Unit 44 one day to hunt


Long Time Member
I picked up a returned unit 44 tag 4th season deer tag. The problem is I only have one day to hunt since I’ll be coming all the way from Alaska and I have a cow elk tag that really has my focus and days off. So my question is can a guy get it done in one day with a goal of a 150 class buck?

Elk tastes better

Umm, yeah, but...
An outfitter just PM’d me and said he could get me a 200” buck in a day for only 6500. As much as I would like a 200” buck I would really like some elk meat this winter. I dunno what to do?
So you’re the one that picked up a 4th season 44 buck tag on the return list. One of the top 5 best deer tags in the country and you’re going to limit your hunt because of a prior cow elk tag? Best of luck on your day of hunting. Hope it works out for you
So you’re the one that picked up a 4th season 44 buck tag on the return list. One of the top 5 best deer tags in the country and you’re going to limit your hunt because of a prior cow elk tag? Best of luck on your day of hunting. Hope it works out for you
Thank you!
No, but I had a drivers license once.

I asked my neighbor and he gave me the name of someone who will let you use his guides license. Says people do it all the time.

This sarcastic thread has taken a disturbing turn. :oops:
No, but I had a drivers license once.

I asked my neighbor and he gave me the name of someone who will let you use his guides license. Says people do it all the time.

This sarcastic thread has taken a disturbing turn. :oops:
Oh ok. No harm no foul.

Does anyone know of a good place to stay in 44 for the night? I like a place with high thread count.
you would be insane to focus on a cow elk vs. that deer tag. you can hunt cow elk anytime. focus on the deer and post pictures when you are done.
Sorry I hold elk on a higher pedestal than deer, especially when it comes to table fare. You can’t eat the antlers.
There are landowner cow elk tags here in utah for less than $1000. Go hunt the deer of a lifetime, then look at a late season cow elk tag.
Thank You. I’ll consider that for the future. But for now I’m a public land hunter. I’ve watched all the Randy newberg and meat eater episodes. I’ve signed up for backcountry hunters and anglers and use the hashtag keepitpublic. I also drink microbrews over the mainstream. I wear oversized mittens made of elk leather.

will the bucks be in full rut? I really don’t want a rutty tasting deer. Should I focus on a small buck or will a 150 class buck taste good?

Cant wait to check out new country!
ok this is a joke you had me going there for a minute
Sorry I take my elk hunting serious. My wife likes the taste of elk. Happy wife happy life kinda thing.

Thank You all for the PMs giving help. I feel confident in being able to get this done in one day!
Sorry I take my elk hunting serious. My wife likes the taste of elk. Happy wife happy life kinda thing.

Thank You all for the PMs giving help. I feel confident in being able to get this done in one day!
I would be very suspicious if my wife encouraged me to drive half way around the world for a trophy cow hunt. ;) Lotta bulls ruttin up north that time of year.
I would be very suspicious if my wife encouraged me to drive half way around the world for a trophy cow hunt. ;) Lotta bulls ruttin up north that time of year.
Freezer has moose and caribou. Time to get some elk!!!
Yeah I would hunt elk first for sure. I seriously don’t even know why you would shoot a buck that time of year. Nasty rutting things.
Yeah I would hunt elk first for sure. I seriously don’t even know why you would shoot a buck that time of year. Nasty rutting things.
Agreed. That’s why I’m holding out for a 150 class buck or bigger! Go big or go home!
this has gotta be a joke...or might have to change yer handle from Slightly sober to s**t yer pants drunk
I’m not sure why you think this is a joke. It’s because of people like you that so many are hesitant to contribute to this website or have stop posting. If you have nothing to contribute please go back to writing adventure stories wherever you do such a thing. Happy Trails!
Right?!?! But I would have serious reservations about our CPW friends if a dude like this walked away with that tag...
What does that mean? Do you think you’re more deserving of such a tag? You don’t know me from Adam. You sound like a typical addict though. Flake, doesn’t finish anything, bumming off of people. Never met anyone proud to be an addict. I hope you get the help you desperately need.

do you like apples?
What does that mean? Do you think you’re more deserving of such a tag? You don’t know me from Adam. You sound like a typical addict though. Flake, doesn’t finish anything, bumming off of people. Never met anyone proud to be an addict. I hope you get the help you desperately need.

do you like apples?

ok it was funny at first but now you are trying too hard to make us believe it
What does that mean? Do you think you’re more deserving of such a tag? You don’t know me from Adam. You sound like a typical addict though. Flake, doesn’t finish anything, bumming off of people. Never met anyone proud to be an addict. I hope you get the help you desperately need.

do you like apples?

