Why are Primary Elections flawed?


Very Active Member
I live in NM and continue to be frustrated in the fact that I basically have no barring on who will be the nominee of my party. By the time June primaries arrive in NM it's a done deal. I sometime question why I even listen to all the media on the horse race. Why can't we rotate the states involve in the primary season in years of the general election? I must tell you I'm not comfortable with NH , SC, Iowa ( I forget the other 1st privelged ) dictating every 4 yrs who my choices are . My question , would ethanol mandates be in effect today if Iowaian votes were not promised during election cycle by a pandering politician ?
Looks like u got postin a thread figured. I'm north of ya and feel the same way. There'll be a pretend farmer along shortly to tell u how great ethanol is. Bout all we can do out here is throw our money east and hope our candidate spends it wisely and gets the nomination.
In my opinion the primary should be just like the general election, all the same day. in OR we're in the same boat, the primary is over by the time we vote so we're just going through the motions.

My vote in the general never counts either because of the electoral vote system I disagree with. if Gerald Ford was reincarnated and I had the chance to vote for a decent republican my vote would count for nothing . the OR electoral votes will go to the democrat no matter who he or she is that's a foregone conclusion. whoever said your vote counts didn't understand the electoral vote.

The only thing wrong with ethanol is the mandate hasn't been increased.

Stay thirsty my friends

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