Would you be upset?

What would be your reaction?

  • Bitter/angry people don't mind their own business

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • Excited to see people cared enough about poaching to have it investigated

    Votes: 29 34.5%
  • Who cares the officer has a duty to inspect hunting activities

    Votes: 66 78.6%

  • Total voters


Long Time Member

You are hunting near town, like just outside city limits. You kill a large buck well known within the community that is very unique and easy to recognize. The kill was legal.

You then decide to post pictures on social media of the buck. Soon an officer shows up at your door and inquires/investigates your kill. They are polite and determine that the kill was in fact legal, congratulate you and are on their way...
If it’s legal, who cares. People suck and they suck even more when they get jealous or possessive over something that isn’t theirs to begin with. I was contacted once over a big unique buck i shot on a general unit. Someone claimed the buck was on a bordering LE unit right before the hunt started. I told them exactly where the buck was killed and was happy to take them there and show them the kill site if needed. Never heard another thing about it. Did a little digging and figured out who the tipster was. Turns out that was ‘his’ buck, but I killed it before he could find it himself.
Water under the bridge. Forget about it and just move on. There will always be idiots that get jealous about someone else killing a trophy game animal that they believed was their's to kill just because they saw it once before season open.
Also near cities you will always have the animal lovers that will try to hang you for legally killing a animal that they enjoyed watching all the time.
The fact you made a legal kill is all that matters.
Everyone has their own style of hunting. Some like to road hunt which isn't for me. I prefer the horse method which isn't for others.. But I do respect the 80 year old man that road hunts, cause at least he is getting out and doing the best he can.

I could care less about the example elks96 listed above. It isn't my business. When I lived in Sheridan wy for a few years I had some really nice bucks on my 2 acres. It was legal to archery hunt. I was on the edge of city limits also. Not my style of hunting.

Just to many people judging each other these days, as stated above by RELH long as it is legal that is all that matters
Reaction: overcrowding where you live, like where I live full of new idiots, few open spaces left, and outdoor lovers who voted for wolves. Same folks that will call the Sheriff/ Officer when their dog gets eaten by one. Or will call on you for not wearing a mask.
(un-related / but related _ The cops showed up to deliver me quarantine papers because I told the lady at the county to suck it, if Saban is coaching after two days , I am doing what I want. Bitter people suck.)
If you are legal, everyone else can take a long walk off a short peer.
Now show us said deer!
I make a point when hunting public land to stay far away from any private property. Some guys like to hunt the fence lines but not me. I don't need it or want it.

Here's a twist. There was a big old blacktail buck living in my neighborhood last year about this time. I hadn't seen it in awhile but didn't think much about it. One night about 9pm I got a knock on the door. It was a guy I didn't even know. He wanted to know if I was the one who turned him in for shooting that buck. I told him I didn't even know it was dead.

He shot it after the season closed. He claimed it was hit by a car and he was just putting it out of its misery. Fish and Wildlife didn't see it that way gave him a citation. I told him I wasn't interested and to never knock on my door again for any reason.
Eel if he comes back with more lip, I will loan you my double barrel coach shotgun. Now I am loaning it to you for 30 days for the purpose of going hunting. Got to stay legal with CA. gun laws.
My Advice to You or any other Hunter Hunting near Town/Private Property Is:

When You do Harvest an Animal!

You Call the DWR/Law before You Even Gut it!

Get Them Up There & Let Them See Exactly where the Kill Site is!

Then Let the BULLLLSSSHHHHITTTT Stories Fly!

Most of You Guys Running better Phones than Mine Can also Snap a Few Pics with the GPS Coordinates Embedded in the Pictures That Will Prove where the Animal was Harvested!(Ya there are Exceptions I Know!)

Just a couple years ago a Guy Shot the Cemetery Buck,He was Wise,first Thing He did was Call the DWR to come & See where He Had Harvested it!

You Guys Remember some of the Other City Buck Stories,Right?
Sort of the same situation happened a few years back in Salt Lake. The famed cemetery buck ventured out of town and was harvested legally on the extended archery hunt. I remember seeing a picture of a game warden on the mountain looking at the buck. Hunter was 100% legal and the officer congratulated him.

