X3b wilderness hunt



I am relatively new to posting here. However, I have spent SO MANY hours reading posts, and generally researching my upcoming hunt, that I am almost, almost I say, embarrassed.

I drew X3b and am very excited to backpack into the S.Warner wilderness. I realize no one wants to give up their secrets. I will be backpacking in several miles, for several days at a time until I can get a chance at a bruiser. I am an experienced hunter, mostly blacktail though, and also a very experienced wilderness hunter and backcountry woodsman.

I will get a chance to scout in August and September, and am trying to find an area to focus on. Like everybody, I would like to find unpressured or looked over areas, regardless of the difficulty. I know the Refuge takes up good part of the northwest side. I'm wondering whether to go the peaks or stay low in the east side. I have poured over maps, google earth an the like, so I know the layout generally, but need some input on where to ground check areas for season.

Any info is good, feel free to pm or ask for email or phone for privacy. I am very excited and motivated, and I respect any super-secret info or not-to-be-shared information.

Thanks, sorry for the long post here,
I don't have much experience in X3-B but just a note to say howdy and let you know that a good friend drew that tag last year and against all better judgment and advice, spent all his time scouring the southern part of that zone. He saw zilch, squat, Nada, Zero bucks!! Said he liked the country and had a good time but as hard as that guy hunts, he coulda/shoulda/woulda done better by hunting further north.

In July of 2009 I did a 14 hike from the east side up to the top of Eagle Peak. We never saw a deer on the entire mountain. The only bucks we saw were down in the valley near Cedarville. I was amazed at the absence of deer sign. In eastern NV a similar mountain would have been crawling with deer as we hiked off trail like we did in the Warners.

Sorry for the pessimism, but you should be prepared.

I've bowhunted X3B twice. The 1st time was in '92 when you could hunt most X zones with an AO tag. I had drawn an antelope tag so I was bowhunting deer/scouting antelope. I did see some bucks low in the sage. I saw 3 nice bucks just across the road on the X5b side. I even saw and videoed a black doe.
A local bowhunter who had helped me locate antelope, showed me pics of a buck that he had just killed. He claims that he killed it up around Eagle Pass but the pics showed low sage country.
After it became a draw hunt I drew the archery tag and it was 100* temps. The only buck I saw was a tall forky down low, but I didn't see the spike that was with him and he busted me.
Good luck
I have had many guys i know go up in there and all came out with the same story it sucks. I have had friends of mine do pretty darn good up by ft bidwell area and were at least seeing deer and bucks. I grew up hunting that unit and always hunted down by wire lake and little hat but i went in there a few years ago with a friend and saw hardly squat. Them deer are just gone out of most of that country. I would say your best chance is down low by the feilds in town or up on the northern end of that unit. I had good friends that hunted the wilderness back in the mid 80s with bows and deer used to be thick but it has all changed now.
The southern part of X3b has produced a lot of smaller bucks the last few years. How ever there are still a few bruisers taken. It takes time and foot work to find them. also get away from all roads. Regarding the fields on the east side. Know where you are at at all times. Land owners watch for trespassers and fish and game will bust you. Hunting the fringes can be productable on the first couple of days, but after that the big bucks stay on private ground. Call the biologist ( Richard ) and ask him any questions you have. Have a map right in front of you when you call him. I like the northern part of x3b but its tough to hunt, check out Dismall swamp and the peaks near FT Bidwell. M 2 C. Good luck
I used to bowhunt the Warners extensively during the early and mid 90's. Used to be a great hunt with large numbers of bucks, some of them real pigs and no people! After the winter of 93-94 the area went down hill...fast. I didn't just hunt up there, I used to make several trips every summer up there on horse back and knew the area well. When hunting I spent most of my time on top. Eagle peak used to be littered with deer. The last time I hunted it I believe was 97. We saw one buck up high. He was a pot-bellied, swayed-back pig but had us busted before we even saw him. People I know and trust have not had anything good to say about my old haunts but I have heard there are still some pretty decent bucks down low around the ranches on both sides, east and west. If you hunt high on Eagle make sure you bring a water filter/purifier. There are several small springs and one good stream part way up Eagle but nothing on top.

Good Hunting!


Thanks for all the input gents, I really appreciate it!

Although most reports are a little on the dismal side, I've got the tag and I'm pretty excited to get scouting and get hunting. I've got a lot more research to do and have a few folks who have hunted it recently as well who may be willing to share info. I would rather hunt up high than down near the ag fields on the east side. Although there may be more deer down there, it doesn't seem as exciting. Then again, come day 10, I might just end up down in the lower country wishing I had started there...

Anyway, thanks again, I appreciate your input.

Good luck and good hunting,
If I were going high I think I would try to sneak into a position that would allow me to glass Owl Basin. I think it may still hold a decent buck or two. It is dang near impossible to get into without getting busted, but if you are successful you might have the opportunity to put the sneak on a good one. I would approach from Emmerson Lake.
Just an idea!
As far as hunting high instead of around the ranches, +1! The country up there is beautiful!
Good hunting!

Thanks for that, ya, I've been pouring over maps and have basically chosen a few bowls/drainages that are as far away from all trails and people as I can figure out...never having been there, I've got to rely on input and best guess based on distances.

I'm all ears to everyone else still, but thanks for the input I really appreciate it. I've got to ground check distances to see how far I'll be hopefully packing out meat and a caped out bomber!!

Emerson Lake to Owl Basin is a fair piece of country to cover. I'm game, but there might be a better way to access that country...not sure. Let me know if I'm missing something...
I think it may give you the best odds of not getting busted. If I can find my maps I will try to be more specific. Raider is another spot you might want to check out. As far as packing out your animal and gear, I use horses, without horses it will take you a couple of trips.


I stand corrected, I referred to Owl, I meant Cole. I don't have my maps but if you have one look a little s.east of Eagle Pk. You will see Cole Pk. From Emmerson Lake the trail works its way up to Eagle. At one time there was a decent trail that branched off into what I call Cole Basin, it is the draw that Eagle Creek flows through just north of Cole Pk.


x3b is still decent if you know where to go when i draw i go the last week not many hunters i have a cabin up there its been the family for years never had to go up high wire lake used to great if you hunt that long you should run to aleast a good 3point since 2003 we have killed some haugs horns and body mostly lower country i drove through patterson in november lots of bucks big and small so they are up there biggest one in 2007 5x4 28 inch dressed out at234 good luck one ranch in surprise valley killed a buck that scores 214 i saw it

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