Ha! What a sissy... ?. Sorry I hurt your feelings Adam...
I ain't gonna hammer ya slightlysober for the 1 day hunt digs for a 4th season 44 hunt but you do realize this hunts takes like 25+points to draw? And several governors tags have been filled there. Do what you wanna do but your user name and jist on the tag leads folks to think you are sarcastic. Kill a forky I don't care. Thanks for dropped by Colorado.
I ain't gonna hammer ya slightlysober for the 1 day hunt digs for a 4th season 44 hunt but you do realize this hunts takes like 25+points to draw? And several governors tags have been filled there. Do what you wanna do but your user name and jist on the tag leads folks to think you are sarcastic. Kill a forky I don't care. Thanks for dropped by Colorado.
Thank You! I’m beginning to realize it’s a special tag so I’m really set in my goal of a 150” buck. Sounds like I’ll be in high society if the governor hunts there! That’s impressive!
The big question is: Why not shoot a cow elk in 1 day and spend the entire season in 44 searching for a monster muledeer? The 4th season is super short (I believe 5 days) which flies by in a flash!

You can hunt Colo elk every year over the counter. It takes a lifetime to draw a 44 muledeer tag. In fact, you can buy and hunt unit 44 elk every year. Like many others have said, it's tough to believe that you would concentrate so much time on a cow elk hunt and only 1 day to hunt one of the toughest muley tags in North America to draw? Seems a little odd to most of us?

I guess it's up to you if you want to harvest a 150 buck. I'm not exactly sure why when there is potential for bigger in 44 if you have time and willing to work. 180+ bucks are tough to find but possible in 44 and quite a few other units scattered across Colo. I would certainly question an outfitter that can just about guarantee a 200+ buck in 44 in one day. 200+ bucks are extremely rare and unpredictable! This entire post smells fishy to me!
The big question is: Why not shoot a cow elk in 1 day and spend the entire season in 44 searching for a monster muledeer? The 4th season is super short (I believe 5 days) which flies by in a flash!

You can hunt Colo elk every year over the counter. It takes a lifetime to draw a 44 muledeer tag. In fact, you can buy and hunt unit 44 elk every year. Like many others have said, it's tough to believe that you would concentrate so much time on a cow elk hunt and only 1 day to hunt one of the toughest muley tags in North America to draw? Seems a little odd to most of us?

I guess it's up to you if you want to harvest a 150 buck. I'm not exactly sure why when there is potential for bigger in 44 if you have time and willing to work. 180+ bucks are tough to find but possible in 44 and quite a few other units scattered across Colo. I would certainly question an outfitter that can just about guarantee a 200+ buck in 44 in one day. 200+ bucks are extremely rare and unpredictable! This entire post smells fishy to me!
Well if the good lord provides a elk in the first couple days I could probably make it a couple more days in hunting 44. But If you want to hear god laugh tell him your plans.

For the record the outfitter didn’t guarantee a 200” buck in one day.

