The Death Of America



Everytime I look at the news I see another part of America die, we watched our companies leave for greener pastures taking our jobs with them grinning like Cheshire cats as we headed to Walmart for the savings.

Today York's Peppermint Patties shut down taking 300 jobs to Mexico, you might say big deal but that's an American company as American as apple pie. now we'll get some damn peppermint chile crap globbed between two tortillas or something.

GM announced in their suvival plan that Pontiac will probably be eliminated,who knows if GM will even survive. who would have ever thought the company that made the Trans Am and the GTO would be gone in our lifetime, if you're a car guy you're crying now.

we're just going to be a huge Walmart nation with nothing of our own, even what American icons are left will be from China or Mexico providing no jobs and no quality. this isn't a political rant it's a matter of American pride and American jobs, I love what makes us America and I'm watching it fade away in front of my eyes, and fast. as the old saying goes, " If you're not worried as hell, you just don't understand.

I need a drink.
Hey Dude, why do you think the big boys left the country? The green movement, government regulations, and the unions. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. When an american company can send it's resources and technology oversees, and can bring back the finished product cheaper than they could build it here, something is wrong! Too much government, now with chairman Moubama at the helm, watch out!
Thanks, Doug.
The average monthly wage surged to $160 a month in China. maybe that has something to do with why Walmart buys from China and not the US, ya think?

If York's and Pontiac could get $160 a month laborers I'll bet they wouldn't be moving and going broke. what you're saying is Americans should compete with Hop Sing even if it's for $160 a month, you don't want to but others should, sounds fair. or better yet blame the government and liberals, if you don't have anything better give that a shot.

If we want to compete with China and Mexico head to head we have to enjoy the same standard of living they do, you go first.
the taxes and insurance on my house are $260 a month, it would be kind of hard to make it on 160. I heard the flying J truck stops are close to going under, apparently they bought this years supply of gas at 3 dollars a gallon, it looked like a good deal last year, too bad, the company came from humble beginnings. lets see the economys problems are because of environmental regs, and unions, and pollution controls or something like that?
One big reason American companies are leaving ,is caused by the government. The highest corp. tax in the world. Companies cannot expand or exist with a 35% to 40% corp. tax.
I have been a union guy for 16yrs.Keep in mind, that the union is a form of government in the workplace(very demanding,intimidating and powerfull). Its great if you are employee,but alot of companies just cant afford the demands of the union. In my union on an average of 145 hrs of work per employee a month amounts to around $2500-$3000(per employee) that the companies are forced to pay to the union,on top of $38.00 hr paycheck.
GM and Ford are losing money because the cost of building the car costs more than selling price,thanks to the union and goverment regs.
The main reason libs hate Wal-mart is because they won't unionize.
If Wal-mart did unionize they would be cutting their own throat.

In short, the government is the cause of the death of America,in my opinion.
Maybe I'm just too materialistic, maybe I'm too sentimental but the loss of American things bothers me a lot. this stuff is our culture and our history, it's not just dollars and cents to me it's who we are, or were

I've always bought American first, because I want Americans to have jobs and because I just like American stuff better. more than ever I'm checking to see where something is made before I spend a dime on it, I'll buy the last American vehicle and eat the last American candy bar even if it's a crappy butterfinger.
So you're saying you'd work for $160 a month? I'm not saying unions don't have to wake up but I'm thinking $160 a month is going to be a hard sell.

If the business didn't pay the taxes theyb do who would make up that revenue? if you look at our debt you can see as it is we're not collecting enough money , so out of your $160 a month you're going to have to pony up more taxes to counter the lost tax business pays. is this the search for that free lunch?

It all comes down to standard of living, if we want to compete with $160 a month 3rd world nations we have to live like them. what is so hard to understand about that? if you want to work for the wages Hop sing will work for we can compete and business can pay their taxes no sweat, this is not rocket science.

Everybody wants the other guy to pay the taxes and take a pay cut. at least that part of America hasn't changed.
"It all comes down to standard of living, if we want to compete with $160 a month 3rd world nations we have to live like them. what is so hard to understand about that?"

Are you serious? Have you been to a 3rd world country?

I've met some wacko libs--and get along with 'em just fine--but WOW!

I guess four years from now we'll be starting to see whose ideas are better. And,BTW, I'm one of the few who will remain open minded in the mean time.
What do you propose we do? We owe the rest of world about $10 trillion and we are going to finance another $1.5 to $2 trillion more from foreigners just this year.

If it isn't government fault then whose do you blame for making the regulatory and tax enviroment we are in? America is not competitive because it made a choice a long time ago to stop making things and export just little green pieces of paper.

If the choice a company has is to either stay here and go broke or move offshore and remain in business which do you think the shareholders would demand? Our culture isn't worth the money or the time to preserve because we think we are the engine of world commerce when we are really the caboose.

We are going to continue to pump money into GM and it will stil die because of the fact that nobody wants to let it go bankrupt regardless of how much other wealth keeping it afloat will destroy.

Just wait until the banking systems are nationalized might as well just throw in the towel then because it is over. We will watch the last of our strength ebb away and the last person standing will shut off the light.

I went and got my $400 out of the bank today....and put it in my mattress

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Here is my thought, come July my wife and a whole lot of other people will be out of a job. I guess I can name the company INTEL is sending thier positions to costa rica. Ya I intentionally did not cap.

