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  1. JPickett


    now only a couple more million to keep him alive for the next 20 years before spending 600K on a drug to kill him when he's 80.
  2. JPickett

    Havalon customer service

    Yeah it’d be near impossible to have both in your pack. Those scalpel blades will really weigh you down. :rolleyes: I wonder if the first guy to see a Phillips head screw driver was all “ this disrespects my ancestors!!! Flat head screws only!!!”
  3. JPickett

    Havalon customer service

    this is the worst part. it actually really pisses me off when i see it, usually accompanied by a pair of blue gloves pigs leave on the mountain. i have a little plastic drill bit case i keep in my pack for the replacement blades. all the old ones go in there and come off the mountain with me...
  4. JPickett

    Havalon customer service

    it's a scalpel, literally. doesn't get sharper than that and you can have 20 replacements in your pack if you want that basically take up the same room as a credit card. take apart an entire elk with your little 2" blade that being said i also carry my grandfather's knife on every hunt. it...
  5. JPickett

    Greatest Mule Deer Hunter of all time?

    This. I love the old timer pics of 5 huge bucks laying across the hood of a 1932 ford as much as the next guy but fact is, there was no seasons, no people in the west and you could walk out on the winter range any given day and shoot a giant. There’s a reason those guys weren’t scoring bucks and...
  6. JPickett

    Son's 2023 buck is already to come home from taxidermist.

    that's about as close to what i would consider a perfect buck as it gets. man that things cool
  7. JPickett

    Greatest Mule Deer Hunter of all time?

    Kinda like I eluded to earlier in this thread. My guess is the “greatest mule deer hunter ever” whoever he was, has probably been dead for a couple hundred years and may well have hunted bare foot or bare back or both. Question here really, is who are you the biggest fanboy of
  8. JPickett


    Guess not everyone gets wiser with age. Floating that river this spring is one of the stupider things one could do. It’s a mess and the flows are crazy
  9. JPickett

    Oregon splitting off and joining Idaho

    Pretty sure one of those county’s is close to the least populated in the country. My guess is not many. Again, a new state would actually make a difference, not this nonsense
  10. JPickett

    Cook your meat.

    Im More of an all you can eat sushi guy
  11. JPickett

    Cook your meat.

    Yeah, in large, but it’s still possible. Article attached here says 7 cases nation wide last year. That’s not very many. Eat some bear burgers. Their awesome
  12. JPickett

    Cook your meat.

    A lot. And yup there’s a lot of trim and waste. I grind 90% of the bear and mix it with a heavy ratio of bacon ends. Makes the best sausage gravy ever. Bears have a lot of fat. But like any wild game they carry it outside the muscle unlike domesticated farm animals we’ve breed to have marbling...
  13. JPickett

    Cook your meat.

    It’s always easy to tell the guys that don’t process their own meat. If your eating wild game with fat on it your doing it wrong
  14. JPickett

    They are starting.

    Saw some bucks today that are going to be smokers this fall. Blew me away how much growth two of them had before June. Made me want to change my app for controlled hunts this year
  15. JPickett

    NF and MF??

    If you guys get upset enough to dump the NF scopes you own at half price let me know. That’ll stick it to um!!
  16. JPickett

    WYGF stiffs NR, then begs them for $

    Do you even remember what you’re upset about here?
  17. JPickett

    Cook your meat.

    I got drunk and ate raw duck one time. In my defense it was marinated and sitting in a pan looking really done. At least to me. Man that was a long time ago
  18. JPickett

    Cook your meat.

    Bear is great meat. You can get the same worms from pork. Just cook it right
  19. JPickett

    WYGF stiffs NR, then begs them for $

    They absolutely would. Why I don’t see all the fuss. Slash nr tags , put less people in the woods ( lowering hunting pressure on game) make the residents experience better, still make the same money. It’s easy
  20. JPickett

    300 mag 2.5" high 100 yards, 3" high 200 yards?

    Going up three steps on a ladder is the act of climbing so yes.
  21. JPickett

    WYGF stiffs NR, then begs them for $

    This is what I’ve always said. Wanna make it better for resident hunters ( as it should be) cut NR tags in half , double there price, watch them all sell out. Win, win
  22. JPickett

    Oregon splitting off and joining Idaho

    we won't. and we don't want it
  23. JPickett

    Oregon splitting off and joining Idaho

    one day everyone will stop talking about this idiotic idea. never happen, never should happen, net loss for Idaho so why would our state want it. "sure let's take the most fiscally burdensome area of your state oregon that will produce no revenue and deplete our own state resources and revenue"...
  24. JPickett


    I jumped right in the back of the van
  25. JPickett


    oh yeah. go chinook fishing over in oregon and some weird chit can happen
  26. JPickett


    all i know is when the kid behind the counter tells you "don't eat the whole peanut butter cup" do not, and i repeat do not indeed eat the whole peanut butter cup
  27. JPickett

    Nobody talking Spring Bear?

    yeah, same with 31. i shot a bear in there OTC when they changed it. draws pretty well pointless now. good looking bear though. nice job
  28. JPickett

    Nobody talking Spring Bear?

    Right on. Looks good. She draw that tag or you guys doing the 1 mile from private thing?
  29. JPickett

    For Sale Pulsar Thermion 2 LRF XG50 Riflescope with Rangefinder

    Man this is a sweet scope. The range finder makes all the difference hunting at night Wish I had the scratch right now. Free bump for a good deal
  30. JPickett


    Three of those things! Man I’ve had one before and I was retarded!
  31. JPickett

    Rich man’s game

    Unfortunately a lot of truth to this. You could poach for years in the best units, be smart and not get caught for a long time. Then when you do pay out a few grand and lose a hunting license you didn’t care about having in the first place and just keep going. Would love to see some actual...
  32. JPickett

    Rich man’s game

    if i see you parked on a road, and the end of that road is where i intend to hunt. i'm going to park on that same road and walk to where i want to hunt. if you're in there too, cool. if you walked in in the dark and i waited till light and shot a buck behind you that means i had a good plan...
  33. JPickett

    Rich man’s game

    i notice i haven't seen the simplest solution to the OP's problem really acknowledged yet. i eluded to it in one response. problem- "the hunting i want to do is a rich man's game" solution- work to become a rich man problem solved. but it's hard. so bit*hing is easy
  34. JPickett

    Nobody talking Spring Bear?

    I’ve had nothing but little ones hitting my bait. To the point where I’m probably done with that bait for the year. Just feeding bears I won’t shoot. Grabbing the rifle and heading out this weekend for some spot and stalk. But I e noticed same thing, not hearing if a bunch a bears hitting the...
  35. JPickett

    Just thought I’d share

    These look like they may be good too but pretty bulky hanging off the back. I like the idea of having my gun inside the machine
  36. JPickett

    Just thought I’d share

    I know it. I was slept this one when I bought it. But I’ve had it in a quad for about 5 years and it’s worked great. Maybe I just got a good one. Way I have it mounted actually seems more secure then my quad mount so we’ll see how it goes
  37. JPickett

    Just thought I’d share

    For a week it was. Had to build a shed to get the room for both. Been meaning to anyway so it worked out
  38. JPickett

    Rich man’s game

    That I believe. I can tell you if you’re looking to buy one second hand you can’t beat the inventory in Utah. I was amazed how many there were when I was looking
  39. JPickett

    Rich man’s game

    Yup. 4 seats. Whos pointing, whos shooting? Ill drive and ring the bell to call um in
  40. JPickett

    Rich man’s game

    i wasn't ready for all the discrimination
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