The Consequences


Long Time Member
Bit of background:

So my son, who is 54 yrs. old, had been driving a delivery truck for Walmart in a new program they were testing in the Phoenix area. A few months ago, he wound up having surgery on his shoulder, and his down time exceeded what Walmart allowed. So as of a couple weeks ago, he was out of work and has been looking.

Now fast forward to last week. He came over the other day and told me I had to go online and delete any photo or mention of him on any of the hunting forums I'm active in. Naturally I asked him why.

Seems he had applied for a job and the guy doing the hiring really liked his resume. So he called him in for interview that would have taken place two days later.

However, the next day he called again and told my son, "I did an online search on your name and see you're into killing innocent animals. Because of that, I can't hire you."

He was right about the search. I put my son's name in google and the first thing at the top of the page were photos of him with dead critters. Several other hits led to others, including an archived thread on this site that I had Brian delete.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
I understand needing a job, but how many out there would hide "who they are" to get one?

Brian Latturner
on Facebook!
I understand he has bills and needs a job. If hired by such a company how long was he going to live a lie to keep the job?

He needs to get creative and think outside the box. Somewhere out there is a great truck driving job for your son.

Border Patrol is hiring perhaps he can interview with them.
I dont think I could do that. Just think down the road you ask for time off or go somewhere hunting or camping and yo have to hide all of that from a boss? Your friends, family and anyone else that knows you cant say or do a thing about the things you love. Not for me. I am sure there are other jobs out there, but I could not change who I am and what I am for a job. Sorry, but more power to your son for being willing to do so.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-17 AT 08:41AM (MST)[p]His son didn't change who he is by, say, giving up hunting to get a job. He just took down the internet references to hunting.

I'm pretty sure his passion would be hunting, not posting pictures about it afterwards, and this way he kept his passion and maybe improved his chances of getting a job.

He's got to get a paycheck. I don't begrudge him at all for his decision.

Okay, let's clear up some confusion here. He's NOT changing who he is or what he does. Instead, he has opted to not ADVERTISE it. In this case, he has actually asked ME not to advertise it; he has never posted any hunting related images himself.

If he eventually gets work and the issue later comes up, he can deal with it then.

All that said, I would bet this same scenario will never happen again. There can't be two idiots out there like the guy who was doing the hiring. LOL


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Sounds like a discrimination to me, maybe a lawyer needs to be involved.

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
Your son should admit hunting is part of his religious belief. I think it's illegal to discriminate based on religion.
In all reality, if a potential employer told me he doesn't hire hunters, I would say "Good. I don't want to work here anyway."
I understand someone needing a job, but like an above post mentioned, what about when he mentions to a coworker that he hunts or asks for time off? Won't he then have to worry about losing the job? It just seems like a lot more work to hide the fact that you hunt from a boss versus just finding a job and boss who doesn't hold hunting against you.
You know what I mean?

I personally like to let people know exactly who I am and what I like to do, and if they don't like me or I don't like them, then we go our separate way. Would be very stressful to have to hide in a way the fact that I hunt or drink or do anything for fear that it could cost me a job.

Good discussion topic this is. Makes you think about being in situations like your son was when the guy interviewing him said he wasn't going to hire him because he hunted. I wonder what I'd have said? I'll bet it would've included me suggesting the dude eat some _____. ha ha

Brian Latturner
on Facebook!
Don't use real name or identifying info on the interweb. It is the 1st place viewed in any background check. Sux that it is like that, but there it is.

That said, I wouldn't last long w an employer that disagreed w my passion for hunting.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-17 AT 09:26AM (MST)[p]That sucks that things went this way.

I can't do it. I can't change who I am. I can't hide what I do and I refuse to let those with different mind sets have such a large impact on my life that I am no longer allowed to advertise what I do.

I don't hide. I don't play their games. I keep on keeping on. I don't go overboard in posting ridiculous pictures that will make people loose their lunch either, but I cannot help to promote and preserve what I do in shooting, hunting and the betterment of the outdoors by not advertising it.