Just my 2 cents, pisses me off and with economy the way it is it is going to be tough to fill that check.
The two worst traitors to America were Sam Walton and Jimmy Carter. Walton spent decades flying back and forth to China and worked to open the door and push manufacturing there. Jimmy Carter decided he should treat the world as his church and try to bring all of the poor and starving up to the same standard of living as middle class Americans. If the third world standard of living comes up the ours has to go down. Simple and end of story. Blame all you want but we benefit from other peoples misery and that is how we lived high on the hog. Our kids will now be feeding off the tripe just like their poor brothers in India and China. Good job to those liberals!!
Read this thread and sat down and wanted to share my thoughts....1968 I was working at a butcher shop/Store being a stockboy and clean-up person after closing hours part time after school making 1.25 an hour in CALIFORNIA Minumum wage then was 1.65.
I could buy 2 1/2 boxes of .22 long rifle Remington at $.50 ea. And they were higherpriced than in a big sporting good store cause I didn't live by a large town.
Same Scenerio today---I couldn't even buy 2 boxes of Remington .22 long rifles at $6.18 an hour and minumum wage being $8.00 as of Jan 09 in CALIFORNIA.
My Great Grandfather raised cows and before WWI prices were 13-17 cents per pound.(average selling weight 600-800 lbs) 2 steers would pay for a Model T. At todays prices how many steers does it take to buy a new car??? Dunno the present cow prices BUT DO KNOW IT TAKES A HELLOVA LOT MORE THAN 2 steers. Inflation needs to be nipped in the bud..have to start at zero again
I would work for $160.00 a month if paid in Gold and Silver-todays paper money is was designed for an easy way of bartering---not borrowing on credit..
Its just like the decline of mule deer in the west, there are lots of reasons for our economic problems, the recession is taking care of the borrowing too much problem, and helping weed out marginal companys, but if we as a country don't take care of exploding health care costs, control the costs of locking so many people up, use our military more wisely,and do something about too many government workers and their fat retirement plans, its a lost cause, and we are just prolonging the inevitable huge decline in our standard of living, and thats too bad because modern tecnology hold a lot of promise, but it seems collectively we aren't smart enough to take advantage of that.
Nemont, the government is responsible for some of our problems but to say they're the cause of it all is to say they're totally responsible for the mortgage crisis as well. and who is the government anyway? we're a democracy , if we're too stupid to elect, meaning employ the right people then to blame them for our woes is a cop out.

As far as I can see the American is responsible for his own demise, we rush to Walmart to buy cheap junk from China to save 2 cents and put ourselves out of work, we want to live large and not pay our bills so we're in debt, we elect idiots to put us deeper in national debt and not tax us to pay our bills as we go, and first and foremost we don't buy American first to support our own economy.

If you want to blame someone it's us, maybe as individuals some of us have done the right thing, but as a whole we're idiots and we've screwed up a good thing. everytime we lose another American icon I wonder if we're going to recognize what's left of us when this sorts itself out.

My dad, a WWII vet and the guy who pounded always buy american into me has to be rolling over in his grave, I always understood what he was saying but I wish he could know just how right he was .
hey dude, your right, americans have become a nation of morons and the evidence is clearly demonstrated by the people they elect to positions of government. They have turned their backs on the constitution and its principles and have let government run over them and throw a chain around their necks. They have voted for their own demise time and time again since 1912 and I'm not sure it will ever change. Its probably to late any way, I think we will be a 3rd world country soon like the rest of the world very soon.

Thats what they want you know, they want all nations and all peoples to be the same with the same standard of living and the same experiences in life. There will be no individual expression and experiences to enjoy. We will be sheep and in order to do that the US and its way of life must be destroyed.

As far as this 160 a month for hop sing. Its all relative, the cost of living is cheaper there and not the same as here. You have to remember they are the ones manufacturing the products and do you really think they pay our cost? No way and I know that for a fact, my daughter lived there for a yr. She said everything is super super cheap compared to here so many of these 160 month workers have a much better standard of living than you think.

I do believe most americian businesses would love to stay in the US but because of over taxation and regulation they have to go elsewhere to make a profit. Its simply a matter of survival! Remember, people own corporations and they have to eat too.
Kind of my point exactly.

The one difference I have with you in regards to the what the governments role in creating this mess was. No doubt we are the government yada, yada, yada. I blame the government because I blame the Fed.

We get almost no say in who is installed as Fed Chairman. The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States infected all of us with a disease of easy credit. The monetary policy of the Fed and the idea of too big to fail is what created all the malinvestment and bad economic behavior by Americans and their bankers.

It would be like a kindergarten teacher left her class but before leaving she handed out 2 liter bottles of Mt. Dew and snicker bars to each kid, then she was amazed to find the room destroyed when she returned. Who do you blame? The teacher or the kids? The teacher should have known exactly what would have happened but she did it anyway. Well Alan Greenspan was the Kindergarten teacher.

No amount of buying American could have saved us from the tidal wave of bad economic behavior sweeping the country through bad home loan bets.

Now those of us who have tried to live right, buy American, help our communities thrive, educate our kids, spend less then we make are being forced to bailout the consumers who are buying from China and overspending. If that is our culture it isn't worth saving.

Dang hdude, as muh as I disagree with you on so many things....I can't find anything to argue about in that post....sad ain't it?

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>Dang hdude, as muh as I
>disagree with you on so
>many things....I can't find anything
>to argue about in that
>post....sad ain't it?
>great post/pic, thanks for sharing

JB you plick now he will have a swollen head.
I knew you guys would come around.

Nemont I hear what you're saying but there has to be a way to teach idiots a lesson without destroying the nation in the process. unfortunetly some fools who asked for what they're getting are going to get off too easy, I see that and I don't like it, but I'm not ready to go down in flames just to say I told you so.

I don't have the answers, nobody does, if they did we wouldn't have this stupid stimulus and banker welfare plan. my concern over anything else is much of what I love about this country my be lost in the near future even if we survive the crisis.

Maybe I should have titled this thread " The cheapening Of America " since we're going to look like a big white trash Walmart nation full of cheap imported non discript crap nobody ever heard of. is cheapening a word?
Dude, you ever hear about the Trilateral Commission, the one world rule? A handfull of the richest and most powerful people in the world pull the strings, our federal reserve answers to them, and the american people pay the price. Chairman Maubama told you he was going to spread the wealth, don't you remember!
Hey , I agree with you about buying american,but this is alot bigger than most americans think. The socialists, and commies lost the cold war when Reagan was the boss. So they didn't give up the fight they just changed their agenda. In the early 90's the same commies started the green movement, global warming, spotted owls, pupfish, snail darters, mountain lions in kali, the list goes on and on. It's not about protecting the environment, it's about controling the people.
With the financial crisis in full swing, the new administration will be able to jam this socialism down our throats, the days of working more to better your self our more so the gov can give it to some third generation welfare family ,or illigal.
I know I sound doom and gloom but this post makes my blood boil.
Thanks, Doug.
Brownie- you need to smoke a little or you are smoking too much, Im not sure which one, but its not really that bad, its true the world changes all the time, but don't worry the U.S. isn't about to adopt communism any time soon.

