Willard Nanny


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-08-11 AT 00:56AM (MST)[p]Well my brother does not post much so I decided to post a few pic of his goat hunt for him. I live right next to unit so I was able to spend alot of time scouting the unit. Beatiful country and I was able to watch goats every time I went up including during the billy hunt. That being said, this was still a mountain goat hunt and by the time the nanny hunt rolled around the goats where a long way from the road! That really just made the hunt that much funner. The day we got this goat we logged 13.4 miles on the GPS. To say we were all beat and happy at the same time would be an understatment. We looked over a few billys and finally were able to get in on a big herd and pick this nanny out. After a quick loss of about 1200 feet...I think we did that in about 30 sec...you move pretty fast when falling! My brother was able to set up for "few" well placed shots at about 250 yards. She died in a very good spot...then as we all discussed our good fortune she began to roll. That has to be one of the most helpless feelings I have ever experienced while hunting. We got lucky and she stopped about 2 feet short of bouncing into a Pleasant View subdivision. She ended up being more than we could have ever hoped for, 9 2/8 inches long and scoring just over 44 inches. It was an incredible hunt full of fun memories and stories, one I will always remember. Hard to beat time on the mountain with my brothers!!!!

Me scouting


My brothers and our friend Blaine, his pack and legs where greatly appreciated!!!

More goat country

More glassing

Scott, Me, Jordan. Good Times with my bros!!!!!!


Hope you enjoyed our hunt...We sure did!!!
Nice goat, but I have never seen a nanny with the glands behind its horns???

>Nice goat, but I have never
>seen a nanny with the
>glands behind its horns???

I was thinking the same thing.... and then I read your post.
Excellent goat nonetheless. Good bases too.

I have been putting in for that nanny hunt for years as it is right above where I grew up but I'm nervous as hell about it. That is an awesome goat but I know that I would've passed it off as a billy. I need to learn how to judge those things before I draw or I think I'll go home empty handed because of my lack of confidence in judging sex. Thanks for the pics. Awesome country up there.

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RE: Willard Billy

LOL!!! Thanks guys. I never read anything in DWR tutorial about the pads, so we never questioned it? The truth is we were going to shoot a different nanny in the herd because we were not sure on this one, until she had a kid come and nurse as we were glassing her. Next time I'll get a money shot for ya...the vagigi never lies!!!!

She was 6 years old if we counted the rings right?
RE: Willard Billy

I don't need a "money shot" You say it is.... it is!

Congrats again on your sweet hunt and your great success. Oh, great photos too!

RE: Willard Billy

My hunting partner shot a nanny on our BC hunt last week. She was damn near as big bodied as the billies we had been seeing and sported near 10" antenne horns.. Her pads were quite prominant behind the horns as well.

Well done!

RE: Willard Billy

Well there's the proof. The young boys look like the girls and the old gals look like the guys...... in goats that is. LOL

We've had a good season. I need to post a pic in the Muley thread. Dad and Ty both tagged during the ML hunt and I tagged opening of the rifle on a buck we hunted during the ML. It was a good time!

Tell Scott hi and congrats again for me.
Those pics bring back memories of my hunt. It's a fun hunt to experience. You got a nice one. You didn't have to block the trailhead did you?:) Sorry I couldn't resist.

And for the rest of you that questioned it being a billy. All goats have the gland behind the horn. The billies is much bigger though....

Great goat!

I too have been putting in for this hunt and am dumbfounded every year when I don't draw. It appears guys are giving up on the billy hunts and jumping in front of me each year with more points. Oh well, it will shake out for me eventually.
If I know Scott....the "few shots" is FUNNY!!! I think he misses more than he hits! The guy is a Mtn Goat himself...and can out hunt about anyone on their feet...just can not shoot worth a crap! LOL I know the feeling!

Great hunt you guys!! I know from talking to Scott it was pretty tough day...but WELL worth it!
LOL!!! Good eye...and yes it does kick assss. Tried to order one after this hunt myself and everything was sold out.
I too would of let that goat walk thinking it was a billy....even the curvature of the horns look like a billy....you doing a life size mount?
The glands are one of the last things to look for. Mine was the same way....once the kid cleared....boom! Let the body hit the floor, let the body hit the floor!
Yes he is doing a full body mount. Little bro is a full-time taxidermist and is trying to have it done by Feb so he can use it for some shows.
Thanks for all the comments.

Coming from you that is quite a compliment. Your pics are always amazing, some of my favorite posts!!!
I'm a little behind on things lately but great read and great hunt "C" crew! You guys had a great fall hunting some great tags with family. I'm jealous

It's always an adventure!!!

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