Thoughts on Gruden?


Long Time Member
I'm guessing he's tired of living in a fishbowl. Football is a game of men and sometimes men say things that are insensitive. That is how it is. I am glad Gruden had the balls to say, "I'm out!" I don't agree with what he said....back in 2010-2011, but can't people change? Aren't second chances what humanity is about? Pick a side.....
I'm guessing he's tired of living in a fishbowl. Football is a game of men and sometimes men say things that are insensitive. That is how it is. I am glad Gruden had the balls to say, "I'm out!" I don't agree with what he said....back in 2010-2011, but can't people change? Aren't second chances what humanity is about? Pick a side.....
I agree that life should be about second chances, but he had no chance of keeping his job after several years of emails disparaging pretty much everyone and everything.
I guess Goodell was not happy about being called a fag-t and a
"clueless anti football puzzy"
I wouldn't like that either. Behaving politely is not a football player or coaches nature. At some point, I am pretty sure they all screw up.
I hate all the 'woke' athletes ***** and, literally, crying on sports shows about how this hurts them.

11 f&*ing years ago is when society should have dealt with it...if at all.

Since when is commenting on the size of a person's lips racist?
My wife always says I don't have an upper lip and that's why I have always had a mustache. Should she be fired, feddoc? :) Sometimes she calls me a cracker....whatever that means.
I guess I am not woke because I have no idea what the Lets Go Brandon thing is all about.....
Never really watched much of any sport but it was always obvious how passionate Gruden was about football. Gotta have respect for that. It’s a shame the way he’s going out. Hopefully in time we will see him back.

It’s ok to be racist. Just not if you’re white.
Never really watched much of any sport but it was always obvious how passionate Gruden was about football. Gotta have respect for that. It’s a shame the way he’s going out. Hopefully in time we will see him back.

It’s ok to be racist. Just not if you’re white.
True that, but I don't think the statement was racist. Talking sh!t about someone's physical attributes is an easy one to make. Hell, I'd be guilty 5 billion times over--and I have brown privilege!
Hahahahaha. Wiszard, you funny.

And I didn't realize he already resigned! Sh!t, those are my boys. Damn...
Not my words, but still true.

Deshaun Watson has been accused of sexually assaulting 24 different women. He is currently eligible to play in the NFL. Yet Jon Gruden was just forced to resign as a coach because of years old derogatory emails. Actions used to matter more than words. Now it’s the opposite.

A tweet from the same guy, Clay Travis:

Every rapper the NFL has performing at the Super Bowl has more offensive lyrics than Jon Gruden had in his emails. How does the NFL reconcile the difference in treatment? These are questions all sports media would be asking if they were real journalists.
"Gruden denounced the NFL's move to hire women as referees and criticized acceptance of players protesting for racial justice during the national anthem. He also exchanged photos of topless women with Allen, including one of Washington Football Team cheerleaders, according to the report."

He sounds like a great American to me.
"Gruden denounced the NFL's move to hire women as referees and criticized acceptance of players protesting for racial justice during the national anthem. He also exchanged photos of topless women with Allen, including one of Washington Football Team cheerleaders, according to the report."

He sounds like a great American to me.
If women are out working who’s cooking dinner? GRUDEN 2024
I think he had a large muti million contract and I bet they gave him a large severance payout to retire. He is laughing all the way to the bank and will enjoy his retirement.
He was in his 4th. year of a 10 year contract for the amount of 100 million dollars. He should collect 30-40 million at the very least.
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I just can't figure it. Everyone, I mean everyone knows that anything you put in an email, or on a forum, or in a tweet will be there forever. And if you are in a public or powerful position, someone will dig it up. That has been universal knowledge for close to 20 years now. So how does a guy as smart as Gruden not think about that before he presses the send button? Hmm... one too many, far too often I guess.

Today just about everyone knows there is ways to get your emails by a third party. When he sent those emails, I believe it was about 10 years ago and may have never given it a thought they would pop up today to haunt him.
I wonder how many of Joe and Hunter Biden's emails are in the hands of the FBI and it would incriminate both of them if ever they came out to public view. Goes for Hillery also.