You are what is known to a true communist as a "useful idiot".

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

yes sir brownie! Jekyl Island, 1913 and Woodrow Wilson, a global socialist that adopted the policy of lets spread democracy throughout the world. They've been following it ever since with a few exceptions, I wonder why?
brownie I think you're reading a little too much into the actions if misguided people. the ESA and social programs are the work of well meaning but maybe not too well informed people, it's not all bad but much of the time it goes too far.

We're not even close to being communist, for one thing it would require too much sacrifice and discipline for Americans. we're becoming more socialist by the day but that's been going on since the last great depression. if this was my biggest worry I'd feel a whole lot better.
The Trilateral Commission is a group of light weights. The biggest hitters on the planet, of world domination organizations, is the Bilderberg Group.

LOL hdude this post might become my all time favorite.
>The Trilateral Commission is a group
>of light weights. The biggest
>hitters on the planet, of
>world domination organizations, is the
>Bilderberg Group.
>LOL hdude this post might become
>my all time favorite.

yep and when their done with their one world system, the Anti-dude will take controll, we're all doomed!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-09 AT 01:35AM (MST)[p]Dude how ya been? Good I hope? This post reminds me of a George Bernard Shaw quote:

"The power of accurate obervation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it."

I love the General, no doubt, I have a preorder for the new Camaro so they better stay in business for another 6 months.

As for Pontiac, well let's just say that any company that puts out a piece of crap like the AZTEC deserves the ax. As well, the new GTO has as much personality as an Aries K-Car.

Rugarm77, sorry to hear your job got off-shored but you should be elated and jumping for joy. Afterall it's all about being a good American, embracing the free markets, maximizing profits to keep execs in the top 2% of wage earners, and further empowering corporations or so I've been told.

Happy shareholders and top executive are all that really matters anyways, not you, your wife, or your kids. If your family has just been devasted it's o.k., just buy shares in Intel and you'll be just fine.

If your lucky perhaps you work out of Santa Clara, plenty jobs in the Valley right now with unemployment so low. No doubt the Valley is full of happy fellow unemployed tech workers celebrating just how great the free market really is.

At least you can sleep well knowing that the shareholders are happy and the top execs get to keep their jobs and 7 figure salaries.

Hopefully one of our Free Market/American Way supporters will volunteer to explain why you and your wife should be overjoyed better than I can. Oddly enough though I'll bet none of our Free Market Fans will respond. Easier to wave the free market flag proudly when those that are affected are represented by a number on the evening news instead of a name.

Personally I think off-shoring blows, free market supporters suck, and corporations should have to pay outrageous taxes to deter them from off shoring jobs...but that's just me.

I guess I'm Unamerican. Because I think you and your family are important and should not just be easily dismissed numbers on the evening news or a balance sheet.

Naildriver, you seem to be somewhat of an economic tell me..if we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world that would mean our corporations pay the largest amount of taxes in the world correct? Last I checked U.S. corporations are 26th globally in actual taxes that are paid out on profits.

Too bad suckers like us are just tax paying citizens that don't enjoy the plethera of tax shelters, loopholes, and government protection afforded to corporations.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-09 AT 09:28AM (MST)[p]FTW,

What other mechanism can be used to pull us out of this economic mess other then the free market?

Do you believe it is time to turn inward and realign our economy to consume just what we can produce here?

Who ever said that people's families are unimportant?

I can guarantee you one way to destroy every family in America's wealth and that is to print dollars to paper over the structural problems of our economy. In addition bailing out banks, wall street, main street, side streets and every home owners will only serve to further destroy the wealth of individuals.

I guess I am unAmerican because I believe that government cannot and will not fix the mess until they realize that government created the problem to start with. How do you have the entity that created the phony economy now come in and fix it?

GM should have been allowed to declar bankruptcy and restructure emerge as more competitive. Instead we taxpayers are giving the money that they take down to Brazil to build efficient plants down there.

Why are you scared of the market?

Well things are bad, but the company I am associated with grew 15% last year, had over 8 BILLION in sales, increased its marketing moneys by $500,000.00 and its compensation by 60 Million, just began sponsorship of a major league soccor team (San Jose Earthquakes), produces the majority of the products sold by our representatives in the USA, here in the USA, is debt free (ie. not worried about realestate prices or lack of loans), privately held (ie. not worried about the stock market), is number one in E-commerce of nutritional supplements and skin care/makeup. Who are we you ask? Amway, short for The American Way. Independant business owners making a difference one person at a time.

Knock me if you want but tell me how your company is better and offering the same opportunity for hard work and I am there.

There is a future and a hope available and it is NOT what our current ellected officials are pushing.

Contact me if this interests you


1 Corinthians 2:2
Taxes and over regulations of industry is the reason companies are leaving. Not wages.
That's a cop out. our health care cost alone are more than the taxes business pays, if we cut business tax to zero they would still move. so lets see, no health care, dump your waste in the river, no overtime, and no tax for the business. ok now we've leveled the playing field, so are you going to work for $160 a month and pay your own health insurance or not? see I'm thinking we're still going to see our jobs leave, ya think?

FTW that new Camaro looks pretty sweet, I've been looking at a new Challenger since I have a '70 but the Shelby GT500 I like even better, except the price. I hear you about Pontiac, the Aztec and that ricer abortion of a GTO were a pathetic, other than the Trans Am they haven't built an interesting car since '71. still though when I look at mt '67 GTO to think that Pontiac is gone hurts me, that's part of america just like chevy is. instead of baseball, hotdogs apple pie and chevrolet it's riceballs, chopsticks, sushi and Toyota. drive your new Camaro with pride.
More of what I'm talking about, another two household names are toast if you're a car freak like me. Holley filed bankruptcy, says they'll try to survive but aren't sure and Crane Cams closed up shop for good and sent 220 employees to the unemployment line.

