Autonomous Zone Seattle


Long Time Member
Unbelievable. They want people to help them.

These people and their support chain need to be put in their place. It’s sad what we have allowed our citizens and nation to become. Those who fought, bled, died, and gave everything they could to create and mold this great nation is now being completely disrespected and destroyed. At what point do the responsible, working citizens say enough is enough and take matters into their own hands. How long do we let these thugs push agendas, and bully those who respectfully stay in their lane. The Democratic Party and their supporters should be ashamed of the bias BS they continue to spew. They are rank with finger pointing, blame, and hate. Time to end the pity party and suppressing our brothers and sisters throughout the country with welfare and bailouts, and give them a means to a solution. Our law enforcement puts it on the line everyday and this disrespect cannot be justified. There are bad apples in everything, unfortunately we are humans with many pitfalls. Priest, teachers, everyday citizens, have evil one way or another, but to treat the law enforcers of this country like these tyrants have is unacceptable. I’m religious, you don’t have to be. I pray for our country and the struggles within. God help us all.
Easy fix. Siege warfare tactics. Nothing goes in, nothing comes out, unless under terms of surrender. Mandatory (I hate that word) 20 year prison sentence at Leavenworth. If you sign away your rights to due process it can be reduced to 15 years.

The only ones who bring up racism are the liberal left. What does that tell you.
Vegan jerky is double the price? Same sh@t......

Oregon was a trip. Hippies with guns. Rednecks, Preppers, off the grid folks, and then.......


How the hell did a place inhabited by MEN cutting trees, fishing, etc, give birth to Portland?

Easy fix. Siege warfare tactics. Nothing goes in, nothing comes out, unless under terms of surrender. Mandatory (I hate that word) 20 year prison sentence at Leavenworth. If you sign away your rights to due process it can be reduced to 15 years.

The only ones who bring up racism are the liberal left. What does that tell you.

My thought too.

They are autonomous. Meaning not part of Washington. Meaning no Washington water, power,gas, or use of any and all Washington roads to resupply.

No shots fired, let them eat protest signs.

And as such, aiding and abetting to anyone who does supply them, they are accessories to any and all crimes committed.

BUT DEAR GAWD, I am hoping for the biker rally in Seattle.

It’s been a stressful year, we deserve the release
Where's their supporters to discredit the writer on this posted antifa screed. notice how they project their actions and guilt on to us..........They're the righteous cause we're the fascists.........yet they're trying to destabilize our country......let that sink in.......anarchy isn't a peaceful affair and the hundreds of recent acts prove it. Where's the media why are they embracing intolerance?
Where's their supporters to discredit the writer on this posted antifa screed. notice how they project their actions and guilt on to us..........They're the righteous cause we're the fascists.........yet they're trying to destabilize our country......let that sink in.......anarchy isn't a peaceful affair and the hundreds of recent acts prove it. Where's the media why are they embracing intolerance?


The enemy of my enemy is my friend. The media is socialist, not anarchist. But since the anarchists are doing the dirty work, they let them
Pretty interesting how they pushed covid 19 like it was the end of civilization as we know it but yet... huh, so much for social distancing. Bunch of phony hypocrites. Any and everything they can do to put stress on the country. Despicable really.
Hossblur not to split hairs in another context you would be right, but the media's complicity in supporting the acts of anarchy clearly makes them the text book definition of an source.....Marxist's, socialist's anarchist's all subscribe to the removal of any form of governance that doesn't meet their ideology. The fact they all work together to achieve that end just shows they're all tentacles of the same octopus.......each arm working to achieve the same goal in unison or separately to transform your country. If you think the media hasn't been involved in the dirty work in this affair it must have slipped your mind for a second........Propaganda and misleading reporting are all part of the coup. If not they would have been calling out the wrongful acts..........JMO.?
If Seattle keeps putting up with this crap these jokers will get stronger and morph into an organized group like ISIS. Something needs to be done and soon.
Long live CHAZ and their garden of utopia!
As soon as they hear the rumble of Harleys these freaks are gonna wet themselves, chit their pants & cry for mommy to let them live in the basement again.

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That's why they're asking white folks to give money to black their own group..........and cashing their unemployment or welfare checks, and taking money for doing the dirty work........from those funding activist groups..... yep that's a socialist's view of self reliance as long as the other guys funds hold out......
Years ago the Rainbow Family decided the Uintas was the summer camp.

It was a mountain of free love and drum circles.

Guess this years “celebration” is in Seattle?

Look at how exciting this all is.

I mean the1968-69, that was the year that “defined a generation”(according to those late night infomercials”).

And now there grandchildren have there chance.

Im so excited I might light a dube, bang a drum, and have sex with a hairy woman!!

What more can a guy wish for? Soyboys and peace and love in a judgement free zone.
Funny, I was just thinking these people remind me of the rainbow people. They had a gathering here a few years back. The parks, public restrooms, and soup kitchens got slammed. :rolleyes:
It's tough to bathe when you're peeing in diapers...........pretty soon they'll be repurposing the wet handi wipes.........
Do You Remember the Mess they left Hossy?

Years ago the Rainbow Family decided the Uintas was the summer camp.

It was a mountain of free love and drum circles.

Guess this years “celebration” is in Seattle?

Look at how exciting this all is.

I mean the1968-69, that was the year that “defined a generation”(according to those late night infomercials”).

And now there grandchildren have there chance.

Im so excited I might light a dube, bang a drum, and have sex with a hairy woman!!

What more can a guy wish for? Soyboys and peace and love in a judgement free zone.
Just reading that there will be thousands of bikers going into CHAZ on July 4th at noon. Can't wait to see that footage. I will take bets that the people of CHAZ hightail it out of there on July 3rd.
I had a run in with some of the Rainbow people. It was in the summer of 98 and they were having a gathering in the Apache NF. I was heading to work in Clifton, AZ. I was driving between St. John’s, and Springerville, AZ. It is a stretch of highway that has a few ups and downs but is mostly flat. I was driving my 79 GMC and I may have been speeding a little and topped one of the hills when right in front of me was a caravan of motor homes towing trailers going about 5 mph. I had to stand on the brakes and turn into the shoulder. I almost went into the bar ditch as I passed three of them. I was real upset and called the one driver in the back every word in the book. To this day, it was the most puckering I’ve ever felt.

CHAZ has become CHOP. Not sure if this is because CHAZ sounded Male, or if it culturally misappropriated an ethnic sounding name, or if CHOP was to pay homage to 4th wave feminists, but, CHOP is now our newest country in the world.

Rumor is we will begin trade negotiations on their obvious spectacular agriculture sector, or if its for their intellectual data of ways to use f$&! in every sentence, in soray paint, but I hear negotiations are progressing.

Pelosi and Schumer are on their way now to kneel for CHOPs new rapper Warlord.

No word yet on if CHOP plans to join NATO, or the G7.

Good thing though, the olympics were delayed a year so there’s plenty of time for there powerhouse gymnastics team to qualify.

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