Diversity Training anyone?


Very Active Member

Where does this end up Dems? It ain't good
We know whose side corporate America is on.
And now we know why they are allowing small businesses to get destroyed across the country by BLM, antifa & the china virus
So what you're saying is a private company shouldn't be allowed to set policy as they see fit?

Where was all the outrage when hobby lobby decided they didn't want to pay for birth control under their insurance for religious reasons?

Oh, yeah, that choice was something the R's thought was great, so no problem with the company having the freedom to set that kind of policy.

Is being a hypocrite part of the Republican Party Platform?
Who said they couldn't or shouldn't do it???....I'll stick with bridgestone.....and I'll patronize Hobby Lobby
Where was the outrage when Hobby Lobby didn't want to pay for birth control? Hell, all over the news. Everywhere. It's crickets when it comes from the left.

CLEARLY birth control is a religious hot button. This is purely political. You, sir, are the only hypocrite here.
Where was the outrage when Hobby Lobby didn't want to pay for birth control? Hell, all over the news. Everywhere. It's crickets when it comes from the left.

CLEARLY birth control is a religious hot button. This is purely political. You, sir, are the only hypocrite here.

Who said I disagreed with their right to not pay for birth control?

Birth control is more political than it is religious...open your eyes and mind, if you dare.

I have no problem what the Republican bible beaters at hobby lobby wanted to not pay for in regard to the company insurance plan. Just like I don't have any problem with Goodyear's dress code. IF it bothers you that much, take your business elsewhere, nobody cares.

The faux outrage over company policy you don't like is what's hypocritical...

You either believe a company has the right to set policy or you don't...that simple.
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Buzz the Goodyear graphic says "zero tolerance"
Is the irony lost on you from what's on the left side of the board vs right?
Buzz the Goodyear graphic says "zero tolerance"
Is the irony lost on you from what's on the left side of the board vs right?

Yeah, zero tolerance on what is, and is not acceptable under THEIR COMPANY POLICY, which is clearly outlined in the slide.

Hooked on phonics may help...
My favorite training to date included a black, female speaker who told her primarily white audience that, by definition, minorities cannot be racist--that it is an attribute of the majority culture, only. I guess I am too old to understand the contortions millennials make to justify their point of view.
Agree with Buzz, Goodyear has the right as a private business to set company policy. Its capitalism, I'm totally for that. Next step is Americans can and will choose to purchase tires elsewhere. Not complicated.
Seems like i saw lawsuits vs a baker who owned a private company that didnt want to bake a gay wedding cake.?

That being said. Consumers are free to support, it not support whomever they choose.

Businesses will pay a price. Get woke, go broke.

Read today Ford SUV sales are getting hit hard. Defund the police means fewer Fords being bought by police departments. Meaning fewer Goodyear tires.
No, I'm not missing the point...companies have the right to set policy, dress codes, conditions of employment, etc.

See homers post #6, that's what you do about it as a consumer, not ram your faux outrage down anyone's throat.

Not when you purposfully target a very specific group out of spite.

No such thing as fake outrage.

Diverse? Sure, whatever.
Agree with Buzz, Goodyear has the right as a private business to set company policy. Its capitalism, I'm totally for that. Next step is Americans can and will choose to purchase tires elsewhere. Not complicated.

Companies setting policy isn't capitalism.

What Goodyear did is a direct violation of workplace harassment and anti-discrimimation laws. They have effectively segregated one group of employees from another based on a belief or moral principle.

This IS NOT the same thing as a corporation saying they won't pay for an abortion. It never once said you couldn't have one. Them setting policy is setting stores to be closed on Sunday. No violation of any sort there either.
Companies setting policy isn't capitalism.

What Goodyear did is a direct violation of workplace harassment and anti-discrimimation laws. They have effectively segregated one group of employees from another based on a belief or moral principle.

This IS NOT the same thing as a corporation saying they won't pay for an abortion. It never once said you couldn't have one. Them setting policy is setting stores to be closed on Sunday. No violation of any sort there either.

Take them to court then...what law did they break? They aren't discriminating against anyone or harrassing anyone either.

They're enforcing dress code, which a business can absolutely do.
Take them to court then...what law did they break? They aren't discriminating against anyone or harrassing anyone either.

They're enforcing dress code, which a business can absolutely do.