If you think this is a recession and not a depression you're off your rocker.
Forthewall , I must of read wrong , but if there is a higher corp. tax rate than in the USA , I would like to know what corporations would be stupid enough to do buisness there.Maybe they don't have a choice like we do.

Also why are you so bent on execs making money? If they are doing it legally ,then why is it wrong in your opinion.After all they are the ones that create jobs and pay the majority of federal income taxes.

In Calif, there is no free market in commercial construction. Its all i know , and when i left the union to start my own buisness i was not allowed to work on about 75% of jobs unless i was a signatory union contractor.Hence, i was forced to get back into the union and subsidize the dopesmokers,sitting on there ass,at home or in the union hall.Beleive me there are tons of union employees that take advantage of benefits payed by others.
Nail driver- do you think there is an unlimited amount of money out there? execs can just keep getting richer, they can just ship all production to China, help make a few stockholders rich and everyone is happy ever after, don't you just get sick of hearing how rich people pay all the taxes and employ all the workers, hasn't this latest economic problem enlightened you on us regular no good nothingburgers? the ones that work our guts out only to get ripped off by the health care industry, with their lawyers and lovely top execs, do you get sick of paying taxes on top of taxes, so hard working state and local government workers get a full paid retirement at 50 years old?. Im sure you can transfer your commercial construction skills over to residental construction, few unions there you know, and lots of cheap labor, you can run a crew of mexicans, push it for a couple years, then go off into the sunset, its the American dream.
Worker health care in this country cost employers more than the total labor bill in many of our competition countries.

Most right wingers say business tax is running off our employers and at the same time they're against any talk of health care reform. wake up, you need a new excuse for failure that's one is worn out.
I think talking about health care costs, executive compensation, taxes and regulations misses the fundamental question of why do corporations exist?

Why does one incorporate and what is hoped to be gained by those invested in the business, ie the stockholders?

Shareholder value drives Wall Street period. When government states that it is opposed to the pricipals of free enterprise and critisizes corporate compensation it drives the market down. Obama clearly stated that he is coming after anyone who earns over $250000 a year. He has started a class war that will further ruin the free enterprise system. If the market does not rebound it will ruin most of the working class in the country. People who earned $30000 per year put money into matching funds in 401k plans and those funds are gone until the market grows. They were not rich enough to get a financial planner to set their money aside before the crash. The only other major investment they had was their home and that is upside down for years to come. I own a biz and it costs $1300 per month for family coverage. My people are dropping insurance now because they cannot afford the 35% contribution and our business is slow so we can't afford to pick up the cost. Healthcare is important but it will not stop the slide. Bad situation we are in.
But the fact is health care cost are hurting business more than taxes, and if the employer doesn't pay the health insurance we need higher taxes to cover the now uninsured workers bills .

See where I'm going with this ? health care cost are killing us, if business doesn't pay it taxpayers do. classic case of there's no free lunch, and health care is one damn expensive lunch.

Like I said if we want to compete with third world nations we have to live like one. we're going to have to make that choice, maybe sooner than we figured.
What is the other choice? Whether health care is paid for via taxes or via premiums it really does not matter. Do you believe that a government run, single payer system would be smaller then the current system?

Take a look at what all the government intervention has done so far. Health Care is one of the most regulated businesses in America. Do you think the government is going to waive a magic wand and change that system?

I agree the health care industry needs to change and I have outlined several ideas but to think that just that one change is going to make us competitive around the world is lunacy.

We choose not to be competive through our trade policies, our labor policies and our work ethic. All that stuff you hear about us being the "best, richest, smartest, hardest working, etc, etc" is a whole lot of BS. Just travel around the world and see what is going on in other countries.

We don't compete because we don't want to.

My point is just saying all our problems stem from taxes on business doesn't hold water. how can GM compete when health care cost tem over $1600 per vehicle? just one reason we'e losing our job base.

I'm not saying that Obama has the answers by any means but look what happened today on Wall Street, health care stocks took a dive because Obama wants to allow generic drugs into the medicare system, panicing investors that the hiway robbery profits are in danger. is supply and demand really the best way for something you literally can't live without? I think we're going to find out and what happened today might be an indicator there are ways to save a few bucks.

To say there's no way the government can help is a little off base, should we put roads and schools on supply and demand? let's have toll roads only and your kid only goes to the best school you can afford. same thing, and guess what would happen, tax payers would pick up the tab for those who can't afford the high prices. why is it health care is the sacred cash cow nobody better screw with?
You want to drive the cost of healthcare down for working Americans? Just force the insurance companies to recognize small business associations as a single unit thus diluting the experience ratio over a much larger group. Do you think either democrats or republicans in congress would support that? The insurance lobby has paid billions to stop that one thing from occuring. If they did that healthcare costs would take a serious dive tomorrow. The poor are going to use government subsidies or emergency rooms anyway and already do.
If it costs GM $1600 per vehicle for healthcare, how much are they paying per vehicle to autoworkers they pay not to work?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-09 AT 05:26PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-09 AT 05:20?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-09 AT 05:16?PM (MST)

This is really a sad state of affairs. I see us spiraling into facism at a blistering pace. The government is going to control everything, oh sure private people like you and I will own it, but they will control it. Thats facism!

Its depressing to see people thinking corporations are the bad guy. They don't realize that someone like you or me started and runs that corporation, or they hired someone to run it for them. They go public to raise money to grow that corporation and this gives people jobs that other wise would not exist. They pay taxes and most are good citizens, not the evil sob's they're made out to be. I have a I guess that makes me an evil s-o-b too doesn't it?

