Which MMer likely to go vegan first?


Long Time Member
Another attack on our way of life. What a buch of Bull Crap. No pun intended :)

Humans' beef with livestock: a warmer planet
American meat eaters are responsible for 1.5 more tons of carbon dioxide per person than vegetarians every year.
By Brad Knickerbocker | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

As Congress begins to tackle the causes and cures of global warming, the action focuses on gas-guzzling vehicles and coal-fired power plants, not on lowly bovines.

Yet livestock are a major emitter of greenhouse gases that cause climate change. And as meat becomes a growing mainstay of human diet around the world, changing what we eat may prove as hard as changing what we drive.
In the Monitor
Tuesday, 02/20/07

It's not just the well-known and frequently joked-about flatulence and manure of grass-chewing cattle that's the problem, according to a recent report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Land-use changes, especially deforestation to expand pastures and to create arable land for feed crops, is a big part. So is the use of energy to produce fertilizers, to run the slaughterhouses and meat-processing plants, and to pump water.

"Livestock are one of the most significant contributors to today's most serious environmental problems," Henning Steinfeld, senior author of the report, said when the FAO findings were released in November.

Livestock are responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse-gas emissions as measured in carbon dioxide equivalent, reports the FAO. This includes 9 percent of all CO2 emissions, 37 percent of methane, and 65 percent of nitrous oxide. Altogether, that's more than the emissions caused by transportation.

The latter two gases are particularly troubling ? even though they represent far smaller concentrations in atmosphere than CO2, which remains the main global warming culprit. But methane has 23 times the global warming potential (GWP) of CO2 and nitrous oxide has 296 times the warming potential of carbon dioxide.

Methane could become a greater problem if the permafrost in northern latitudes thaws with increasing temperatures, releasing the gas now trapped below decaying vegetation. What's more certain is that emissions of these gases can spike as humans consume more livestock products.

As prosperity increased around the world in recent decades, the number of people eating meat (and the amount one eats every year) has risen steadily. Between 1970 and 2002, annual per capita meat consumption in developing countries rose from 11 kilograms (24 lbs.) to 29 kilograms (64 lbs.), according to the FAO. (In developed countries, the comparable figures were 65 kilos and 80 kilos.) As population increased, total meat consumption in the developing world grew nearly five-fold over that period.

Beyond that, annual global meat production is projected to more than double from 229 million tons at the beginning of the decade to 465 million tons in 2050. This makes livestock the fastest growing sector of global agriculture.

Animal-rights activists and those advocating vegetarianism have been quick to pick up on the implications of the FAO report.

"Arguably the best way to reduce global warming in our lifetimes is to reduce or eliminate our consumption of animal products," writes Noam Mohr in a report for EarthSave International.

Changing one's diet can lower greenhouse gas emissions quicker than shifts away from fossil fuel burning technologies, Mr. Mohr writes, because the turnover rate for farm animals is shorter than that for cars and power plants.

"Even if cheap, zero-emission fuel sources were available today, they would take many years to build and slowly replace the massive infrastructure our economy depends upon today," he writes. "Similarly, unlike carbon dioxide which can remain in the air for more than a century, methane cycles out of the atmosphere in just eight years, so that lower methane emissions quickly translate to cooling of the earth."

Researchers at the University of Chicago compared the global warming impact of meat eaters with that of vegetarians and found that the average American diet ? including all food processing steps ? results in the annual production of an extra 1.5 tons of CO2-equivalent (in the form of all greenhouse gases) compared to a no-meat diet. Researchers Gidon Eshel and Pamela Martin concluded that dietary changes could make more difference than trading in a standard sedan for a more efficient hybrid car, which reduces annual CO2 emissions by roughly one ton a year.

"It doesn't have to be all the way to the extreme end of vegan," says Dr. Eshel, whose family raised beef cattle in Israel. "If you simply cut down from two burgers a week to one, you've already made a substantial difference."
Oh, and ofcourse, as if you did'nt know. In the second to the last paragraph..........you guessed it, It's America's fault. I am simply amazed they did not blame Bush.
As a farmer and livestock I'm tickled pink that more beef is being consumed around the world. And all this meat talk is making me hungry for Prime Rib. Medium rare Please. Whats your favorite cut?
A-men drifter. looking forward to a BBQ cook off this weekend my self.
My cut............a cowboy bone in ribeye cooked over an open fire.
It'll probably be me.
Just so long as Elk, Deer, Lope, Moose, bacon, kielbasa, pork chops, turkey, chicken, spare ribs, ham and the occasional lunch meat are exempt, I think I can handle it.
Except for holidays.
And Summer, when the Elk runs out.
And Race days and parties.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-07 AT 07:41AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-07 AT 07:30?AM (MST)

What a crock of crap. Have they ever measured the methane production from human flatulence? Do they think that if cows didn't exist at all we wouldn't have the problem? If cows weren't domesticated do they think that the population would be less? Do they take into account the fact that most feed lots re-produce the manure as compost and fertilizer? Do they not realize that if we weren't clearing the land to graze the cattle we would be clearing it to grow beans and legumes and tofu so you can still get protein? Give me a break. This is just psuedo-agenda-pushing-politically movitated-science for people who smoke too much dope to see that the real damage being done is to themselves. They go to someplace like Brazil or Venezuela for two weeks once in their lives when they are altrustic college pukes spending daddy's money getting drunk at night and see a clear cut of rain forest and cry about it and decide that they can make a difference in the world so they go and write a grant proposal that is convincing but based more on supposition and conjecture than science and the dope smoking sixties relics on the grant board approve it because they think that this is another way to "stick it to the man" like they did at the sit-ins and at Haight-Ashbury because the "answer my friend is blowing in the wind" and they see this as one more road they need to walk down before they become a man (or woman) and then go home and toke up on some "good south american weed" that oh by they way, was grown in a clear cut in the Colombian rain forest where cattle used to graze. What a joke.

Driftersifter - I like ribeyes!

I'm not going to quit eating beef - it tastes too good and is great protein, (which we need!) and I am not going to trade my car in for eco-friendly 25 hp piece of Toyota Prius crap either!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
What are they talking about? Don't they know cow sh!t is green for a reason? All natural 100% pure fertilizer. I reckon they just don't know their sh!t.
Dont they understand that VEGANS are the ones causing the most methane? Yes, cattle are vegetarians!!!!!!!!! If cattle are to blame then it is not the meat eaters fault, it is their own kind!!! It aint meat that makes me fart, its broccoli! Thinks about it.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

I have switched to a strict vegan diet.
I eat nothing BUTT vegans.


T- Bone was the name of my first steer! I name all of my steers after cuts of meat except the one I have now. His name is Tater! I guess that I should name my next one for the vegans. I'll call him Methane or Mr. Farty.


Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

LOL, we had two steers named Steak and Hamburger. Steak was a mean SOB Angus that would try and run you down all the time. Hamburger would follow you all over the place, really annoying.
Every time I hear this methane argument I can't stop lauphing to myself......they seem to have forgotten that there use to be millions of buffalo across the US and the millions of grass eating animals through out the African continent. I guess they do not fart like cows, LOL

There are only two types of people - The Hunters and the hunted,
I hunt.
Yep, what they are not saying is that VEGANS produce 5 times the amount of gas as does a meatasauros human! That is a real fact as by my study I did personally. Can I get my grant now? :)
But seriously, the difference in what veggie eaters and meat eaters make in gas is astounding! Veggies cause massive gas in the human body that gets released.
Archerman - Archery hunting addict!

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