Most hiking on a hunt??



Since we're on the "off season tall tale mode". What's the most you've ever hiked on one hunt? Can be multiple days on one hunt. Mine was a hike-in blacktail hunt on Wheyerhauser land. I hiked back in at first light, hunted around for six miles, or so. Found a guy who killed a big 5 point. Helped him drag it to the gate about 2 1/2 miles. Went back in about 1 1/2 miles, shot a two point and drug it back out. Total around 10 miles in the rain and two deer. I slept for two days.
Carabou hunting on the Alaska Pipline, first it is archery only within 5 miles either side of the pipeline, and I was rifle hunting so five mile back-pack in with a 2-wheel game cart, averaged about 3 miles a day stalking various bulls, took 3 days to get the first one down, and 2 more for the second one, then had a 7 mile pack out with both carabou on the cart. So I would say between 27 and 30 miles in 8 days of hunting.

But I think maybe I have put more miles into elk hunting than that... just have no way of guaging it for a season.

I did this particular hunt twice in Califonai when I was drawn for na X zone. The first is when I was 17(5 years ago)and it is 8 miles in.Got a real nice 3 point with a kicker on that particular hunt. We did it on horses and mules than, but when I was draw the second time 2 years later it was on foot. There were 6 of us on this hunt and has 1 mule and 4 horses. # of the animals has gear and the other two got ridden. I decided not to ride and walked both in and out(16 miles total. After the week long trip of hunting and walking from canyon to canyon, and ridge to ridge and seeing more than my share of bucks. I think I had about 20-22 miles on my Chevro-legs on that hunt.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-06 AT 07:06PM (MST)[p]Squirrel hunting in my backyard. It was a cold cold winter evening when i spotted a squirrel with a massive tail like you would have never seen. It was truely a beautiful animal. I reached in my closet and grabbed my trusty .338 magnum, i was out for blood. with my Alaskan Guide spotting scope I watched him grazing on a few acorns 200 yards south of my house. slowly i openned the sliding glass door. I froze in my tracks.... he had spotted me. I stood, knowing that if i moved he would be gone forever. Finally he blinked and i dove into a nearby plum thicket (the squirrel never even noticed me moving). Then from the cover of the plum thicket i glassed the squirrel. He was back to eating acorns. I knew that it was now or never. I did two summersaults to get to the cover of a little red wagon that my nephew had left in the lawn. Then, I lept over a fence(this whole time i avoided being seen by the squirrel.) i looked through my spotting scope, the squirrel, still 100 yards away, was getting a little ancy. I knew it was time to take the shot. i braced on my survival pack-which i carry at all times when i go hunting in case i run into a really really mean squirrel.
I prayed to God that i would make a clean shot. i did not want to track a wounded squirrel into the cover of a hackberry tree. My crosshairs settled on his vitals and i squeezed off a shot. I saw the squirrel take the bullet, but i had shot to far back.... I had a mad wounded squirrel on my hands. I considered my options: 1. i could go home and say i missed. 2. I could run off and join a traveling band in India, or 3. i could track the wounded squirrel through his habitat and hope to come out alive.
I walked to the place where the squirrel had been standing, there was good blood sign yet it had green chunks of acorns in it. "definately a gut shot," i said to myself. I followed the tracks of the wounded squirrel to where they entered the hackberry tree. Then all the sudden there was a scream and the squirrel jumped on my face clawing at my eyes. I grabbed for my .357 which i had tucked into my belt, and chunked the squirrel off of my face, when he hit the ground i unloaded my gun on him. not a one bullet missed.
After poking the squirrel with my rifle barrel to make sure it was dead, I took a few pictures with it.
This hunt did not involve the most hiking but it was by far the most physically demanding, and it is also the closest to death i have ever been. So if you only take 1 thing out of this story i hope you rember to shoot your gun and shoot it often because there is just no reason not to.
I usually ride my quad right just kidding! I don't own a quad. On a hunt I think probably only about 3 or 4 miles on any one hunt. I've done a lot of wilderness backpacking/fishing though .Many times we have put on 40-50 miles in 10 days or so. Not lately though.

Geez marksmen, you had me on the edge of my seat the entire time! I haven't read a story that exciting since the turtle hunt post almost a year ago! Thanks for the rush!

Yes eelgrass, if men were made to hike long distances, then why were quads invented ???????

Marksmen, you da man, that was totally awesome, tell me more !!!
My high country blacktail hunts are gruelling.
6 miles into the wilderness to my base camp, then about another three vertical miles to my spike camp.
It really gets ugly when you pull the trigger.