Good luck this fall!
I do the same from time to time. Good luck out there and be safe!
This all sounds weird to say the least !!! ??? Forget the elk.
If this is for real, just stay in Eagle, hunt the 7 Hermits south of town, good area if weather co operates. You could score there.
Get some maps or ONX GPS, you'll need both. Calll CPW & get the latest on the area. Best of Luck ! ⭐⭐⭐
What is going on here ? can’t be real , are you out of your mind ! I’m with everyone, someone is f*ckon around
So let me get this straight you have a tag that takes 20+ years to draw and you got it off the leftover list and your only going to hunt 1 day? Dude I understand you like elk but I guarantee you’ll never have that tag within the next 10 years or better if your only going to hunt 1 day turn it back in go hunt your elk plenty of people would give their left nut to have that tag. Like advised before turn your elk tag back in hunt the deer tag and go on a late season hunt in Utah wow can’t believe this is even a issue.
So let me get this straight you have a tag that takes 20+ years to draw and you got it off the leftover list and your only going to hunt 1 day? Dude I understand you like elk but I guarantee you’ll never have that tag within the next 10 years or better if your only going to hunt 1 day turn it back in go hunt your elk plenty of people would give their left nut to have that tag. Like advised before turn your elk tag back in hunt the deer tag and go on a late season hunt in Utah wow can’t believe this is even a issue.

Yes you’re correct. It’s the topic of this thread. I’m going to hunt 1 day. Deal with it. That’s 20% of the season. I would say % that is on par for what people hunt with most their tags.

I would recommend going to see a shrink if you’re considering selling a body part for a tag. Just saying...
I'm a little sad you don't want my help guidin. You didn't even ask how nice my truck is.

I guarantee no guide will drive more miles for you than me. And I am very reasonable.

If there is any way you can send me a deposit, I might have time to get the heater fixed before you get hear. :)
Things must be getting pretty boring in Alaska these days.
For what it's worth, I drove by 44 on I-70 the other day and didn't see any big bucks.
This is dumb. Nobody on monster muleys would prefer a cow elk over that tag. 44 4th season is the holy grail of tags
Sorry I like meat over rutting mule deer. So you are wrong. My family loves elk meat. Sorry if this disturbs you.
Since this thread has got side tracked I just wanted to say thanks to @Founder for such a great forum where there's a few positive people around to give me good intel. I'm going to hook them up with some halibut and salmon when I come down in November. To the rest of you...well.....good luck hunting if you guys even really go....
Already got a mz buck this yr. I love meat too but if you don't realize the potental buck you could get with this tag you are missing a lot...
Already got a mz buck this yr. I love meat too but if you don't realize the potental buck you could get with this tag you are missing a lot...
I’m keeping a realistic goal of a 150 buck. Two previous tag holders have reached out telling me I’m crazy. But yet neither filled their tag. Which is bigger a 150 buck or no buck? Giving the number of tags given and success I’m betting 150 is close to average. And I’m ok with that!
I have no clue about hunting in unit 44, or why the cult following. Someone mentioned a 180 class buck is possible, with chance at something bigger? That doesn't sound like its worth 20+ years of wait to me. I've killed as big or bigger bucks on left over tags. Sounds like people are just hoping and praying for a giant with more praying on the snow/conditions being right? Or are just looking at the total points and think its a slam dunk for a big buck?

Congrats on the tag. Those deer eat like **** compared to dall sheep or moose.
I have no clue about hunting in unit 44, or why the cult following. Someone mentioned a 180 class buck is possible, with chance at something bigger? That doesn't sound like its worth 20+ years of wait to me. I've killed as big or bigger bucks on left over tags. Sounds like people are just hoping and praying for a giant with more praying on the snow/conditions being right? Or are just looking at the total points and think its a slam dunk for a big buck?

Congrats on the tag. Those deer eat like **** compared to dall sheep or moose.
Exactly. It’s refreshing to hear from people who actually have had the tag. Most don’t kill a big buck. We all sip the kool aid time to time. Just as good a chance on a leftover!

caribou, moose, sheep, blacktail, we do have it pretty good up here. I guess I would be all pissy if I lived in a place that takes 25 points to get a shot at a big buck.

@brushcreek did I mention I still have all my points?
This is an absolutely awesome thread. I wish you the best- make of it what you wish! I think you should be able to find a good meat buck pretty easily. Best wishes!