By the way, the more the government spends and gets in the way the worse this is going to get. More government never solved a thing, not one single thing ever, they only make it worse. If they don't let it correct on its own?
If you believe government never solves anything, how did we get in this mess in the first place? The banks could have regulated the loans by themselves. They were not forced into making bad loans, it became a competition to cook the books, and beat the other banks, as one banker says it fell apart after we couldn't find any more people to make loans to, at least that were still alive, Corporations are essential, but people have had a gut full of greedy bankers and Enron type companys, certainly you can understand that.
"If you believe government never solves anything, how did we get in this mess in the first place?"

your kidding me right? The government is the one that got the ball rolling didn't they?
The government isn't the answer to everything but it's not the root of all evil as some ding bats preach. what would our road and education system look like if we left it up to free enterprise to take care of it? would we have a dependable affordable system or not? can you gaurantee it?

Tell me why the education I'm paying for is government run and that's just peachie but the health care I'm paying also for some kids and their family has to be off limits to government? since I'm getting tagged for the bill in taxes and in my own insurance cost why in the hell am I not able to ask for the cheapest way to give health care to those who can't afford it? don't tell me why government will just screw it up until you answer the road and school question. I don't have kids so lets turn the schools over to Halliburton and pay your own bill, and they can put toll booths up and run the roads too.

I'm open to any way to reduce health care cost for the good of the nation, so far we've tried nothing , and it hasn't worked.
ball rolling, I guess, The deregulation of energy got Enron going, the low interest rate and lower standards for gov insured loans got them going, but the cooking of the books and a bunch of other things are strictly the work of the banking industry, and tell me this why is American health care such a mess? so incredibly expensive, so riddled with waste, so inefficient?
What do you mean that we have tried nothing? The reason I am so cynical is because everytime there has been a major overhaul it has resulted in HUGE cost increases and more uninsured.

Why do you think health care and health care financing is so hard to reform? I can give you 2.4 TRILLION reasons. Do you really believe any politian is brave enough to destroy all the system?

Piper I believe you have been told the answer to that question before. But I'll give you a simple run down. Doctors and lawyers attend college for a long, long time which costs alot of money. Doctors attend to learn medicine and earn a good living. Lawyers attend to learn the law and sue doctors and make even better money. Drug companies and hospitals have the same play book. I hope this helps.

Everytime we talk about generic drugs or any cost cutting measures the panic stops it. why not try some government run medicade hospitals? as long as the care is reasonable if you don't like it then pay for your own private care.

If the government can't do it cheaper then like I said why public schools? the government isn't capible of providing a welfare bum health care but they're plenty good enough to give your kid an education? what's the difference?

I see more doctors in a Range Rovers than I do teachers , there's a little wiggle room there I'm thinking. we either have too many teachers or not enough doctors, we can make doctors if we want to all it takes is an education. public education no less.
Everyone in the US has health care, not everyone has health insurance. Anyone that walks into a clinic or hospital regardless of ability to pay, if they need treatment they get treated - including illegal aliens, anchor babies and their mamacitas. We all pay for it one way or another and it sucks, but it works, maybe not very well and certainly not as good as it did in years past. Why do people from Canada or across the pond come to the US when they need medical help? Why didn't Fidel stay in Cuba when he needed help? According to Michael Moore Cuba has way better health care than we do. It's because they get better care here and they don't have access to their own doctors when they need them. I think Ransom is on to something, hmmm! maybe we should ban the trial lawyers
Prior to 1979 and Mr Carter the schools were run by the states and local communities since we first landed on this continent. If you look back over that 400 years you will see that this country boomed and became the richest in the world. We had more engineers, scientists, doctors, etc than any other in the world. We even put a man on the moon! Since 1979 it has been all down hill in spite of the government giving this junk system more and more money. Along with this government intervention we have seen college tuitions rise to insane levels because they are subsidizing it while the quality of education has decreased.

It has not worked and it won't work with health care either, another industry that the government subsidizes. The costs of education and health care is because they are subsidized which eliminates competition for the other wise available dollars from private individuals.

If you honestly think that government health care will provide better care than what your getting today. Take a real good long hard look at Canada and Soviet Britain where people routinely die while waiting on operation approval and space from their government run programs.
for a hundred billion dollars I bet the states could build and run a lot of medicade hospitals, they could provide care for people that don't pay, that would decrease cost on private care, and maybe spur competition. A couple of gold mining companys in Nevada built a clinic and pay several doctors to provide care for their employees and their families, the mines employ thousands of people, I think its a 15 dollar fee , 3 members of my family are mine employees and they say its great, not only that, the companys probably save a fortune.
I guess thats what I expected out of 3 blade, "people die in other countrys waiting for operations" 3 blade- I take it you don't get to travel and talk with people much.
Better Yet, - We have Doctors that go to Iraq and other war zones, Africa and other third world countries that donate their time, money and talent to treat those in need.
How bout we get the trial lawyers to do some pro-bono lawyer legal wrangling when someone wants to file a frivolous medical malpractice lawsuit. Nah!, ain't gonna happen they will never donate their time. We need to mandate that any form of medical lawsuit filed by any attorney be pro-bono or they are allowed to make minimum wage.
Agreed, we need to find a way to stop these insane lawsuits. and you can bet if we give any different form health care to those who can't pay no matter how good it is we'll get sued by those calling it second class care, we'll have to fix that too.

Your mine health care story is interesting I haven't heard that before, if they can do it and keep good employees happy I find it hard to think there's no way we could come up with a system that would make someone with no money and no insurance happy. we're obligated to provide decent care for them, but if they're not happy to hell with them, free is a dang good price.

We fix the health care cost crisis or it will fix us, you can count on it.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-09 AT 07:09AM (MST)[p]well of course it was a simplified version piper. But the fact remains that people from all over the world come here for medical care because it is the best in the world. Canadians cross the border often because our health care is better than theirs. Do you really want that kind of health care system?

But the question remains. Why do we owe anyone or why do we have to give anyone free health care? Show me where it says in the Constitution of the United States that people are intitled to free health care, a free education, welfare, social security or anything else from the public trough. Where is it?