One entry found for grueling.
Main Entry: gru?el?ing
Variant(s): or gru?el?ling /'gr?-&-li[ng]/
Function: adjective
Etymology: from present participle of obsolete gruel (to exhaust)
: trying or taxing to the point of exhaustion : PUNISHING
marksmen, You are a born storyteller. Comical, with an edge of suspense and drama. Have you hunted "dangerous" game? mtmuley
These Oklahoma lungs and legs I have won't let me hike to far when I'm out west. And the area I hunt here is only a few hundred acres. I guess the most I've ever walked in one day is 4 or 5 miles in Wyoming in '04.
I don't know how far I walked but I was hunting in Mt. I think it was 4 days before I figured out I was walking in circles!! I wasn't lost just momentarily detained!! I finally ended up backtracking myself! A little trick I learned from this. Get a tracking collar and leave it at camp!! Just pack the tracking device. Don't follow spooked elk!! They don't know where they are going!! And I will guarantee it is not back to camp.
Probably this last ml hunt in utah was the worst. Hiked about 6-7 miles. Saw only 2 damn does and a TON of elk. A couple nice bulls, some spikes and lots of cows. But it was a fun hunt though. Should be fun in archery.
I'd have to say coues deer hunting. Walk, glass, walk glass, walk, glass........
But the most walking is bar far for pheasant hunting. Walk all day in tangled up grass, and sometimes deep, a cold one sure tastes good at the end of the day.

Good one Marksmen! We hiked for four straight days once in So. Utah about 10 a day - didn't see a thing. Three days later with only one morning left to hunt, I killed the biggest deer of my life while driving to an area I was going to hunt. Had to walk the necessary 30 yards to get off the side of the road and be legal, took a 200 yard shot and the buck ended up running downhill towards me, finally dumped him at about 100 yards and was able to back my truck up to within 50 yards and drug him over a fence downhill to the truck. If there had been snow I would have done a little "buck sledding"!
Marksmen, I hear you, I've had some near death experiences with the Chickorees over here.... Big toothed buggers.. Nice pics HH, thanks for posting.
That is frustrating when you hike your nut$ off and don't see anything. I had that happen this year. I had just gotten over pneumonia and wanted to get out during the regular season and get some exercise but it was dry and sunny out. I hiked back in off Blewett like four miles in and saw no deer and one elk. Total about 8 miles. The deer were all holed up near water and not moving at all. The one elk I saw was standing in the only stream in the area.
marksman....great story, got any Pics??

HH....That's a pretty nice High Country buck you got there....shot placement on him could have been a little better though. :)

Have no idea what is the farthest hiking I've done....miles and miles for sure. Would be kinda cool to have some sort of device that tracks how far you've walked....GPS maybe.
I usually don't keep track, but I like to see what kind of shape I'm in at least once during the season, so I'll pull out a map and look up mileage that way. I have tracked it on GPS, but where I usually hunt I've found the GPS is just extra weight, there are enough roads and landmarks. Sometimes you can do more work in one mile than in six, if you are hiking straight up.
Longest was a hike-in dall sheep hunt last fall, 45 miles. That was round trip in and out. I did one side trip to stalk a ram that was an additional 3 miles. Took a 37" ram on the 3rd morning and hiked out the 22 miles with 90lb pack, 45 miles in 4 1/2 days. Did 2 goat hunts 2 years ago first one was 28 miles weather turned nasty and I hiked out in 30-50 mph wind/rain and minimal visibility. The next hunt was only 16 miles round trip and I connected on a 9.75" billy. I wouldn't trade those hunts for anything. This fall I have my eye on an area for sitka blacktails that never gets hunted. Way too many alders around the bottom for the boat hunters and no landing areas on top for the airplanes. Looks to be about 12 miles in, just need to find someone dumb enough to go with. Anyone interested??? : )
Too bad Moosie is not here. he routinely hikes 300 to 500 miles per weekend. He's the greatest hunter ever. If you don't believe me just ask him yourself.
I hunted 10 days in a row, mule deer hunting in Utah some steep country. Hiked from 4-9 miles a day. The last two days, all I remember was thinking what in the hell am I doing as my feet, legs, ankles and toes cried out in pain.

Longest one day hunt/hike 14 miles in northern California.
On a 3 day trip I covered about 26 miles.
I thought most of you guys were tougher than this... 4-8 miles is your longest tips? I guess thats why I never see many people where I hunt... I'll do 8 miles and be home by noon...

