Couple honest questions for ya


Very Active Member
Have any of you ever seen a president work as hard as Trump has during their time in office? Everyday Trump is working on something. Hell, I can’t tell you how many time Obama was out golfing, on a talk show, vacation get away, playing celebrity rather than being a leader.
Has there ever been a president that didn’t make his fortune from politics? Has there ever been a president that didn’t keep his salary for doing so? (Hoover, JFK, & Trump)
Hell, I can’t tell you how many time Obama was out golfing

Here you go. It's 42/yr. Trump is averaging 91/yr...

We can get into time spent vacationing at resorts or appearances on news channels if you'd like to. But you won't like the numbers.

As to the waived salary, it's $400,000/yr. We can also get into how much he's billed American Citizens for the Secret Service use of his resorts while he stays there, but you won't like those numbers either since it far exceeds the salary he's forgoing.
Bring it on grizzly? Let's talk about the Obama/Biden vacations. Plus the ones Hunter Biden took on air force 2 and made millions off deals he made off his dad's position.
Any money spent on Trumps details are not in question other than from you and every left wing nut job who never misses a chance to spout off on the WWW.
Bring it on grizzly? Let's talk about the Obama/Biden vacations. Plus the ones Hunter Biden took on air force 2 and made millions off deals he made off his dad's position.
Any money spent on Trumps details are not in question other than from you and every left wing nut job who never misses a chance to spout off on the WWW.

Wrong, you're as big a hypocrite as there is.

Trump practicing nepotism is fine and dandy, but Biden doing the same isn't.

Obama playing golf and you're howling like a cat with its ass dipped in turpentine...Trump plays golf twice as much, well, he needs the exercise.

Good grief, at least stay consistent with your faux outrage.

If a president wants to give their kids a job, BFD. If a president wants to golf or go on vacation, BFD. If a president wants to fly the old lady to dinner on air force one, BFD.

They all do the exact same flash your guy is no better or worse. Get over it.
News flash??? Trumps kids flew on Air force 1 and made multi million dollar deals with China and Ukraine? Wow I did not know that.

I don't really care less how much Trump or Obama golf or vacation in office. They are never really off the clock.

Obama/Biden were the most corrupt duo this country has ever seen. A terrorist and a sex offender. Racist and a hair sniffer. Liar and a idiot
Dip and sh@t. Dumb and dumber. Ebony and ivory living in perfect America hating harmony. Pro rioting anti police.

Might want to lay off the caffeine? Or a little less of the blue koolaid?
News flash??? Trumps kids flew on Air force 1 and made multi million dollar deals with China and Ukraine? Wow I did not know that.

I don't really care less how much Trump or Obama golf or vacation in office. They are never really off the clock.

Obama/Biden were the most corrupt duo this country has ever seen. A terrorist and a sex offender. Racist and a hair sniffer. Liar and a idiot
Dip and sh@t. Dumb and dumber. Ebony and ivory living in perfect America hating harmony. Pro rioting anti police.

Might want to lay off the caffeine? Or a little less of the blue koolaid?

Are you going to claim that Trumps kids DONT fly on air force one? That they didn't conduct business while jet setting on AF1?

OK....what deals did Trump's kids make with foreign governments while flying around on AF1?
Blue thru and thru. Let me guess you still believe the stain on Lewinsky's dress was sour cream from taco Tuesday?
Share your proof a Trump child did business with a foreign country while on AF1? Yep you can't.

Glad your smart enough to not dispute Obama/Biden are the most shameful duo we have ever had in the white house.
Buzz also failed to mention that the Clinton's charge the secrete service to rent the guest house on the Clinton's New York compound and the tax payers were paying the Clinton's mortgage for that compound after Bill Clinton was out of office.
What happen to giving them free rent while they were protecting your A$$.
Or maybe do some research and see how many of the “golf games” were meetings with officials from other countries. Obama did not use it as such. But hey, let’s jump them the same. Liberals will twist anything and everything to use against Trump.
What do you suppose the going rate is to vacation in Hawaii under secret service protection?

What do you suppose the rate is to fly the family dog there on its own flight?


Live TV

Obamas take his and hers flights to LA
By Betsy Klein and Kevin Liptak, CNN
Updated 7:02 PM EDT, Fri March 13, 2015
article video
You Paid $100 Million for Obama's Trip to Africa & You Won't Even Get a Photo
The Obamas' vacation could cost taxpayers in the vicinity of $100 million for hundreds of Secret Service agents, 14 bulletproof limos, and much, much more, but there is more important outrage: We're not even going to get another awesome picture of a president on safari!

Barack Obama made 52 international trips to 58 different countries (in addition to visiting the West Bank) during his presidency. He set the record as the most-traveled president for any first year in office: he took the most trips, visited the most countries, and spent the most days abroad.

I purposely used left leaning sites.

We can play this game more

We can get into net worth increases next if you want. That ones a real beauty.

What is disingenuous is your comparing a guy who owns golf courses to someone who doesnt. Your trying to compare cost to protect his "home" to a vacationer.

Trump playing golf at Mar a lago cost him $0. The secret service decides what they will or will not protect, the President get ZERO say in that. So if you wanted to be honest in just greens fees its easy to see who spent more.

If you wanted to be fair. The real comparison would be avg rounds played pre President vs President.

Im going to assume Obama ramped up his rounds, just based on handicap ID say Trump played a lot before he was elected.

And last. The Bush girls, the Obama girls, Chelsea Clinton, or the Trump kids.

NONE OF THEM are as sleazy at Bidens kid. NONE. On that there is no comparison.
I have no problem with presidents golfing, but tell me this isn't a waste of tax payer money. Check out his swing. And every time Obama golfed, the entire course got shut down to accommodate him.

Note the MAGA hat.

Buzz also failed to mention that the Clinton's charge the secrete service to rent the guest house on the Clinton's New York compound and the tax payers were paying the Clinton's mortgage for that compound after Bill Clinton was out of office.
What happen to giving them free rent while they were protecting your A$$.
Haha. Give a Trumpeter enough rope and he'll hang himself. Trump charges the Secret Service $17,000 a month for a 3 bedroom condo at Trump National Golf Club.

