

Very Active Member
MM Democrat apologists should be outraged, ashamed, embarrassed & apologetic at what their heroes from the corrupt O'bummer administration & the main stream media did to our country for the last 3 1/2 years. But they won't be any of the above, in fact many are doubling down on their hatred & their stupid. The biggest political scandal in the history of our republic.... crickets!
And some people wonder why "loose comments" are made about defending what we have instead of just rolling over because the military has so much more firepower...
it won't happen but i wish Durham came out with criminal referrals for EVERYONE who signed a faulty fisa request, EVERYONE who misspoke ( Lied) to congress. EVERYONE who used any type of deception in any of the investigation. AND I would Love to see them ALL sued for millions for slander. there should also be an accountability, for all the LIERS knew there was ZERO EVIDENCE. of any collusion with Russa. and kept the lie alive on TV and in the media. Obummer once bragged his administration was scandal free. THIS BUIISHlT statement should be fact checked and shown to the entire country, TV adds, bill boards, posters buildings and Schools, so the leftist media cant hide the truth. start with fast and furious, the IRS scandal, then the meat and potatoes , fisa abuse, DNC hiding their server and claiming Russia hacked it, all the interviews of shiff, brennon, and all the others who lied to Congress and american people .
THIS......will all be swept under the rug if Trump loses in November.....

EVERY bit of it....and the swamp will refill fuller than ever....
And some people wonder why "loose comments" are made about defending what we have instead of just rolling over because the military has so much more firepower...
I for one completely understand. Becoming cannon fodder is a poor strategy is all. But, don't take the criticism so personally.

To the OP, yes it is an outrage when the machine of government is turned against its citizens. Yet another case where the citizenry are "outgunned".

The article just pizzes me off. This Strzxyz is a slime ball. Can we please see the redacted names of those that got this "to the file" memo.
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you need a different attitude act defeated already.

that's the reason for my note to self....
Hardly; I have survived IRS audits. :) I can't imagine the horror of getting caught in the gears of the intelligence/surveillance state.

I'm a realist more than an ideologue .... sometimes that sucks. And I don't think we need to say certain things in the public domain.
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True but being open after being silenced for a couple of terms restores one sense of our right's as the founders intended. You don't keep your right's if you don't defend them and use's easy to become oppressed when you were silenced by suppression and they no longer think we the people have a voice or our votes.
Eel, then all the video of pelosi on camera in china town telling people to come join the party should be played, officials from new york telling folks to come to the parades and parties. all the drama queen dems, outages at trumps racist travel ban. ect
Eel, then all the video of pelosi on camera in china town telling people to come join the party should be played, officials from new york telling folks to come to the parades and parties. all the drama queen dems, outages at trumps racist travel ban. ect
Absolutely. A guy on another forum did the usual "100,000 deaths under Trump." I reminded him the experts predicted 2 million deaths so Trump is doing damn good. He didn't respond.
I remember one of the Harrison Ford, Jack Ryan movies where he has the Wesley Intel dude busted.

Then weasley dude pulls out a paper and wags it at him.

"This is a get out of jail free card, Jack....."

Why do i think there are a few of them around for some reason?
Eel, then all the video of pelosi on camera in china town telling people to come join the party should be played, officials from new york telling folks to come to the parades and parties. all the drama queen dems, outages at trumps racist travel ban. ect
We could make it more efficient and go directly to "100,000 dead people" parades. Don't most banana republics have some kind of death days? (Thats snarcasm for you guys who think I'm a left wing troll)
And in freedom celebration news, there is this:

Tooele County Health Department orders closure of amphitheater that would host protest concert - Deseret News

Things could get sporty out there.
This is going to be a summer to remember. The polls are sayin Trumps behind yet the common man can't understand why? In addition to the covid we now have the black plague because some idiot cops abused their jobs and literally killed a guy on film. Target and other stores are being ransacked because the left openly played the race card and then we have the shutdown and Obamagate, impeachment redux the sequels, sequels,sequels, sequel..........

So lawlessness is OK.........and condoned, and encouraged.........

Saul Alinski would call this a perfect storm and be so proud!!!

So do some of you naysayers still think divisional politics with a complicit press isn't decisive...........

it's going to be a long hot SPORTY summer indeed and sporty is probably putting it mildly ............But sporty is the right description......not too bad Bluehair..........LOL

The left is going to pull every tool out of their bag of tricks, and Trumps caused all of it......... and if things go exactly as they have planned Trump will lose and America the beautiful will have finally fallen into the abyss of corruption for it's final rest as a republic and Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff statues will dot the land as tribute to their greatest achievement to the party apparatchik.
And in freedom celebration news, there is this:

Tooele County Health Department orders closure of amphitheater that would host protest concert - Deseret News

Things could get sporty out there.
The Health Department can't be too careful. That Freedom Virus could spread like wildfire.
dont forget Rosenstein will be in the hot seat to testify next week. he is hated on both sides ..... bring your popcorn
Here in the Middle of Nowhere, we must continue with our normal lives and go fishing in the mud and muck. At least the bugs have not gotten too bad yet.

Tooele County, and the Concert are or were in Utah
Utah tries really hard sometimes to be blue. there are small cities near SLC that have double the population of my county. we get county phone books about the size of a child's coloring book.
Tooele County, and the Concert are or were in Utah
Utah tries really hard sometimes to be blue. there are small cities near SLC that have double the population of my county. we get county phone books about the size of a child's coloring book.

That's unfortunate about trying to go blue. Those people have NO IDEA what they're asking for. Once it's there, nearly impossible to get rid of it.
If you guys can, keep the Democrats out of your state government. California was THE STATE to move to in the 50's and 60's. Plenty of jobs with decent salary and buying a home was not that much of a hardship.
Then in 1972 the Democrats became a majority in our state government and things started downhill from there.
Taxes and fees went though the roof to where we are at the top for high rate of taxes and fees for government service of any kind.
Property taxes jacked up along with the value of assessed property to the point homeowners that purchased their homes 20 years ago are now facing property taxes that they can not afford today on a retirement income. Many home owners in the bay area and other large cities sold their homes and moved out to red states that had cheaper priced homes and taxes.
The computer high tech companies started in our silicon Valley area and grew to muti-billion dollar
companies. They paid CA. taxes in the billions, not millions to the state coffer over the years. That was not good enough for our liberal Democrat politicians who wanted more. They raised taxes on those companies and other business firms to the point a lot of the companies in the Silicon Valley uprooted and moved to Dallas, Texas, Seattle, Washington, and Colorado Springs, Colorado.
After numerous companies left this state, our liberal Democrats tried to blame other states for stealing our business companies and the jobs they created. Yeah! right!
A lot of our companies also moved over the state line to Nevada due to being taxed to death in CA. I have a very good friend that made a fortune in the computer industry by designing a computer program for farming operations. He purchased a 7 story building in our local city to house his business. He has now moved his head office to Las Vegas, Nevada to avoid the high business tax he was paying here.
I have not voted for any Democrat for the past 20 years and will not ever vote for any Democrat in the future. They are not the party for the people as they lie about being.

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