Dress code? Hardly. Try and keep up hummer...

"A slide has leaked from a Goodyear diversity training which brands “Blue Lives Matter,” “All Lives Matter” and “MAGA” attire “unacceptable,” while deeming Black Lives Matter and LGBT slogans to be “acceptable.”"

"According to a report from WIBW, the person who took the photo of the slide said that it was presented at a Topeka plant by an area manager and says it came from their corporate office out of Akron, Ohio.
“If someone wants to wear a BLM shirt in here, then cool. I’m not going to get offended about it. But at the same time, if someone’s not going to be able to wear something that is politically based, even in the farthest stretch of the imagination, that’s discriminatory,” the employee told the station under the agreement of anonymity due to fears they could lose their job. “If we’re talking about equality, then it needs to be equality. If not, it’s discrimination.”"
BUZZ is part of the problem he supports divisional politics and uses it and a few other sordid tricks in his union demands and negotiations. The lefts version of equality stops the minute any opposing thought comes out that doesn't support their narrative ( Alinski101). So Buzz why don't you explain to the guys why you didn't come out against the riots and looting we're seeing against your fellow Americans. Why old buzzy is such a stand up guy he didn't condemn the fact they were trying to set fire to a building where his fellow government employees were there to protect the federal property. So Buzz when it comes to the high road on morality you seem to be in the tank for those who disregard our laws........and injure others to promote the cause & ideology.......and the party politic to which they serve. Buzzy is a little conflicted if you hadn't noticed.
So the NFL can force
Dress code? Hardly. Try and keep up hummer...

"A slide has leaked from a Goodyear diversity training which brands “Blue Lives Matter,” “All Lives Matter” and “MAGA” attire “unacceptable,” while deeming Black Lives Matter and LGBT slogans to be “acceptable.”"

"According to a report from WIBW, the person who took the photo of the slide said that it was presented at a Topeka plant by an area manager and says it came from their corporate office out of Akron, Ohio.
“If someone wants to wear a BLM shirt in here, then cool. I’m not going to get offended about it. But at the same time, if someone’s not going to be able to wear something that is politically based, even in the farthest stretch of the imagination, that’s discriminatory,” the employee told the station under the agreement of anonymity due to fears they could lose their job. “If we’re talking about equality, then it needs to be equality. If not, it’s discrimination.”"

Remember when the discussion was about the Dbag Kaepernick kneeling and every Trump lover was outrage that the NFL didn't make it's employees stand for the National Anthem? Wasn't that all political and making a statement too? Or does the NFL have a right to quiet their employees political statements but Goodyear doesn't?

I can't keep up, maybe Trump twitter feed will tell when and what to be outraged about again.

well at least you admit you can't keep up, and who can? But you do show you're a small businessman not effected by the same rules the big guys have to worry about........until one of your kids goes crying about discrimination to an attorney that wants to pick your pockets.....It's all relative Nemont. I'm sure you'd approve of one of your guys kneeling in front of ALL your clients at a company function jeopardizing your relationship and business with them, telling them you need to support their political cause in front of the world on camera.......like he did.......LOL
It's OK, Trump took care of it by using the Dems tactics. He voiced his opinion that Firestone should be boycotted by anyone that disagrees with the way that Firestone handled that left wing slant of a memo to all stores.
One of the biggest users of tires are the thousands of law enforcement agencies and I guess many of them will direct that Firestone tires will not be purchased for their patrol vehicles. Very very stupid move by some high end idiots at the Firestone headquarters.
the unions are trying to exercise their clout but forget the federal government has the biggest fleet of vehicles in the world.......and yet they want to discriminate against Americans.....to promote the democrat party's ideals........Discrimination works more than one way and the dems seem to forget that and he uses it against them..... Think they'll organize a strike over a hat or tshirt? He could easily divert the tire sales to another company and show them the power he has at his fingertips. This is beyond stupid but the dems are trying anything they can to try to cripple him.
I'd quit before I stared at BLM shirts all day long. I'd tell management if that's the way they want to operate I don't want to work here. No problem.
And that is your decision to quit...good luck with that.

