Winter kill


Very Active Member
What are you guys seeing? I heard F&G has estimated 80% winter kill in 31 and 32 , my back yard. From what I see daily , I believe it . Dead deer everywhere, the elk seem to be doing much better.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-17 AT 07:49PM (MST)[p]Does anyone know how unit 49 is holding up for winter kill ? I'm not trying to steal your post but at to it thank you .
>AT 07:49?PM (MST)

>Does anyone know how unit 49
>is holding up for winter
>kill ? I'm not trying
>to steal your post but
>at to it thank you

Terrible...estimates of upwards of 90% winter kill by game and fish. Time will tell, but its not gonna be good
Where are you getting this info? 90 percent winter kill from fish and game??!!? Is this information on the website? Because I can't seem to find where you are getting these numbers.
I know in my area , 31/32 , the deer are very poor . The live ones look like zombies and the dead outnumber the living.
And F&G is all ready setting up the 2017 hunt seasons with unit 31 & 32 getting more cow hunts !! along with several units that are getting more tags allocated as well. Here is my 2 cents why not wait a few months & ACTUALLY do a visual after the snow has melted off. And then decide on the harvest counts based on the damn Winter kill !!
The Weiser River Zone is being proposed for radical changes. Basically complete elimination of controlled cow hunts, in favor of over the counter cow tags. You won't need to worry about winter kill next year. There isn't going to be any elk left for old man winter to kill.
Very true I have bow hunted that unit for over 35 years the last 12 or so have been the worst bull to cow ratio's I have seen. I get a kick out of their Land owner hunts unless there is a severe winter those elk hardly ever come down on the private property. And 99 % of the land owners that have land where they do come Don't allow hunting or have their land leased out !!
>The Weiser River Zone is being
>proposed for radical changes. Basically
>complete elimination of controlled cow
>hunts, in favor of over
>the counter cow tags. You
>won't need to worry about
>winter kill next year. There
>isn't going to be any
>elk left for old man
>winter to kill.

Thank a farmer/rancher.
In regards to elk vs deer and how this winter will affect them, it will be very different and the elk will most likely do much better. They may have some negative impact on the deer, by pushing them away from what food is available. Maybe a more aggressive tack on elk herd is biologically sound? Not sure.

I do believe that the Weiser zone also had a very large loss of fawns the last big winter, can't remember the exact year but maybe 2010 or so. If it's just fawns mostly, and even some bucks, it will suck next year or two for "meat" hunters, but barring back to back big winters they could bounce back pretty quick. Not uncommon to have very high fawn recruitment the year or two after a winter like this.

Luckily on the Boise front a lot of snow has melted. Hope it's not too late. Herd needed some control so that the fire areas from the last few years could recover a little more. I was out hiking this weekend in Owyhee's just above Marsing and while I saw no deer, I did see some grass.

It's just so sad to see them suffer like this. Wish F&G would close winter grounds to any activities they have rights to, such as shed hunting, etc. I myself might even do a little more fishing during deer season next year.
>Are you being sarcastic Elkmanagement?
>"The problem with society
>today, is that we no
>drink from the skulls of
>our enemies."

Landowner complaints are the reason f&g is wanting to reduce the deer and Elk herd

Unit 48 and 49 are absolutely crushed with snow right now. Looking at the snotel site, we are 170% snowpack. I went out this weekend with my spotting scope and checked on the critters. The elk are doing fine. They set up multiple feed stations and they are taking advantage. The deer and antelope are doing terrible though. A few ridglines are opening up but its bleak. We have a massive crust the deer can walk on, but it makes impossible to feed. Looks like more snow and rain the next two weeks, and Im betting on a huge winter kill on deer.
The Weiser area { unit 31 } has one of worst buck to doe ratio's in the state . As well as bull to cow ratio's , Now F&G will say other wise. But I have hunted this unit for elk every year for over 35 years . I hunt both Private & BLM/State land & when the biggest buck seen over an Entire 30 day season is a 4x3 under 20" wide & less than 40 does, Something needs to change !!I stopped hunting deer in 31 many years ago due to the lack of animals. I have talked to several people that live in the Weiser area they are reporting more DEAD deer than Live ones !! Bucks does & fawns , my question for F&G is WHY did they wait until the end of Jan 1st part of Feb to start feeding ???? There has been 4 foot of snow ALL around Weiser Payette since December !! One rancher told me he has a Stack of dead deer back in one of the draws behind his house said every day he adds another 3 to 5 deer to the Pile. Elk are dying also. I have not seen any feed sites nor have I heard of any near or around Payette so they are going down to the hay stacks orchards & peoples front yards to try & find something too eat .
All this sun and rain has been a big help. The snow level has been high, I've given up on skiing for the year as it keeps raining halfway up the hill. I'm glad though.

