Heartbreak on the Wasatch


Very Active Member
After 17 years my son had drawn the Early Rifle tag on the Wasatch. We were pretty excited and looking forward to finally spending some time together on a hunt. He had hunted with me when he was younger but with sports in High School and friends that didn’t hunt we didn’t get out as much as I would’ve liked. He lived out of state for 5 plus years and finally moved back a few years ago. The whole time I kept putting him in for the draws with hope that one day we could share a hunt together again. We had some trail cameras out and spent time scouting and checking cameras over the summer. We had a pretty solid game plan for the opening. We would chase bugles in the morning and sit water in the afternoon. On Tuesday before the start of the hunt I had a friend and coworker inform me he had tested positive for Covid-19, then on Thursday of that week he was hospitalized. I started to feel off on that Wednesday before the opener but kept telling myself I would be fine. My wife kept telling me I should stay home and I kept telling her no, no I have to go it’s been 17 years in the making. I struggled some on Friday but Saturday morning we were up and excited to get hunting. After a couple hours we found 5 bulls chasing cows up on a steep hill. We started after them and I could go 10 feet and it would take me 10 minutes to feel like I could finally catch my breath. We made the decision that I needed to go home. My son by now was also starting to show symptoms. I tested positive that day and was told to isolate for 10 days. My son tested positive on Monday and told to isolate for 14 days. This put an end to our hunt after about 3 hours of hunting. I debated with myself as to whether to share this or not. My wife and I were vaccinated and my son and coworker weren’t. I feel vaccinations are a personal choice and I respect that. I know there is a lot of debate between people and I don’t want to debate any of that here. I want people to know Covid-19 is real and affecting people around you. It affects each of us in different ways and we don’t know how our bodies are going to react to it. Whether you are vaccinated or not you can still pass it to others and vaccinated or not you can still get Covid-19. I’m sure I was infected by my coworker and then I infected both my wife and son before any of us knew we had it. Please make a choice to protect and respect your family, friends and coworkers from this. I know he didn’t intentionally infect me but he should have stayed home when he had symptoms. My son finally went back to work last Wednesday but he suffered with diarrhea, headaches, back aches and lost 16 pounds. My wife spent 6 days in the hospital and is now home on oxygen full time and struggling to regain her health. I have recovered but it took a while. We contacted the UDWR and returned his tag along with our medical statements. They said he may receive his points back after they review it. My hope with sharing this is someone will read it, and not put anyone thru what we have gone thru. Hope you all have some fun and successful hunts this fall.
So sorry to hear that! I can't imagine how difficult that must have been to accept after waiting 17 years.

I am pretty confident the DWR will give your son's points back given the circumstances. They were great to work with my Father-in-law 2 years ago when he messed up his back the first day of his Book Cliffs archery deer hunt. His back was messed up so bad he couldn't walk and after sharing his doctor note info and a little bit of back and forth, they gave him his points back and he drew the tag again last year and killed a good buck.

Best of luck and hope you both get another chance to make this hunt happen!!
I'm glad you all seem OK Camper, and I certainly hope your son will be able to try that hunt again.
Despite countless reports like yours, some will continue to believe that COVID is not a real threat and vaccinations/masking are stupid.
I value our freedom of choice, but I value even more the people who might be hurt from my poor choices. So from my perspective doing my part to stop this plague is an easy decision.
I watched my mother and good friend die from COVID and that makes it very real to me as well.
Best of luck going forward
Sorry to hear! The Covid is weird stuff. My two adult kids got it, no real biggy.

My wife and I pride ourself on staying in shape.
We both got it and it knocked us down big time. Six months later we are still not the same physically.
Isnt like in The UK 67 percent of the vaccinated people are in the hospital and deaths.

I am not getting a vaccine when its not even a vaccine.
i think you meant 67% in the hospital are vaccinated......not that 67% of the vaccinated are in the hospital.....right??
i think you meant 67% in the hospital are vaccinated......not that 67% of the vaccinated are in the hospital.....right??
Correct. Coming from basically their CDC. Also a senator brought this up. Israel is in the same boat.
yeah....interesting.....our CDC claim 1%

....I think their number is 27%, not 67%
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They notify thru email to check your status online. The only time they treat you is if you go to the ER or your doctor sends you to the ER.
Sad to read about this C-19 issue's.

I still am having trouble, some days, breathing normal on the mountain and it's been like 16 months since I had C-19.

Certainly a lot better than last year during this time frame hunting.

I've gotten both my v-shots and will get the booster before I leave for my hunt in BC, Canada.

That sucks. It is real.

I first started exciting symptoms on August 18. I still can't stand and song a hymn at church! Because it takes too much oxygen my lungs can produce! 11 days total in the hospital. It's been a mess.

I got released yesterday to go to light duty at work! I am guessing November at the earliest before I can pass defensive tactics.

I know several now who are vaccinated and have come down with this mess as well.

Stay safe!

And the biggest thing I emphasize to anyone I work with, regardless of covid19, if you are sock, Stay home!
Dr's have had their hands tied by DC. Things that they KNOW work such as monoclonal have been restricted. Things that could work like hydroxy, ivermectin, are banned. Lots of big money riding on vaccines(yes I took the shot), so DC is now your doctor.
I know that's true but it seems so strange to me. With all the overcrowded ER's and ICU's and over stressed nurses you'd think trying to keep people away would be a priority. What does it hurt to try? Many doctors swear they can be a benefit.
I had no symptoms and was healthy until I came into contact with him at work.
Pretty sure this is what he’s talking about.....