Am I the only one here that believes we must get back to what the founding fathers intended? That we should either follow the Constitution to the letter or just throw it out?

We on this forum defend the Second Amendment but it appears we are unwilling to defend the rest of it. We seem to want our cake and be able to eat it too. Its not going to work. As societies become more complex because of over regulation they always fail and end in a dictatorship.

Your witnessing a consolidation of power in the federal government now of an unprecedented scale. Your also going to witness the destruction of vast amounts of wealth that belongs to all Americans. The writings on the wall, thats what the Left does. Look at Zimbabwae and Venezuela, once prosperous countries that are now ruined.
My outfitter friend in Alberta has told me many times their system isn't perfect but it beats ours. his wife came down with lung cancer two years ago and they gave her a 50/50 chance. she got in fast, was given the correct treatments and she's alive and well and recovered today, and guess what it didn't put them in the street due to the cost.

The polls say Canadians prefer their sytsem to ours , biggest recent gripes are that more doctors are needed . only 8% of Americans say our system is fine, and they're probably doctors. I'm not saying Canada has it nailed because there are problems, but it's safe to say we're in worse shape.

To those who cry socialism when we talk of socialzed health care just who do you think is paying for those who can't afford to pay anyway? we have socialized paying so why not have non profit service? just like school, roads, postal service ect ect are. this notion that once you take the fat out of health care we're pink commies is dumb.
its harder for those old rumers to stick in the information age, I saw a survey taken in a couple of border cities, the Americans prefered the Canadian health care system by a large margin, and the Canadians prefered the Canadian system also.
Would you say the US has a great education system? If our roads are so good then why is Obama saying that we need to rebuild our infrastructure? We have spent massive amounts of money for both, why aren't they world class systems?

The educators are saying we must spend more to get better outcomes. Engineers are saying our roads and bridges are failing nationwide.

I don't think that those are great examples

You can tell by my grammar our education isn't the best in the world. I'm not going to pretend I know how to make it better, but one thing I can say, every kid has the chance to be educated without his parents getting wiped out finacially, can't say that about health care.

I just read on this subject, did you know India has more honor students than the US has total students? theres something to think about for future world competition.

Our roads suck, when I'm in Canada I'm impressed by how much nicer their roads are. but they don't play world cop, they don't finance Israel and the ragheads and they pay more taxes so they can have nicer things. you can't have it all and have it cheap, if we're going to cry about taxes we have to give somewhere, but none of this proves our health care system is as streamlined as it can be today.
So we have crappy roads and bad schools but you want the same people in charge of healthcare?

Do you think giving everyone free healthcare will reduce our burden of playing world cop?

Do you think auto workers would be happy with a government designed benefit package vs what they have now?

collectively there is no such thing as free health care. One huge advantage to single payer systems is more people pay into the system, most everyone does, In our system many get emergency care for free, and many that could afford reasonable fees don't pay or can't pay the elaborate fees, insurance overhead is far higher than in government systems, and that includes our own. In this down economy more people are going to go without care, less people are going to be able to pay health care bills, therefore those that do pay are going to get raked even harder, I have said this before but even things like on line medical records have been in use in some countrys for more than a decade, we haven't even got around to that yet, and its a known life and money saving improvement, I had laugh the other day when I heard a quote, from Tom Friedman If I remmember correctly, anyway he said going from The airport in Hong Kong to JFK was like going from the Jetsons to the Flintstones
Nemont the problem is you're acting like we can leave it the way it is, we can't afford to. our roads and schools may not be the best but we can afford them.

The UAW workers are going to be on medicade soon if we don't bail them out, so that's what I'm talking about, health care is killing us.

There is no doubt something is going to change, it has to, what that will be and how good it will work are the questions.

Can you find anywhere in any of my postings where I said we should do nothing about the cost of health care? I deal with the failures of our system every day, day in and day out. My biggest competition is "no coverage"

So do we want our health care ran by the same people who have managed to create a public school system where graduation rates are shockingly and dismayingly low?


Do you believe our nation can afford this type of performance from our government run schools and continue to be competitive?

I would rather adopt a system that works rather then just say to a Obama, "Save us, Save us, Save us". Regardless of what they are going to do in Washington you can rest assured of this: They will make the problem worse by allowing all special interest to carve out their own piece of the pie. In end what will happen is exactly what has happened to government run education. I don't know about you but I don't want to be part of system where the people going through only get it right about 1/2 the time like the school system does.

I know nobody is interested but there are many things that could be done today to dramatically reduce the cost of health care but the pure as the driven snow democrats would block everyone of them because their goal is to have all of us be wards of the government.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-09 AT 06:11PM (MST)[p]Nemont, right on!

The more complacent the people get, the stronger the government gets. We're screwed.
you are right eel, we're screwed because people like you have no alternatives and you don't care, as long as your individual situation is OK its all fine, if someone or their kid gets cancer, its their fault, so who cares if they go bankrupt, if the auto workers are uncompetitive partly because of health care costs, its just because of unions. Just bashing the government isn't going to cut it these days. your right, Nemont has ideas and understands that there is a problem, I can't say that about a lot of people
piper, I work my butt off to afford to take care of myself and pay my own way in this world, and that includes a major medical health insurance plan. I started at the bottom and worked my way up. I don't like it, but I didn't cry like a girl, like you, that I couldn't afford it or that life just isn't fair. Not everybody is as fortunate as myself, and they should be taken care of, but there way too many who are just plain lazy and worthless and think the government should take care of them. I take care of them too. That's one reason my premiums keep going up, to pay for the lazy worthless uninsured.

Anybody who has a television and a cell phone or buys a hunting license and "can't afford" health insurance is a lazy worthless leach as far as I'm concerned.

