The Dallas Cowboys WILL win Superbowl


Long Time Member
Well, I've been mostly out of town since last Monday. Swan Valley, Idaho and then Spokane. BUT, yeah, the Cowboys have a chance this year. Best chance since I started this yearly deal. I think the division will be weak again except for Dallas. Chip Kelly tearing apart the Eagles, the Giants have problems on both sides of the ball and the Skins are a mess. It WAS a catch. Same kind of catch called a catch hundreds of times. One catch away from the NFC Championship game. I'm sure the usual detractors will be along shortly (Deermadness, crazymaez, Roy and if I am forgetting you I'm sorry). So, fire away. If not the Boys in the NFC East, who? Looking forward to football guys. mtmuley
I heard Romo had that ovarian cyst removed so he should be good to go! Haha, I hope you enjoy being pissed on Sundays!
>Romo still the qb?.....not a chance.
> This BS again? Peyton has really worked out well in Denver too. Takes more than a QB DW. Hell, Seattle wins with Wilson. mtmuley
I thought we were talkin bout yer cowboys? When yer boy TR wins more than 1 playoff game then we'll talk superbowl. Gotta crawl before you walk.
Heck, I'm just ready for the NFL! Of course I will be rooting for the Broncos. I'd be real happy for the Donks to meet The Cowboys in "The Bowl".
Ok, all is right now; I have seen the post for this year.

I look forward each year to football season as it means that fall is on the way and elk season is near.

I hope your Cowboys do well this year.
I thought it was a catch to mtmuley! Bad Call

I got a feeling Philly will be strong this season, I'm still a Tim Tebow fan and hoping he can be a major contributor :)

And Go Panthers! We got a QB, thats all it takes right!
complete, Kelly is going to look like a football genious if what he is doing works. I'm not sure Murray fits his style of offense though. I am curious to see how he does without that strong O-line. He didn't srike me as a strong outside runner either. Thanks feddoc and Beanman. Last year goes to show pre=season predictions are sometimes inaccurate. I'm looking for a stronger defense this year. mtmuley
IT WAS A CATCH ! If they stay healthy the Cowboys have a GOOD chance ... would like to see Denver / Dallas SB also... that would be fun in my house.
Here we go again....




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Dez threw a punch at one of the QB's yesterday.Mc fadden is on the PUP list once again.

But this year I have a feeling they are going to be really good
So Im gonna say 8-8
LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-15 AT 08:11PM (MST)[p]Dammit crazy, you said that last year. So did Roy I think. YD, the Eagles didn't get better with Murray. You'll see. Hey DW, chime in again when you know something about football. Not just posting stupid links. mtmuley Deermadness, where the Heck are you?
Never claimed to. You might as well get to the point I know you are headed towards. All your college experience 30 years ago or more makes you an expert on todays game, right? And the rest of us that follow a team and the game are dumbasses. Am I wrong? mtmuley
I just assumed with all yer knowledge u musta played.... guess not. You'll have plenty of opportunity to razz me as I'm sure my vikes will struggle and Peytons due to get broke in two. The same things that won this game thirty years ago still win it today. Solid defense, mistake free balanced offense. Without a running game romos gonna be runnin and fighting for his life which isn't when he's at his best. He needs time and comfort in the pocket to play mistake free, I just don't see him gettin it this year.
Eagles didn't get any better because of Murray. He' be pressed to Break 1000 this year. I could run for that many behind the Dallas line. Oh, and that was a catch.
Don't count out the Giants in that division.

2 great wideouts and a Super Bowl winning QB??

They get a little defense going and watch out.
>Don't count out the Giants in
>that division.
>2 great wideouts and a Super
>Bowl winning QB??
>They get a little defense going
>and watch out.