Trump has charged the Secret Service at least $900,000 while staying at his own properties. That's right, nearly $1,000,000 taxpayer dollars into his own pocket.

Any chance you're not a hypocrite and will blast that as well or maybe Trump shouldn't give them free rent while protecting his A$$ even though those are your exact words about Clinton.
From 2017.

That was referring to this GAO report (link below), which extrapolated to today's updated golf schedule results in taxpayers paying over $64,000,000 to Mar-A-Lago alone in the last three years (link below).

Queue all the Trumpeter anger ?

From 2017.

That was referring to this GAO report (link below), which extrapolated to today's updated golf schedule results in taxpayers paying over $64,000,000 to Mar-A-Lago alone in the last three years (link below).

Queue all the Trumpeter anger ?

Again. Because I looked. I didnt see billing from the courses Obama paid by the gov for compensation of the course being shut down. I did see references to a wedding being shut down so he could play

I can't seem to find what the going rate for rentals on Obamas new home in the hamptons. Im assuming ss isn't getting free rent there?

We play this gotcha BS. But we can't be honest.
Bush was worth about $4million, now roughly $24million

Clinton was in debt now worth roughly $100million

Obama was worth roughly $2 million when he rolled into office. Hes now worth roughly $80million.

So if Trump is actually a billionare(I doubt it too), if 3 years out of office hes worth $40 billion, then comparisons to Obama are fair.

If hes worth $100billion than they are fair to Clinton.

But its not a fair comparison to compare SS protection of a golf course, which is a buisness, to rental properties in Hawaii. Unless you somehow believe that to be President you should have to have never owned anything, which makes you a democrat.

Does that defend Trump? I guess tge next time tge democrats run someone who hasn't spent their entire life living off the taxpayer, we can make comparisons.

We could also compare the shear amount of security needed thanks to the lefts shock troops, as we saw again at the RNC convention.

Yes. Trump spends too much. If your using Obama to prove it, or Bush, well you're just dumb as a brick
Take a look around. Have you seen Biden leave his cave? Hell no, you think he can be president?? He’s a pile. 50 years in office and hasn’t done jack. Trump is running around with his hair on fire.
If you're requiring everyone to show their work, then lets have a chat with treedagain….
Let's chat Buzz. Your the one throwing out be statement. The truth could smack you in the face and you would dismiss it if went against your Blue values.
Come on Buzz....what multi million dollar deals has a Trump kid made while traveling on AF1?
Kinda hard to see the truth if you have blinders on.
Come on Buzz....what multi million dollar deals has a Trump kid made while traveling on AF1?
Kinda hard to see the truth if you have blinders on

What Chinese patents did Biden's kids get the same day they dined with the President of China at the family resort?

Yeah, I'm sure that's on the up and up... just like the dozens of other patents Ivanka has been granted by China. Probably no money in it for her either ?

"On April 6, Ivanka Trump's company won provisional approval from the Chinese government for three new trademarks, giving it monopoly rights to sell Ivanka brand jewelry, bags and spa services in the world's second-largest economy. That night, the first daughter and her husband, Jared Kushner, sat next to the president of China and his wife for a steak and Dover sole dinner at Mar-a-Lago."

^^^^ Yet another example of what happens when a Low Information Voter buys into Trump telling them to avoid any information that isn't his approved propaganda. Guys end up talking about golf rounds and child nepotism without knowing the hole they're digging themselves into. Next we can talk about Jr's luxury condos in Indonesia.
What Chinese patents did Biden's kids get the same day they dined with the President of China at the family resort?

Yeah, I'm sure that's on the up and up... just like the dozens of other patents Ivanka has been granted by China. Probably no money in it for her either.

"On April 6, Ivanka Trump's company won provisional approval from the Chinese government for three new trademarks, giving it monopoly rights to sell Ivanka brand jewelry, bags and spa services in the world's second-largest economy. That night, the first daughter and her husband, Jared Kushner, sat next to the president of China and his wife for a steak and Dover sole dinner at Mar-a-Lago."

^^^^ Yet another example of what happens when a Low Information Voter buys into Trump telling them to avoid any information that isn't his approved propaganda. Guys end up talking about golf rounds and child nepotism without knowing the hole they're digging themselves into. Next we can talk about Jr's luxury condos in Indonesia.

You mean Ivanka Trump got Trademarks for HER OWN MERCH?

So by comparison I guess I can buy me a hunter biden necklace?

You are MUCH smarter than this

Hunter Biden. When you stop, consider you are talking about an admitted drug addict, who knocked up a stripper, right after HE BANGED HIS DEAD BROTHERS WIDOW.

Not cheated, not divorced. He LITERALLY banged his dead brothers widow.

Upon reading that normal folks would stop. TDS sufferers dont let that sink in.


So. We Dan compare money. We can point out that Ghallaine Maxwell(Jeffery Epsteins "talent scout") was at Chelsea Clinton's wedding. We Dan talk about Billy Carter.

But NONE OF THEM BANGED their dead siblings widow.

Which makes Hunter Biden in his own POS class.
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You mean Ivanka Trump got Trademarks for HER OWN MERCH?

So by comparison I guess I can buy me a hunter biden necklace?

You are MUCH smarter than this
I think drywall dust has gone to your brain. If you can't see the similarities in Presidential children trading on Daddy's name for their own personal financial gain, you're beyond help.

Have you ever done retail in China? I have, with a manufacturing company I used to own. They don't hand out patents easily as they prefer to steal your ideas and sell the products themselves. That's one of the reasons I sold that company is they just private label your ideas and cut you out.

PS. Go research all the Chinese patents that Ivanka has been granted, it's not as clean as you clearly hope that it is.
Again she was granted trademarks for HER OWN MERCH.

What did Merch was Hunter Biden selling? In China or elsewhere?

Are you capable of honesty?
I think drywall dust has gone to your brain. If you can't see the similarities in Presidential children trading on Daddy's name for their own personal financial gain, you're beyond help.

Have you ever done retail in China? I have, with a manufacturing company I used to own. They don't hand out patents easily as they prefer to steal your ideas and sell the products themselves. That's one of the reasons I sold that company is they just private label your ideas and cut you out.

PS. Go research all the Chinese patents that Ivanka has been granted, it's not as clean as you clearly hope that it is.

