What do 6 month old elk look like?


I’m gonna live up to my dum dum name and ask a dumb question: What do 6 month old elk look like?

I took my dog on normal morning walk on the driveway. On the way back looked back and saw three “Cervidae” crossing the driveway about 300 feet behind us.

All three were sleek light golden honey color, with no variation in color at all as far I could tell, not on neck or tail. No sign of antlers. And I took my time looking.

I’ve seen plenty of elk, mule deer, and a few whitetail (couse?) here, and up til now have never seen consistent coloration like this.

They were not petite ... actually on the large side. When I made noise and they realized I was there they trotted but didn’t run. And no whitetail “flashing”. They didn’t “bound “ or “bounce” on springs like deer do.

Were these real young cow elk?
Usually by the time I hunt elk those calves look like dinner.

Over looked bigwiffy. Not sure how but I did.
Northern New Mexico
Southern CO.
Blue hair, thank you for the photo! That elk calf does look like what I saw! They were somewhat larger, but didn’t have that darker neck fur, or the white fur on the butt and belly, which is what has confused me.

Hopefully I’ll get some pics on the game cam. We’re starting to hear elk vocalizing here.
Some of them have wings and 8 legs with 6 inch talons on each of their 7 toes. The 6 and a half month olds learn how to spit fire out their a$$ and can lock pick a prius. Lastly they have the intelligence of a 12 addicted to minecraft. At 7 months they pretty much look like an elk.

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