tired of waiting



Well after checking the mail and not seeing a check from the White House I called and made my November house payment. I thought for sure I would not have to pay this out of my own pocket(joke). Well maybe the refinancing I requested from Countrywide and the goverment bailout for homeowners at risk, will happen and I will not lose my house(no joke). I am still 2 payments behind. I guess it will take the messiah some time to get to me...I am holding on by my fingernails.


1 Corinthians 2:2
good luck, hope things get better soon, one guy I spoke with said his loan is through Countrywide and if he gets two months behind there is a four thousand dollar fine on top of the payments to catch back up.
HUNTINDUMBA$$................................................ HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF BARNEY FRANK.................NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE NOT HAPPEND IF IT WOUSE NOTE FOR BARNEY FRANK THE QUEER ..........................................................................................................................................................SORRY TO BREAK IT TO YOU....................................... BUT I STILL HAVE SOME PROBLEMS WITH BUSH NOT A TRUE CONSERVITIVE .......GOOD LUCK WITH OBAMA.O WAIT WE ARE ALL SCREW........................ SOB.................................
You don't understand, you can't take any shots at hunindude because he is the ultimate teflon critic. He will blame GWB for everthing, spew negative things about just about everyone on the right, blame the republican party for all that has been lost, not do anything to assist in any particular cause, other than to critize everyone, and then when Obama wins, he will say he never supported Obama, and that he is critical of him as well. In this way he is free to take pot shots at everyone, always claiming I told you so.
Nice try Bevis and Butthead. first of all Bush had 8 years to work on the economy and he flew out of town leaving behind the bank bailout plan and a screwed up economy in Obama's lap. now it's Barney Frank's fault? Bush was powerless against him and so overwhelmed with fear he couldn't mutter a sound in opposition? I love it, and the fact he's a butt pirate makes an economic difference? well at least I'm glad to se we can blame someone other than Clinton for something after 8 years.

I didn't vote for Obama, I wrote in Ron Paul because I didn't care too much for my choices. so yes I may have something negative to say about Obama, the wolf issue may be the first. I do feel Obama is a much better choice than McSame and Peggy Hill would have been, and I'm glad he thumped them, but that doesn't mean I have real high hopes.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-09 AT 11:12AM (MST)[p]It sucks, I find it hard to believe that for people who spent beyond their means, the government is bailing them out. I have worked my fingers to the bone, sometimes three and four jobs at once to pay my way. I have a very tiny 70 year old house that I can afford the payments on. I could have went 3, 4, or even 5 times the value of my current house and the bank would have given it to me, (not because of Barny Frank either you knothead, but because of the out of control banking mortgage industry taking advantage of the system), but i'd never have been able to make the payments. Why do you think your mortgage was bundled and sold within weeks of it being made, and after that it was sold again. It was banks and mortgage companies getting rid of the bad value to be paid NOW and the escape the risk. . . they were making money on making more and more loans, rather then holding them . . .

I have little sympathy for people who over purchased mortgages. Sure some were suckered, but to blame Barny Frank for it all is to completely ignore what really happened.

Job loss is always an issue under any economy . . . I just cant figure out why i'm being told to help pay for people's over spending and out of control appetites just so they could keep up with the jones. I'v scrimped all my life and only buy what I can afford. now my money is being used to help those who can not manage their own money. . . just great, thanks Bush. . .

I'll bet most of them have a bunch of huge credit debt, a quad or three, a boat, and snow machine and a big screen TV too . . .
I agree completely. The mortgage companies, bankers AND the borrowers all need to be held to account.

I didn't read all of these post's but enough to get the idea I guess. Dude I agree with you on alot of things but your hostility towards Bush is not one of them. The bottom line is if there was no housing bubble the banking industry would not be in the conditions they are in now. This problem goes beyond Bush and to blame this all on him and go even further and say Barney Franks, Chris Dodd and Franklin Raines have no part in all this is quite foolish. This is what happen's when the government steps into the free market and tell's the banks they are going to give bad loans to try and get more people(minorities) into houses(originally starting with democratic poster boy Jimmy Carter and with Clinton slightly modifying things during his presidency). Banks started making even more bad loans when they they had the safty blanket of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac(government entities) to buy the loans from them knowing full well that alot of these loans could never be repaid but if the reached there quotas the massive bonus' kept coming(this would be where Franklin Raines made his fortune in just nine years, yeah I said nine years, if my math is correct that puts him in there before Bush). In 2005 McCain co-writes a bill calling for more regulation for Fannie and Freddie which is denied by most democrats(this is where Barney Frank and Chriss dodd to name a few come into the story) and some so called republicans also tarnished the brand by refusing regulation. I wont say he was the man for the job but McCain was quoted as saying during the congressional hearing that "without regulation of Freddie and Fannie they will ultimately fail and the American tax payer will be left to pay the bill". Our economic crisis is complex to say the least and the housing bubble was the catalyst that brought us to where we are now, so to say this is all Bush'a fault is not only wrong but also very foolish.
Accubond I have never said this is all Bush's fault, not very many things were all Bush's fault I just get such a kick out of everyone holding Bush harmless for everything. the same people who say the president can't do anything and Bush isn't at fault are the same people who think Obama is going to take their guns, kids and house. make your mind up, does the president have power or not?