What was Hunter Bidens job prior to his dad being VP? AMTRACK? Supposedly. Is there an Amtrack station in Beijing?
The only ones proud of this type of BS finger pointing are the R's and D's that are creating tribalism saying your guy is worse than my guy.

All a big distraction that a vast majority buy, hook, line, sinker...

Lets be honest, there isn't a thin dime of difference between the parties, only the distractions they feed their base to get re-elected and make them and their rich buddies even richer. That assures them plenty of time to golf, get rich off our labor, get that 4th vacation home, prop up the markets they make the vast majority of wealth from, pay back their supporters, etc.

Meanwhile they laugh as the peons argue over abortion, gun rights, and a few other hot button issues that they (all politicians) don't even care about. Distractions while they rob us all blind...just a fact.

Amazing so many take the bait...
Let's face it. Members of both parties will take every legal step they can get to save a buck. The problem is that it strongly appears that several Democrats have gone passed the line to be legal.
But the bottom line is the fact that Trump is by far the better candidate for President. Sleepy Joe is more then senile and unfit to run this country and you can argue that fact all you want and you will loose.
You liberal stupid Democrats must really be proud of your party and the DNC. They cast aside any good candidate to give you a crooked vindictive b!tch in the likes of Hillary and then turned around and gave you a old man with dementia and whose family is a bunch of crooks living off the backs of the tax payers.
I would be ashamed to call myself a Democrat or support their policy of today. It seems that several of you do not have any shame and in my opinion unfit to call yourself an "American".



There are sometimes when the "they both do it" crap isn't relevant.

Since Grizz seems to not be able to Google it.

ANYBODY in here show me where a Presidential Candidate son who is even in thecsame class as Hunter Biden.

Some may have used drugs(Reagan, Obama), some cash in on the family name(all of them), anvil assume some might have knocked up a stripper it 2.

Show me 1 that has done all the above combined.

Then show me how many times any of them diddled their brothers widow.

Hunter Biden is in his own class.
You mean Ivanka Trump got Trademarks for HER OWN MERCH?

So by comparison I guess I can buy me a hunter biden necklace?

You are MUCH smarter than this

Hunter Biden. When you stop, consider you are talking about an admitted drug addict, who knocked up a stripper, right after HE BANGED HIS DEAD BROTHERS WIDOW.

Not cheated, not divorced. He LITERALLY banged his dead brothers widow.

Upon reading that normal folks would stop. TDS sufferers dont let that sink in.


So. We Dan compare money. We can point out that Ghallaine Maxwell(Jeffery Epsteins "talent scout") was at Chelsea Clinton's wedding. We Dan talk about Billy Carter.

But NONE OF THEM BANGED their dead siblings widow.

Which makes Hunter Biden in his own POS class.

But lets not mention Trump banging a pornstar, paying her to keep quiet, while his old lady was knocked up....

Come on the righteousness or lack there-of for someone without a firing brain cell.

Lifestyles of the rich and famous...but lets point fingers.
The only ones proud of this type of BS finger pointing are the R's and D's that are creating tribalism saying your guy is worse than my guy.

All a big distraction that a vast majority buy, hook, line, sinker...

Lets be honest, there isn't a thin dime of difference between the parties, only the distractions they feed their base to get re-elected and make them and their rich buddies even richer. That assures them plenty of time to golf, get rich off our labor, get that 4th vacation home, prop up the markets they make the vast majority of wealth from, pay back their supporters, etc.

Meanwhile they laugh as the peons argue over abortion, gun rights, and a few other hot button issues that they (all politicians) don't even care about. Distractions while they rob us all blind...just a fact.

Amazing so many take the bait...
There is distinction in being in the club, and using political office to get in the club.

Guys like Trump and Romney were already in the elite club. The Presidency is an ego thing.

Biden and Clinton, its how they get elite.
But lets not mention Trump banging a pornstar, paying her to keep quiet, while his old lady was knocked up....

Come on the righteousness or lack there-of for someone without a firing brain cell.

Banging a porn star and banging family are 2 different things.

Im doubting Stormy was grieving the loss of Trumps brother to brain cancer.

Guess we will see. If Trump goes and bangs his brothers widow now that hes died, it will be even I guess.

Not sure where your line is if banging family is ok.(he banged his nephew/nieces mom).

But neither you, nor grizzly are capable.

Hunter Biden was selling HIS DAD. Not real estate, not purses.

The commodity WAS his dad.

You and grizzly tip toe all day. Throw smoke screens. Dodge and weave.

Hunter Biden Wasnt using the Biden name to get a Trademark for MERCH he already made.

He was selling his father.

Not selling a hotel. Selling his father.
Again she was granted trademarks for HER OWN MERCH.

What did Merch was Hunter Biden selling? In China or elsewhere?

Are you capable of honesty?
I am sure the Chinese really give a crap about a patent for a necklace. Just another smoke and mirror from the deep left.
Obama/Biden were the most corrupt duo ever, the Clintons came close.
Blue dress's, perjury, cigars in the oval office. A real impeachment on real charges, whitewater...China and Ukraine backdoor deals, pallets of cash to iran and known terrorists.openly support criminals over know Democrat stuff.
There is distinction in being in the club, and using political office to get in the club.

Guys like Trump and Romney were already in the elite club. The Presidency is an ego thing.

Biden and Clinton, its how they get elite.

Banging a porn star and banging family are 2 different things.

Im doubting Stormy was grieving the loss of Trumps brother to brain cancer.

Guess we will see. If Trump goes and bangs his brothers widow now that hes died, it will be even I guess.

Not sure where your line is if banging family is ok.(he banged his nephew/nieces mom).

But neither you, nor grizzly are capable.

Hunter Biden was selling HIS DAD. Not real estate, not purses.

The commodity WAS his dad.

You and grizzly tip toe all day. Throw smoke screens. Dodge and weave.

Hunter Biden Wasnt using the Biden name to get a Trademark for MERCH he already made.

He was selling his father.

Not selling a hotel. Selling his father.

I couldn't give a chit less if I tried who banged who, who golfed more, or who vacationed more as president. Doesn't matter except to the faux outraged.

You've taken the bait, distracted by chit that doesn't matter.

