Torn Meniscus....?


Long Time Member
All of a sudden about a week and a half ago, my left knee felt swollen and I could feel a "ticking" sensation in it. When I would do a squat, I could really feel the fluid in there and it felt a bit week while coming back up. I am still running and hiking with no issues. It is more or less just swollen and a tad weak doing certain exercises. Any of you ever had a torn meniscus? I will be 50 on Friday and have never had a knee problem...I consider myself very active and in good shape. Thanks.

I don't do squats with weight...just sumo squats, regular squats and reverse lunge squats. Those are good for your legs....keeps me feeling 48.
I Tore my right meniscus last November. I eventually got an MRI and visited a surgeon. Basically he said there was nothing left to repair and that replacement was in my future. I’m still hiking and carrying packs on it ( going backpack archery tomorrow) but it hurts and swells. I am ignoring it for the time being. I can’t figure out how it went from fine to replacement in one slip.
I Tore my right meniscus last November. I eventually got an MRI and visited a surgeon. Basically he said there was nothing left to repair and that replacement was in my future. I’m still hiking and carrying packs on it ( going backpack archery tomorrow) but it hurts and swells. I am ignoring it for the time being. I can’t figure out how it went from fine to replacement in one slip.
Sorry Fred. I'm right there with you. Seems like it is something new or the current problems hurt just a bit more every passing year.

Think it is just called getting older :unsure:. We just have to hunt smarter and not harder. Oh and ignore the twinges and pains. The mind says I can still do it, but the body tries to tell me different now and again.
All of a sudden about a week and a half ago, my left knee felt swollen and I could feel a "ticking" sensation in it. When I would do a squat, I could really feel the fluid in there and it felt a bit week while coming back up. I am still running and hiking with no issues. It is more or less just swollen and a tad weak doing certain exercises. Any of you ever had a torn meniscus? I will be 50 on Friday and have never had a knee problem...I consider myself very active and in good shape. Thanks.

I've had a couple of meniscus tears. And a menisectomy which lead to bone on bone which led to a replacement.

Tears are pretty easy to repair and usually done arthroscopically. Those tears remind me of an incomplete toenail clipping wherein a small chunk of toenail remains and the surgeon takes it out. Easy fix and easy recovery.

Squatting likely had nothing to do with with your injury, unless your form is messed up.

Just turned 50? My circumcision scar has almost 20 years on you.

Oh, yea, go to a bone doc. I've scrubbed and assisted on a meniscus repair, but that was in 1991. I may have forgotten a few things.
I Tore my right meniscus last November. I eventually got an MRI and visited a surgeon. Basically he said there was nothing left to repair and that replacement was in my future. I’m still hiking and carrying packs on it ( going backpack archery tomorrow) but it hurts and swells. I am ignoring it for the time being. I can’t figure out how it went from fine to replacement in one slip.
So the slip is what caused it? I have no incident as to why it started to swell and give a bit of pain. Not much pain at all....more or less freaks me out that it is not working perfectly. I go to the dr. tomorrow for an annual check up so I will be sure to tell the doc about my knee and hopefully he will refer me for an MRI.

How old are you Beanman? Just ignore it, huh? From swelling to knee replacement?? That seems a bit abrupt IMO but what do I know? I wish you luck on your hunt.....
I've had a couple of meniscus tears. And a menisectomy which lead to bone on bone which led to a replacement.

Tears are pretty easy to repair and usually done arthroscopically. Those tears remind me of an incomplete toenail clipping wherein a small chunk of toenail remains and the surgeon takes it out. Easy fix and easy recovery.

Squatting likely had nothing to do with with your injury, unless your form is messed up.

Just turned 50? My circumcision scar has almost 20 years on you.