There are probably 100 reasons why health care is out of control. Most of them can be traced right back to government. And you think government can fix it?
your right there are too many lazy worthless people, but Im not one of them, and your right if I wanted to give up on a lot of hunting and cell phones and have no savings, so I could write a thousand dollar check every month for some health care plan, I probably could, but if there is one thing I hate and thats getting ripped off, and thats just what it would feel like every month, I give a fair amount of work for a fair price, so is it wrong to expect a somewhat reasonable cost for health care?
What part of we're paying for anyone who can't afford health care right now is it that I can't get across? we are paying, the question is how can we pay less not are we going to pay, until you guys accept this basic fact this debate is useless.

Hospitals are expecting a record non payment year, so they're going to pass that onto us, they have no choice.

Nemont the problem is just like with the economy you don't like whats being done , but you don't have any answers. objection to everything isn't a strategy to make things better, sometimes you have to try and fail before you figure out what works. I've been to Canada lots of times, they're intelligent reasonable people and it seems to me they're every bit as happy and healthy as we are. I didn't see dead people in dumpsters behind doctors offices, infact the folks I know are satisfied with their system. your anology that anything socialized is doomed to failure isn't backed up by what I see when I'm there, they're great people with a great country being more like them doesn't scare me as much as where I see us headed. ok they do smoke way too much and I don't care for their gun laws but that's about it.

I understand your frustration I feel it too, but can't never did anything.
I think we on MM can come up with the money for a one way ticket for you to your European socialism heaven up north.

"If it moves shoot it again"

I didn't say it was perfect, I said it's not all bad and they seem to do just fine.

Until you have an answer to any of the major problems in front of us that involves anything other than childish shoot out scenarios why don't you go back to playing with your GI Joes.

Nobody including Obama has the answers right now, everything should be on the table and that includes looking at what others are doing and how it's working for them. everytime a worker loses his health care or a person can no longer afford the rising cost of insurance those of us who are paying pick up a larger tab, so in time nobody can afford any insurance and we're all either on public health care or we're in court getting wiped out for the 3/4 of a million dollar surgery we just had. there has to be a better way.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-09 AT 10:09AM (MST)[p]HD,
You can't put words in my mouth, I never have said "can't" I said there are many things that could be done to send a life line to those who need help.

If you believe that the coverage is going to be better, more available and everyone has the same access to the coming government system you are not being realistic.

The big moneyed interests are going to flood DC with enough money to purchase their "share" of what ever systeme is adopted. There are alot of Democrats in both the house and senate who have accepted huge amounts of money from some part of the health care industry, just as there are alot of Republicans who have as well. They are not going to just cut out 30% of $2.4 trillion dollars and thumb their nose at their donors.

Americans think that just having the government paying the bill will mean that they can still run to the doc for everything and not have a bill. It doesn't work that way, lets look at the Canadian system. Canada does a good job of the day in and day out wellness type visits and emergent care situations involving trauma and other life threatening events. Their wait times for what they consider non emergent care, you know things like bypass surgery is growing.

Do you believe that those auto workers whose jobs are more important then anyone elses would be willing to trade in their current lavish plans for a plan that includes waiting for bypass surgery rather then what they have now? My point with using auto workers is that they keep using GM's health care costs. Not a single person here has asked what kind of benefits is all that money buying? Well I just wrote a guy who was on a buy out from GM and moved here to start a business, you should see their benefits. It is almost unreal how rich those benefits are. I don't think they will just role over and let the government take those away so that everyone else can get covered.

Washington DC has a very long and inglorious history of putting together systems that take the worst of the old systems and throw away the best. I do understand that they are going to do something and I guarantee it will almost certainly be more expensive and work less well as they predict. If you want a sneak peek look at the medicare part D debacle. This is one area where we cannot afford to get it wrong the first time
I don't think uniuversal health care will work, I'm saying we need to lower the cost, and if that means government run free clinics for those who can't pay then so be it.

Lets take the GM employee, I have no doubt his bennies are over the top, and why is that? to a large degree it was so GM could pay him less now and shift the cost to another day. well in many cases this is the that day, and health care cost have gone up so much GM is screwed. now you could argue GM got what they asked for, but when GM fails and the jobs are gone, along with the funds for worker health care who loses in the end? now we have unemployed peole with no health care and the burden falls on those of us who are still paying their way. this is repeated millions of times all over the nation and from every sector of the econmomy.

You're in the biz so I'm sure you know more about it than I do, but I feel your principles are getting in the way of your good judgement. it doesn't matter who what or where anymore we need a plan, a plan to cut cost not a plan to blame or make someone else pay. give us one and maybe it will look a whole lot better than the one we have now, which is nothing.
Interesting responses to that article Nemont. With the exception of a couple, most want to scrap their system or at the least say, not good.
Recent polls in Canada say by a large margin they wouldn't trade their medical sytsem for ours. so what's that say? and they're working on a plan to make it better, what's our plan?
Canada has a huge geographical area to provide care within, and they do a remarkable job for a reasonable cost, you want to see health care work really well, look to France, Denmark, Norway, even Japan, all small countrys for their population size, Australia is spread out, they do a good job also, and it isn't breaking their country either. While America has provided a lot of great examples on how to run a successful country, our health care system is one that no country on earth would want to copy. I remember trekking with some folks from Denmark and the Netherlands, it was 10 years ago and the guy from Denmark showed me a card, like a credit card but it had his picture and the phone number of his doctor,and all his medical history on it, his health care was good in all of Europe, and for 300 dollars he had travelers insurance good for anywhere for a year, I remember vacationing in New Zealand, it was 1984, and some Americans took a fall on a glacier, the girl broke her leg and a few other things, said they got fixed up in a nice hospital and were charged 5 dollars each, I was amazed, I dont know if its still that way there, but its amazing how civilized some countrys are.
I forgot to tell you about my most recent American medical experence, after limping for 6 years I finally broke down and had arthoscopic surgery done on my knee,$1300 for the MRI, $1350 for knocking me out, $4000 prepay to use the outpatient clinic for an hour or so, $4300+ for the doctor, but the one that got me was the the bill I got from the physicians assistant, $680. I was only under for 45 minutes, and I never saw him, you have to give them credit, these people got money making down pat
LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-09 AT 05:29PM (MST)[p]Piper,

Tell me which system all Americans can live with? Do you think they would like the Japanese system where if your doctor determines you are overweight you get put on a diet and penalized if you remain overweight?