Its never not funny watching bible beaters claim that morality is a must for their candidate while they elect a liar, cheat, and crook...and that applies to both parties, so keep your panties out of a twist.
I am sure the Chinese really give a crap about a patent for a necklace. Just another smoke and mirror from the deep left.
Obama/Biden were the most corrupt duo ever, the Clintons came close.
Blue dress's, perjury, cigars in the oval office. A real impeachment on real charges, whitewater...China and Ukraine backdoor deals, pallets of cash to iran and known terrorists.openly support criminals over know Democrat stuff.

All a distraction...means exactly zero that Clinton and Trump were both "impeached". Samee samee...look, squirrel.
Smoke and mirrors from the left. Nothing new.
Take off the blue blinders and see the world for what it is. Democrats will murder a baby but not execute a murderer? Pro-riot, anti -police.
Pro-gun control. Welfare for all, no need to work if the government will pay you to stay at home. Open borders to bolster their voting ranks. Anti-American, flag burning, cop car burning rioters, smash and grab every store and building, the ones safe are the food banks and welfare building.
Did matter that Clinton sold plutonium to the Rusdians

Oh loookeee, NUKE.

Or that Obama handed the Iranians $$$$ to kill soldiers in Iraq.

Or that fun time Holder ran guns into Mexico

Ohhh look. El Chapo has one.

But yup. Its all the same
Real estate, nukes. Same same.
Smoke and mirrors from the left. Nothing new.
Take off the blue blinders and see the world for what it is. Democrats will murder a baby but not execute a murderer? Pro-riot, anti -police.
Pro-gun control. Welfare for all, no need to work if the government will pay you to stay at home. Open borders to bolster their voting ranks. Anti-American, flag burning, cop car burning rioters, smash and grab every store and building, the ones safe are the food banks and welfare building.

All smoke and mirrors to the faux outraged...take of the red/blue blinders and its all the same chit from politicians. Robbing you blind and you rant about flag burning, abortion, gun control, blah blah blah...hook, line, sinker. Congratulations?
Makes a guy winder who Buzz union is supporting, huh.

You would think it would be the guy who just pumped millions into FS budgets.

But, im guessing, its that other guy?

Care to enlighten all the simpletons?
All smoke and mirrors to the faux outraged...take of the red/blue blinders and its all the same chit from politicians. Robbing you blind and you rant about flag burning, abortion, gun control, blah blah blah...hook, line, sinker. Congratulations?
You are talking about your employer right ?
Did matter that Clinton sold plutonium to the Rusdians

Oh loookeee, NUKE.

Or that Obama handed the Iranians $$$$ to kill soldiers in Iraq.

Or that fun time Holder ran guns into Mexico

Ohhh look. El Chapo has one.

But yup. Its all the same
Real estate, nukes. Same same.

More distraction that your guy/team is so much to have a chat about Iran/Contra? Chat about how both parties kiss Saudi Arabia's ass?

Faux outrage for the uninformed...and nothing changes.
Makes a guy winder who Buzz union is supporting, huh.

You would think it would be the guy who just pumped millions into FS budgets.

But, im guessing, its that other guy?

Care to enlighten all the simpletons?

You're living in a world of delusion that thinks I actually care who gets elected in November...already said it, not a thin dimes worth of difference.

It just flat doesn't matter and if you think it does, you've bought the propaganda.

They want you to believe there is a difference, that's the elusion they create to make you feel good about choosing between 2 parties/candidates that don't give a chit about their constituents. They worship the god of money, power, and greed...and have been for a long time.

The way to continue to do so is to create division and diversion, masters at it.

Ever sit down and think about why people that choose not to vote are the largest voting block of Americans of voting age?

They're screwed no matter who they cast a ballot for, why even bother?
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Telling that Bzzz can't or won't see a difference.
Nevermind that Biden voters are literally destroying American cities and their democrat leaders are encouraging it and some are even financing it.

Whatever the dems are accusing the opposing party of they are actually doing themselves. Dems are trying to start a race war to win an election and regain power
Blue blinders, smoke and mirrors. Ostrich with his blue head stuck in the ground?

Yeah, a majority on the blue team have bought that, just like the majority of Red blinders, smoke and mirrors crew has done. Ostrich with his red head stuck in the ground?

Not me...hasn't been a president worthy of my vote since I was 18, still the case today.

Carry on with your faux outrage over, well...yourself.
Telling that Bzzz can't or won't see a difference.
Nevermind that Biden voters are literally destroying American cities and their democrat leaders are encouraging it and some are even financing it.

Whatever the dems are accusing the opposing party of they are actually doing themselves. Dems are trying to start a race war to win an election and regain power

...and vice versa.

Same chit on both sides, wake up.
Yeah, a majority on the blue team have bought that, just like the majority of Red blinders, smoke and mirrors crew has done. Ostrich with his red head stuck in the ground?

Not me...hasn't been a president worthy of my vote since I was 18, still the case today.

Carry on with your faux outrage over, well...yourself.
Smoke and mirrors is all you got. Might be a good idea to get over yourself.
No outrage here, just tired of the Democrats double standards. Yep there is on the other side but the Democrats would let this country burn before it would support a Republican idea regardless of how much it would help the country. They hate America, Trump, LE and everyone who thinks differently then they do.
Smoke and mirrors is all you got. Might be a good idea to get over yourself.
No outrage here, just tired of the Democrats double standards. Yep there is on the other side but the Democrats would let this country burn before it would support a Republican idea regardless of how much it would help the country. They hate America, Trump, LE and everyone who thinks differently then they do.
No they don't, you've been manipulated to believe that...and that's unfortunate.

Those politicians you claim are so different and cant agree on anything?...that's hilarious.

They never have met a piece of self serving legislation they don't all agree with. Happens hundreds of times every legislation session while the peon's argue over the same old handful of crap that doesn't mean a thing.

You're being manipulated to hate other people...sounds crazy doesn't it?

Wake up.
Ever notice Buzz is always CERTAIN everyone else is in the wrong.

Its not surprising that there hasn't been a president worth his vote since he was 18.

Simply put, there hasn't been one agree with him 100% of the time.

And his proof for his greatness, tge large pool that are too lazy to color dots on a page.