Glad to know there isn't much compition out there these days. ;)

Nice pictures HH. Thats some pretty country!
Most on a multiday hunt is around 150 miles. That was this last year on the WA high buck hunt. We were in there 4 or 5 days before the season and left with 2 days left because we didn't want to pack any more deer out. We were in about 10 miles.
Most miles in one day was a scouting trip in the Pasayten. My 14 year cousin and I did 34 mils one day. That was just with a day pack and no gun so it is not quite the same. Branden
Usually measured in pain, not miles. Especially as the years pile on. I still can manage to cover some ground if I have to. It is when the pack is full it gets tough. I see horses in my future. mtmuley
I guess the most distance was when I bowhunted Columbian Blacktail in a Northern California wilderness. Our backpack camp was 8 miles in. I had arrowed a buck and had to pack him to trail head for processing. Left at daybreak, dropped off the meat, and made it back into camp before dark.....I was exhausted.

Two days later I arrowed a huge black bear and had to do the same thing. Excpet that time I rented a motel room and had a decent meal and sleep before venturing back in. You couldn't have paid me to shoot another deer (even though I had a tag), as my feet were DONE! I lost 15 pounds on that 9 day hunt!

BOHNTR )))---------->
Trinity Alps or Yolla Bolly's?
Many guys I know with LOTS of rocky mountain hunts under their belts come back from blacktail hunts in these areas only to say WOW! that's some baaaaad country.
Been there myself.
Many times I've sworn that I'll never do it again, only to be drawn back by the memory of seeing big blacktail bucks.
"Too bad Moosie is not here. he routinely hikes 300 to 500 miles per weekend. He's the greatest hunter ever. If you don't believe me just ask him yourself. "

DAM Straight.... Most I've gone in one day was 295.23 miles, I was Having a good day and Took a Dump earlier that morning for extra Energy.

I can Provide pictures... And for you sick clown I'm talking about the Hike.. not the dump.

"The Alps...."

Most of you know My mom is Swiss and I've been to Switzerland 5-6 times. I even lived there almost 2 years to learn German and do construction (And drink beer !!!!). You guys think youre tough you need to go there. Guys with wooded shoes will make you and your Danners look like Wussies !!!!!

(Next time be carefull before you type my name in a Post ........)

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
In my "youth" I would spend a week in September in the Bighorn mountains bowhunting. Averaged about 9 miles a day as the crow flies, going by the topos. Don't do that anymore. Starting to learn to hunt smarter as well as hard. ....though I still find if your looking for elk for the freezer, it still pays to cover alot of ground.
Some days we Drive 400-500 miles and Don't see many deer... But we get alot of beer drinking in.

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
This one time, I had to walk uperds O' 678 yards from the road, way accross this flat field to get my buck. But as I got half way there, I realized I could just go back and ride my wheeler all the way out there across the grass and load up that doe, I mean buck that I just shot. It was GROOLING! By the time I got her, I mean him, back to the road, I felt like I was gonna

Just kidding!
3 MI in and back...Mostly!
The longest distance would be last year, I walked 7 miles in and 7 miles out. I know this cause some of the trails were marked. I did this just about everyday, lost twenty pounds in two weeks. gained it back in about four days.
One time I was riding in my truck and saw a dear about 200 yards away and I had to get out of my truck to shoot it.

Never done dat before, it felt good, kind of like gettn' out in da woods fur real.

Anyways, I had to walk over to da deer an I almose got lost cus I lost my truck behind a bush. Thin I stood up and saw my truck agin an I was not lost anymore. Then I bent over to gut the deer an I got los agin. But thin when I stood up agin I saw my truck an I knew I was gunna be okay.

Sure whish I would have had one of dem quads ya'll talk about!

The worst hiking I've ever done was when in was in 8th grade and the school had us do a "Lewis and Clark" hike. We showed up to school at 5:00 AM and hiked 17-18 miles from Number 2 Canyon (Wenatchee) to Cashmere. We all carried stuff with us, and I was stupid enough to be in some basketball shoes that I was wearing at the time. lol

As far as hunting goes, i'm not sure. We've hiked into a camp from 4-5 miles, and hunted during the days. Never really kept track of the miles.

Michael~All Gods creatures welcome... right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.
I got my truck stuck in Jan while chukar hunting. I walked to the highway where I got cell service. When we went in the next day to retrieve the truck (unsucessfully) the speedometer said it was 13.1 miles. Funny thing was, even through snow, I was less tired then if I had actually gone chukar hunting.

Is that the Yellow Jacket Ridge in Salmon River Country, Siskiyou next to the Marble Mts.?

If not, it sure has a strong resemblance.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-06 AT 02:00AM (MST)[p]The longest in one day was helping PleaseDear pack out his wife's elk. We couldn't figger out why our tongues were dragging in the dirt and our bodies hurt so bad, until we took a peek at the ole' GPS tracks mode...... 15.1 miles total.

But that bull looked darn nice in the back of the truck. :)

Second longest was trailing a bull in AZ for 9 miles. I staggered into bed and didn't leave the truck the next day.

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