Oh, yea, go to a bone doc. I've scrubbed and assisted on a meniscus repair, but that was in 1991. I may have forgotten a few things.
Not 50 yet.....Sept I still have a little bit of time left. LOL

I know they can snip the extrap tear off but also know that this will lead to arthritis. Either doesn't seem like a positive outcome.
Welcome to the FIVE-O Club Wisz!

This Sshhiittt Hurts!

Not 50 yet.....Sept I still have a little bit of time left. LOL

I know they can snip the extrap tear off but also know that this will lead to arthritis. Either doesn't seem like a positive outcome.
All of a sudden about a week and a half ago, my left knee felt swollen and I could feel a "ticking" sensation in it. When I would do a squat, I could really feel the fluid in there and it felt a bit week while coming back up. I am still running and hiking with no issues. It is more or less just swollen and a tad weak doing certain exercises. Any of you ever had a torn meniscus? I will be 50 on Friday and have never had a knee problem...I consider myself very active and in good shape. Thanks.

Just wait until you turn 65. You will have all kinds of "All of a sudden" moments!
So the slip is what caused it? I have no incident as to why it started to swell and give a bit of pain. Not much pain at all....more or less freaks me out that it is not working perfectly. I go to the dr. tomorrow for an annual check up so I will be sure to tell the doc about my knee and hopefully he will refer me for an MRI.

How old are you Beanman? Just ignore it, huh? From swelling to knee replacement?? That seems a bit abrupt IMO but what do I know? I wish you luck on your hunt.....
I’m 61, I was carrying a hind elk quarter on steep muddy ground and did a very sudden deep knee bend, way further than it should go with a twist at the end. I looked at the MRI with the doc and he showed me how little cartilage there is anywhere, except for the left inside which ”is a real mess”. Arthritis is setting in.
I partially tore my left a few years ago. Similar click as you talked about. Most things were unaffected, climbing uphill was fine but downhill it felt sloppy and well from time to time I tumbled, looking like an idiot. Talked to surgeon and he said it would be an easy fix but about two months of more or less taking it easy. I’m not good at that so asked what if I did nothing. He said it will either tear all the way or fix itself. I took that as a free pass lol, did nothing and now it’s it’s a distant memory. Maybe I’m an isolated case but it worked for me.
I don't do squats with weight...just sumo squats, regular squats and reverse lunge squats. Those are good for your legs....keeps me feeling 48.
Keeps you feeling 48 but your knees feel 68 right? Homer was right don't do squats of any kind if you want your knee to heal...
Tore my MCL last summer. There wasn't much that could be done for it. I bought a good knee brace, with metal sides, to help stabilize my knee. It got better on its own but took a little time.
I also had that same knee issue that you describe in the past. Kinda felt like it was dislocated. I never knew what caused the irritation.
Two in college, astro turf is horrible stuff. Both scoped within a week and never missed a game. Its probably the most common knee issue among active folks I would say. Shearing motions seem to get it pretty easy.
Two in college, astro turf is horrible stuff. Both scoped within a week and never missed a game. Its probably the most common knee issue among active folks I would say. Shearing motions seem to get it pretty easy.
Before I retired from my second job with DoD, I was asked to analyze any hazards associated with synthetic turf v. other playing surfaces.

I was expecting injuries to the lower body (toes, ankles knees, hips in that order) and of course they were there.

One thing that surprised me was that a peer reviewed study indicated that MRSA happened more frequently with turf when compared to dirt or grass fields.
I had a slight meniscus tear in 2018 from running on a treadmill. The orthopedic Dr. gave me the option of getting an injection, or arthroscopic knee surgery. I took the surgery and ended up accelerating arthritis and went bone on bone knee replacement this year (I'm 46!). If I could do it all over I'd definitely try the injection first.
I had a slight meniscus tear in 2018 from running on a treadmill. The orthopedic Dr. gave me the option of getting an injection, or arthroscopic knee surgery. I took the surgery and ended up accelerating arthritis and went bone on bone knee replacement this year (I'm 46!). If I could do it all over I'd definitely try the injection first.
I had my first meniscal repair in 1999, my second in 2001 and a removal in 2002. I suppose I hurt mine doing Navy stuff in the desert. In 2003 a Navy ortho doc asked me when I wanted to replace my knee as I was bone on bone and the tibia was showing signs of extreme wear. I kept complaing to civilian ortho docs that my knee was bone on bone...but XRAYS showed nothing.

