Wish me Luck!!! First Hunt

Ms. Blackwolf

Have my first hunt coming up starting Saturday for Bull Elk in NM unit 52. Going with seasoned female hunter and a guy who is also a seasoned hunter but a bad hip surgery has demoted him to role of camp cook :) My brother has lung cancer so this one's for him. Thanks for your posts and all the tips and ideas I've gotten on this site.
I hope you shoot a big one best of luck on your hunt and yes prayers for your brother. He can live this one through you......
One of the few women on this site make us proud
Good luck, travel safe, shoot straight, and make your brother proud. I'm sure I speak for all of us here on MM when I say I'm proud of you, I wish I had a sister like you.
So Ms Cherry?

Is This You?

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SOOOOOO....I do have a hunting story to tell but not the one I expected/wanted! I did NOT get a bull, I'll start there. This is the story:
I knew there were omens as soon as a realized my female hunting partner said she'd meet at camp at 9...then after I'm on the road with my original buddy (who ended up joining because he was concerned about the gal being whack) I find out she meant 9 PM...as he and I made a wrong turn and was heading back to correct road, he sees a strange sight. An abandoned house had standing on the front porch no less, a female elk chewing cud and swaying looking crazy. We go on to set up camp, I set up a tent for the gal so she didn't have to at 10pm. She arrives, eats and we all get ready for opening day.
Opening day: The gal wakes up, smokes a joint, and commands my buddy and me to glass "ovetr there" while she glasses another area. He and I walk to the spotand she leaves. We wondered out loud what happens if someone sees a bull...without a gun in hand??? Then we hear shots and realize we are wasting time and she supposedly scouted the area already so WTF? He and i went back to camp to get gun when she comes from the direction we were just at screaming, "where the **** were you??? I saw A BULL and was yelling to find you and I couldn't!" My bud and I looked at each other in disbelief and I said "if you saw a bull and you are screaming he aint there anymore, clown." She angrily changed into warmer clothes and told me to come with her alone to find it. Bud had to stay behind she said. I followed her while she led through deadfall etc. We sat down and then heard noise. She hissed "get your goddamn gun up". I ignored her seeing that any shot I'd make would be a mistake in that dense area and I didn't know what I was shooting at yet. Sure enough, a cow ran by mewing about 10 yards away but...it was a COW. No bull. No bull running after her either lol. We left and went on while this woman still acted disrespectully and annoyed with me. I sat her down and said "No one talks to me or my friends the way you have been and it's gonna stop right now or you go home." She asked "Do you want to know why I'm frustrated?: I said "No I don't. You don't talk to me or my friends like that no matter what your beef is. I am annoyed with you too and you don't hear me talking to you like that. No excuse."
She apologized to my friend and that evening we sat where she "saw" the bull as if he'd come back for dinner at 6 with obviously no luck. I got the impression she never hunted an elk in spite of her many stories and felt this was a bust. I told her after tomorrow morning's hunt, I'd try with my other buddy and give him a chance too. She was fine with that.
Day two: I get up as instructed at 5am. I'm dressed, have my coffee, ready to go, waiting for the gal to get her act together. By 6am she is ready to go. She showed the Onyx map of our route saying it was only one mile and we'd get there by 730am. I was fine with that. I did not know she didn't factor in gain/elevation in her calculations. Mind you, I had a hip replacement last year and almost twice this gal's age.
Slippery aspen leaves, tons of deadfall, STEEP declines and inclines and an hour later I realize this was like 4 miles and that she just calculated point to point like the crow flies, not actual distance travelled. I was pissed and thought my orthopedic surgeon would NOT be happy to know I did this crazy of a hike with pack and loaded gun 10500 altitude. My leg began to not work and so I slowed down. She complained that we would "miss our chance" and I pointed out there's no way we'd get an elk out of there even if we found one without a ******* military helicopter. We got to the point she wanted, sat down, waited for nothing and went back. By the time we got back, my buddy was frantic and furous with her. She went to bed after 3 joints midday while we talked. I said I'd pull the plug on her. When she woke up I told her I knew my limitations and her method wasn't working or safe for me and I'd stick with my original buddy. She left in a huff and we took pics of her taillights with joy. Then I got a dozen texts from her blaming me for our mishaps and her autism was also to blame. I wrote her that this was a hunt not a rehab for autism and I was done with her.
Day 3: My buddy and I hunted in the morning and evening and I learned way more from him in that short time, even though we saw no elk (saw a whole bunch of turkeys right in front of us but no tag lol). We enjoyed the scenery and hikes that were SAFE for folks with hip replacements but still challenging. We celebrated camp with bratwursts. We met up with other hunters who said no luck for them either.
Day 4: Freezing rain with inches of accumulation adding up fast. We broke down camp ASAP and hightailed it out of there, roads already mucky and squirrely. Stopped for green chile cheeseburgers and ran into an outfitter with a bull in his truck, I told him I was jealous but learned a lot about what NOT to do on an elk hunt. He said not to let this experience ruin it forever and to never give up...we high-fived and I realized I hiked and hunted harder than most people in spite of the craziness of it and that I was now an elk hunter after all :)
Photo is the spot I hiked like crazy to get to...you tell me how to get an elk outta there (in freezing rain if it takes more than a day to pack out?)

