What's a Flapjack?


Long Time Member
Growing up on the short grass prairie of Southern Alberta we eat a lot of what we called flapjacks. I've come to believe what I call a flapjack isn't the same thing that others call a flapjack.

What's your description of a flapjack?

You tell me yours and I'll tell you mine.



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Being as I used the term in a previous post, I've got to scramble on this one...... according to Wikipedia....
Flapjack is a name for two different sweet foods. In the UK and Australia, it refers to a tray-baked biscuit, and in Canada, the United States, and South Africa, it refers to a form of pancake.

HOWEVER, the urban dictionary definition is... a total different matter.
It's a pancake to me.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-
At my house this was a pancake or a hotcake.


This was a flapjack.


This is what we call a scone or fry bread here in Central Utah.


Flapjacks are made out off the same bread dough as a scone but rather that frying in deep oil it's fried in very shallow oil, even less that this picture shows. The flapjack is slightly heavier in texture that a scone but still delicious and made with far less oil. Great for hunting camp where extra cooking oil can be a luxury.


Funny how the same words mean different thinks to different folks.

If I had been on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" and the the first question was, "What is a flapjack, a pancake, a woman's boob, fry bread, or a hotcake?" I'd have said "Fry Bread, Final Answer! And gone home as the first guy every to have gotten the first question wrong.

These aren't pancakes, scones or flapjacks, but they're a great quick breakfast when there's no electric toaster in camp.

This Forum is a wealth of knowledge!!

I always thought Flapjack, Pancake, and Hotcakes, were different names for the same thing.

Thanks, Joey
>This Forum is a wealth of
>I always thought Flapjack, Pancake, and
>Hotcakes, were different names for
>the same thing.
>Thanks, Joey

+1, kinda cool- really
this forum may be a wealth of knowledge but it's not the place to visit if you're hungry. Good stuff!!

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