I couldn't figure out why until I talked with my old USN ortho doc in 2017. We figured out that I was favoring that leg so much that I shifted most of my body weight to my left knee and there was no perceptable gap on the right knee.

Next week I went in to my civilan doc and he scheduled the replacement for the next month.

BIG WARNING here for those in a similar position of knee pain/meniscal repair>>>> make sure your body weight is evenly distributed when standing for xrays.
I had my first meniscal repair in 1999, my second in 2001 and a removal in 2002. I suppose I hurt mine doing Navy stuff in the desert. In 2003 a Navy ortho doc asked me when I wanted to replace my knee as I was bone on bone and the tibia was showing signs of extreme wear. I kept complaing to civilian ortho docs that my knee was bone on bone...but XRAYS showed nothing.

I couldn't figure out why until I talked with my old USN ortho doc in 2017. We figured out that I was favoring that leg so much that I shifted most of my body weight to my left knee and there was no perceptable gap on the right knee.

Next week I went in to my civilan doc and he scheduled the replacement for the next month.

BIG WARNING here for those in a similar position of knee pain/meniscal repair>>>> make sure your body weight is evenly distributed when standing for xrays.
Who were your Navy ortho guys?? One of my HS classmates, Joe Riccardi, spent 20 yrs. as a Navy ortho surgeon.
I buggered up mine several years ago too , just like you explain. Almost felt like my knee cap was loose. Little clicking and pressure.

Was a month before elk season.

Self prescribed rest, ice and stretching. Used one of those pull over knee braces that seemed to help with stability. A week before elk hunting the damn thing felt great, and haven’t had an issue since.
Who were your Navy ortho guys?? One of my HS classmates, Joe Riccardi, spent 20 yrs. as a Navy ortho surgeon.
I would have to look in my medical record. My guy was also a Flight Surgeon. Do you remain in touch with Joe? We might know some of the same people if he was at all involved in aviation.
I buggered up mine several years ago too , just like you explain. Almost felt like my knee cap was loose. Little clicking and pressure.

Was a month before elk season.

Self prescribed rest, ice and stretching. Used one of those pull over knee braces that seemed to help with stability. A week before elk hunting the damn thing felt great, and haven’t had an issue since.
When you were self prescribing....did you continue to exercise? You give me hope that I may just do nothing about it in hopes of it getting better.

What kind of stretches for your knee??
Before I retired from my second job with DoD, I was asked to analyze any hazards associated with synthetic turf v. other playing surfaces.

I was expecting injuries to the lower body (toes, ankles knees, hips in that order) and of course they were there.

One thing that surprised me was that a peer reviewed study indicated that MRSA happened more frequently with turf when compared to dirt or grass fields.
100% we had 2-3 kids a year get staphylococcus from the turf. It was bad enough that we almost always used our grass practice fields even though we had a bubble facility.
Wiz… I had a pretty good tear and a menisectomy at 35….. no fun…. Was so bad I couldn’t walk downhill anymore…. Felt like getting stabbed in the knee with an ice pick. I could turn around and walk uphill fine….damndest thing. Moral of the story, i had 2 or 3 MRIs over about a 16 month period….all of which didn’t show anything. I finally told the doc….. If I’m just being a ***** then tell me and I will live with it and he agreed to scope it. The 15 minute look and see ended up a 3 hour surgery….. in recovery I got the “ can’t believe you were walking on that thing”. Apparently the way it was torn, they were not able to see it on the MRI so take that for what its worth.