Now hell tell you how self serving everyone else is. Because as we all know, Buzz is abonve self serving. As all union reps are.

Does an did the Clinton assault gun ban matter? Only to you idiots.

Does the GAOA matter. Not to him. Does sending kids to get blown to **** concern you? Fools. Presidents dont matter. What could they possibly do.

What truly matters are beauracrats. Like Buzz. Non elected, non accountable, faceless, nameless.

Guys that can hide behind a desk, in some far away office. Guys that always get paid, regardless, to what difference does economies matter. His check cashes, every time.

There it is. Hes never voted for a President, but he knows your wrong either way
You WOKE up a long time ago. You lost your common sense the day you decided to hate America. Both parties are missing the point but only 1 hates America and will let it burn to get there way.
I hate no one for their beliefs, skin color, choice of religion. Your Democratic brothers and sisters cannot say the same. You and your chosen party hate all that do not agree with their left slanted beliefs. Big difference.

You lost your arguments a long time ago. It's easy for you to sit in your basement like your savior Biden and give your wealth of knowledge to your blue leaning buddies.

Plenty of good men and women have died for your right to hate all that is American. Continue to reap the rewards you expect and never give back. Thanks for all you do Buzz/comrade
You WOKE up a long time ago. You lost your common sense the day you decided to hate America. Both parties are missing the point but only 1 hates America and will let it burn to get there way.
I hate no one for their beliefs, skin color, choice of religion. Your Democratic brothers and sisters cannot say the same. You and your chosen party hate all that do not agree with their left slanted beliefs. Big difference.

You lost your arguments a long time ago. It's easy for you to sit in your basement like your savior Biden and give your wealth of knowledge to your blue leaning buddies.

Plenty of good men and women have died for your right to hate all that is American. Continue to reap the rewards you expect and never give back. Thanks for all you do Buzz/comrade

Thank you for proving the point of how well the division and tribalism has worked on you.

Really wasn't that tough to do...we just need to create do we do that?

Oh, yes, we need team colors, how about one team is Red one team is Blue....check.

If we only had a about a donkey and an elephant....check.

Well, people aren't buying what we're selling on OUR teams idea, or how great our team is (whether red team or blue team)...what do we do next?

If we don't do something, these SOB's on both sides are going to start questioning their own team....we cant have that.

Oh, I got it, lets drum up a few issues that create divisiveness and hatred for the other team...hmmm wonder what those can be? Guns, yeah, that's a good one. Abortion, another dandy.

We can manipulate the majority on both sides with an issue or two to keep them distracted, to keep them from holding our team accountable, make them defend the team at all costs...sort of like tribalism.

After a while, the issues and us not working at solving any of the mountains of problems we have for the collective good, or to improve things for the collective good will no longer matter. They'll vote for us not because of what we do or don't do, only because they've been brain-washed to hate the other side. While they're busy hating each other...oh, the profits to be plundered, the power we can keep. We can do anything and our team will still support us, even against or our values, morals, and ethics.

Want to see how well it works, this thread is a perfect example. Hossblur makes his team seem like they occupy some sort of moral high-ground because his guy porked a porn-star while his wife was pregnant, why? Because Bidens son porked his sister-in-law, and that's just a line too far? I find both to be on equal levels of reprehensible and wouldn't piss on either if they were on fire.

Hossblur refuses to hold his team accountable, even against his supposed core values.

There is no question, at all, that the manipulation has worked to literally create a Hatfield/McCoy situation out of politics, where both sides excuse their team no matter how reprehensible their actions are. The other side has always done worse. I'll excuse my team not matter what they do or how poorly they work for me, a supposed constituent they care about.

Meanwhile, we're robbed of the ability to hold our team responsible, hold them accountable for failing us all, and demanding they get to work helping us all.

Its tragic, it truly is...
Thank you for proving the point of how well the division and tribalism has worked on you.

Really wasn't that tough to do...we just need to create do we do that?

Oh, yes, we need team colors, how about one team is Red one team is Blue....check.

If we only had a about a donkey and an elephant....check.

Well, people aren't buying what we're selling on OUR teams idea, or how great our team is (whether red team or blue team)...what do we do next?

If we don't do something, these SOB's on both sides are going to start questioning their own team....we cant have that.

Oh, I got it, lets drum up a few issues that create divisiveness and hatred for the other team...hmmm wonder what those can be? Guns, yeah, that's a good one. Abortion, another dandy.

We can manipulate the majority on both sides with an issue or two to keep them distracted, to keep them from holding our team accountable, make them defend the team at all costs...sort of like tribalism.

After a while, the issues and us not working at solving any of the mountains of problems we have for the collective good, or to improve things for the collective good will no longer matter. They'll vote for us not because of what we do or don't do, only because they've been brain-washed to hate the other side. While they're busy hating each other...oh, the profits to be plundered, the power we can keep. We can do anything and our team will still support us, even against or our values, morals, and ethics.

Want to see how well it works, this thread is a perfect example. Hossblur makes his team seem like they occupy some sort of moral high-ground because his guy porked a porn-star while his wife was pregnant, why? Because Bidens son porked his sister-in-law, and that's just a line too far? I find both to be on equal levels of reprehensible and wouldn't piss on either if they were on fire.

Hossblur refuses to hold his team accountable, even against his supposed core values.

There is no question, at all, that the manipulation has worked to literally create a Hatfield/McCoy situation out of politics, where both sides excuse their team no matter how reprehensible their actions are. The other side has always done worse. I'll excuse my team not matter what they do or how poorly they work for me, a supposed constituent they care about.

Meanwhile, we're robbed of the ability to hold our team responsible, hold them accountable for failing us all, and demanding they get to work helping us all.

Its tragic, it truly is...

Who is your UNION backing Buzz? Kinda seems?a rep for a union that backs candidates might be talking out of his azz when he tries to talk about tribalism, right? Of course not. Like always there is all the other fools, then there's BUZZ. Notice he wont answer that question. The reason being that whole list of stupidity he just spews goes down in flames when you know as a union rep over the years he actually does support either the donkey or elephant. Or are we to believe your union is non political.

Go ahead, write another 2 books. Ill check back with the same question after you do.
This country would be better off if idiot trolls like Buzz would take a long walk off of a short pier.