Well if you no longer fit in and support Trump, you may want to quit. Cause the way I see it the BLM snakes may get together and make some false claims of what you do at work. And corporate would probably never promote you if they knew you supported the opposite side. What crazy times. I’m sure here soon the wokeness culture will be kicked to the curb. People are going to see through it and say enough is enough. Social media can be a real crappy way to communicate. And I feel it’s why we are where we are right now.
Easier to find another job than just wear appropriate clothing to work...

Lots of folks have a real special kind of knack for making easy stuff difficult.

I'm only at work for one reason, to make as much money for the owner as I can. In return I expect to be paid the agreed upon wage. I've never worn anything political to work, ever.
So the NFL can force

Remember when the discussion was about the Dbag Kaepernick kneeling and every Trump lover was outrage that the NFL didn't make it's employees stand for the National Anthem? Wasn't that all political and making a statement too? Or does the NFL have a right to quiet their employees political statements but Goodyear doesn't?

I can't keep up, maybe Trump twitter feed will tell when and what to be outraged about again.


Went right over your head as well. Ok for one form of political speech (protected under the 1st) but not another. That is a blatant violation of the Constitution. You know, that document that has been frustrating liberals since 1789.

And, you'll notice some still kneel and it has NOTHING to do with police "brutality".

Kapi was a contractor, and no guarentee for a renewal or issuance.

Life is tough when you're dumb...

'LIKE' by BuzzH
I don't get your thinking Buzz....when a "black lives matters" shirt is appropriate but a "blue lives matters" shirt isn't....

Its not my policy or way of thinking, just that I agree with the appropriateness of an employer to enforce a dress code as they see fit.

Just like its eelgrasses appropriateness to seek employment elsewhere if they don't agree with the dress code.
so you agree a whiner could sue for discrimination and have a legitimate case???

People sue for all sorts of stupid chit and a whole phone book full of lawyers willing to take their money and tell them they have a case.

Go ask one if its that important to you.
The one thing you prove, Homer, is that there really are stupid questions...in spite of what you've been told.
No, I'm more interested in making a contribution to society. I wouldn't be a good fit there either. I like to make money, not steal it.
That was a little harsh. I like to make money, not beg it from people who do, is more accurate.
Its not my policy or way of thinking, just that I agree with the appropriateness of an employer to enforce a dress code as they see fit.

Just like its eelgrasses appropriateness to seek employment elsewhere if they don't agree with the dress code.
So, you are fine with companies discriminating. If a company says no political slogans, that is not discriminating. But when they say only our political slogans are ok, THAT IS DISCRIMINATION. Which, in case you haven’t noticed, IS ILLEGAL IN WORKPLACES. The birth control argument holds no water here, because it was taken away from EVERYONE. Didn’t just say “no birth control for women” or “no birth control for Hispanics”. Once again, let’s see if you understand. Saying “no political statements” is NOT discrimination. Saying “only this sides political statements can be worn, but not theirs” IS discrimination. Easy lesson there? Or do you liberals not understand that?!
So, you are fine with companies discriminating. If a company says no political slogans, that is not discriminating. But when they say only our political slogans are ok, THAT IS DISCRIMINATION. Which, in case you haven’t noticed, IS ILLEGAL IN WORKPLACES. The birth control argument holds no water here, because it was taken away from EVERYONE. Didn’t just say “no birth control for women” or “no birth control for Hispanics”. Once again, let’s see if you understand. Saying “no political statements” is NOT discrimination. Saying “only this sides political statements can be worn, but not theirs” IS discrimination. Easy lesson there? Or do you liberals not understand that?!

But I'm not sure it meets the legal description of discrimination. A company has the right to dictate what you wear at work. You have a right to accept it or not work there. It's illegal to discriminate against sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, yes.
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But I'm not sure it meets the legal description of discrimination. A company has the right to dictate what you wear at work. You have a right to accept it or not work there. It's illegal to discriminate against sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, yes.
It fits the description of discrimination. It is illegal to discriminate against one group of individuals, no matter what the issue is. If one group can wear political slogans, and another cannot, that is discrimination. Does not matter what the issue is, you cannot single out one group.
Whether a private company has the right or not is missing the point completely.

What is bothersome is the fact that a private company would so openly, formally, and aggressively discriminate against free speech (conservative free speech that is). It’s been happening for some time in the corporate world, but I would guess not quite that formally.

Again, I don’t care if it’s legal or not, the suppression of free speech (especially when targeted against a certain ideology....conservative in this case) is not healthy for our nation.
Whether a private company has the right or not is missing the point completely.

