"UFC 67"


Very Active Member
Any predictions? I dont think that lutter will be able to handle Silva. I will guess another 1st round knockout for the Spider. Rampage Vs. Eastman. should be a good fight. But i think Rampages experiance has far surpassed Eastmans since they last fought. I think Jackson will win this rematch. I think Cro Cop will demolish Eddie Sanchez. All of this is IMO. What do you guys think?
Lutter did not make weight at the weigh-ins so he has to lose two pounds. I don't know if he made it. If he doesn't make weight, he should never be allowed to fight in the UFC again. May not be a title-bout and he blows the opportunity. We'll see, but I agree with you on the other fights. I hope the UFC hired a minor-league ball player to catch Eddie's head in the crowd when he gets hit with Cro-cop's left high kick!!
Just checked. It is official. He did not make weight. Loses 10 percent of his purse and it is not a title fight. That is pretty disappointing considering the opportunity they gave those TUF 4 guys and especially since everyone that watched the TUF shows was expecting him to fight for a belt. I now hope Silva beats him up good.
Yeah right after i posted this thread i got on another site and saw that about the weigh ins. That really sucks. Lutter had a really good chance to be in the UFC whether he won or lost this fight. Now if he loses I dont think Dana will keep him around for long. I looked a little farther into it and like you said he will lose 10% of his fight purse. From what i saw 5% of that will go to Silva. It is going to be a 3 round nin-title fight. And to think I took off work to see it.
I was very impressed with Mirko Cro-Cop. He will demolish Tim Sylvia. Not so impressed with Rampage although he has a great personality and seems like a pretty good guy. If Rampage was to stand in with Liddell like he did Eastman, Liddell would tare him up. He has a long ways to go if he thinks he can hang in with Liddell.

I know Lutter feels bad for not making weight, but he should feel bad. What the hell was he thinking? Makes you wonder if he will ever get another chance, I doubt it.

It wasn't one of the better fight cards, but it still one of the better sporting events to watch IMO. Love the UFC.
Rampage admitted that he was not ready for Chuck. Also, the dude was NERVOUS! He is hilarious, talking about black on black crime in his post fight interview. Cant wait to see him fight again.

As for Cro-Cop, was there any doubt? The guy is amazing! He will be the heavyweight champion in the UFC for a long time.

Lutter F'ed up! There is no excuse for him not making weight. Having to go back into the sauna for 2 hrs on Thursday didnt help either. I am sure he was tired. That being said, Lutter took Silva down at will and exposed a weakness. They should pay Lindland to come back, he would destroy Silva.

I thought this was the weekest fight card that I've watched on UFC and I've watched all of them for the last year.
One of my favorite fights was the two lightweight guys that they showed after the lutter/silva fight. Those guys fought great and the fight had incredible intensity. The ending was pretty incredible as well.
Lutter screwed himself and his future in the sport.
I thought Silva showed a substantial chink in his armor. They said he won by a submission and technically they may have been right but I always thought verticle elbow strikes were illegal??? and the leg triangle didn't end the fight, the elbow strikes did. I love the way Anderson Silva is starting to run his mouth. The honeymoon's over and I think although he has incredible standup, he's not undefeatable by any stretch.
Cro Cop = terminator... That dude just kept coming.
You can say what you want about Rampage but I'm looking forward to seeing him fight more.
This was a weak fight card but I'm already looking forward to 68.

Don't get me wrong, but explain this quote for me from your response above, please.

"I thought Silva showed a substantial ""chink"" in his armor."

This is the second time I have ever heard the expression, I was terrible in HS English, maybe because of the teacher.

It was entertaining. I think Silva had an off night and was not
worried because he knew the belt was not at stake. Give him credit
he got the submission. Chuck is licking his chops waiting for Rampage. The two lightweights were very good. Tito was the best
dressed man and he sure had some nice eye candy on his arm.

I agree with everything you said my thoughts exactly.

stickerpt ,

Tito's eyecandy has already been tasted by numorous men (and women);)

I actually liked the fight card and am glad that Dana is bringing over some great fighters from PRIDE. Cro Cop has tree trunks for legs , holy crap he is scary , I like him...Rampage , well I was expecting crazy madness and give Eastman credit for taking the fight to him but gotta see a bit more.
Lutter is a FAG! He wasted the the time of the UFC and the champion and can careless if he ever stays to fight and no matter who he fights I hope he gets wrecked!They should give him to Rich Franklin for a tune up fight and then let Babalou work him over , in Lutters own words , he himself is a world class wrestler,,,,,NOT!
I'm using "chink in his armor" like "a hole in his defenses".
I'm know medevial knight dress expert so I could have my phrase all wrong but my point was that Anderson Silva's ground game leaves a few openings for fighters who know how to exploit them.
One thing that has gone unsaid is that Travis Lutter is the first opponent Silva has faced in the UFC to make it out of the first round. You have to wonder how the fight would have gone if his conditioning were better and he hadn't had to try to cut so much weight.

Thanks for the explaination of the above phrase. Had a gal from my highschool class tell me that same line about 6 years ago when I was putting the HS class reunion together, never knew what she meant and would have felt like an idiot if I asked her.


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