Question about entry into Canada


Active Member
So we are looking at going on a hunting trip to Canada and the guide and our group were talking and he started talking about entry into Canada and some of the laws. Well one of the guys in our group had a DUI in like 2006(ish) I think and he was told he might not be able to come into Canada is this correct? And something about a Pardon? I am new to hunting in Canada it will be my first time so I just want to check and see what if this is correct or what. thanks guys.
He has to submit some paperwork that is basically asking for permission to enter Canada as a felon. I know they made the process a little easier than it use to be a few years back to try to increase fishing tourism.
MNbearhunter123 is correct. He has to apply ahead of time for permission. If he just shows up at the border he won't get in.
Lol wow he has to enter as a felon man I wont ever let that live down lol ok I will let him know and have him start the process before we get there and they go all Rodney King on him in the airport.
Not trying to pick a fight here.
I know several people who go into Canada regularly.They were told everything you guys have said.
However.Canada does not have any access to our criminal records in the USA.So they are just relying on what you tell them.I guess they just say no
And drive right in.
Unless it has recently changed if the DUI is over 10 years ago then you were good to go. If it was in the last 5 years was where they weren't letting people in. 5 to 10 years you could apply for reinstatement, but they had a 2 year backlog of processing them.

They do have access to some database though I cant remember which one. I'm not 100% sure if they check it everytime or if they only check it for flights since they have an electronic manifest. No idea what the process is for driving in but know a hunter who got turned down at the border driving in for a bear hunt. I dont know if he told them or if they did some type of check.

It's a bit complicated but a quick google will bring up the law.
Yeah the advice to just not tell them isn't great. They do have access to your record. Old DUIs have caused a lot of wives to have had to go and pick up their husbands stuck at the border, while the rest of the group continues on and goes fishing. Like I said, a few years ago they loosened the restrictions on it to try to increase tourism. But I wouldn't Bank on being let through without issue.

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