Depending on how many fingers they're holdin up of course.:D
I bet the running game is at least 90% of last year and may even be better. The O-Line added what would have been another 1st rounder if it wasn't for bad timing on a false charge. Murray was good but he also fumbled a bunch and is due another one of his injuries. Don't get me wrong, even though he is now an Eagle, I still like the guy. However, JJ finally played it right by not paying him the big bucks. If Murray doesn't fumble at GB, the game wouldn't have come down to "The not-catch." The call didn't lose that game near as much as the lack of pass rush and Murray's fumble. Dallas D may be the surprise of the NFL this year as Marinelli finally has some athletes. However, if Romo gets hurt, it all goes out the window. If Romo stays healthy, they will be one of the main contenders come January.
>Shadow Murray will run for more
>than a 1000, guaranteed!
That he may but Randle or Dunbar will gain just as many behind that line. Murray was good, too bad they lost him, he was a good blocker as well but Randle is going to breakout this year.
Murray ran for 1850 last season, those guys are on every corner in Dallas I guess. My money says nobody with a star on their helmet gets within 4 fields of that.
>Murray ran for 1850 last season,
>those guys are on every
>corner in Dallas I guess.
>My money says nobody with
>a star on their helmet
>gets within 4 fields of
My money says nobody with a bird on their helmet does either. Too bad Murray let an agent convince him he was priceless. Ruined a good thing. He'll never see 1850 again.
I'll gladly take 1450 yards from Randal, McFadden or even Dunbar. I doubt any of them hit that mark. However, I also doubt one back gets 90% of the carries this year. Check back in January and I bet the Dallas total rushing yards is still close to the top of the league.

However, total rushing yards may be less because Romo may be healthier this year than last. In spite of last year, both Garret and Linehan love to put the ball in the air. Last year they pushed the pendulum to the rushing extreme, my guess is this year it comes back more to the middle and not just because of Murray's departure. Yes Murray was great to get some of those "dirty yards," but his lack of burst and breakaway speed left some big runs on the table. Randal will take advantage of those while not doing as well on the dirty runs. Hopefully, he will do a better job holding on to the ball.

I hate to say it, but I think Dallas knew going into 2014 they weren't going to resign Murray so they ran him into the ground to get every penny's worth of value out of him. Then they got their rival to overpay for him. It might just prove to be brilliant if Murray does what 95% of other running backs have done after a season of too many carries.

Of course, if he happens to pick up where he left off, it could be a nightmare. :)
Hey DW, sorry late. Just got my internet back. Hughesnet had some sort of problem. But, it's all I can get. Nope, no college ball, just HS. I agree with your assesment of Romo. His history is suspect when he has to do it alone. I also agree with others here that Murray won't see the success he had last year. That Dallas O-line is badass, no denying it. And he just isn't the sideline runner that Kelly's option based offense needs. IF the Cowboys put together a consistent run game somehow, they will be right in the thick of things. Simple as that. And I'm not going to bash the Vikings. I like to save that for the Broncos. mtmu;ley
It's all good mtmuley. I just don't see how kickin an 1850 yd rusher to the curb can be viewed as a positive. Those guys are special, no two ways about it. Course they did the same thing to one of the greatest coaches of all time. Which was right about the time I lost all respect for the cowboys. Maybe my broncs will do what the pats couldn't a few years back and you'll have no reason to bash em! :d Ok I put it on a tee, swing away!
I hear ya DW. But 30 years old and the pounding he took last year had to factor in the Cowboys decision. At any rate, football is close. Bet we talk some more. mtmuley
The Broncos finished the preseason 3-1 and the vikes 4-1. HOW BOUT THEM COWBOYS? :D
I coulda swore I saw Jerry suited up with the ball boys and lined up the other night. Pop Warners over now and the real fun begins.
At least the Cowboys don't mess with headsets during a game. More Patriots bullcrap. Sunday we'll see teams that don't cheat. mtmuley
You just keep a eye on those Viking, the road to the SB will go thru the Black and Blue division. GB and the Viking will be a force.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
After watching the Viking I got to say THEY aren't as good as we are hoping for. Def.linemen looked slow as H#ll, Teddy well he need some more help on the line if he going to throw the ball.
AP not even close to he normal speed hitting the line.
They looked out classed by the 49'ers.
BUT those Cowgirls pull A Upset on those Eagles.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Way to go Eagles, overpay last years best back and give him the ball 9 times while Badford launches 52 passes. The 'Boys thank you:)
Check out your QB!!!


He/She is famous outside of football!!!
Tikka, you gotta do WAY better than that. But, if you do shoot tikka rifles, I can't expect more from a guy that likes plastic guns. Carry on. mtmuley
>Tikka, you gotta do WAY better
>than that. But, if you
>do shoot tikka rifles, I
>can't expect more from a
>guy that likes plastic guns.
>Carry on. mtmuley

Wonder how Murrays liking his new O-line? Looks like he's on a blistering pace for about 100yards this season.
Their qb's still upright. Helps to have a back that can pick up a blitzin linebacker.
Karma for mtmuley always talking about Manning taking 1 more hit.

