3A/3C Deer for 2019


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-18 AT 06:00PM (MST)[p]Im giving up on the chance at a strip tag. I currently have 13 points which is more than enough points to draw 3A/3C archery or rifle tag. I don't know anything about the unit other than what Epic outdoors and huntinfool says about it. For those that have had the tag in the past, how is it? What's a realistic expectation for an experienced deer hunter that can put the boot leather to the ground. Is 180+ A realistic goal for this unit? Which tag would be best, archery or rifle? Realistic expectations if I went guided?
I live in 3B.....and I'm always looking around in 3A/C at deer. I've seen some decent bucks.....best one would net in the mid-180's. I think guided rifle you'd have a pretty decent chance at a 180" caliber deer....depending on the right guide. Koury Guide Service seems to have a really good grasp on that unit....but there are others.

I photographed this buck tonight just down my dirt road to the house......not a giant, but for an OTC unit, not too bad.



BOHNTR )))---------->
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-18 AT 06:56AM (MST)[p]It's a good unit. I know of a few people over the last 10 years that have killed Bucks right around 180". Retrieval is very nice in 3C. Lots of roads, they're spaced about a mile apart.
3a/3c can produce some really good bucks from time to time. My cousin killed a 211" stud in 3a/3c about 8-9 years ago and lots of other great bucks have been taken since then. No, it is not the strip and does not produce a large quantity of really big deer, but it has loads of access and does produce quality deer.

If you are a nonresident and don't know the unit very well I would suggest an outfitter. I lived in 3a/3c for the first 22 years of my life and feel like I know the unit pretty well. With that said, I have lived away from Arizona for so long now that I would personally get an outfitter if I drew a 3a/3c tag.

Koury Guide Service (Shane Koury - Show Low, AZ) and Burnt Timber Outfitters (Daniel Franco - Heber, AZ) are the only two outfitters that you should ever consider for any tag in 3a/3c period. Shane was my wrestling coach and Daniel goes to church with my inlaws. Both are absolute killers and the best chance you will have a big respectable buck. One thing that is important about 3a/3c is being willing to eat your tag and pass up marginal deer. These type of hunters tend to kill the best bucks. It comes down to covering the numbers and being willing to let the 160-175 bucks you see walk.

Just depends on what you want. You will probably be able to pull it twice before you ever pull the strip once so that is a plus.
Are you looking for a guided hunt or DIY? If your willing to pay a guide Vaquero Outfitters on the RO ranch will give a good chance at 180?-200?
Thanks guys for all the info. I'm not opposed to going guided. I will look into your recommendations. I know the A3 guys grew up there too and Jay killed a mid 180s buck last year with his bow. This is exactly the info I was needing to decide which route to go. If I felt like a strip tag was any possibility in my lifetime I would keep going but I don't think that is much of a possibility. I've even considered dumping my points on the best coues deer unit. I just have a love affair with muleys.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-18 AT 02:26PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-18 AT 02:25?PM (MST)

Dump those points on a great coues unit with a good guide and you'll develop a lifelong love affair with coues... you can do it without a guide, but i'm sure quality will be better with someone that watches those deer year round.
I live in the middle of 3c and spend most of my waking moments there. This year was the toughest in regards to finding big deer in 3c but I'm about 90% positive that it was because of the drought. I see 190"+ deer each year with this year being the exception. The biggest I saw was 170's. I've lived here for almost 40 years and I know the ins and outs of the unit and can give you lots of information. Call or text for info and pictures if you would like.

Shane Koury and Burnt Timber (Daniel Franco and Mike Hancock) would be my picks. The last couple of years I believe Burnt timber has killed the biggest killed off the unit.
>I live in the middle of
>3c and spend most of
>my waking moments there. This
>year was the toughest in
>regards to finding big deer
>in 3c but I'm about
>90% positive that it was
>because of the drought. I
>see 190"+ deer each year
>with this year being the
>exception. The biggest I saw
>was 170's. I've lived here
>for almost 40 years and
>I know the ins and
>outs of the unit and
>can give you lots of
>information. Call or text for
>info and pictures if you
>would like.
>Shane Koury and Burnt Timber (Daniel
>Franco and Mike Hancock) would
>be my picks. The last
>couple of years I believe
>Burnt timber has killed the
>biggest killed off the unit.


Listen to this guy!

BOHNTR )))---------->
My buddy Dave and I had the tag in 2017. We drove out from Wisconsin and hunted with Daniel Franco. Daniel and his crew are first class and know the unit like the back of their hand. My buddy Dave killed a beautiful 180 inch typical 4 point on opening day and I killed a giant (214 6/8) on day 4. If you get Epic look back at the May or June issue. "The hunt for High Five" is the story of the hunt. Its the biggest buck ever killed in 3C. There is a post on here called Chip's AZ toad or something like that from last Nov. I'd post a pic now but I don't have them on this computer. Dave and I killed the 2 biggest bucks we saw but we saw several others between 170 and 180. 3C is a quality hunt and I think 180 is realistic - especially if you hunt with Daniel Franco / Burnt Timber.
I have actually considered using my points for a coues deer tag. I have enough points to draw the best units. I just have a hard time getting excited to hunt something with 100 inches less bone than a big muley. Every one that has hunted them says that they are one of their favorite hunts though. I'm just obsessed with big muleys. What about a guided hunt on the early 12B West tag?
As I was scrolling thru this post, I stopped and could only see about half of this rack. Until I scrolled to see it was a deer, I thought it was an elk!! :) Nice deer for sure! Congrats to the hunter!

I don't have 13 points yet, but am paying attention to the responses. In a few more years...
>I don't have 13 points yet,
>but am paying attention to
>the responses. In a
>few more years...

Joe, the problem with that statement is in a few more years it will require 20.
But chin up and keep tryin! :)
>is in a few more
>years it will require 20.
>But chin up and keep tryin!

I'll eventually cash them in on something. Until then, I'm sure the AZ G&F will continue to enjoy my annual contributions! :D
As something someone mentioned on here before I would consider hunting the ROs with Vaquero Outfitters. It?ll be more money but with it ya get a BIG private ranch and GIANT bucks. Good luck to you!!
Yeah, Cory Pritchard runs it. They only hunt on the ROs and are still killing giant elk and mule deer. For a guy willing to pony up the money there is no better deer hunt south of the strip and no better elk hunt in the world.

Happy Hunting
Google the outfitter and or's and it appears that the name of the ranch they have a lease on,from what I saw it's called the ORO ranch north of Prescott
My buddy Dave and I had the tag in 2017. We drove out from Wisconsin and hunted with Daniel Franco. Daniel and his crew are first class and know the unit like the back of their hand. My buddy Dave killed a beautiful 180 inch typical 4 point on opening day and I killed a giant (214 6/8) on day 4. If you get Epic look back at the May or June issue. "The hunt for High Five" is the story of the hunt. Its the biggest buck ever killed in 3C. There is a post on here called Chip's AZ toad or something like that from last Nov. I'd post a pic now but I don't have them on this computer. Dave and I killed the 2 biggest bucks we saw but we saw several others between 170 and 180. 3C is a quality hunt and I think 180 is realistic - especially if you hunt with Daniel Franco / Burnt Timber.

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