Which one to get after???


Founder Since 1999
If you had to choose between these two bucks, which would you get after and why???
Or would you pass on both and keep looking?

That first one has pretty short fronts. His Fronts curl in and Backs flare out looks like they belong on two different Deer.
2 no question. The first one has a better frame but I like the mass on #2. And a 6x6 is pretty uncommon. Probably never see another like him.
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I like them both, but #1 would be my choice.
The area may dictate the one you choose if your archery hunting.
#1 for me. Just a bigger, taller, wider frame and is better looking to me.

Of course, both are no brainers.
Tuff one but I’d go with #2 myself just has more eye appeal to me, I asked wife she’s a #1 vote so I say flip a coin and go get one ?
Mass and extra tines on #2 has my vote. #1 has fairly short main beams and inside spread. #1 is a fantastic buck but there aren't many around like #2. #2 has the potential to be a real jaw-dropper in a couple years.
#2 is awesome but the flair of the g3's on #1 is also awesome. I would take which ever one provided the first clean shot opportunity. I don't see how you could be disappointed with either on the ground and then your wall.
#2 for me without question... but if presented with either it'd be green light with no hesitation.
#1 I guess... only because I think he is 1.5 to 2.5 older than #2.
#2 is “bigger horned” Buck .. don’t score or have age class of #1. IMHO.
I’m a sucker for width. That second buck has a wide and heavy look to him. But, if I never seen buck two, I’d still go after buck one.
Number 1 would be toast..wouldn't have to worry about looking at #2...my daughter would take of him...:cool::cool::cool::cool:
I would be happy with either. If I didn't have much time to decide, and they were side by side, I would take #2. However, if it was an area I hunted every year, I would take #1 and hope #2 survived another year or two because he has potential to add significant antler in future years. He may not, but I'm fairly confident that #1 will never grow significantly larger antlers.
If it was an area that I may not get to hunt every year, I would go after the buck that I thought I had the best chance of killing when the season opened.
Whichever one you are more likely to kill based on location, habitat and hunting pressure. Tough call for sure if they are standing next to eachother.
If it was in a area I thought #2 would make it and someone I knew had a chance to go after him, I’d pass. A deer like that could blow up 20-30” in a year.

I believe #1 is the older deer IMO.
#2 no doubt. And i think his pic is earlier in the year. Put 2-3 more weeks on him and you may have a different perspective. I'd say 1 is closer to shedding his velvet and 2 has growing.to do.
To me, this isn't a choice between good and evil! It's a choice between good and good so I'd "settle" for either one if given the chance.

Some might say "good is the enemy of great" but actually both bucks are great to me. My standards might be lower than some. haha

With that said, I understand and respect why some guys would choose one over the other. Ain't hunting wonderful and freedom-oriented?

#2 buck. I’m more impressed with mass and extras on a buck but if I knew I’d have better odds of getting #1 then I would be going after him with no hesitation. Both great bucks.
I'd have to go with #1, deep forks and just a beautiful deer. I would love a chance at either of them though. They are both as fat as mud!
Glad I'll never be in the situation with 2 bucks like that to decide between.

But probably #1
Whichever one I turned up first on opening morning. Either one & I would be ecstatic!!! Great looking deer ??
Great buck! Looks like a match to me of the pic at the top of the thread. Looks like he put some extra length on his fronts.
BIG WY Bucks this year!!!!!!!!!!
I would be beyond thrilled with either of those guys.
Congrats to the hunters who killed them!
And yes Founder did just FINE!!!

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