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Sounds like you gave it your all and learned alot. I've found out years ago that good hunting partners are hard to find. Keep the good ones you have and pick new ones very carefully. Enjoy the overall hunt and make some lifetime memories while out. Tagging an animal is always a bonus.

No idea how you ever hooked up with the whacko gal, but sounds like you have a great male hunting companion. I'd treat him well and hold on to him!!!

Success comes with time and experience. Keep your head up and enjoy the overall experience.
Sounds like you gave it your all and learned alot. I've found out years ago that good hunting partners are hard to find. Keep the good ones you have and pick new ones very carefully. Enjoy the overall hunt and make some lifetime memories while out. Tagging an animal is always a bonus.

No idea how you ever hooked up with the whacko gal, but sounds like you have a great male hunting companion. I'd treat him well and hold on to him!!!

Success comes with time and experience. Keep your head up and enjoy the overall experience.
The male had a construction job out of town and thought he'd not be able to finish it by time of hunt so I asked on hunting groups if anyone could do it. That's how I found her, went on a couple of scouts and thought "well I don't need to be friends with her if she knows her **** and just learn from her"....wrong thinking on my part. I didn't ever see the abusive side come out towards me during any scout we did prior to the hunt. Ya don't know someone till you know someone I guess.
The male had a construction job out of town and thought he'd not be able to finish it by time of hunt so I asked on hunting groups if anyone could do it. That's how I found her, went on a couple of scouts and thought "well I don't need to be friends with her if she knows her **** and just learn from her"....wrong thinking on my part. I didn't ever see the abusive side come out towards me during any scout we did prior to the hunt. Ya don't know someone till you know someone I guess.
We all have had at least one in hunting camp that just did not fit in with the group.

Just don't know sometimes until it's to late. Easy fix - they are uninvited and never invited back ;)
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Sounds like you gave it your all and learned alot. I've found out years ago that good hunting partners are hard to find. Keep the good ones you have and pick new ones very carefully. Enjoy the overall hunt and make some lifetime memories while out. Tagging an animal is always a bonus.
True words spoken right there!

Ms. Blackwolf, sorry you didn't get a chance at a "proper" hunt. She sounded batsh*t/rude from the get-go. Seems you kept a good attitude, which is a big deal when you're hunting. Not seeing your prey can make one a little depressed and can affect your perception of the overall hunt. Chin up!
3 joints? Your pal needs to get some better weed.;)
That wouldn't have helped, I'm certain of it. This kid needed LSD... :) After getting rid of her on FB I just now got a text asking if I had part of her gun bearer on my pack. It was all I could do just to answer a diplomatic "no sorry".
Everybody has a bad hunt. It sounds like you shook it off and got on with business. I know you did not see anything but it’s just another lesson learned. Do your homework for next hunt, ask a lot of questions, talk to references, reach out on this website And Good Luck.

