What will they do?


Active Member
I'm leaving wednesday for the early kaibab hunt. The weather forecast calls for at least 50% chance of rain each day I am up there. I was thinking about what the behavior of the deer will be if it rains. I can honestly say I have only hunted deer a couple of times when it has rained and I mostly tried to stay dry.

Anybody have an idea of what deer will be doing before, during and after it rains? Any suggestions? What would you do if you were on this hunt?

Thanks for the help.
Not sure what they will do in the Kaibab but in my experience deer seem to move around just as much when it rains as normal... They move even more as soon as the rain lets up.. I would be hitting it hard if there is a break in the rain!

Since there was a question , and you answered it very well, I too would be out there to catch them as they come out after a little let up in the rain.

The roads my be tore up , so take chains , maybe.

Make sure you have a couple sets of dry clothes in the truck, ie. tube sox , sweat pants, tee shirt, sweat shirt and a stocking cap, and maybe gloves.

If you are soaked , its nice to have dry gear in the truck. Change in the front seat.

Have GOOD rain gear . Remember a few large garbage bags will help keep you dry , in a pinch.

You can't shoot them in your tent or trailer , so YES be out there in it, if you want.

Many years ago(25+) I was archery hunting in the Kaibab. It had rained hard and solid for 5 days. My firends and I would get out in the morning and be back at camp early, soaked to the bone. Really were not doing much but driving around trying to keep dry.

Well I was sick and tired and getting "tent fever". The fifth night I told my firends I had enough and no matter what the weather I plannned to hunt long and hard the next day.

At first light, got up and out and was happy to see it was not raining. About an hour later it started pouring. I laughed and told myself I did not care. (mind you did not have any rain gear back in those early days). After a couple of hours I was cold and soaked. However I realized I had gotten confused and was having a hard time figuring out where my truck was. Spent the rest of the day trying to find my truck.

The rain never let up. Saw deer all day long. When I got back to camp my firends could not believe that I had stayed out all day. Other than being wet and cold, it was a great hunting day.
In my experience in Washington state (rains all the time) deer get up after awhile to at least shake off the rain. If it rains for days straight, they just grin and bear it, they have to eat so they eat in the rain. If it is just a shower for an hour, get ready cause they will be up feeding. I personally would just keep on glassing, moving on to new areas and keep at it.......... Thanks, Allen Taylor......

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