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'Unbiased' Media Defines Obama's Controversies. The mainstream media is trying to convince Americans that Obama is working for everyone and not being divisive like former President Bush. A recent AP headline read, "Obama Breaks from Bush, Avoids Divisive Stands." But there are only two problems with that: facts and logic. In truth, President Obama really isn't divisive (if you're a liberal): all the liberals agree with him.

'Unbiased' Media Defines Obama's Controversies
by Melanie Morgan

So this is how it's going to be in the new administration: President Obama signs an executive order that will result in millions of abortions around the world -- not too controversial, right?

President Obama is proposing a gigantic spending plan that hugely increases the national debt and inserts the government in the economy -- who could be against that?

President Obama is closing Gitmo and giving constitutional rights to terrorists -- oh, that is mainstream.

What have we learned by this?

The mainstream media is trying to convince Americans that Obama is working for everyone and not being divisive like President Bush. A recent AP headline read, "Obama Breaks from Bush, Avoids Divisive Stands." But there are only two problems with that: facts and logic. In truth, President Obama really isn't divisive: all the liberals agree with him.

Meanwhile, the administration is announcing the Justice Department appointment of Tony West, a fancy high priced San Francisco left-wing lawyer who burst into the headlines in 2002 by representing ?American Taliban? John Walker Lindh, the 20-year old Taliban soldier in Afghanistan who was sentenced to 20 years in jail. West was also the co-chair of the Obama finance committee during the campaign, and his liberal wife Maya Harris is a former executive director of the left-wing American Civil Liberties Union, who recently took a job with the left-wing Ford Foundation. Tony West? sister-in-law is the left-wing San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris who refuses to prosecute a capital case, particularly if it involves a cop-killer.

So what do we learn from this redundant lesson? President Obama is not divisive if you are a liberal.

Conservatives, though, are willing to work with the liberal administration and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

"Alcatraz would be a good place to put these people," Rep. C.W. Bill Young of Florida told Congressional Quarterly. "There's a lot of discomfort about the idea of bringing the detainees in to the United States," Young said. "That's why I've suggested Alcatraz." Young said he had not discussed the idea with Pelosi of turning the tourist attraction back into a prison. But he did suggest the idea to President's Obama's lawyer, he said.

The Chronicle reports Pelosi spokesman Brendan Daly laughed off Young's jab, saying, "It's not a serious proposal." But then, Young isn't alone in pushing Alcatraz. Sen. Kit Bond, a Missouri Republican, said his state and Leavenworth prison in neighboring Kansas want no part in housing terror suspects.

So, he says, "Let our good friends in San Francisco deal with these deadly combatants.? This idea is very helpful, I think, to the civil discourse that the President wants us to show one another.

A columnist from the High Country News in California, Ed Quillen, suggested some time ago that we employ ?Stupid Zones.? Quillen says ?a Stupid Zone is an area that is stupid to build in, on account of predictable dangers -- avalanches, forest fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, mudslides, tornadoes, floods, etc.?

I think that a predictable danger such as importing terrorists to our prison system and granting them American-style justice qualifies as a future Stupid Zone and should be given preferential tax treatment as a result.

Remember, folks (say it all together now), ?President Obama isn't divisive if you are a liberal!?

Stupid media.
you are going to have to live with it, I wouldn't worry about the gitmo closure, the bad guys will be taken care of, after they sort them out, we have lots of bad guys in our prisons right now. The country simply could not afford to be run by the right anymore, look at our economy, you have to realize that not everyone can work for the government and there are more important things than how many rich people you can produce, those are the only two major things I can think of that have been on the upswing, maybe Im not being fair, but this economic mess makes me angry, and Im not alone
Melanie Morgan...really? That twit slept her way on to KSFO, until her antics could no longer be swept away through nepotism (married to the station manager).

After multiple complaints from KSFO staff about Morgan's unprofessionalism, bias, and propensity to repeatedly state facts in error on air, she was let go. Her husband station manager Jack Swanson stated that her termination was part of cost cutting measures. However stories of her antics, disruption at the radio station over claims nepotism filled Bay Area newspapers for weeks.

Morgan was asked to never return to the Lehrer News hour after accusing Jon Stoltz and members of as aiding the enemy in a heated and thorougly unprofessional display of Bushie fanaticism. Morgan has never served in the armed forces.

Melanie Morgan is an ignorant wannabe conservative skank, as such no other conservative talk show will hire her. To hear Melanie Morgan speak of bias in the media is highly hilarious. Her ex-employers KSFO had to make public apologies on mulitple occasions to address this twits tiny brain and big mouth. Of course these public apologies were for comments made by Morgan
about Nancy Pelosi and George Soros.

Now KSFO is a well known conservative radio station that has spawned morons like hate-mongerer Michael Savage. So for this station to actually issue public apologies for Morgan's on-air statements about Pelosi and Soros tells a story within itself.

Of all the conservatives pundit losers you pick this wannabe Hannity/Limbaugh fluffer...amazing.

What next? How about an article about healthy marriage and moral values from Ted Haggard!
So when you can not win the argument you turn to discrediting the author. Genius. Have a take and don't suck Forwall. Stick to the argument.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-09 AT 12:10PM (MST)[p]Please let me know where I fabricated anything about the author. Don't blame me if you post an article by a former conservative talk show host that has been black-balled from the industry due to her overwhelming republican bias.

The liberal media is biased, is a biased statement within itself. Is the entire media industry liberal? No

The facts are that the media is giant swirling pool of sewage and it's viewers or readers let their own bias determine which media outlet be it liberal or conservative suits their perception of truth or fact.

There is no arguement here 202, we have trashed this subject of media bias to death. For every article that pumps up Bush/Obama/Clinton there is another article that takes them down. It all depends on personal bias as to which you will subscribe to.

Just for the record Melanie Morgan is a complete skank! I'm sure you have checked my assertions about the author in an effort to discredit my opinion. Only to discover everything I have noted is well documented fact. This leaves her hack opinions of media bias, pathetic, and uncredible.

Perhaps you should look into the author before posting partisan rhetoric and whining. Afterall, this isn't the first time you have posted uncredible biased sources to support a partisan agenda.

By the way Happy New Years, I don't believe I extended that salutation to you...I do mean that sincerely. :)
I could care less if she could take the chrom off a trailer hitch. I am saying she makes a good point. Could please stick to the argument.

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