Cheers- Dave
@brushcreek bueller....bueller.... I see you looked at this thread. You can PM me an apology.

it took awhile to find unit 44 on the map. Anyone recommend a place to stay in eagle? How about place to eat? Thinking of keeping it simple and just sleeping in my rental car since it’s only one night.

anyone have any experience on the roads? I got a Ford Escape for a rental. Would that work? @Bluehair are you serious about using your truck?
On a side note I bet a quarter of the people that replied to this thread have ever stepped foot in 44. 15 years ago you could draw 44 3rd season with 3 points. The overall quality of deer is decreasing not increasing. Drink some more huntin'fool kool-aid
Just give ol' Horsetooth a call. Pay in cash and keep it on the DL, no guide contract required. He can find you the buck of your dreams while you are off cow hunting. Roll into 44, find a spot among the 20 spotters and take the easy 1,000 yard shot. Boom!! tag filled.
I’m surprised old Mike didn’t send a message yet. I was thinking of seeing if your brother would be one of the spotters for him!!
@brushcreek bueller....bueller.... I see you looked at this thread. You can PM me an apology.

it took awhile to find unit 44 on the map. Anyone recommend a place to stay in eagle? How about place to eat? Thinking of keeping it simple and just sleeping in my rental car since it’s only one night.

anyone have any experience on the roads? I got a Ford Escape for a rental. Would that work? @Bluehair are you serious about using your truck?
I still think you are lying you were caught in a lie about printing off the tag, if you really bought the tag off the leftover list you’d know you have to select the fulfillment method.
I still think you are lying you were caught in a lie about printing off the tag, if you really bought the tag off the leftover list you’d know you have to select the fulfillment method.
@brushcreek ????????? I bet you’ve lost sleep over this. I bet you were the kid growing up shouting “IM TELLING MOMMY”.???????
On a side note I bet a quarter of the people that replied to this thread have ever stepped foot in 44.

I think you're low on your 25% guess. But nonetheless, if somebody had a Unit 44 - 4th Season Tag, I'd show up to help any way just because I love hunting deer. I'm sure there are plenty others who would too.
I don’t care wat anyone says , your off your rocker only hunting it 1 day then going cow elk hunting ? But hey to each their own , best of luck
After getting a lot of PMs about this I’m beginning to think I should turn the tag back in. Going to have to think about this as I always love checking out new country. Decisions decisions decisions!
Let someone put that tag to good use if u don't want to invest the days. Good luck on elk hunt. How bout pay trespass fee for first day of elk?
This is the funniest thread on here. Especially watching all the butt hurt. I hope he shoots a forky with that tag just to see guys heads spin.
Let someone put that tag to good use if u don't want to invest the days. Good luck on elk hunt. How bout pay trespass fee for first day of elk?
That’s what I’m thinking. But then again I don’t want a guy like @brushcreek to end up with it. But I doubt that guy could type fast enough to get a cow tag...
I think I have found my favorite thread ever. Please, please, no matter what happens, just post up how it all plays out - good luck to you in your hunts! And congrats on the leftover pull

Turn the tag in. If I have fast enough fingers and get it I will take you for free on a guaranteed 1 day cow elk hunt/kill on private land. :)

Turn the tag in. If I have fast enough fingers and get it I will take you for free on a guaranteed 1 day cow elk hunt/kill on private land. :)
I’m considering turning it in for sure. I don’t need a deer that badly and it seems like a lot of guys would like the tag
well this is sweet! I sure would like to come help. I hunted the unit in the past for deer and a couple of times for late elk. Sadly I'll be looking for my own 150 buck here in SD about that time
If it were me, I’d just be on the lookout for a road killed elk while I hunted deer. I find the meat from an elk that’s been run over to Be far more tender than one I shot with a rifle. The pack out is usually easier too, given the proximity to the road.
JUST GO HUNT IT. Get off social media, and go have fun. 1 day is better than 0 days. Don't have to fill to have fun man!
Whats wrong with killing cow for meat as a priority? I bet half the guys on here are the type that are trophy hunters for the first hour of season then shoot for horns and claim to be meat hunters. Go shoot elk for meat theres lots of em

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Rocky Mountain Ranches

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Frazier Outfitting

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Hunters Domain

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