Many of the hillsides are totally clear now. Despite the amount of fawns we have lost, the adults went into the winter very healthy and I feel (hope) this early spring will continue. This winter wasn't ideal, but I don't think we're f***** either.
>All this sun and rain has
>been a big help. The
>snow level has been high,
>I've given up on skiing
>for the year as it
>keeps raining halfway up the
>hill. I'm glad though.
>Many of the hillsides are totally
>clear now. Despite the amount
>of fawns we have lost,
>the adults went into the
>winter very healthy and I
>feel (hope) this early spring
>will continue. This winter wasn't
>ideal, but I don't think
>we're f***** either.

Wow somebody else who is taking a realistic look at this. In reality this winter will be an above average winter kill, deer hunting will be a little tougher the next few years, but the herds will recover like they have for eons
My son and I went shed hunting yesterday on 35 acres we have permission on . Found 28 dead deer on the property, everything from does , fawns and bucks that had shed prior to death .

That's nearly a deer per acre, I hope other areas are faring better.
>My son and I went shed
>hunting yesterday on 35 acres
>we have permission on .
>Found 28 dead deer on
>the property, everything from does
>, fawns and bucks that
>had shed prior to death
>That's nearly a deer per acre,
>I hope other areas are
>faring better.

So your saying pretty much everything on the place died!? 28 dead deer on a 35 acre piece is no damn joke.

Might not be a bad idea to shift gears and focus more on elk for a few years.

What a shame, but thanks for posting that info.
A winter like this would be a good reason to limit general deer tags to 1 per person in my opinion. I don't think the states mule deer population is in good enough shape to allow people to kill 2 mule deer bucks. I think if you want to get 2 deer tags one of them should have to be a whitetail tag personally.
Absolutely sucks, but I do think some areas fared much better.

I was very concerned about the mountains from Boise to Mt Home, but I think we got enough melt to help. Will be losses for sure, but not like Weiser, they just seemed to get too much snow.

Must imagine places that had the deer locked in higher like Garden Valley and lot's of Central Idaho had similarly bad winter kills.

I might just fish a little in the fall, which usually I do not. We'll see. Elk likely did quite well in most of the state. If anything they may need thinning to help the deer.

We'll see, what's under the snow as it melts.
The wintering elk in my area looked great coming in , and they look pretty good on their way out .

I was seeing a ton of elk all winter, I'm no expert but I'd say that did very well compared to the deer.

Once the snow started to clear , the elk have been headed for higher ground, which is a good thing .

The deer haven't done anything except die .
I live 15 miles east of boise in the area you described. I have avoided going on foot around here trying to take it easy on the deer. I have gone on a few drives and just from the road I counted over 10 dead deer. They looked like fawns but I did not get out and walk to them. In years past from the road I would see 2-3 dead.

What I have noticed out here is much more traffic on the back roads in the winter many in camo, so I assume coyote hunters or shed hunters, but most of the ground is private (maybe they are just heading to Danskin) Also just many more 1A plates. In the evenings the deer come down out of the foothills to feed and they have to jump many fences, both sides of road. So as you can imagine, the deer are jumping back and forth a lot as non stop rigs are rolling through.

Did not see as many elk this year either, normally they are all around the house when the snow is deep. We had several flocks of Huns around the house in the fall, 6 - 8 each. I have only seen three since mid February now and don't hear them at all in the evenings. Quail did ok, but we feed them.
Shed hunters out the wazoo. I wish they were coyote hunting.

Just look around on facebook, youtube or instagram for 20 minutes. You'll see how many of the younger hunters are out in unit 39 looking for "brown gold" or whatever other stupid slang they use for antlers. Sporting their MTN OPS flat bills.

You can see Danskin, Arrowrock, Lucky Peak etc. right in their videos.
I looked on the fish & game website but didn't find anything about winter kill.
I had heard the elk faired better then the deer.
So as of yet I haven't put together a hunting plan or put in for any controlled hunts.
I usually put in for unit 40 & 22
Maybe I will head North this year.

Chuck in Boise
Haven't archery hunted in 30 years. Nope...just a rifle hunter
I had heard unit 22 was hit hard this winter, I don't think the owyhee's got hit any harder then normal as it seems this always get lots of snow. I could be wrong. I have also been putting in for unit 40 for many years now.

Chuck in Boise
>Haven't archery hunted in 30 years.
> Nope...just a rifle hunter
>I had heard unit 22 was
>hit hard this winter, I
>don't think the owyhee's got
>hit any harder then normal
>as it seems this always
>get lots of snow.
>I could be wrong.
>I have also been putting
>in for unit 40 for
>many years now.
>Chuck in Boise

I went on a 15 mile Boy Scout hike in 22 in April. We found ~ 10 dead deer and 2 dead elk over two days. However, we saw plenty of live deer and elk. Fortunately, the winter kill happened when population numbers were high.

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