I will need a full replacement eventually but for now its better than it was and a little ice here and there helps when it acts up.

Don’t matter….can’t hunt in this chit hole state anymore anyways….just sit on my boat and get fat…..Peace out
Ice it when it gets bad and repeat as needed.

The more active a guy is the more ice becomes your friend.

Hey Wisz-yep, laid completely off leg(s).

Did upper body. Can’t really stretch the knee : but calves, hams, quads and lower back of all kinds.

Elevate with ice even when it feels nice. Used a pillow under the knee quite a bit.
Good luck and speedy recovery sir.
Lol. There are vitamins in good beer ?, no.

Blue Emu baby ! Advocate for it. And ibuprofen is all.

Haven’t used but KT tape might be great to try?

Only used supplements in college because we got them free as athletes.

If anything get a cortisone shot.
Maybe one of these docs can confirm
All of a sudden about a week and a half ago, my left knee felt swollen and I could feel a "ticking" sensation in it. When I would do a squat, I could really feel the fluid in there and it felt a bit week while coming back up. I am still running and hiking with no issues. It is more or less just swollen and a tad weak doing certain exercises. Any of you ever had a torn meniscus? I will be 50 on Friday and have never had a knee problem...I consider myself very active and in good shape. Thanks.


I turn 50 this year myself and I too had the same thing happen. Out of no where my right knee is swollen and hurts like hell. Especially when squatting.
Had the normal sports injuries growing up, and up to age 40 things heal pretty quickly. After that, lots more trips to the doc.... Dislocated right ankle and rotated 180 degrees, broke leg in 3 places, 5 knee surgeries, major knee staph infection, dislocated hip - all on the same leg!!! Yeah, it slows you down quite a bit.

One thing I have found to work for me in the past was Voltaren, and now the best thing in the world for both my knee and shoulders has been the topical called Penetrex. A little expensive for an over the counter med, but it works better than anything I have ever tried in the past!!!
Only 'injury' I ever had playing any sports was a small broken bone in my foot suffered while sliding into 3rd base while playing AAA slow-pitch. I was 42.

I even played HS football without a cup because it was too uncomfortable. Worst injury I had occured in practice during a 1-on-1 tackling drill. I was the tackler, matched up against our fullback who was 6'4" & 235 lbs. His knee hit my helmet & knocked me out cold. It probably would have been much worse if it had hit me in the groin. :rolleyes:

That sucks Steve… I’m sorry to hear that. I tore mine in my left knee 10 years ago on a turkey hunt near Filmore UT. I was about 2 miles from the truck & it took me half of a day to hike out. That injury ended my hunt. I stayed at camp the entire next day, thinking if I rested it that it would be fine the following day. Not to scare you at all, but my knee has been jacked up ever since then. Every mountain hunt or steep terrain hunt kills my knee. I buy a fresh bottle of ibuprofen before every hunt & eat them like candy to get through it. Hopefully you will rebound & not have the lagging effects that I have had.
That sucks Steve… I’m sorry to hear that. I tore mine in my left knee 10 years ago on a turkey hunt near Filmore UT. I was about 2 miles from the truck & it took me half of a day to hike out. That injury ended my hunt. I stayed at camp the entire next day, thinking if I rested it that it would be fine the following day. Not to scare you at all, but my knee has been jacked up ever since then. Every mountain hunt or steep terrain hunt kills my knee. I buy a fresh bottle of ibuprofen before every hunt & eat them like candy to get through it. Hopefully you will rebound & not have the lagging effects that I have had.
you keep that up you'll be shopping for a kidney donor.....
you keep that up you'll be shopping for a kidney donor.....
Yeah I know it isn’t good for you.
It really sucks though when you plan for months, then get out there & can’t hunt like you need to. I just take them before turning in after a day of hunting to minimize the inflammation.
I just told Wiszard that I’m scared that I will end up being a road hunter before I’m 60. Lol

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