Thumbs Up for Bush



Finding fault with Bush was never a tough task for anyone, but I don't think he got the credit for not pardoning some goons that he deserves. to be honest I thought bear rape book author, crook and pathilogical liar Scooter Libby would get a pardon as Bush left the building, the fact it frosted Cheney that he didn't proves Bush did the right thing.

Against Obama's wishes most expect congress to demand investigations into illegal doings and war crimes by the Bush administration. I expect most of what they find will be traced back to Cheney and others who took advantage of Bush's lack of leadership ability.

Bush was a cumby president no doubt about it, but the lack of free passes for the goobers who screwed up under him reenforces my belief Bush was never a bad person, just a misguided and not real bright leader.
Well now, I would say that it is easy to pick on any president you disagree with.
I would disagree with you on his inteligence. I mean the man has a masters from Harvard if I'm not mistaken. How many past presidents have had masters degrees?
Next, the investigations, if there are any, into whether or not there were any war crimes committed will find nothing wrong. For the simple fact that Obama may have to make some of the same decisions Bush made in order to keep us safe from attack. Presidents are not too keen on investigating past presidents because it sets a president that could lead to their own demise. Presidents have to make tough decisions and some times these are not the popular ones, but they are the right ones at the time, despite what others may think and Presidents do not want to be hindered. On another note if we head down the road of investigating and prosecuting presidents we may find that good solid folks may not want to be president for fear of being prosecuted. It is just stinkin thinkin to start looking for war crimes commited by any President.
In my opinion we were lucky to have Bush and Cheny in the whitehouse after 911
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-09 AT 12:00PM (MST)[p]Congress could hold hearing whether or not President Obama liked it or not. The problem is that if that hearing are seen as just one more way to harass or embarass the former administration they will do more political harm then good.

Personally I would like to see some hearing held and for members of congress to get the same info that was recieved at the executive level. It would be interesting to me to see what they make public and what they hold in secret. My thoughts are that they would make about the same decisions on this as the Bush administration. Also if there were truly laws broken then I would say prosecute them, I doubt the democrats will proceed that far.

If the congressional investigations are headlined as "War Crimes" trials the democrats will lose alot of the political ground they just gained. While a majority of Americans disagree with the war, about the same number disagree with "War Crimes" trials for those who were in the administration. Also some of the same things labeled war crimes are continuing under the Obama administration, if it was a crime during a Republican administration it is a crime during a Democrat administration.

OH BROTHER! I see "huntindude" still has his head burried in the sand. Thats right, don't bring your head out to look at what Obama is doing, and how many promises he has already broken. Keep your head in the sand, cause you wouldn't want to get the truth out of Obama, would you. In a matter of time, if you do pull your head out of the sand, yo will be wishing Bush & Cheney were back in the whitehouse.......and you couldn't ever bring yourself to think you better keep your head down.
You expected Obama to make good on every promise he made? is this your first time watching politics? that's funny stuff.

I think there will be congressional investgations, and there will be cases made . is it for the best? I can't say.

202, My point was Bush did the right thing not granting pardons and protection to scum bags who didn't deserve it. maybe that doesn't mean anything to you since you're a team player and think anyone with an (R) by their name is a saint and anything they do is justifiable. I think it shows a quality in Bush I've always felt was there behind his other less than admirable traits and poor leadership ability, any way you slice it I think more of him for it.
I bet the "investigations" will be held and there will be a back room deal that no prosecutions will take place.

There is the looming Murtha scandal and it's impact on House democrats may cool off the demands for answers. It appears that as normal we voted the scoundrels out and elected new scoundrels.