Im frail bones Tony Romo.Dont be like this me get dish.HAHAHA
DW, Murray has 21 yards on 11 carries in TWO games. Sure their QB is upright, but from what I saw today he may as well not be.I said before Murray doesn't fit Kelly's style, and there is NO O-line in Philly. Dallas has lost their two best offensive players. Feel free to pile on but so far they are 2-0. It is up to the coaches and the rest of the team to step up. I hope they can. If not, you won't hear me complaining or using it as an excuse for them. They still have to play the games, and I bet the Cowboys don't just give up. mtmuley
DW that was funny as He11.
I'm think Mt is right they did have a chance.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I don't hate Murray. I didn't think his running style fit Kelly's "system". Especially without a strong offensive line. I felt at the time he was foolish to leave Dallas. Sorta working out that way. mtmuley
That washed up old man Denver has as a QB needs to buy every man on that defense something expensive. mtmuley
>That washed up old man Denver
>has as a QB needs
>to buy every man on
>that defense something expensive. mtmuley

Here in a couple games if we we are 6-0.I would love to sit Manning.Hes washed up.Need to start Osweiller.No blinders needed but this thread is about the sucky Cowboys .Que no?hahaha
I spect my Cowboys might have a butt whipping coming today. I'll be out shooting bullets at ridiculously long ranges anyway. mtmuley
3 straight games, same story, Garrett won't let the chipmunk throw down field. Defense pretty much full strength now, offense is in trouble. December can't come soon enough, hoping it's not too late to salvage the season.
Looked good, for a half. I actually thought it would be worse. Speaking of QB trouble, Manning sure is putting on a pathetic show. mtmuley
Yes, Manning is pathetic. All he does is win the game.
Unless you are playing fantasy football isn't that the object of the game....LOL.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
HA HA HA Time too bring in Cassel.No No wait bring in Weeden.I think its time for Uncle Rico.

Whats Dez Bryant and Tony Romo doing on the sidelines?They should put those guys to man the chains.

For a moment I thought Hardy was gonna pull a gun on Dez.

It might be the time of year that Mtmuleys puter breaks.Or he's out practicing the 100 yrd shots with his BB gun:)
Well crazy, I didn't see the game. I said wouldn't use the injury stuff as an excuse, and I won't. Besides, I was busy shooting a 6 point bull on Sunday. Just got him packed out today. Carry on. You too DW. mtmuley
I'm just glad yer not out on a ledge mtmuley! :D Congrats on the bull! Post up a pic yet?
DW he's a talker he dont post no pics.I've checked. I think he uses it as an excuse so he dosen't have to come on here on Sundays.I've been dealing with this clown for about 6 years now.

If they win his computer or phone works from any canyon or crevice

But if they lose you get the same old story.Thats how he got the nickname.....THE CLOSET COWBOY
LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-15 AT 06:00AM (MST)[p]Hey crazy, I don't need to stroke my ego by posting pics on the net for fools like you that only hunt from a keyboard. You haven't "dealt" with anything for 6 years, Laffin. Hey DW, pm me an email and I shoot a pic and the story to you. The peanut gallery doesn't need it. mtmuley And if you look, there's a few of my critters on here. Just decided I don't need to advertise with idiots like crazy around.
MT you have to stay with your team no matter what. No worries about the good natured fun, the other crap canjust go away,

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Settle down mini Greg Hardy.And your last post could probably use one more edit.If my team was 2-4 I would probably be pretty grumpy too.
OK crazy, I'll step up. I apologize for the name calling. Don't usually do that. Grumpy? No, not so much. Disappointed? Yeah. And I am anything but a clown. Looking forward to the Packer/Bronco game. My kids a Packer fan. Hopefully he'll be hammering a bull instead of watching the game though. mtmuley
Headed for Denver in the morning.We shall see, Seems Im throwing better than Manning.I agree with DW This will show if we can stand up to one of the best teams.The Cowboys will also have a tough game tomorrow.Alot more pressure than the Giants.Hope your son kills a good one.
I guess he was just too stupid to know how good he could be? About like the rest of that team it seems. I haven't lost hope in them, just get healthy and win the division.

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