Recent content by Shadow

  1. S

    Old Pictures

    Only one spotlight on top? You sure you’re from the basin?
  2. S

    How many firearms do you own? (Poll)

    Got room for one more in your boat?
  3. S

    Would have been 17 Sunday

    Wow, that just breaks my heart to read. I am so sorry for your loss. Please do not think you failed her, you did everything right and sometimes things are just beyond our control. Please accept my prayers and deepest condolences to you and your family.
  4. S


    POS deserves no trial.
  5. S

    Utah vs Wyoming

    That time of year…nothing better to do than sit around and piss and moan at one another.
  6. S

    How times have changed.

    Lumpy, we bought an acre 2 years ago, over in town. Debated hard on the piece across from the church in Glenwood the year before. Still kicking myself for passing in that one. Good thing though, I’m close enough I can walk to Larsons for my biscuits and gravy lol!
  7. S

    How times have changed.

    Right Lumpy? I’m counting the days until I can leave the fruit loops of the Wasatch front to finish ruining this place and retire to Sevier County. Already have a place, just need to work up the nerve to say “I’m done” and leave this sh!t hole in the rear view!
  8. S

    Death In A Bottle:Pics/Tutorial

    And the antelope meat is 90 proof😂 I grew up on bottled deer meat, my mother always had a shelf full. There was no written recipe (for this or anything else, really) she just knew how. Problem is, nobody knows, or can remember just how she did it, so it’s never been replicated.
  9. S

    Good Luck Everyone

    Quicker results are a double edge sword. Atleast before, we had more time to hold out hope, lol.
  10. S

    Cheatgrass 101

    Yep. And then it burns easily and come back even worse each time it burns.
  11. S

    Mule Deer Proposal

    Elk, look further down the link to “point only purchases for big game and antlerless” and scroll down, you’ll find what you’re looking for. There’s two who had 21 last year, and still bought points🤔
  12. S

    Mule Deer Proposal

    No to the November archery. Give the poor damn deer a break! Those who want an archery rut hunt can tuck their ears in their hat and head for the Wasatch front.
  13. S

    elk question

    I’d be willing bet 90% of the bulls killed in the glory days didn’t hit 350.
  14. S

    elk question

    A 350 bull on any of the hunts listed is a pretty tall order anymore. I agree with Big John and would scratch Fishlake off the list for sure. Those other three listed, it’s possible but there’s no guarantee to even see a bull of his size expectations.
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