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Long Time Member
Well,The Balco controversy is heating up! You know,the designer steroid mfg. company with alleged ties to mega sports stars.
It just amazes me to hear ignorant sportsfans try to defend these juicemonkeys on talk radio today.
Absolout Denial!
Look at the incentives,Money,Fame,Money,Women,Money!!!!!!!
Having been on the inside of the Supplement world (juice)at one time in my life.I know the truth!!!!!!!
The bottom line....These guys are lying their asses off!
In my opinion a HUGE percentage of all pro athletes are jabbing a needle with some sort of performance enhancement chemical.
Just look at the physiques in the NFL.
It's about time some sort of truth is released to the public.
Hey HH,

Does the average arm chair quarterback really care if an athlete destroys his life and people around them? DOesn't the average person really care about 60 home runs. 2000+ yards rushing. Being able to run a low 4.0 40yards run at 350 lbs? Isn't that what people really want to see? When you see car races on ESPN you see a quick celebration of the winner and then several minutes of the accidents. We see a quick score of hockey and the standings then several minutes of fights. ESPN knows this.

It is sad to me that the drug free athletes have to be in the back ground for keeping theit integrity intact. I also have been around the steroid use and for you that haven't it will ruin a persons life forever if it is used for any legth of time. I say keep every sport clean (if possible) and drug test before every game. But, sports are for making money and not many care about the person.

Keep a tight line, Jon
Professional athletes are simply gladiators we pay to entertain us. For most of them it's the only real contribution they could make in society. I say let them have all the steroids, coke, whores and money they want. By the time they die of brain cancer, liver disease or aids they will have long since stopped helping my team win.

I have not watched pro sport for years just because they have completely lost touch with reality. "The love for money is the root of all evil" Well pro sports is the perfect example of that!!!. Anyone using any illegal drug in sports should be banned from that sport for ever....Baseball is a farce!!.
I'm with Kingfish, I boycotted pro sports a couple years ago. I watch college or even high school basketball and Jr. A hockey.
I hate to break it to you, but college and HS sports are full of 'roids! These student athletes know exactly when the "random" testing is going to take place and either plan their cycles accrodigly or cheat the system. It may not be out in the open as much as it is in the pros, but it is definately there.

Unfortunatley the Jeanie is out of the bottle and I don't see it ever going back.
There are soooo many different kinds of performance enhancing drugs out there,I dont think they can test for everything!
For years and maybe even now bodybuilders and athletes have known more about these drugs than the doctors that perscribe them!
Steroids and Human Growth Hormone (HGH) have been sport's dirty little secret for a long time!
Hell even in local gyms across the country,there is this drug culture that exists, There are exceptions,but in most cases,any guy that turns heads with those buffed physiques,has had some pharmaceutical help! They just learn to lie about it!
The thing is, nobody wants to pay to see some little pencil-neck out there on the field!! With the salaries they are "earning" I dont care what decision they make to get there. I have to admit I like to see those Romanowski type animals play ball as much as the next guy, and granted they would be still great athletes without the juice,I just would like the average fan to know the "Truth"!
I wasn't actually referring to the steroid problem in pro sports. I'm more fed up with the dollar issue. Greedy athletes and greedier owners. The whole thing is out of control. Especially when those same athletes are a bunch of lazy prima donnas. Before you say it rut, I know that college sports aren't far removed from that reality either with pro teams courting players and product endorsement... blah blah blah. But at least for the time being some of those kids are playing for the love of the sport and the desire to win. The NCAA tourney is a prime example. Most of those guys, especially the seniors, know this is the end of the line for them so they play their guts out and hold nothing back. They're elated when they win and devastated when they lose. That's what I want to watch.
As far as the money issue in sports, I have no problem of anyone making as much money as he/she can make in their occupation. I agree with the fact that it is rediculas the money they make but don't think for a second that an owner would pay that kind of money if there wasn't an even bigger return on it. We hear so much about athletes making all of this money for a 5 or 10 year contract. What a lot of people don't realize is at the end of a 10 year career their bodies are done as we would know it. Most are in at the very least daily pain. Is that worth it? probably, maybe I am not sure but they pay for it a long time. But, back to the money they make. We hear about that big ten year contract but we never complain about an actor making mutimillion dollars on a single movie. I read a thing here a while back that a supreme court judge makes $700,000 a year and Judge Judy made 7 million in a year. We never complain about actors making money but athletes shouldn't make that money. Later Jon

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