This country would be better off if people held their own political parties accountable and did their own thinking for a change...and didn't swallow the bait.
Hate to say it but you do have a valid point Buzz.....

However the Blue team appears to be "poor sports". It goes back to hanging chads, the hatred of GW Bush. It has gone way over board with the absolute hatred of Trump and his supporters. Accusing all Trump supporters of being white misogynistic racists. Obama's labeling the Red team as "Hanging on to the past" gun toting and bible thumping.The the hag Hillary's "deplorable" comment.

I confess to being colored blind, preferring my RED and alternate road "Orange" teams jerseys.

I do not recall the media going after Obama or BJ Clinton ? with the vengeance like they have Trump. The media bias is outrageous and complicit. BJ Clinton is given a pass in the #MeToo era but not Trump.

My belief on why Trump is so disliked by the Blue Team and THEIR media is that Trump is an outsider. Trump's team is actually the ORANGE team. Have heard of the Republican Never Trumpers? Trump promised to come in and shake things up. Drain the swamp. Well it looks like the swamp is trying to protect themselves from being exposed. Career politicians on both the RED and BLUE teams are ripping off the American public for their own benefit.

Rigging of the 2016 election by the BLUE team was exposed by the WIKI leaks emails. Bernie Sanders being shunned out during the 2016 Blue primary with Hillary. Debate questions provided to Hillary prior to 2016 debates with Trump. Pure cheating by the Dems.

Then the Russian collusion hoax, Covington Catholic MAGA hat hoax, Jesse Smollet Hoax, Mail boxes HOAX. All stirred up and supported by the Blue team's race baiting media puppets.

Is all of the Blue Smurf team that brainwashed?

Joe Biden says nothing about the violence, looting or arson until you start hearing the media talking about how the "mostly" peaceful protests are hurting Biden in the polls. Biden only comes out now. Then Biden also wants to blame the economic shut down and no sports because of Trump and team ORANGE. All the while Trump has been advocating opening things up including sports.

If COVID wasn't already enough. This **** is real. People are being killed in these riots. Business are being destroyed. Race baiting is being encouraged by the Blue team and the media.

All this divisiveness is also destroying relationships we as Americans and hunters have with one another.

Go team Red, White and Blue! (Vote Orange✌ )
I think its Bongino who said Trump is like a hand grenade. Sometimes purposeful, sometimes nit. Either way its the same effect.

Hes not a blue blood so the republicans dont like him. Hes not a lifelong gov member so the left hates him.

But for a more conservative independent like myself, hes DONE actual conservative things.

And shockingly hes done some good things for public land hunters.

But. All this fluff and policy wonkery goes away as quick as a riot broke out.

When even Don Lemon can see it, its time to make decisions, and pick a team. My team dont burn chit, loot chit. Ill worry about other things down the road(spending).
Lets be honest, there isn't a thin dime of difference between the parties,.......

Meanwhile they laugh as the peons argue over abortion, gun rights, and a few other hot button issues that they (all politicians) don't even care about. Distractions ......
No difference, and yet you name them.

There is a clear difference between the parties on some important issues. It's easy to see for most people.

You are obscured by your own smoke screen.
On topic, when I ran a mid-sized company with a few subsidiaries I didn't have time to play golf that much. And neither did my customers. I think lawyers and politicians must have more free time.
Buzz also failed to mention that the Clinton's charge the secrete service to rent the guest house on the Clinton's New York compound and the tax payers were paying the Clinton's mortgage for that compound after Bill Clinton was out of office.
What happen to giving them free rent while they were protecting your A$$.

Haha. Give a Trumpeter enough rope and he'll hang himself. Trump charges the Secret Service $17,000 a month for a 3 bedroom condo at Trump National Golf Club.

Trump has charged the Secret Service at least $900,000 while staying at his own properties. That's right, nearly $1,000,000 taxpayer dollars into his own pocket.

Any chance you're not a hypocrite and will blast that as well or maybe Trump shouldn't give them free rent while protecting his A$$ even though those are your exact words about Clinton.

Hey @RELH, post #24. Still waiting.
I think its Bongino who said Trump is like a hand grenade. Sometimes purposeful, sometimes nit. Either way its the same effect.

Hes not a blue blood so the republicans dont like him. Hes not a lifelong gov member so the left hates him.

But for a more conservative independent like myself, hes DONE actual conservative things.

And shockingly hes done some good things for public land hunters.

But. All this fluff and policy wonkery goes away as quick as a riot broke out.

When even Don Lemon can see it, its time to make decisions, and pick a team. My team dont burn chit, loot chit. Ill worry about other things down the road(spending).

Other than Supreme Court Justices, what conservative things has Trump done?

Other than Supreme Court Justices, what conservative things has Trump done?


Have you looked at Circuit courts? Google "trump tax cuts",.

Loaded question because GAOA and refuge opening was opposed by REPUBLICANS.

Cancelled NAFTA.
Unlike your oversized ego im pretty aware im not the most important person in the country so not everything is about me. Im sure every time you go to WYGA your acting for the benefit of all, not for your benefit?

And im sure all your Union rep actions weren't for YOUR benefit, they were for me .

And IF you read Nemont asked what conservative things hes done.

The tax cuts alone have almost nothing to do with old fashion Conservative goals. Tax cuts combined with spending cuts is conservative, Tax Cuts and spending more isn't conservative.

Maybe the judiciary is enough but that is sad commentary on how far the conservatives have fallen.

I predict that if Biden pulls it off, the Trumpers on here will find a new streak of fiscal conservatism. Spending and debt will again be bad if Trump loses.

-Protectionism isn't conservative
-Federalism has been shredded by The president
-Free Markets now have the Government picking more winners and losers

Now Biden sucks, Harris sucks worse. Don't pretend that Trump is a conservative in any way shape or form. Neither are the bulk of most vocal supporters on here.

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The tax cuts alone have almost nothing to do with old fashion Conservative goals. Tax cuts combined with spending cuts is conservative, Tax Cuts and spending more isn't conservative.

Maybe the judiciary is enough but that is sad commentary on how far the conservatives have fallen.

I predict that if Biden pulls it off, the Trumpers on here will find a new streak of fiscal conservatism. Spending and debt will again be bad if Trump loses.