Now I'm sure all of you legal scholars will tell me straight up... Doesn't a war crimes conviction demand execution??? Everyone I can remember from nuremberg(sp?) forward got hung for being guilty. Do we really want to kill our ex's?? I'm ok with that as long as the rules are consistant, my guess is that we'ld need rope for everyone since Carter. Sure would thin out the field of the seemingly endless campaign for potus... silver lining on every cloud I guess.
I don't know, but I don't think we're talking about those kind of crimes for the most past. more alonmg the political crime lines, though some say it's worse than that.
Then they wouldn't be "war crimes". I hate it when people use the wrong terms to take advantage of peoples' ignorance and inflaming the debate. Being a "righty" I see it all the time by leftys but it goes both ways I'm sure. Milosovich(sp?) Saddam H. Pol pot Hitler Stalin, pretty much every
African dictator in recent memory... These people are war crimes. Now put their deeds up against "He lied to me" and "damn it he evesdropped on phone calls without the right piece of paper in hand". Not exactly the same now is it...
Torture is a war crime, I just don't think it would be tried as a war crime but as a political mistake. same thing with the elective unwarranted war in Iraq and the lies and deception the made it possible, many thousands of Iraqis and thousands of Americans died because of it some call that a war crime. I think it was a mistake but I'm not convinced it wasn't a crime. don't pretend " war crimes " is a term that couldn't apply, it's very possible it would if we knew the whole story.

If enough people want the rest of the story the dems have the right and the power and many say the obligation to get it, as a "righty" you might be best off if we don't .
If torture is a war crime and bush is guilty of torture then bush should be executed- as a lefty is this your wish??? It's really quite simple. Sets a wonderful precedent of getting rid of troublsome ex -presidents. If Clinton's pharmacy bombing in Somalia was actually a pharmacy plant put up 2 ropes... wonderful path this leads down don't you agree? Oh I get it only execute the ex-pres if the congress is controlled by the opposing party. If not he gets a pass, sounds fair to me.
"maybe that doesn't mean anything to you since you're a team player and think anyone with an (R) by their name is a saint"

Now Dude you know that's not true. I am a very strong supporter of those that are for finishing the job in Iraq and Afganastan. For example Joe Liberman I think was/is right on the money and he has a D by his name. Don't paint with such a broad brush bro.

Besides, what Bush did on pardons should not surprise you. The man lives by a set of principles. He has proven it over and over again. He does what's right and does not care what his cronies may think. It may not always be right but at least you know where you stand with him.
"Torture is a war crime, I just don't think it would be tried as a war crime but as a political mistake. same thing with the elective unwarranted war in Iraq and the lies and deception the made it possible, many thousands of Iraqis and thousands of Americans died because of it some call that a war crime. I think it was a mistake but I'm not convinced it wasn't a crime. don't pretend " war crimes " is a term that couldn't apply, it's very possible it would if we knew the whole story.

If enough people want the rest of the story the dems have the right and the power and many say the obligation to get it, as a "righty" you might be best off if we don't . "

Dude, get off you high horse. I've known you long enough to know that you could care less what "Rag Head"(your term not mine) got water boarded. So all your ranting on torture is nothing more than trying to ruffle some republican's feathers on this board.
Dude, was that a compliment.....If so Bush says THANKS!

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
I never said I cared about ragheads, but I care about the US and illegal actions like torture is not what this nation is about.

If we're no better than them we can't expect respect and therefore we won't get world cooperation. we can't win or even hold our own against terrorist unless it's a world effort, no way no how.

202 why would you say I would ever do anything to ruffle far right winger feathers, I'd never think of it that's just not how I roll.
Funny thing happened this week. Obama has decided to keep the door open to allow enchanced interrogation tecniques as well as holding terrorism suspects indefinitely without due process. Funny how reality sets in when the new administration gets that closed door peek at what we are really dealing with. Fact is that terror suspects have no country of origin and therefore they cannot take advantage of the Geneva convention. Regardless of what we do they will never play by any rules. Obama is realizing that as demonized as Cheney was he did understand our enemy. The press created the huge issue of rights for terrorists but it looks like our new leader just did a 180 on that position.
Dude first of all define torture. Our enemies simply cut your head off, we simply make them "feel" like they are drowning. No harm no foul. Hardly what most Americans would consider torture.........................Pea Brain.........sorry could not help my self bro. :)

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