"Cows" or "Coos"?


Very Active Member
I have heard it pronounced both ways, so what do the locals who actually hunt Coues deer call them? Any help here, Captain? (Asking for a guy who calls L.A. "Las" Angeles...)
Well my father was a stickler for correct pronunciation so I was taught growing up it was COWS, almost everyone else says COOS so I quickly changed my pronunciation as to not sound condescending or superior. Over the years of asking French speakers and looking at french pronunciations, I'm fairly certain that Elliot Coues did not pronounce his name COWS but COUSE as in HOUSE. (who knows for sure) But alas I still say COOS most of the time.
I do have a few of them.

Coues in office.jpg

Coues in office1.jpg

Coues wall.jpg
Well my father was a stickler for correct pronunciation so I was taught growing up it was COWS, almost everyone else says COOS so I quickly changed my pronunciation as to not sound condescending or superior. Over the years of asking French speakers and looking at french pronunciations, I'm fairly certain that Elliot Coues did not pronounce his name COWS but COUSE as in HOUSE. (who knows for sure) But alas I still say COOS most of the time.
I do have a few of them.

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Amazing wall!
It’s technically couse, but EVERYONE calls them coos… you’d definitely label yourself an out of stater or new hunter calling them cows….if the matching set of designer camo didn’t give it away first!
In one of O’Connor’s books he stated the correct way is ”cows”, I’ll see if I can find what book it is in.
One place he states it is in 'Hunting on Three Continents Vol. 1' (pg. 150 in my copy).

I stick with 'coos' in polite society, but if the language police on MM want to start a 'cows' movement then I'm game
Well my father was a stickler for correct pronunciation so I was taught growing up it was COWS, almost everyone else says COOS so I quickly changed my pronunciation as to not sound condescending or superior. Over the years of asking French speakers and looking at french pronunciations, I'm fairly certain that Elliot Coues did not pronounce his name COWS but COUSE as in HOUSE. (who knows for sure) But alas I still say COOS most of the time.
I do have a few of them.

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And some damn nice ones at that!!
That Is as Good of a Coues wall as you will see. Fantastic. You have worn out some boots and used lottsa Glass. Congrats on the hard work!...................BULL!
Well my father was a stickler for correct pronunciation so I was taught growing up it was COWS, almost everyone else says COOS so I quickly changed my pronunciation as to not sound condescending or superior. Over the years of asking French speakers and looking at french pronunciations, I'm fairly certain that Elliot Coues did not pronounce his name COWS but COUSE as in HOUSE. (who knows for sure) But alas I still say COOS most of the time.
I do have a few of them.

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Plane as day. No cows on that wall.
I solved my pronunciation dilemma years ago when I started hunting them by just calling them whitetails, like everybody else in southern AZ !!! :)
Well my father was a stickler for correct pronunciation so I was taught growing up it was COWS, almost everyone else says COOS so I quickly changed my pronunciation as to not sound condescending or superior. Over the years of asking French speakers and looking at french pronunciations, I'm fairly certain that Elliot Coues did not pronounce his name COWS but COUSE as in HOUSE. (who knows for sure) But alas I still say COOS most of the time.
I do have a few of them.

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Amazing collection of them!
Man is that one impressive collection of coues bucks. I've recently been pretty intrigued by hunting them and hope to very soon either this year or next year. Looks like a blast!

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