We are the advertisement. Word of mouth so to speak. Bowing down to that puts the anti (whatever you like to do) in the driver seat. The less advertising we get, the more they get and down goes what we do.

I am not afraid. I am not giving in. You take me for who I am or leave it on the table.

Sucks that your son had to make that decision.
I can't blame a guy for trying to provide for his family and put food on the table. Perhaps he could broaden his search look for a position with an employer who is not so hostile to his lifestyle and hobbies. My guess is his boss and coworkers would eventually find out that he likes to hunt. But who am I to judge another sportsman for doing what he thinks he needs to do to find work. Best of luck to your son and his family.

I agree totally with a lot of others that have posted. In no way shape or form would I be willing to "hide" who I am for anybody or anything. If a person can't be proud to show his or her accomplishments then I guess it didn't mean that much anyway. And to be expected to work for someone 40 or 50 hours a week and never be able to talk of hunting , forget it ! It'd be living a lie and sooner or later we all know that lies end up biting a person in the ... ! The more people that bow down to things like this the more it hurts us all. We need to stand strong on our hunting heritage now more than ever.
A person can do whatever they want when it comes to promoting an image of themself. And I am not unsympathetic to someone who needs to pay a mortgage and bills. I think it is discriminatory for an employer to in anyway use a tradition, which is legal, as a disqualifier for a job. That being said, I couldn't imagine working for or making money for anyone like that. I haven't used my resume for years but I do update it, There is an area that list my likes and hobbies...Camping,Hunting,Fly fishing,Shooting. I also say it in clear english that I am a CCW holder and I DO carry a gun everyday. I wouldn't want to work or do business with anyone who couldn't accept ME. I hope your son finds a GREAT job, that he can be happy at.
Can You Tell us Who this JOKER/Company is?

Best of Luck to your Son Finding a Better Job with Someone that is a True American!

I'd of NEVER Had Founder Pull a GAWD-DAMNED Thing off here!

Can You Imagine How many People Hate Me?

They Can Take a F'N Hike!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
So does swift own the wal mart trucks? Cause I know that the owner of swift, I think his name is Larry Moyes hunts deer and elk ,maybe apply for them
If the hiring manager actually told him he didn't want to hire him because he was a hunter, then that manager is too stupid to work for. Not because of his views, but because he would say something about a candidates lifestyle that could get him in serious hot water.

The OP's brother has a reasonably good case for the EEOC, though I usually consul to stay away from lawyers. These cases are notoriously hard to win, and you probably don't want to work for that type of company anyhow.

It really isn't much different that finding a picture of someone online in a church setting, or with family containing members of a protected class. Online searching by a hiring manager of social media is dangerous, and generally needs to tie into job responsibilities or the high profile nature of the job. A truck driver doesn't seem to fit the criteria, at least by the letter of the law. Which doesn't mean it never happens.

I'm a little too old to really understand the social media game, and value my privacy more than internet "fame". While I might not want to hire a card carrying PETA member, I won't be asking those types of questions in an interview, and responsible companies and their hiring managers are trained on the lines not to cross regularly. Candidates frequently disclose inappropriate information, but searching it out can be very problematic if an applicant is the least bit litigious.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-17 AT 02:45PM (MST)[p]Being a hunter is not a protected class. Someone could not hire you for being a hunter all they want. There is not EEOC case here.

Think of the awkward moment that would create if I got a job for this company, and the first day the boss walks in to see antlers on the wall of my office!

While I think it's stupid to hire or not hire someone based upon a legal hobby they participate in, the bigger lesson out there is that these types of internet background checks are not uncommon these days. Definitely beware when putting things out into the interwebs.

*Edit: Sorry to hear about your son and his employment situation. That really sucks. As many on here probably know, losing employment can rock your world in ways very little else can.
I see this from a different perspective. While I admire those who say they can come out of the closet and not care what the rest of the world thinks, I unfortunately, don't believe that's reality for many of us.