Sorry Your Hunt Didn't Go As Planned!

Does She Guide for a Living/Money?

Or Just a Friend Type a Deal?
Met her on a women's hunting fb group. Turns out she was eager to help so she could get in shape for her own elk hunt in AZ during Thanksgiving. She got a spike that looked barely legal :) Trust me, it wasn't my first choice in hunting partner but I needed to go with SOMEONE...maybe alone isn't so bad after all if I can call for help packing out :)
hahaha...UFO tribute band all girl called "2hot2handle" based in Los Angeles ( I have to fly in for gigs) and another local cover band called fourletterword here in Taos :)
There are probably 8 guys here who have heard UFO. :ROFLMAO: How’s your Schenker?;)

Spent lots of time in Taos. Had business near Red River for years. :cool:
Everybody has a bad hunt. It sounds like you shook it off and got on with business. I know you did not see anything but it’s just another lesson learned. Do your homework for next hunt, ask a lot of questions, talk to references, reach out on this website And Good Luck.
I won't even classify it as a "bad" hunt. It's like "bad" sex, right???:D:ROFLMAO::rolleyes:

Sorry Your Hunt Didn't Go As Planned!

Does She Guide for a Living/Money?

Or Just a Friend Type a Deal?
not a friend, not a guide. Someone who was prepping for their own hunt apparently and coming off as experienced when she had never gotten a bull and last cow was in 2010 with outfitters. She had something to prove but I didn't know it till after it was all over.
There are probably 8 guys here who have heard UFO. :ROFLMAO: How’s your Schenker?;)

Spent lots of time in Taos. Had business near Red River for years. :cool:
Lol - Hand raised, but had to google their songs to refresh my memory :unsure: I do remember (google not needed) enjoying Montrose from the same time frame.

Ms. Wolf congrats on surviving your elk hunt with your sketchy a$$ helper. Lots of great folks from NM here that would be a great resource for your future hunting endeavors. Good on you for wanting to go.... and going!
Lol - Hand raised, but had to google their songs to refresh my memory :unsure: I do remember (google not needed) enjoying Montrose from the same time frame.

Ms. Wolf congrats on surviving your elk hunt with your sketchy a$$ helper. Lots of great folks from NM here that would be a great resource for your future hunting endeavors. Good on you for wanting to go.... and going!
I saw Ronnie Montrose and his band Gamma at a bar in Tempe called Dooleys.

I have no idea how much coke that guy put away before coming out, but it was the most inspired rock guitar permance I’ve ever seen. He wasn’t playing for us, he was playing for himself. It was exhausting.:cool:

If you were at that one also it would be quite the coincidence.
Oh wow that's cool, didn't see that one. Dooley's had tons of great bands, musicians back in those days. I think the only shows I saw there were Muddy Waters & John Prine. The venue turned into After the Gold Rush and then Electric something or other?... not sure what it is now?
I'm sure a lot of folks could but I had to find someone fast as it was a last minute thing where I needed to scramble. Next year if I draw a tag I'll have more options (I hope). Unfortunately being in the music biz doesn't produce guides/buddies for elk hunting :)
I think Caitlin Jenner bought the guitarists shoes at auction...

That guitar player was a badass (y) And it was a pretty darn good band.

Why not post up some of MsB’s vids? I see theres a ton of them on YouTube. When I get some free time, Ima check out the guitaress.

We don’t need another Kiss cover band. A UFO cover band works because it’s obscure and unique (y)

Best of luck to you and your mates Woofie.
Have my first hunt coming up starting Saturday for Bull Elk in NM unit 52. Going with seasoned female hunter and a guy who is also a seasoned hunter but a bad hip surgery has demoted him to role of camp cook :) My brother has lung cancer so this one's for him. Thanks for your posts and all the tips and ideas I've gotten on this site.

Sad to announce that my brother passed yesterday morning. Sad that he couldn't get some elk meat but glad that the suffering was short. Thanks for your support folks.

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