The emails spanned from 2011-2018. I kinda like the guy myself, and he's no fan of Slow Joe, so he's plus one there. If it had been just the one slip-up, he might have survived. There were a whole series over a long time tho, and he stood no chance in our ever more woke world. Let's Go Brandon!
You called him an “idiot” I’m sure in 10yrs that will be a word that everyone will come unhinged on… just saying
Idiots have been around forever Tikka. It's just a common denominator when things like this happen. mtmuley
I know idiots have been around for years, I’m one… my point is words that didn’t offend 10yrs ago, now people loose their sh!t over…
That’s all I was trying to say…
Like tikka rifles. Used to be good but they are chit now!
I’m not real sure what he really did wrong? They were private emails. Regardless of how we or anyone feels, we should have the right to think what we want. And exchanging of private emails is a little ridiculous.
Yo, nothing is private on the internet. Google it. mtmuley
I’m not real sure what he really did wrong? They were private emails. Regardless of how we or anyone feels, we should have the right to think what we want. And exchanging of private emails is a little ridiculous.
I couldn’t agree more that the leaking of private email is wrong on many levels. Looks like Gruden might have had a few enemies. And while he is certainly entitled to his own thoughts, opinions and feelings, there are still going to be consequences for those thoughts, opinions and feelings. I guess it really shouldn’t surprise me, but I’m a little surprised that so many of you are defending him so vehemently. And I like Gruden, and I’m surprised and disappointed he would act so foolishly, but if he didn’t do anything wrong, why did he resign and apologize?
I couldn’t agree more that the leaking of private email is wrong on many levels. Looks like Gruden might have had a few enemies. And while he is certainly entitled to his own thoughts, opinions and feelings, there are still going to be consequences for those thoughts, opinions and feelings. I guess it really shouldn’t surprise me, but I’m a little surprised that so many of you are defending him so vehemently. And I like Gruden, but if he didn’t do anything wrong, why did he resign and apologize?
Because he has ***** you money… and doesn’t want to deal with the pussification of America and Goodells new NFL….
Because he has ***** you money… and doesn’t want to deal with the pussification of America and Goodells new NFL….
Then he should have gone out with a bang! He should have made the Raiders fire him! He should have refused to apologize and defended what he wrote. Instead, he epitomized the pussification of America and meekly apologized for hurting peoples feelings and saying stupid things.
Then he should have gone out with a bang! He should have made the Raiders fire him! He should have refused to apologize and defended what he wrote. Instead, he epitomized the pussification of America and meekly apologized for hurting peoples feelings and saying stupid things.
Ride off silently into the sunset with a truckload of Raider hush money….
So much for freedom of speech or press...whatever you wanna call it. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in Goodells high school or college days. I'm sure he was no saint.
I wouldn’t know Gruden from Elmer Fudd, if they walked in the room together. But I know this, if the left wants to ruin you, it’s a sure thing.

I don’t care who you are Jeffrey Epstein, Andrew Cuomo, Matt Lauer, Al Franken and Donald Trump. If they want your butt, you’re toast.

If they can’t find that you actually did or said something that’s worthy of being cancelled......... they’ll make it up. Yes or No?

And...... if you haven’t broken any social/cultural rules.......... that do they do?

Yep, they changed the rules, make the rule retroactive and you’re a squealing pig. They’re good at it and they get better at it everyday.

If you think you’re immune, you’re still skipp’en down the yellow brick road with Dorothy.
I wouldn’t know Gruden from Elmer Fudd, if they walked in the room together. But I know this, if the left wants to ruin you, it’s a sure thing.

I don’t care who you are Jeffrey Epstein, Andrew Cuomo, Matt Lauer, Al Franken and Donald Trump. If they want your butt, you’re toast.

If they can’t find that you actually did or said something that’s worthy of being cancelled......... they’ll make it up. Yes or No?

And...... if you haven’t broken any social/cultural rules.......... that do they do?

Yep, they changed the rules, make the rule retroactive and you’re a squealing pig. They’re good at it and they get better at it everyday.

If you think you’re immune, you’re still skipp’en down the yellow brick road with Dorothy.
Sounds like if the left is so strong they can ruin you the right are a bunch of weak ass sissy la la’s.

Why are you guys so weak 2lumpy? Why do you let the left kick your ass?
Sounds like if the left is so strong they can ruin you the right are a bunch of weak ass sissy la la’s.