Besides being a hardcore hunter, there are a few other things about me that potential employers could also stereotype and say they're never going to hire one of them: religion, politics, school, etc. That's my reality. So in the interest of being able to provide for my family, I generally keep those things pretty quiet, and I also try to control what I allow on the internet, until I've proven to be a good employee and/or boss, friend, or associate. The way I (maybe naively) see it, this gives me a chance to help change some attitudes. There's no avoiding my eventual outing about these things, but hopefully by then I've done enough good that the close-minded might begin to question their previous stereotypes.

I think we sometimes can do more good for our causes by finding ways to build bridges to those who don't understand some of our "flaws" rather than always remain exclusive.

I can say that most of the time this has worked for me.

So I think the OP's son is doing exactly what he should be doing in his situation: give his potential and future employers an opportunity to discover him as a whole before they stumble against the one element of his life that they may not agree. If he's overall a good person/employee, he may help change their stereotypes of the rest of us.

I wish him success in his pursuits.
Nothing short of modern day Mcarthyism. When I was young i remember being told one day the world would become so wicked, what is right will become wrong, and what is wrong will become right. There will also be no place for fence sitters. I now understand what they meant and find this to be true. Everyone is tolerant.....if you decide to chop off your boy parts and get boobs. Be Christian or conservative... not so much. It also lends logic to the idea of the tree of liberty needs be watered with the blood of men and patriots from time to time.

Some people just need to be throat punched. I don't like the taste of being broke. But my dignity is worth far more than to get on my knees for some limp wrist liberal azol.
Pardon me if someone already asked this question (I skipped reading all the post's) but had he deleted his hunter identity and gotten the job, how would he go about keeping it hidden for all the many years and season's ahead and remain employed?

>Nothing short of modern day Mcarthyism.
> When I was
>young i remember being told
>one day the world would
>become so wicked, what is
>right will become wrong, and
>what is wrong will become
>right. There will also
>be no place for fence
>sitters. I now understand what
>they meant and find this
>to be true. Everyone
>is tolerant.....if you decide to
>chop off your boy parts
>and get boobs. Be
>Christian or conservative... not so
>much. It also lends
>logic to the idea of
>the tree of liberty needs
>be watered with the blood
>of men and patriots from
>time to time.
>Some people just need to be
>throat punched. I don't
>like the taste of being
>broke. But my dignity
>is worth far more than
>to get on my knees
>for some limp wrist liberal

100% spot on. I am blown away at how fast things are going in the opposite direction in this country. Particular with what is lawful and what is becoming lawful and vice versa.

I think there is a particular book that describes these events, and yet the end is still not near with that?

We certainly have ugly times to come.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-17 AT 10:08AM (MST)[p]That is crap, I'd lie too. Then after I was hired and beyond probation period everyone would know I was a hunter. Would love for them to fire me at that point for being a hunter... I'd sue the crap out of that person/company and retire early hunting non stop.

edit: just to clarify, I am the guy who believe best qualified gets the job. As a hunter I'd hire a anti hunter, if they were the best qualified. I don't have to like them as a person outside of work. If the job is done then so be it.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
I'm sure that this goes both ways. Would you hire someone that was anti hunting? Maybe the person who is in charge of hiring has some good workers that are against hunting. Why risk hiring a hunter and bringing in that conflict?

As a business owner I always thought I would only hire people that hunt. When I hired someone this year it was important to be to find someone that doesn't hunt. I take off 4-6 weeks in the fall to go hunting, I need an employees that will be less likely to take the fall off. With that said it was important to me to find someone that wasn't against hunting, which I did.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-17 AT 05:46PM (MST)[p]54 can be a bad age to look for a job now days, even though a guy that age brings a lot to the table and still has plenty of working years left for an employer to invest in.

Too bad some people are so short sighted, and would rather hire some mixed up kid who can not even figure out what gender they are.

Ofcorse I would be the short sighted one now days with an opinion like that.

Good luck to your son, something will come up.

P.S. Tony you said there could not be 2 idiots out there like the one who denied your son a job,,
I hate to say it but that is exactly how half the people in this country now think.

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