Wierd question about Euro Process


Very Active Member
If I send a bear skull to a professional is it possible to specify that I don't want the teeth bleached? I kind of like the look of a bleached predator skull with the natural color teeth.

I had a cougar skull done recently with beetles and the skull and teeth came back completely white. It was well done but it occured to me when i got it back that I would have liked it with the natural colored teeth. When I asked the guy with the beetles he said it is typical to do the process with beetles, then degrease, and bleach the whole thing. Is that the way it has to be done or can the bleaching process be skipped or only applied to portions of the head so as to leave the teeth a natural color?
Yes it can be done, just keep the teeth out when whitening then put them back in afterwards. the teeth will fall out during the degreasing process.

Skull Designs: Quality European Mounts at affordable prices
I asked him about removing the teeth and he said typically you can get them out but he said on mine the big ones weren't coming out so he just left them in. He said he was worried about cracking them.

When you say the real teeth will crack is that only if untreated or is it that any real teeth will eventually dry out and crack?
Canines will crack no matter what you do, sealing them just prolongs the cracking. sometimes you'll be lucky and they wont but most will.

The teeth will come out if they degrease properly, bears usually take 3-8 months to degrease, the teeth will all come out and will be able to go in after the peroxide.

Skull Designs: Quality European Mounts at affordable prices
>I do not agree that canines
>will crack no matter what
>you do, I guarantee any
>skull I do, they will
>never crack. I've never had
>any teeth crack except 30
>years ago when I used
>to boil them. You must
>be doing something wrong, keep
>the heat and boiling water
>away from them.

I beetle and fully degrease with warm water, never boil anything and you must be lucky. I have talked to many taxi's across the country and most will say that they crack from drying out, unless you soak in paraloid for 6 months and then they can still crack. I have had many not crack but some that have.

Skull Designs: Quality European Mounts at affordable prices
LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-11 AT 02:29PM (MST)[p]I never have any crack either. Although I have had to fix many skulls with cracked teeth done by others. I will add that I do not use beetles (nor do I boil).

Now, to the original question-- Not all teeth can be removed, as the roots' shape dictate if the teeth can be removed from the skull. It is possible to whiten the skull without whitening the teeth, but it takes much more time and detail. Pastes and baby-sitting the skull are required. The skulls usually don't come out as white as submersed skulls. It is all personal preference, but I don't tend to like the yellow/white contrast.

All this is really helpful. I really appreciate the debate and variety of opinions on the topic.
gznokes i may be a little late on this post but figured i would weigh in anyways. i just got back my AK Grizzly skull and had the teeth left all natural and the rest cleaned up perfectly with no color just white. The guy i had do it does it perfectly. Find the horn Goose! I have some pictures i could post if you would like! i'm at work right now so can't do it this moment! let me know.

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