Why are you guys so weak 2lumpy? Why do you let the left kick your ass?
Great question.

You already know the reason.........

It’s for the same reason the drug cartels, organized crime, international dictators, media propaganda machinery kick the ass of every public and private system in the free world.

Somebody on the MM forum today suggested the right print counterfeit ballets in California. The right hasn’t done that kind of thing “yet”.

The criminals in this country laugh and poke fun at the laws and our systems. They call them stupid and enforced by donut eaters. They call them weak and to dumb to stop them from doing what ever they want, to whom ever they want.

Metaphorically they demonstrate their contempt by flipping the bird as they stand, grinning, behind the Do Not Enter sign.

They make the rules and never intend to keep them, unless it’s convenient for them to fine, harass, and/or imprison those they see as a threat to their power and control. And they don’t just threaten. They outlaw speech yet release criminals to harm other again......10, 20, 40, and more times.

That’s how they are kicking our guys ass.

It’s cool to flip the bird, burn the cities, destroy the borders, ruin the economy, ruin our international friendships, rewrite our constitution, fund our enemies, destroy our small businesses, screw up our k-12 schools and indoctrinate our colleges and universities, collapse our monetary system........... but I wouldn’t laugh too hard and ridicule too aggressively There may come a time.........when our guys figure they won’t take it anymore. Can’t say when, don’t know where, but when the scab finally gets ripped off......... it won’t be funny anymore.

Not a perfect answer to your question but it’s the best I can do, from my view of the world. I’d prefer a better future...... unfortunately it’s the one I see from my side of the mountain.

As ODW says, You may get a better return on your investment.
Who cares. Why don't you call them and ask them then you can tell all us.

That is the point. Whether it's Gruden. Or Trump. Or Hunter Biden, or Hillary.

It is amazing how folks read these stories, and never think, "how or by who, or why, did these leak"

Or why are some email "private" while others are newsworthy.

We are supposed to believe that no one can find 30,000 emails, yet they can find email from some football coach.

Further what's the point? No one cares what John Gruden said. This is a bigger push. The NFL became a target years ago. And with it's weak, inept leadership, it bent the knee. Now, ALL of the NFL is racist, mysogynistic, homophobic. Just watch. The stories will start in the next few days about ownership not being gay enough, black enough, female enough. Gruden is collateral damage.

The "alphabet mafia"(as Jason Whitlock calls them), is finally going to get it's biggest scalp. The NFL. Mostly because it's leadership is weak and useless(similar to the country).
Yep. And the one I've left won't ever cost me a job, or the prospect of obtaining one. What a fricken genius making those comments. mtmuley
I'm sure glad there wasn't social media when I was in high school and college. I'm sure some "questionable" pictures may still be floating around. But then again I'm not as perfect as some others.
Great question.

You already know the reason.........

It’s for the same reason the drug cartels, organized crime, international dictators, media propaganda machinery kick the ass of every public and private system in the free world.

Somebody on the MM forum today suggested the right print counterfeit ballets in California. The right hasn’t done that kind of thing “yet”.

The criminals in this country laugh and poke fun at the laws and our systems. They call them stupid and enforced by donut eaters. They call them weak and to dumb to stop them from doing what ever they want, to whom ever they want.

Metaphorically they demonstrate their contempt by flipping the bird as they stand, grinning, behind the Do Not Enter sign.

They make the rules and never intend to keep them, unless it’s convenient for them to fine, harass, and/or imprison those they see as a threat to their power and control. And they don’t just threaten. They outlaw speech yet release criminals to harm other again......10, 20, 40, and more times.

That’s how they are kicking our guys ass.

It’s cool to flip the bird, burn the cities, destroy the borders, ruin the economy, ruin our international friendships, rewrite our constitution, fund our enemies, destroy our small businesses, screw up our k-12 schools and indoctrinate our colleges and universities, collapse our monetary system........... but I wouldn’t laugh too hard and ridicule too aggressively There may come a time.........when our guys figure they won’t take it anymore. Can’t say when, don’t know where, but when the scab finally gets ripped off......... it won’t be funny anymore.

