Randy Newberg you tube


Active Member
I just found out where Randy has gone to. He is on You Tube and the photography and editing are, in my opinion, fantastic ! I especially liked the video about his BC/Yukon caribou and moose hunt. It brought back a ton of memories. I have done similar hunts 7-8 times and they are at the top of my memory list. Hope you enjoy !
Randy is a CPA I believe ? I took accounting as a foreign language--appreciate the result hated the process ! But it takes a certain mental attitude which I don't have but to some it might seem a little "cheesy" but aren't we all thankful for those that do this work? The way he tells his story is enjoyable...to me.
I enjoy Newberg and Molls more than most. They seem to keep it more real without the constant whispering in the camera that the the whitetail hunters seem obsessed with!
I have found his explanations of various state's application and points processes very helpful.

Once I watched him on a public land Iowa bow hunt. He didn't tell the exact piece of land he was hunting, but I caught a glimpse of the map and recognized it as one we have hunted.
I like Randys stuff.

The guy spends hundreds of hours behind the scene in support of public lands. Hes been on RMEF board. Been on Montana gov grizzly councils. Was in the wolf fights.

Hes always put his money, time, and name behind causes that benefit all of us.

His shows have progressed from being about being a successful public land hunter, to being about the experiences and the people.

He is IMO the best voice hunters have in tge social media/you tube world.

Plus he has that Minnesooda drawl that makes me laugh
Met him a few years ago and had a conversation. Wasn't impressed. He is great at following the script on a tv show. Not so well versed in real life. What most folks show, on any TV show, is airbrushed and glamorized, compared to real true life. Oh well, I'm sure he gets along fine without my approval.
Met him a few years ago and had a conversation. Wasn't impressed. He is great at following the script on a tv show. Not so well versed in real life. What most folks show, on any TV show, is airbrushed and glamorized, compared to real true life. Oh well, I'm sure he gets along fine without my approval.
interesting. thanks for the response.
Met him a few years ago and had a conversation. Wasn't impressed. He is great at following the script on a tv show. Not so well versed in real life. What most folks show, on any TV show, is airbrushed and glamorized, compared to real true life. Oh well, I'm sure he gets along fine without my approval.
Interesting, my conversation with him was exactly like what you see on TV. Just a normal funny dude who likes to hunt.
Met him a few years ago and had a conversation. Wasn't impressed. He is great at following the script on a tv show. Not so well versed in real life. What most folks show, on any TV show, is airbrushed and glamorized, compared to real true life. Oh well, I'm sure he gets along fine without my approval.

Im the same A hole in person and on camera??
Met him a few years ago and had a conversation. Wasn't impressed. He is great at following the script on a tv show. Not so well versed in real life. What most folks show, on any TV show, is airbrushed and glamorized, compared to real true life. Oh well, I'm sure he gets along fine without my approval.

I disagree...Randy is who he is. Just a normal guy that likes to hunt.

I did an elk hunt with him and his son a few years back, there was nothing scripted about it. It was 3 guys hunting with another guy running a camera.

I must have missed the airbrush and glamour part, too busy hunting elk I guess.
Met him a few years ago and had a conversation. Wasn't impressed. He is great at following the script on a tv show. Not so well versed in real life. What most folks show, on any TV show, is airbrushed and glamorized, compared to real true life. Oh well, I'm sure he gets along fine without my approval.
Different strokes for different folks.

I have personally spoken with Randy many times and consider him a friend. Perhaps that means I am biased! ? But once again, Randy is a class act and one of the best advocates that we have for us as sportsman.

It’s damn funny to me how much of a mob mentality some of y’all have if anyone dares disagree with your omnipotent opinions. I gave my reasons and realize it isn’t popular with the cool kids on this sight. But for slightlysober to imply I lied is pretty chicken ****.
I have met some "celebrity" hunters and not at some expo show. Real life, no camera, no script. Nice guys. Can't stand their tv show though nor anyone else's that "smok'd him!"

So I know where some people are coming from.

site. Sorry, couldn't resist.
Kinda funny RR--the spell check.
It’s damn funny to me how much of a mob mentality some of y’all have if anyone dares disagree with your omnipotent opinions. I gave my reasons and realize it isn’t popular with the cool kids on this sight. But for slightlysober to imply I lied is pretty chicken ****.
For the record I didn’t say you lied, I said I believe it did happen, in your dreams!
All I can say, is that I've known Randy wayyy longer than he's had a TV show, over 20 years now.