What is bothersome is the fact that a private company would so openly, formally, and aggressively discriminate against free speech (conservative free speech that is). It’s been happening for some time in the corporate world, but I would guess not quite that formally.

Again, I don’t care if it’s legal or not, the suppression of free speech (especially when targeted against a certain ideology....conservative in this case) is not healthy for our nation.
I agree 100%.

Whether it is good or bad for our country is sort of aside as to whether a private company can or cannot act like Goodyear. The 1st Amendment almost always applies to whether a government entity is suppressing free speech.

Goodyear can try to do this and everyone is free to stop buying their tires.

I will agree that allowing BLM slogans and not others is bad for open discussion. It doesn't foster discussion and compromise or allow the other side to be represented in such discussion, that is bad for our country. Still doesn't mean that Goodyear can't do it, unfortunately.

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They're also in violation of labor laws by implementing a program that gives preference to a political party or a ethnic group based on race. I'm sure that wasn't their intent by trying to support a cause but in today's world things aren't as simple as they used to be. In fact I'll bet some little lawyer is just salivating at the thought of being able to start class action suits on this. Imagine the doors it opens?
Seems rather stupid when a huge part of their customer base will get PO. I can't imagine what moron in management allowed this one to go so far. Just make all slogan hats and shirts against policy. BLM is definitely a political group. I bet you money that they will lose sales from this one.
So... let me get this straight. As a business owner I can require my employees to wear a “white power” shirt and ban a “black lives matter” shirt?? Also I could require my employees to wear shirts that say “kill all ni**ers” Including black employees??? And none of that would be discrimination????

I fully understand that I wouldn’t be in business very long but you’re telling me it is legal to do? I call BS and this is not the same as the NFL.
They're also in violation of labor laws by implementing a program that gives preference to a political party or a ethnic group based on race. I'm sure that wasn't their intent by trying to support a cause but in today's world things aren't as simple as they used to be. In fact I'll bet some little lawyer is just salivating at the thought of being able to start class action suits on this. Imagine the doors it opens?
That’s the point. These people are either blind to it or don’t understand the laws.
reread my post above. that you quoted. See the word VIOLATION we agree......Like Glen said most likely some young college grad in HR decided to allow it and wasn't too well versed on the law. Being a large company they exposed themselves legally and could fully exempt themselves from government contracts with such a policy!

They've since issued a correction to the policy since somebody with 1/2 a brain figured out they sat in it!!
It's only a faint mirage in your rear view mirror, trouble is the liberal mind is actually manufacturing more obstacles to impede every foot in the miles of the road ahead. Obstacles that can not only harm your vehicle but do harm to everyone inside or outside the vehicle as well. All this under the guise of road improvements,and shovel ready jobs.
So... let me get this straight. As a business owner I can require my employees to wear a “white power” shirt and ban a “black lives matter” shirt?? Also I could require my employees to wear shirts that say “kill all ni**ers” Including black employees??? And none of that would be discrimination????

I fully understand that I wouldn’t be in business very long but you’re telling me it is legal to do? I call BS and this is not the same as the NFL.

Can you find where Goodyear "required" anyone to wear BLM or any other slogan? I believe the word used is "allowed".

If the NFL required players to stand for the National Anthem is that okay or should the players be allowed to decide to stand or kneel? I really don't care but if this is about freedom of speech, then show me which government entity is limiting speech.

I could care less what Goodyear decides, I have decided not to buy Goodyear tires, if enough people decide to do that, guess what Goodyear will do.

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Freedom of speech ends the second you enter a private business. That includes the NFL.

Everyone knows what the HR was. Why they did it. And they got caught and called out.

Good on the President for not being PC and putting it out there.

Freedom of speech doesnt mean freedom of consequences
I could care less what Goodyear decides, I have decided not to buy Goodyear tires, if enough people decide that guess what Goodyear will do.


Nemont is right about public opinion making a possible change on Goodyear's policy. If enough people and agencies, like law enforcement, stop buying Goodyear tires, they will flip flop on their policy. Bottom line with any business, profit is the main priority!!!!
Goodyear was very stupid to put out that memo to district offices and not knowing it will effect their sales. I have heard that some of our local law enforcement agencies have already told their tire centers no more Goodyear tires on our vehicles.

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