Or what about the English system where if you are over 65 and smoked you cannot recieve coronary bypass surgery? Imagine telling your kids that grandpa just has to die because society has decided he isn't worth the cost of saving him.

My point is that everyone with two firing brain cells knows that we cannot sustain the current rate of spending. I think we can agree that is a fact. The rubber meets the road though in what path we take to ensure that everyone can at the minimum see the doctor, get the meds and hospital services they require without going bankrupt, either through increased premiums or inability to pay the bills. '

I think that your belief that only democrats care about America and the working man, as well as the only people in this country who can save us from the those unAmerican Republicans who hate this country and only care about profits shows why more has not been done.

I have got news for you, your democratic party is as beholdened to the health care industry as the Republicans are. Don't believe? Go look at which candidate for president recieved not only the endorsement of but also huge sums of money from the Health Care industry. Not only presidential candidates but go look at Senate and House democratic candidates who won.

The industry has a funny way of funneling money to where ever it can gets its best bang for the buck. Would you agree that the New England Jouranal of Medicine is a pretty good source of info?

Your party is not going to upset the industry that represents nearly 20% of all economic activity and is willing to give massive amounts of money to the party. So is going to happen is this: There will be a huge reform bill with the "aim" of getting to universal coverage for all, it will keep in place the current employer based system ( again because unionized workers will not want to give up their rich benefits), it will mandate that there are some sort of pooling at the individual level and it will make some money available through either direct subsidies and/or tax breaks. Now which industries will benefit the most out of that type of reform?

Better question would be who would lose in that type of reform? Doctors? Nope, Hospitals? Nope, Insurance companies? Nope, heck they could have a potential for 40 million new members, Big Pharma? Nope hmmmm....who could possible get the short straw?

How about the taxpayers? There is nothing in the proposed Baucus bill that contains a single word about attempting any kind of cost containment. I wonder why that is? Perhaps you should follow the money and see what your beloved party is up to in regards to accepting funds from them and what impacts that is having on the debate.

The Republicans sucked at health care reform as well however at this critical juncture in our countries history they are not in power, it your lily white never do anything wrong democratic party and they are about the give even more public money to big corporations.

Please read below and figure out why with a Democrat in the White House and solid Democrat majorities in both the House and Senate that universal health care wouldn't get to "first base".

Brand me a jerk, UnAmerican, Greedy, Nazi what ever you want but I am here to tell you what he is saying by his actions and words is this, "Obama and the Congress are terrified of losing the money that they are going to get from the Health care lobby". So instead of a single payer system we are going to get the current system with just more taxpayer money pumped in and not attempts at reforms that would hurt the revenue streams of the big players.

This is the problem I have with Democrats and health care reform, They currently hold all the power but govern as if they need permission to use. In the end there is not a dimes worth of difference between the two parties, just more change I cannot believe in.



Baucus's first questioner asked why he had begun his health reform process by removing single payer from consideration. Why, he asked, was Baucus protecting private insurers? Why was he advocating an individual mandate that would force Americans to purchase their services, and endure their inefficiencies (to be fair, Baucus's plan has a public insurer that people can choose)? Baucus's answer was surprisingly straightforward.

"I just have to make a judgment," he said. "And I think at this time, in this country, single payer is not going to get to first base in the Congress."

"I do believe we need universal coverage and I think the inefficiencies you allude to can be addressed. Delivery system reform would cut costs and improve quality. We need health insurer reform to get rid of preexisting conditions and other ways insurers discriminate. That's part of our plan here, and the CEOs of many larger insurance companies are on board. They know this change is coming. They may lose the current model but they pick up on volume with 46 million people coming into the system."

"And we're a big country. We're an ocean liner, not a speedboat. It takes time to turn big ships. We're constituted differently than European countries and Canada. We're younger than other countries. We need a uniquely American result. And that will be a public/private hybrid. There may come a time when we can push for single payer. But that time is not yet, and so I'm not going to waste my time."

The questioner looked surprised. "Thank you for your candor," he said.
I also think Obama's idea is doomed, but at least he's willing to throw something on the table and get serious, that's where we start.

The republicans will cry like babies no matter what Obama puts out as a plan, they're getting to be pro's at whining so lets see if they can come up with a better plan. I don't care if Rush comes up with the best plan lets try it, much more thumb sucking and we're broke.

Now, where's the plan?

Did you read the Baucus Bill? That is the plan. It is available on the Senators website via the U.S. senate's website.

Did you read any of my response to Piper?

I haven't seen the bill but it would probably take a lawyer or poltian to read it anyway, what I see are just comments about it.

Fine, if somebody has a valid idea lets get it in front of the people and compare it to Obama's idea. even if Obama's plan is a flop he's forcing the issue and forcing his opposition to think for a change, if they have a better plan they better show it before his is accepted. so lets do something this time.
>I haven't seen the bill but
>it would probably take a
>lawyer or poltian to read
>it anyway, what I see
>are just comments about it.

If you haven't read the bill or know what is actually contained in it then how can be debate it?

Worse or better is in the eyes of who gets the most money out of this bill. All I am a saying is to expect anything concrete that opens up universal coverage in this environment is not a realistic view.

Even the pure as the driven snow democrats do not want to force the issue of universal care because they aren't going to bite the hand that feeds them. Just follow the money, I don't know any other way to explain it. We are about to waste a huge opportunity to get real, meaningful reform because those who currently are holding the power are already bought and paid for.

The Republicans have to do nothing except either vote yeah or nay. They have no power except a little bit in the Senate.

Trilateral Comission, Bilderbergs......
I am glad some of you are seeing the big picture
instead of arguing semantics

Overton summed up Americas problem perfectly: "We have become a nation of borrowers instead of savers."

I will also add that until we can live by the priciple of "use it up, wear it out, or do without" were heading down a dead end road.America will die from the inside out.Politicians and goverment are only half the problem.


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