He hasn't changed a bit. Just a guy that likes to hunt, defend public lands, and promotes the NAM, etc.

Not much to find fault in...but some people are prone to picking flychit out of pepper.
Met him a few years ago and had a conversation. Wasn't impressed. He is great at following the script on a tv show. Not so well versed in real life. What most folks show, on any TV show, is airbrushed and glamorized, compared to real true life. Oh well, I'm sure he gets along fine without my approval.
Where did you meet him? mtmuley
Met him a few years ago and had a conversation. Wasn't impressed. He is great at following the script on a tv show. Not so well versed in real life. What most folks show, on any TV show, is airbrushed and glamorized, compared to real true life. Oh well, I'm sure he gets along fine without my approval.
Tried to have a conversation with him via social media never even got any kind of response!! Not even a F U, ha
Again, my opinion of the man is MINE. Cuddle with him all you like. I’m done defending myself against folks who attack my character because I disagree with them. I care what my wife thinks of me. I care what my kids think of me. I care what God thinks of me. It’s infinitely impossible for me to care any less about what some internet troll thinks of me.
Again, my opinion of the man is MINE. Cuddle with him all you like. I’m done defending myself against folks who attack my character because I disagree with them. I care what my wife thinks of me. I care what my kids think of me. I care what God thinks of me. It’s infinitely impossible for me to care any less about what some internet troll thinks of me.
I like you.
Again, my opinion of the man is MINE. Cuddle with him all you like. I’m done defending myself against folks who attack my character because I disagree with them. I care what my wife thinks of me. I care what my kids think of me. I care what God thinks of me. It’s infinitely impossible for me to care any less about what some internet troll thinks of me.
Says some random dude posting a bunch of BS...if its infinitely impossible for you to care less...why did you post anything in the first place?

Maybe you're the internet troll...
Randy seems like a good guy! Fighting for a good cause!

A bit cheese?

Yes, but aren’t we all?!

Randy’s cheese reminds me of John Wayne!

Randy tries to come off as the John Wayne of hunting on his vids LOL!

I don’t mind him! Just an observation ?
Everybody’s entitled to their own opinion, but I really like his show. I’ve never met him in person, but I feel like he’s genuine, and as a guy that’s worked for a hunting show, I feel like his show is pretty legitimate.
Met him a few years ago and had a conversation. Wasn't impressed. He is great at following the script on a tv show. Not so well versed in real life. What most folks show, on any TV show, is airbrushed and glamorized, compared to real true life. Oh well, I'm sure he gets along fine without my approval.
I just saw this this morning and based on your comment and my experiences with Randy, you have mistaken him for someone else.
I watched one of his videos and thought it was pretty cool, I guess. Then I heard him on the radio talking about Sage Grouse and how they are the "canary in the coal mine." I turned it off and haven't watched another of his videos. I like hunters and conservation but not elitist preservationists.

You can like whoever you want. I do.
I watched one of his videos and thought it was pretty cool, I guess. Then I heard him on the radio talking about Sage Grouse and how they are the "canary in the coal mine." I turned it off and haven't watched another of his videos. I like hunters and conservation but not elitist preservationists.

You can like whoever you want. I do.
How does using that saying make him an “elitist preservationist”?

I don’t like Randy newberg and I can’t stand his videos. I’ve tried to watch them and I just can’t make it through them. But he gets it done as a voice for hunters, conservation and public land hunting.
hmmmm.....interesting takes on Randy.

I had never seen anything of his until reading this thread. I don't like any hunting shows...hokey and constant whispering...the hooting and hollering and praying after a kill is ridiculous

I watched a couple of Randy's and really enjoyed them..
How does using that saying make him an “elitist preservationist”?

I don’t like Randy newberg and I can’t stand his videos. I’ve tried to watch them and I just can’t make it through them. But he gets it done as a voice for hunters, conservation and public land hunting.
"canary in the coal mine" has been used for decades by environmentalists to scare people. I think I first heard it back in the 70's and 80's with the Spotted Owl, or Marbled Murrelet. We have to lock up the forest or the forest, and eventually mankind, will die off. It just turns me off as it was a personal issue with me and hundreds of other timber workers.

A whole bunch of Spotted Owl habitat burned up this year in California, but at least man wasn't allowed to log it and make a profit.

