the incident and have not released the victim's name.

Tiara Richard, a police spokesperson, said Friday the injuries are not life threatening.

Police are investigating whether the Raiders fans wore jerseys. This is the first known incident involving fan violence at AT&T Stadium.

The victim was found unconscious on the sidewalk at Cowboy Way and AT&T Way.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
Well it can't happen for about 4 more years anyway but watch Jerrah trade everything but the kitchen sink for him when he's 32 - it will do the exact same thing for the Vikes that trading Herschel Walker to them did for the Cowboys.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
Crickets...chirp,chirp.Talk about not playing well in cold weather.Mtmuley must be half black bear and hibernates in December like his team.LOL
Oh but let me guess the bears are a great team with a second string QB.And 29th ranked defense.HA,HA,HA....
Anyone seen the Closet Cowboy,Bet he wanted to come on here in the first half.Tony Ohno came thru for you guys again.
Right now GB would love to play them weekly.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
"Dallas Cowboys WILL win Superbowl".........The first thing wrong with THIS statement is, you have to find a Cowboy who WANTS to even GET to the Superbowl!

"If you get upset or offended by ANY website forum
post.....especially mine, you need serious
Too bad that Romo went down due to back surgery. Although I don't think they have much of a chance with Orton, I will be rooting for them.
Post 95 and 96 are some funny stuff. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-13 AT 01:58PM (MST)[p]Romo gave his team a chance to win the division while playing with a ruptured disc.

That says a great deal about the man's courage and desire to win.

I am able to listen to the game here in lovely Swan Valley Idaho on a buds phone. Hated to see Romo go down, that is one tough SOB. I had just about given up hope, but so far the Boys are keeping it fairly close. We'll see what happens. mtmuley

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