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    • RELH
      RELH replied to the thread Trump Verdict.
      Are you saying that you are not like some Democrats who believe if you tell a lie enough, it will become the truth. Sorry but believing...
    • RELH
      RELH replied to the thread Trump Verdict.
      It appears that NMFROM81 is a die hard bent wrist liberal Democrat that will never admit how deceitful our current Democrat admin. is...
    • RELH
      RELH replied to the thread Trump Verdict.
      NMFROM81 SAID :Even in NY there are R’s and independents. You really think the entire jury was composed of ultra-liberal democrats...
    • RELH
      RELH replied to the thread Trump Verdict.
      That jury went with the statements of the main witness's against Trump. Cohen and the female stripper even after their creditability as...
    • RELH
      RELH replied to the thread Havalon customer service.
      I guess that happens with old age, short time memory. It appears that PCPython is the #1 MM-member on buying my knives. Some of those...
    • RELH
      RELH replied to the thread Havalon customer service.
      Wiszard go to Facebook and search Hatfield knives. You will see a few that I have sold in the past. If I post a knife for sale on my...
    • RELH
      RELH replied to the thread Havalon customer service.
      LIK2HNT, I am still laughing over your reply to Bess on the gut hook. He will never give up on getting a gut hook knife...
    • RELH
      RELH replied to the thread Havalon customer service.
      Gentlemen, since I am a knife maker, you can take this opinion with a grain of salt. The above Allen Co. replaceable blade knife is 15...
    • RELH
      RELH replied to the thread Just heart breaking......
      Yep! They will send the suspect to prison for doing that, and they allow killers walk out of jail with no bail in blue states. Great...
    • RELH
      RELH replied to the thread Havalon customer service.
      Maybe you should think about buying this. I try to give very good customer service along with a great product.:p
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    • RELH
      RELH replied to the thread Hatfield custom drop point knife.
      back to the top
    • RELH
      RELH replied to the thread Store run.
      Eel a little infro. from our drive to Texas last month. One way to tell you have left CA. and entered Arizona is that gas went from...
    • RELH
      RELH replied to the thread 28 years ago this hour.
      Some of our best did not come home alive. They gave it all. RELH
    • RELH
      RELH replied to the thread Store run.
      Deermadness Where you do live where you found bone in ribeyes for $5.99 a pound. Around here in CA. it is 12-13 dollars a pound...
    • RELH
      RELH replied to the thread Wild big game taste ratings.
      Antelope Bison Elk Blacktail deer Mule deer Moose I am also lucky in that my wife is great on cooking wild game, her mother did a...
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.Brownsville, CA.
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Retired LEO, part time knifemaker
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