I have no doubt Randy's a good hunter. BTW, I like Billy Molls videos a lot.
Their wyoming hunt they have posted the last few days has been pretty cool. Pretty neat his buddy with cancer made it way up into the highcountry to hunt. And the buck his other buddy smoked is a great buck. He seems like a pretty cool dude. He's put himself into a great career path to be able to spend as much time as he does outdoors.
I really enjoy Randy’s video as they aren’t all a ego contest. He seems really down to earth. Yeah they can be cheesy but he brings what hunting is all about in all of his videos.
Can’t imagine why a guy with the username slightlysober is completely clueless, drunk or sober. You have no idea how little I care about your approval of my vocation.
Again, my opinion of the man is MINE. Cuddle with him all you like. I’m done defending myself against folks who attack my character because I disagree with them. I care what my wife thinks of me. I care what my kids think of me. I care what God thinks of me. It’s infinitely impossible for me to care any less about what some internet troll thinks of me.
The "Ignore" button is priceless ?
I like Newberg, but his voice gets a little mundane if I am binge watching his episodes.
I like his views on conservation and the future of our sport.
I ended up shooting a mule deer buck that Randy almost had a shot on. Of course, I didn't know it until months later when I was watching his show. I wrote him and sent him a picture of the buck. He wrote me back that night (email) to congratulate me and acknowledge it was indeed the same buck.
It’s damn funny to me how much of a mob mentality some of y’all have if anyone dares disagree with your omnipotent opinions. I gave my reasons and realize it isn’t popular with the cool kids on this sight. But for slightlysober to imply I lied is pretty chicken ****.

Are you always so easily offended? You offered your opinion, other dudes offered theirs. Its called a discussion .
I don’t know? Are you offended when you are called a liar? This site is a perfect snapshot of what is wrong with so called sportsmen today. I’m done posting here. I leave MM to the poachers and the anti-agriculture crowd that has floated to the top of this septic tank. Founder please cancel my account.
My dealings with Randy have been positive. Seems like a class act to me. Always has responded to my emails and PM's in a short time.
He has a great forum that has alot of good content.
I don’t know? Are you offended when you are called a liar? This site is a perfect snapshot of what is wrong with so called sportsmen today. I’m done posting here. I leave MM to the poachers and the anti-agriculture crowd that has floated to the top of this septic tank. Founder please cancel my account.
<insert tombstone .gif here >
I don’t know? Are you offended when you are called a liar? This site is a perfect snapshot of what is wrong with so called sportsmen today. I’m done posting here. I leave MM to the poachers and the anti-agriculture crowd that has floated to the top of this septic tank. Founder please cancel my account.


The drama?

Guessing the Ford vs Chevy argument leads to gun shots at your house.?
Imagine how many times you and I would have quit if disagreeing with each other butt hurt us that much?
Not disagreeing with you on that, just pointing out the irony.
The part I find funny the couple guys that is so offended by name calling are always the ones attacking others for there personal opinions.
<insert tombstone .gif here >
Ya want to play a fun drinking game--take a drink every time Randy says: 'Public Lands'

You'll be lit after a few short viewing minutes! hehehe

I do like his shows though--he seems like a good dude
Ya want to play a fun drinking game--take a drink every time Randy says: 'Public Lands'

You'll be lit after a few short viewing minutes! hehehe

I do like his shows though--he seems like a good dude
Um, duh. He's a huge advocate of keeping public lands public. Just like any hunter should be. I don't watch his or any other hunting show. Randy's dedication to the PL issue is more important. mtmuley
Yep, I agree Western Hunter is the best, but I also enjoy Beyond the Hunt and Greg McHales Wild Yukon. I am little bit amused at how worked up we can get over something as insignificant as a hunting show. All of us here have a lot more in common than differences and I celebrate that.
He seems like a genuinely good man.
I enjoy his show and appreciate his work for conservation and public lands.
I can see how some might not love his style, but can’t understand why anyone would actively dislike him.
Again, my opinion of the man is MINE. Cuddle with him all you like. I’m done defending myself against folks who attack my character because I disagree with them. I care what my wife thinks of me. I care what my kids think of me. I care what God thinks of me. It’s infinitely impossible for me to care any less about what some internet troll thinks of me.
Haha. You do care! LOL.

Poor backwards feller got his feelin's hurt when the TV personality did not happen to respond to his question....

Randy is a regular guy and I am jealous as can be he is turning a passion into a paid gig. If only I had the wherewithal, and message to bring, in order to get paid to hunt.

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