Mule Deer Foundation Board Member Poaching


Active Member
I must have missed this if it was posted elsewhere. Over the holidays I found out I have a second hand connection to this poacher and that person/connection pointed the article out to me. I just received an email from the MDF about the Expo and reminded me to see if this was posted on MM somewhere - I did not find it. The people appointed to these Boards speaks volumes about the organization. Cannot help but think that someone with more respect for the animal might have made a legal harvest the following year. I suspect we have all broken some game law at some point but at his age, his position with MDF, and the extremes he was going through to poach this deer take it to an indefensible level.
If you're trying to indict the whole organization based on the illegal and greedy deeds of one person, you may have failed.

What DID happen was that this guy figured out a "plan" to cheat the system and steal a public resource from other hunters. No doubt he's a poacher in every sense of the word.

The damn "glory of inches" got him in trouble and exposed his poaching nature!

Thanks for the article.

That's just pathetic! He should have lost his hunting priveledges for 10 years!
7 Mag
He a owner of a guide business also! Sure he has shot more than one off of sheep mountain. I hope the owner of the property cuts him loose of the agreement they have! Just a real piece of work to go through all that for a deer. Wish they would ban him the Oregon state marine board guide program for life !
?? poachers !!
"Yeah, I killed a nice buck this year. I usually don't make predictions, but something tells me I'm going to kill an even bigger one next year. Just you wait and see."

That sentence was a joke.
Eel...I don't remember seeing that sentence in the article? Were you ad-libbing?

What a puke this guy is. Makes you wonder if he even used the bow.

Well...He got the fame he was seeking.
>How about the person taking the
>photo of the poached buck
>that person be charged as well?

Absolutely ! Someone else knows what went down.
Well, there it is again, loss of license for 3 yrs. You take a license from a guy who doesn't follow license laws, and somehow thats a punishment? The way he works, he probably already has that deer killed with the 2020 tag anyway. Probabtion? $1000 fine? Give me a break. What would he have charged to guide for deer like this? $5000? We get poachers because we don't take poaching seriously.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Come on guys, he probably called "someone" in another Wildlife Management office who told him it was okay to shoot a deer with a bow. (You all know what I"m talking about)

On a serious note though, I'm at least glad he was caught and prosecuted. I'm guessing that someone else ended up turning him in that was either part of the hunt, or part of the private property where the deer was killed. Good on them for having integrity to do the right thing.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24

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