Not a perfect answer to your question but it’s the best I can do, from my view of the world. I’d prefer a better future...... unfortunately it’s the one I see from my side of the mountain.

As ODW says, You may get a better return on your investment.
I'd say this is about as spot on as an answer can be.
The emails were provided in some kind of investigation onto the workplace at the “WTF”, formerly the Redskins.

All the emails I saw were from “work”. I don’t know how many times I had to explain to dumbasses that emails through our server weren’t private. Both people I fired for it had been warned.

If you want to say stupid stuff, make sure to copy the lawyer. ;)
1973...wait, nope. Non-white conservative? Well, that's another story.

Did you hear the one about the black Gubernatorial candidate who was the face of white supremacy? I got a kick out of that one.
Pull all the emails and text from nfl staff, commissioner,owners hell even players will find same result or worse. Nfl ratings will just keep dropping
this. no ones amazed how much attention these emails get but something that actually matters to the integrity of our country gets ignored. who gives a rats ass what some stupid football coach says. our houseplant and chief is owned by China. nothing to see there...
I understand there was an investigation into the Washington redskins and emails were turned over to the NFL.

Why does the New York Times get the emails?
I understand there was an investigation into the Washington redskins and emails were turned over to the NFL.

Why does the New York Times get the emails?
They get them to use for what ever purpose they may have, now or in the future. Information can be used in a multitude of ways, for a multitude of reasons. There is no reason to throw away years old information, in this digital archive age. One never knows when past behavior can’t serve a useful purpose, down the road some where. This is a case in point.
The stones should put their money where their mouth is, and donate all money's ever made off the brown sugar song to st. Judes.
Maybe someone in the NFL wanted to get rid of the coach because he might be winning games????

Or maybe Goodell realized that he can get rid of ol' ****-talkin' Gruden without lifting a finger and just allow some well-placed leaks to an eager media, especially if it can nail a dirty, rotten, racist, right-wing critic. Or something like that.
Or maybe Goodell realized that he can get rid of ol' ****-talkin' Gruden without lifting a finger and just allow some well-placed leaks to an eager media, especially if it can nail a dirty, rotten, racist, right-wing critic. Or something like that.
Ya. There is no way there weren't 100's of emails forwarded, responded to, and whole other threads they found. Seems like they picked on just one guy. I read the NFL was not going to release any other emails- which sounds like there were others they could have released. Clearly, he was on someone's s***list.
The NFL is a business. The New York Times is a business. The purpose of business is profit, and both of them have.

Let me ask yall a question. What would you rather put up with? Some dude coaching a team that may make distasteful comments about people in confidence, or two businesses behaving like Judas whores?

That's what bothers me. Everybody focuses on Gruden, which I think he, like all of us behaves poorly at times. But nobody looks at the office of the NFL and the New York Times and decides that business ethic holds no place in a civilized society.

The real scumbags are getting a free pass and trying to convince everyone they are virtuous. In reality they act with malice for the purpose of greed.
The NFL is a business. The New York Times is a business. The purpose of business is profit, and both of them have.

Let me ask yall a question. What would you rather put up with? Some dude coaching a team that may make distasteful comments about people in confidence, or two businesses behaving like Judas whores?

That's what bothers me. Everybody focuses on Gruden, which I think he, like all of us behaves poorly at times. But nobody looks at the office of the NFL and the New York Times and decides that business ethic holds no place in a civilized society.

The real scumbags are getting a free pass and trying to convince everyone they are virtuous. In reality they act with malice for the purpose of greed.
wtf here is defending the NFL and the NYT's?
The NFL is a business. The New York Times is a business. The purpose of business is profit, and both of them have.

Let me ask yall a question. What would you rather put up with? Some dude coaching a team that may make distasteful comments about people in confidence, or two businesses behaving like Judas whores?

That's what bothers me. Everybody focuses on Gruden, which I think he, like all of us behaves poorly at times. But nobody looks at the office of the NFL and the New York Times and decides that business ethic holds no place in a civilized society.

The real scumbags are getting a free pass and trying to convince everyone they are virtuous. In reality they act with malice for the purpose of greed.
I don’t know much Tri so I’m just guessing but highly doubt the word “virtuous” have never entered the minds of either the NYT or a single member of the NFL front office.

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