-Protectionism isn't conservative
-Federalism has been shredded by The president
-Free Markets now have the Government picking more winners and losers

Now Biden sucks, Harris sucks worse. Don't pretend that Trump is a conservative in a way shape or form. Neither are the bulk of most vocal supporters on here

Its always funny listening to democrats, or leftists define conservatism.

What's Bidens policy on free trade? Is he addressing China?

What's Bidens policy for spending?

See compared to Biden, Trump is VERY conservative. Compared to the MCCain Romney republicans he is too, if only because losing and being out of power gets nothing conservative.

If YOU are truly concerned about spending you CANNOT support liberals. So you either dont care, or your just dishonest.

If protectionism isn't conservative then I guess its liberal, so you must support it.

But yup. Trump is basically an old fashioned democrat.

Which shows just how far the democrat party has descended. And not in a lifetime. In 10 years.
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You do realize that it takes a special kind of stupid to increase spending and decrease revenue right?

Not all presidents do that...
What about the guy who said he'd pay off the debt in 8 years? But who instead added $3 Trillion to the debt before the pandemic even started?

Promises made. Promises broken.
What about the guy who said he'd pay off the debt in 8 years? But who instead added $3 Trillion to the debt before the pandemic even started?

Promises made. Promises broken.

Right, think I'll take a spin down to Sasabe Arizona and see how that border wall looks too...

Was down there hunting coues deer year before last, it looked just like a barb-wire fence.

Strange....I was expecting something that looked more like, well, an actual wall.
@NeMont, you do understand that no matter who the president is there is going to be spending right?

Oh I see, I seem to remember when conservatives used to decry spending but now that it is going to happen anyway, why worry. I bet if Biden gets elected you will cry like a cat with it tail in a fan about the spending. It happens on Trump's watch and every spending bill has had his autograph on it but it ain't his fault.


I don't support liberals and I don't support spending and cutting revenue instead of offsets. Conservative fiscal policy is the opposite of what Trump has practiced, period.

I don't support protectionism, I don't support crony capitalism, I don't support government pushing $2 Trillion out into the economy without any oversight through the PPP and $1,200 monopoly money payments.

But if you believe Trump is a conservative, then you need to redefine what being conservative actually means.

Oh I see, I seem to remember when conservatives used to decry spending but now that it is going to happen anyway, why worry. I bet if Biden gets elected you will cry like a cat with it tail in a fan about the spending. It happens on Trump's watch and every spending bill has had his autograph on it but it ain't his fault.

You may as well wait till Nov 3
Right, think I'll take a spin down to Sasabe Arizona and see how that border wall looks too...

Was down there hunting coues deer year before last, it looked just like a barb-wire fence.

Strange....I was expecting something that looked more like, well, an actual wall.
Hey, Trump has officially built FIVE MILES of new border wall as of August 9th, 2020. It only took him three and a half years, too.

I wonder what interest he's charging Mexico for it?
Hey, Trump has officially built FIVE MILES of new border wall as of August 9th, 2020. It only took him three and a half years, too.

I wonder what interest he's charging Mexico for it?
Why don’t you ask your constituents like Maxine Waters , Kamel toe Harris and Weiner ?
Here you go. It's 42/yr. Trump is averaging 91/yr...

We can get into time spent vacationing at resorts or appearances on news channels if you'd like to. But you won't like the numbers.

As to the waived salary, it's $400,000/yr. We can also get into how much he's billed American Citizens for the Secret Service use of his resorts while he stays there, but you won't like those numbers either since it far exceeds the salary he's forgoing.

I would like to know who is wasting their money counting how many times these jackasses play golf? Honestly, who gives a rats azz. How much time do we all spend doing the things we enjoy while at the same time holding down a full time job. This is a prime example of making something out of nothing...And not just Trump.
Hey, Trump has officially built FIVE MILES of new border wall as of August 9th, 2020. It only took him three and a half years, too.

I wonder what interest he's charging Mexico for it?
Once we manage to defeat covid, we can take the hunnert billion sf of plexiglass and build the wall with that.

You can see why I'm in such high demand for my strategic thinking. :rolleyes:
It would be enlightening to see who bought stock in plexiglass manufacturers and installers prior to the covid..........Good thinking on your part about repurposing the material!!:eek::eek:

I don't support liberals and I don't support spending and cutting revenue instead of offsets. Conservative fiscal policy is the opposite of what Trump has practiced, period.

I don't support protectionism, I don't support crony capitalism, I don't support government pushing $2 Trillion out into the economy without any oversight through the PPP and $1,200 monopoly money payments.

But if you believe Trump is a conservative, then you need to redefine what being conservative actually means.


One mans protectionism is anothers common sense.

You must then believe that we should not protect our medical knowledge? Nuclear tech? We should buy all ammo for military and police from the lowest bidder right?

Purity test from someone who wouldn't vote for him anyways is waste. But lets be clear. There isn't a single republucan who would pass your trust. Not Mike Lee, Not Rand Paul. None.

So. When you look at real life. The one where 1 of 2 guys will actually be a president, you pick the most conservative.

You can wag spending all day, of course forgetting that all spending comes from the house.

He spends too much.

The other dude spends too much, wants to ban guns, supports the violence in the street, is calling to ban fossil fuels, oh.....and then there's that billion dollar deal the Bidens have with China.

I believe Reagan said someone who agrees with me 80% of the time isn't my ememy?(not direct quote).
One mans protectionism is anothers common sense.

You must then believe that we should not protect our medical knowledge? Nuclear tech? We should buy all ammo for military and police from the lowest bidder right?

Purity test from someone who wouldn't vote for him anyways is waste. But lets be clear. There isn't a single republucan who would pass your trust. Not Mike Lee, Not Rand Paul. None.

So. When you look at real life. The one where 1 of 2 guys will actually be a president, you pick the most conservative.

You can wag spending all day, of course forgetting that all spending comes from the house.

He spends too much.

The other dude spends too much, wants to ban guns, supports the violence in the street, is calling to ban fossil fuels, oh.....and then there's that billion dollar deal the Bidens have with China.

I believe Reagan said someone who agrees with me 80% of the time isn't my ememy?(not direct quote).

