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  1. S

    Old Pictures

    Only one spotlight on top? You sure you’re from the basin?
  2. S

    How many firearms do you own? (Poll)

    Got room for one more in your boat?
  3. S

    Would have been 17 Sunday

    Wow, that just breaks my heart to read. I am so sorry for your loss. Please do not think you failed her, you did everything right and sometimes things are just beyond our control. Please accept my prayers and deepest condolences to you and your family.
  4. S


    POS deserves no trial.
  5. S

    Utah vs Wyoming

    That time of year…nothing better to do than sit around and piss and moan at one another.
  6. S

    How times have changed.

    Lumpy, we bought an acre 2 years ago, over in town. Debated hard on the piece across from the church in Glenwood the year before. Still kicking myself for passing in that one. Good thing though, I’m close enough I can walk to Larsons for my biscuits and gravy lol!
  7. S

    How times have changed.

    Right Lumpy? I’m counting the days until I can leave the fruit loops of the Wasatch front to finish ruining this place and retire to Sevier County. Already have a place, just need to work up the nerve to say “I’m done” and leave this sh!t hole in the rear view!
  8. S

    Death In A Bottle:Pics/Tutorial

    And the antelope meat is 90 proof😂 I grew up on bottled deer meat, my mother always had a shelf full. There was no written recipe (for this or anything else, really) she just knew how. Problem is, nobody knows, or can remember just how she did it, so it’s never been replicated.
  9. S

    Good Luck Everyone

    Quicker results are a double edge sword. Atleast before, we had more time to hold out hope, lol.
  10. S

    Cheatgrass 101

    Yep. And then it burns easily and come back even worse each time it burns.
  11. S

    Mule Deer Proposal

    Elk, look further down the link to “point only purchases for big game and antlerless” and scroll down, you’ll find what you’re looking for. There’s two who had 21 last year, and still bought points🤔
  12. S

    Mule Deer Proposal

    No to the November archery. Give the poor damn deer a break! Those who want an archery rut hunt can tuck their ears in their hat and head for the Wasatch front.
  13. S

    elk question

    I’d be willing bet 90% of the bulls killed in the glory days didn’t hit 350.
  14. S

    elk question

    A 350 bull on any of the hunts listed is a pretty tall order anymore. I agree with Big John and would scratch Fishlake off the list for sure. Those other three listed, it’s possible but there’s no guarantee to even see a bull of his size expectations.
  15. S

    Why they are angry.

    You’re not defending this guy? You have multiple posts on three different threads that would leave us to believe otherwise. That true, or do you still have high school debate team captain aspirations?
  16. S

    Why they are angry.

    You ever get the feeling you’re the only guy here, trying to defend the actions of this clown?
  17. S

    2023 buck back from taxidermist

    Congrats on a couple stud bucks. Scores could never describe just how incredible those two bucks are. Most of us dream of ever turning up a buck like those, yet you have two.
  18. S

    Why they are angry.

    Give it up guys, talking sense to tri is like trying to reason with Oneye on politics.
  19. S

    Meme thread

    Sad part is, there are those who would believe it.
  20. S

    Wonder what caused this

    Turned down a rutted up bull and got an eye guard in the keester for lack of participation?
  21. S

    Things found

    It’s amazing how much stuff you collect over the years, tuck in a corner and forget about or things you buy, only to discover later on that you already had two just like it.
  22. S

    Unusual kill site pics

    Awesome pics, especially the “you got something to say about it” look he’s giving in the middle picture.
  23. S

    Why they are angry.

    It’s good entertainment though. Some people are just like a slinky…not good for much, but kinda fun to watch when you push them down the stairs.
  24. S

    Ring Sausage and Potato Casserole

    That’s the life right there. Little gin&tonic afterward…oh yeah!
  25. S

    Why they are angry.

    Assumed? Really? If you fail to see why most are taking exception to this guys behavior, you’re further from simple reasoning than I thought. Seems every subject, you get your jollies out of people chasing you down a rabbit hole. Go nuts dude, I got better things to do.
  26. S

    Why they are angry.

    Tri, as a hunter or any degree of sportsman, if you’re not bothered by this despicable act, in my mind you're as big of a POS as the clown that pulled this stunt.
  27. S

    So whats the difference?

    I thought the first two threads on this subject pretty well summed up the feelings of sportsman. By all means though, start a new thread, maybe someone will come along and validate your position.
  28. S

    Why they are angry.

    I’m no fan of wolves or the reintroduction that has taken place but I would think any hunter should be angry at this pud. You think the anti’s don’t lump all of us into the same category as this POS?
  29. S

    A state-of-the-art sawmill

    At least they have a lid on their urinal.
  30. S

    Piebald honker

    About 10 years ago, I saw two of these sitting with a small flock in one of the little ponds off I-80 near the Wasatch Hill. I thought maybe I was crazy, because i’d never heard of or seen once before or since, until this picture. The one looked about like that, the other had more white on his...
  31. S

    Anyone got "furries" in their kids schools?

    I figured the ice free cream comment would get a reply.
  32. S

    Anyone got "furries" in their kids schools?

    Sorry little buddy, didn’t mean to strike a nerve. If I get down your way, I’ll stop by and buy you an ice cream. You like free stuff, right?
  33. S

    Wasatch thoughts

    Come on Vanilla, at least you got a clever new nickname…
  34. S

    Anyone got "furries" in their kids schools?

    Wow, someone sure got rattled!
  35. S

    Anyone got "furries" in their kids schools?

    That’s how it works. You simply cannot reason with a liberal.
  36. S

    Anyone got "furries" in their kids schools?

    BUT..BUT…BUT WHAT ABOUT?? Such a classic liberal tactic!
  37. S

    Wasatch thoughts

    I think a lot of elk have found easy pickings on private/CWMU properties over the years and even with the private land tags, there’s still not enough pressure to change their minds. Those 12, 15 and even 20 year old lead cows have seen it all and when they change patterns, those herds follow...
  38. S

    Wasatch thoughts

    The age class is down. Right about where it’s managed to be. Now suppose we cut tags back to a couple hundred, like it was 20 years ago and let 5-600 bulls grow another year. Three years down the road the herd is over objective again and we can slaughter cows to reduce the herd size. Calf...
  39. S

    Wasatch thoughts

    I think what Berry is saying is spot on. If there were lower calf production during the cow slaughter years, that would mean less bulls were being born for five years which would mean over the next five years as the older bulls are being thinned out by hunters, the only bulls available are...
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