Bush and his administration did not cause this finacial mess we're in dumb banks and dumb borrowers did, but as the powers of the land they were negligent in not seeing the disaster coming and starting damage control faster. many people set the stage for what happened, both republican and democrat but the fact is Bush's administration had a duty to oversee their activities and they failed miserably, this is where Bush deserves blame. I don't care what Clinton did, I don't care what Frank did, I don't care what Tom Cruise did, Bush's crew had the hammer for 8 years and they slept on the job.

Obama is now handed the flaming bag of poo, I think the stimulus plan is a mistake, but he has to do something and unless someone can come up with a better idea how can you blame him. I don't think anything is going to fix it but Ameicans are demanding someone try.
I see what your saying Dude. I'm not gonna lie to myself and say GWB couldn't do more than he did but I also think that the housing bubble was intertwined into other areas of the economy more than anybody knew or could have guessed. I hope all this turns out better than I think it's going to and if it does I hope the mid-term elections weed out the dead weight, these people have to go(PELOSI first).
The sad part is for the most part it's the same economic geniuses who didn't see this coming that are telling us how to fix it.

We should ban anyone who isn't on record at least two years ago saying "what the hell is wrong with you idiots" from being allowed to participate in the recovery plan. any economist or politian who wasn't alarmed well in advance to the crash is too dumb to be trusted.
I agree 100% with that idea Dude. People need to realize that polotics is much larger than Bush and Obama, these idiots making decisions on the recovery plan and such couldn't even balance there check book and now there gonna find the best way to spend all this money that we dont even have.
Most of money so far has went to east and west coast banks according to what ive read, if you can ever believe any news anymore.. Oh, and if your white and middle class your not gonna be able to touch it according to that dumb ass economic adviser of Obama's...... You want to talk about a racists...
We have all these geniuses in there trying to figure ##### out and its so simple our gov't, our banks and some individuals have been living way beyond there means. Then ##### hits the fan and it cascades to all of us whom been working our butts off to make our payments..
My ##### with Obama and his staff ( well one of couple thousand) is trying to earmark dollars for economic stimulus packages that are going directly to a bunch of lazy government leeches, instead of the working class that will actually do something with it.
Im sick of all the idiots in Washington, Dems,Rep every damn one of em. There is a few good conservative people there, but very few.. Ok,have to go write Obama and see where my truck payment is going to come.....
Bunco, congrats, dumbest post ever.

First off the bank bailout deal was Bush's, and nobody said anything about race in it. second, Obama's stimulus plan is still in the works and will be a while before it's even voted on. it would be best to wait until Obama gets something passed before you make up ways to blame him for it.
Hey huntindumby
Was Reichs words not mine Huntindick. You know Obama's advisor, that he choose, listen to him, sounds like a real good fair choice.
I find in very interesting how in rest of the post I place blame on gov't and every individual and company that has over lived there means, yet you get bent out of shape if me or anyone in here points at Obama's new administration.
Ya right you voted for Ron Paul.... If you had a brain Huntindick you would take it out and play with it..
your last sentence is the funniest thing I've ever read on this site, also I think the guy should take your advice.
The problem is you're not smart enough to even understand your own whining.

You were crying about the bank bailout as if it was all Obama's doing, wrong. you were crying about the stimulus plan and we don't even know what it is, so a little premature whining there. even wondering where your pick up payment was coming from, with most folks I'd take that as a joke but coming from you....

I will give you one bit of credit though, you pulled out an 80's funny and impressed the only guy in the US who hadn't heard it. only on MM.
Anybody that bought a house on the West Coast in late 2007 early 2008 is upside down. It has nothing to do with the loan type, or being greedy. That, coupled with escalating unemployment pretty much seals the deal on a foreclosure or loss mitigation.

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