Wow you sure can make up stuff as good or better than Manny. Protectionism has nothing to do with the things you lists. If it makes you feel good to make stuff up then do it.

Spending and not paying for it is the difference and both sides do it. To claim Trump is a conservative is simply a way to justify your man love for him. All former conservative in love with him do it. Like you they don't much care what he actually does or whether it is actually conservative or not they have no wish for accountability except from Democrats.

So keep the belief that Trump is the super conservative savior of our country, he ain't.

Nemont can you show me on here where anyone at all has said Trump is super conservative?? Or that his spending habits are perfectly fine? I’m not looking for someone that said more conservative, your words are super conservative? I really don’t recall anyone even saying he is a perfect president? You put all these words in people’s mouths and then get pissy when called on it! Just because people support President Trump doesn’t mean they approve of everything he does! Try taking off your blinders and using rational thoughts for once
Most of Trump's spending has been with a gun pointed at his head. Especially the virus scam. And Daddy has a soft spot for his whiny children. I hope he takes the tough love approach over the next 4 years.
Just saw Trump in Wisconsin. today Washington yesterday, Louisiana the day before,, taking hundreds of questions along the way from anybody who cares to ask.

That has been Trump for the last four years.

Biden has only taken open questions from the press 5 times since March.

Trump has stood and taken open questions 150 times in that same time period.

Biden is the typical lazy Dem skating by on the backs of a bunch a lying commie media types.
Just saw Trump in Wisconsin. today Washington yesterday, Louisiana the day before,, taking hundreds of questions along the way from anybody who cares to ask.

That has been Trump for the last four years.

Biden has only taken open questions from the press 5 times since March.

Trump has stood and taken open questions 150 times in that same time period.

Biden is the typical lazy Dem skating by on the backs of a bunch a lying commie media types.

Trump has worked harder in his 4 year term than Biden has in his 47 years in office.
Nemont can you show me on here where anyone at all has said Trump is super conservative?? Or that his spending habits are perfectly fine? I’m not looking for someone that said more conservative, your words are super conservative? I really don’t recall anyone even saying he is a perfect president? You put all these words in people’s mouths and then get pissy when called on it! Just because people support President Trump doesn’t mean they approve of everything he does! Try taking off your blinders and using rational thoughts for once

A Trump lover demanding rational thought, that is rich. How about this, take off your blinders and admit to the things that Trump has actually done that are not any part of any real conservative's agenda.

Rationality left the room long ago for the vast majority of Trump world and it's sheeple. If Trump does it, says it, supports it, tweets it or signs it, then it is to be supported without question, period.

Here is test: Was the debt run up under Obama the fault of Obama or of Congress? Was the Obama debt bad for the country?

Now debt rapidly increases more under Trump, who do we place the blame on? Spending at WWII levels when we are at peace? He was on pace to outspend Obama prior to the election infection, ie CV19.

Can you find any Trump supporter who gives more than lip service to, "yeah the spending sucks but I will vote for him no matter what".

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So you’re saying you can’t answer the question, got ya? I can tell you that I don’t like his spending, I think a lot of his tweets are childish, not very stand up to be banging a pornstar with a pregnant wife at home, not been proven, and between he and his wife, I would guess likely did happen, but like I said between he and his wife and family, I don’t like the fact that he doesn’t tell the dem leaders to pound sand when they put chicken chit funding in a bill that has nothing to do with what they want the money for! I could go on but it doesn’t matter, I’m just a loyal trumpet I guess??

Once again try and answer my previous question, or if it would be easier for you explain to me all of the great attributes of the Biden/Bimbo campaign?
Biden and Bimbo have not great attributes. I have never said anything positive about either. I am on record as stating I most likely will vote for Trump this election because Biden has dementia and Harris would be a disaster.

I could care less if Trump is still banging pornstars or paying them. None of that affects anyone's life but his own.

Look through every one of these threads and find anywhere that Trump supporters are willing to demand even a small accountability for the things he has done. Like say there is something that would make them say this goes to far, ergo a line in the sand that would cost him their support. Like say doing the bidding of unions who pay millions into democrats coffers, pushing out trillions of dollars with zero oversight or giving "loans" that don't have to be paid back? Destroying markets that were working? Lot's of stuff there but you don't really much care about any of that, you want to play the game that if I don't' worship Trump then I am a liberal, just like the rest of the clowns on here do.

Some people just prefer to look at the many positives our president has done instead of trying to have him hanged for every minor imperfection!

I don’t think anyone on here has said he is a perfect president, like I’ve said, if his spending is the biggest thing you can ***** about, and it seems that it is, your just being petty in the overall picture!

Can you name a conservative person in Congress that will cut spending and cut taxes? You would be fooling yourself if you thought you could! See the problem they have in congress is that they aren’t spending their money they are spending our money , so as long as there are no repercussions for this why would they stop? They are all getting payed by us to spend our money, only a fool would believe they will stop spending out of strong moral value!
Rand Paul.

I don't consider a Republican wracking up $6 Trillion, and counting, in new debt in three and half years to be petty. I guess if you do then just simply stop claiming you are a conservative and we would be good. It is okay to just be a Trump supporter and not claim to be conservative.

@NeMont, a person can be conservative and still realize that 99.9% of elected officials are gonna spend money like it’s not theirs? Are you suggesting that by simply supporting President Trump a person can’t be a conservative?

Sometimes it seems as if you always keep your head buried in the sand, either that or you just won’t get past your hatred of the bad orange man?
Wow you sure can make up stuff as good or better than Manny. Protectionism has nothing to do with the things you lists. If it makes you feel good to make stuff up then do it.

Spending and not paying for it is the difference and both sides do it. To claim Trump is a conservative is simply a way to justify your man love for him. All former conservative in love with him do it. Like you they don't much care what he actually does or whether it is actually conservative or not they have no wish for accountability except from Democrats.

So keep the belief that Trump is the super conservative savior of our country, he ain't.


First. I never claimed he was a super conservative.

Second you are pretty good at picking and choosing.

You want to claim protectionism is about cars, or shirts or some BS. But want to blond eye that is would include ALL American industries.

I dont think any President is going to save me. They can only hurt me. He hurts me less than the alternative.

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