Which big buck to hunt? Pick only one


Founder Since 1999
Number 1 has a lovely basket. One could weave some willows into that rack and use it to carry the apples to bait his brother next year. ?

I don't bait, so number 2 for sure. Love the character.
Number 2 just because I have never killed a buck with extras, but number 1 is amazing. I would not pass on either buck if I had the opportunity.
maybe number one? I'd probably go after the one i thought was in the spot with the least amount of hunter traffic/competition. both nice bucks i would be happy with but i didn't gasp at first glance on either. probably a different story if i had a chance to watch either or both through the glass for awhile! thanks for the post - good to get the wheels crankin' on what it is gonna look like out there!
I would take the Nontypical and try to find the typical next year. I can only speculate but I think that nontypical is an older buck. I think the typical looks like he could be a great buck for at least another year or two before he goes downhill.
Both are great options so I would focus on the one that lived in the most killable location.
It's nice to dream of such options!
Uh, I have 2 tags, right?

If I could only chase one of them, I’d go for #1. Fine looking bucks!


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