Sort of the same thing happened in cache valley as well. Bart the hyde park buck. Was seen all summer within the same block in town. I knew the people where said buck would bed in their hay stack during the day. This fellow had posted a picture from in a shop holding the head caped out saying he had a successful archery hunt 5 miles away. That same evening someone had taken picture the same buck in a horse pasture in town clear until dark. Long story short and a .22 shot later. He was shot that night in town he was charged and paid a fine and lost hunting rights for 5 years.

Similar situations and drastically different results.
I was happy the deer was taken legally. More happy that the officer and the community decided to check it out. I cant understand why the guy is upset. I have asked the guy why he was upset he got checked and he just says people should own their own damn business.

I truly am grateful that the officers are out and doing their jobs. I am also happy that community members spoke up about a potential violation. At the very least the story is an example to the true poachers and reinforces the idea that people care and are watching the deer.

I also agree that the second I had shot that buck, I would have called the officers and let them know. Then they could have answered any concerns with the simple response... We are aware and have already investigated.
I killed a big buck on my family's property a couple years ago that apparently everyone and there dog was watching, funny because i honestly didn't know he was there beforehand. Anyway herd through the grape vine that i was being investigated for it. Never was contacted by dwr, but a guy i know overherd dwr employees talking about it at the high school basketball game. I figured it would happen.
If you're hunting/killing city deer and posting the results on social media, you probably have no shame, so what does it matter?
Sort of the same situation happened a few years back in Salt Lake. The famed cemetery buck ventured out of town and was harvested legally on the extended archery hunt. I remember seeing a picture of a game warden on the mountain looking at the buck. Hunter was 100% legal and the officer congratulated him.

Sort of the same thing happened in cache valley as well. Bart the hyde park buck. Was seen all summer within the same block in town. I knew the people where said buck would bed in their hay stack during the day. This fellow had posted a picture from in a shop holding the head caped out saying he had a successful archery hunt 5 miles away. That same evening someone had taken picture the same buck in a horse pasture in town clear until dark. Long story short and a .22 shot later. He was shot that night in town he was charged and paid a fine and lost hunting rights for 5 years.

Similar situations and drastically different results.
Yup 22LR OR 22 mag behind the ear drops them extremely fast

That was my buck! You baited him with apples and grain though so I guess there's that haha. Heard you made jerky out of his loins like what type of sadistic person does that to the loins man? Hope you had some great hunts I had to razz you a little.


You are hunting near town, like just outside city limits. You kill a large buck well known within the community that is very unique and easy to recognize. The kill was legal.

You then decide to post pictures on social media of the buck. Soon an officer shows up at your door and inquires/investigates your kill. They are polite and determine that the kill was in fact legal, congratulate you and are on their way...
I’ve seen both sides. Good cops. Lazy cops.
during a LE deer hunt I had an officer harass me over stuff... boat registration was a week expired. I am guilty! I forgot and taxes are not on the front of my mind! . I came away good on court... but this is why I struggle sometimes. Too much energy focused on technicalities, none on poaching.
I called on a first hand witnessed poaching event on a LE unit while killing coyotes years ago. Talked to dispatch while I was following them. They out ran me.
I got a phone call 2 days later.......
I respect the law. Just enforcement sucks on stuff that matters. I’m curious how many call ins sit and stale for 3 days?
again... it’s not the idea of it....just the generation of no work ethic all across the board of professions.

That was my buck! You baited him with apples and grain though so I guess there's that haha. Heard you made jerky out of his loins like what type of sadistic person does that to the loins man? Hope you had some great hunts I had to razz you a little.

I wish I could say I had extensive knowledge on that buck, I had seen him previous years when he was smaller, but on that year I didn’t know he was still around until about 20 minutes before I killed him.

and you heard wrong. They were turned into dog treats, not jerky ?
I’ve seen both sides. Good cops. Lazy cops.
during a LE deer hunt I had an officer harass me over stuff... boat registration was a week expired. I am guilty! I forgot and taxes are not on the front of my mind! . I came away good on court... but this is why I struggle sometimes. Too much energy focused on technicalities, none on poaching.
I called on a first hand witnessed poaching event on a LE unit while killing coyotes years ago. Talked to dispatch while I was following them. They out ran me.
I got a phone call 2 days later.......
I respect the law. Just enforcement sucks on stuff that matters. I’m curious how many call ins sit and stale for 3 days?
again... it’s not the idea of it....just the generation of no work ethic all across the board of professions.
I’ve called in several times on things I had witnessed. Had pictures, videos, descriptions, license plate numbers, even had names one time.... nothing ever came of it.

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