Two Sweet Bucks Down!


Founder Since 1999
What a fun hunt for my Wyoming hunting buddy and I. Right now I have to thank him for sharing his points with me to put me in the game. I put in 21 days of scouting and looked over hundreds of bucks. I found these two along with another wide one in an area I know well, and the archery hunt was on.
We packed in the night before the opener with a couple crappy llamas that were more trouble than anything. But we made it.
Opening morning we saw the wide buck and he was number one on my hit list. I also got a look at the 5x5, and while I liked him, my hope was to get a chance at the wide buck. And, I knew the double (really triple) droptine buck was in there somewhere. Over the next few days I got to see the wide buck one more time, then he vanished, as he was fully aware we were in his home. Scott missed the 5x5 a couple times and made stalks on him and other bucks many times. Each day was packed with hunting fun. I found the droptine buck and made plays on him myself. On day 5, I spotted the 5x5 bedded in a real good spot. Had Scott been with me, I would?ve let him attempt the play, but he wasn?t and I had the urge to test my skills and prove to myself I could get it done. I had to make a play and did.
He was bedded above his buddies and only 75 yards off a ridge, so I spent more than an hour sneaking across a steep, gravel side hill and then crawled and scooted to 57 yards. At that point, I was as close as I dared go and prepared for a shot. For more than two hours I stood there with the sun frying me waiting for him to stand. I knew when the sun moved to the west it would eventually hit him and he'd stand to move beds, but I was so worried that swirling wind could carry my stink to him that I didn't dare sit down. I had to be ready when he stood. I didn't think I'd have much time.
After more than a couple hours, it worked as I had hoped and he stood. Perfect! I was ready and put an arrow in him. He was instantly sick and remained standing and staggering in his bed. He was ready to drop, but I quickly shot him again. The absolute worst part of hunting for me is watching them die, so I wanted it over as quickly as possible. And it was after that 2nd arrow.
I was so excited. So, so excited! What fun!!!! You?ll have to watch my video when I add it.
So my hunting was done and now it was time to get Scott a buck. There were several bucks in the area that he would shoot and over the next couple days he was ran ragged stalking bucks.
On day 7, our last day, I spotted the droptine buck and Scott headed to the ridge to setup for a shot. It took a while, but the buck ended up walking to within about 15 feet of Scott and after spooking the buck out to a crazy 20 yards, Scott put an arrow into the perfect spot. Another big buck score!! Again, I was so excited. Watch the video when I get it added.

So here are our trophies. I believe in my 21 days of scouting, I looked at around 500 different bucks. These two are in the top 6-7 best bucks I found. I had hoped to find a monster, but no. Just real good bucks.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Well done! Congrats on two great archery bucks!


My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 -
Great buck and what memories!! Big congrats to both of you. Well-earned trophies. And beautiful country.
Congrats to both of you. I am so excited to get up there on Friday. I hope the bucks that we found didn't get taken by archery hunters.
Congrats to you both on great bucks. Wyoming hunting is always a blast. Headed up there on Thursday for 11 days of fun in God's Country.
Dang, you nailed them right where we were thinking about going for the opener. But we saw the boned out carcass from the one in the trees yesterday and had already decided to go elsewhere for the opener, even before we realized TWO of the three best bucks in that area have already been eliminated.

Nice to know the story behind the carcass anyway.
Very nice!
Update: I just added it all up and in my 21 days of scouting I looked at 432 bucks, not 500.

kickerbuck - The cheater buck will have to be hunted by someone else. My plan was to hunt that buck with my gun after taking my buddy archery hunting for a week. I didn't really think I'd shoot a buck with my bow.

I'll tell you guys, it's kind of hard having a tag filled when there's 3+ weeks of hunting left to go and while knowing where a few pretty good ones are living. Glad I took the buck I did, but sure wish I were still going hunting up there. Guess I'll have to look for a buck here in Utah to hunt in October.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Just added the video to my Hunt Adventure Challenge Thread ... SEE IT HERE

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Thank you Brian for all your hard work scouting. This archery hunt was the funnest, most action packed I've ever been on. I enjoyed every minute of it. Couldn't have shared it with a better guy. Your one hell of a hunter. Appreciate you buddy! Definitely a dream hunt even with the worthless lamas.

Awesome story, photos and video. How old do you think those 2 bucks are?

Thanks, Paul
You two did great. Thank you for sharing your hunts with us each year. Always exciting!!!


Proverbs 3:5-6
Congratulations Brian, you certainly are a dedicated man! 2 dandy bucks! Is that your first G archery deer?
Sweet video, AWESOME hunt.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
No, I killed a big one up there in 2011.

>Congratulations Brian, you certainly are a
>dedicated man! 2 dandy
>bucks! Is that your
>first G archery deer?

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
I've looked at this thread several time and just realized that I didn't reply (like you were waiting for me to do so. haha)

Huge congratulations on two trophy MONSTER MULEYS!

Congrats again, totally awesome.

I am curious to their score, only because I have a guess in my head and want to see how close I am, no other reason. If you want to share, that would be great...if not, totally understand.
My buck ended up a hair over 29? wide and 178?. Scott's buck ended up 28? wide and 182?.
When scouting, I thought my buck would finish in the upper 180?s. Wrong! He was done growing when I saw him scouting and his inside spread and beams were less than I thought they'd end up. As well as his G2?s. I thought he had a little growth left in them.
Scott's buck grew quite a bit between scouting and September. The droptines were just bumps then and his back forks grew 3-4 inches!
It's a guessing game when I see these bucks scouting on how they'll end up.
I saw the buck I killed a few times prior to killing him and I knew he didn't get better between scouting and hunting, but when I saw him bedded, I just had to test my skills.

>Congrats again, totally awesome.
>I am curious to their score,
>only because I have a
>guess in my head and
>want to see how close
>I am, no other reason.
> If you want to
>share, that would be great...if
>not, totally understand.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Thanks, my guess was exactly opposite with yours low 180s and his high 170s...still both are great bucks.
>My buck ended up a hair
>over 29? wide and 178?.
>Scott's buck ended up 28?
>wide and 182?.
>When scouting, I thought my buck
>would finish in the upper
>180?s. Wrong! He was done
>growing when I saw him
>scouting and his inside spread
>and beams were less than
>I thought they'd end up.
>As well as his G2?s.
>I thought he had a
>little growth left in them.

I took pics of your buck on the third weekend of July and thought for sure he'd go around that 185 mark when done. Hell, I don't think he grew all too much after that. Congrats on a great hunt.
I knew you told me your username, but I didn't fully process it cause we were talking deer. It was good meeting you guys too.

>Wow, two very great bucks. Gonna
>watch the video. G00d to
>meet you at the gas
>station. fatrooster.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
on Facebook!
Great bucks! Way to get it done!
I hope to get a nice buck with my bow at some point!
Thanks again for the great community you have created here!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-21-18 AT 11:18PM (MST)[p]duh,,, by now you otta take some unfortunate dude out to kill one of those monsters you seem to kill every year......
>duh,,, by now you otta take
>some unfortunate dude out to
>kill one of those monsters
>you seem to kill every

Unfortunately unfortunate dudes don't have max deer points in wyo.

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