“I started to feel off on that Wednesday before the opener but kept telling myself I would be fine. My wife kept telling me I should stay home and I kept telling her no, no I have to go it’s been 17 years in the making. ”
After 17 years my son had drawn the Early Rifle tag on the Wasatch. We were pretty excited and looking forward to finally spending some time together on a hunt. He had hunted with me when he was younger but with sports in High School and friends that didn’t hunt we didn’t get out as much as I would’ve liked. He lived out of state for 5 plus years and finally moved back a few years ago. The whole time I kept putting him in for the draws with hope that one day we could share a hunt together again. We had some trail cameras out and spent time scouting and checking cameras over the summer. We had a pretty solid game plan for the opening. We would chase bugles in the morning and sit water in the afternoon. On Tuesday before the start of the hunt I had a friend and coworker inform me he had tested positive for Covid-19, then on Thursday of that week he was hospitalized. I started to feel off on that Wednesday before the opener but kept telling myself I would be fine. My wife kept telling me I should stay home and I kept telling her no, no I have to go it’s been 17 years in the making. I struggled some on Friday but Saturday morning we were up and excited to get hunting. After a couple hours we found 5 bulls chasing cows up on a steep hill. We started after them and I could go 10 feet and it would take me 10 minutes to feel like I could finally catch my breath. We made the decision that I needed to go home. My son by now was also starting to show symptoms. I tested positive that day and was told to isolate for 10 days. My son tested positive on Monday and told to isolate for 14 days. This put an end to our hunt after about 3 hours of hunting. I debated with myself as to whether to share this or not. My wife and I were vaccinated and my son and coworker weren’t. I feel vaccinations are a personal choice and I respect that. I know there is a lot of debate between people and I don’t want to debate any of that here. I want people to know Covid-19 is real and affecting people around you. It affects each of us in different ways and we don’t know how our bodies are going to react to it. Whether you are vaccinated or not you can still pass it to others and vaccinated or not you can still get Covid-19. I’m sure I was infected by my coworker and then I infected both my wife and son before any of us knew we had it. Please make a choice to protect and respect your family, friends and coworkers from this. I know he didn’t intentionally infect me but he should have stayed home when he had symptoms. My son finally went back to work last Wednesday but he suffered with diarrhea, headaches, back aches and lost 16 pounds. My wife spent 6 days in the hospital and is now home on oxygen full time and struggling to regain her health. I have recovered but it took a while. We contacted the UDWR and returned his tag along with our medical statements. They said he may receive his points back after they review it. My hope with sharing this is someone will read it, and not put anyone thru what we have gone thru. Hope you all have some fun and successful hunts this fall.
My only question is.... What's the point of the vaccine if you can still get it and pass it? That has been my question the whole time... How do you know you didn't get it first and it take longer to show on you with vaccine? If the vaccine worked like they said it does, people with vaccine getting it would be rare. But it isn't. But don't blame the unvaccinated because it's the easy thing to do. Blame the vaccine companies for making a failure of a vaccine and the government, doctors, and pharmaceutical companies for pushing that failed vaccine down our throats to line their pockets. Also, blame them for blocking everything that has been PROVEN effective in treatment, simply because they do not own the patents or have money invested in it.

I truly hope that all your family is doing better and hopefully you get the points back.
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He and his family are alive, unlike the 700,000 Americans who are not.
That number is and has been greatly exaggerated. They have already proven that. People who died from car accidents and the such have covid listed as well. It was a cash grab. Anyone they could put covid on they did. There's a reason there are lawsuits about it right now. I am not saying it isn't real, and that people haven't lost their lives, but it is greatly exaggerated the number of people. People die every year because of the flu, but we aren't making a huge deal out of that.
I know that's true but it seems so strange to me. With all the overcrowded ER's and ICU's and over stressed nurses you'd think trying to keep people away would be a priority. What does it hurt to try? Many doctors swear they can be a benefit.
A little story about the crowded hospitals.... Here where I live, I drive by the hospital on nearly a daily basis. Never noticed anything different, aside from a lot emptier parking lots. Then, one day I am driving by, and a news crew is there. Along with three refrigerated trucks, and a crowd outside of the ICU windows. See on the news later a story about overcrowded hospital and how they have to use refrigerated trucks as a morgue. Funny thing is, I drive by the very next day, AND IT'S ALL GONE! Go into the emergency room a few days later with my daughter, a knee injury, and there are nurses literally doing nothing because there are no patients. Empty waiting room, no patients in back, fastest trip ever to emergency room. They track the info daily here in NM, and it shows full capacity on the government web site, but my dad just got out of the hospital, ICU and there were empty rooms everywhere. So, you choose who you believe, I choose my personal experience. I know people who have had it, and the majority of them were vaccinated. I have not been vaccinated, and "exposed" to it multiple times, and have yet to get it. Not saying I won't but at this point, I'm not going to be shamed into taking a vaccine that is already proven NOT to be effective.
George Floyd had it too. Not sure if they chalked his death up to c19, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Camper, hopefully you and the family get back to normal ASAP and get another shot at this hunt.

I don't think most feel c19 is not real, I think it's the whole politicizing the vax. Mandate vs. free choice. Does everyone here get their yearly flu shot?
George Floyd had it too. Not sure if they chalked his death up to c19, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Camper, hopefully you and the family get back to normal ASAP and get another shot at this hunt.

I don't think most feel c19 is not real, I think it's the whole politicizing the vax. Mandate vs. free choice. Does everyone here get their yearly flu shot?
I get the pneumonia vaccine, because I have had it and am susceptible. Had it five times in three years. But guess what, I haven't had it since I've gotten the vaccines. Because it works! Unlike the covid one, which doesn't. I know covid is real, but like I said, am not gonna be shamed or forced to take a vaccine that does not work, by big pharma and government. Funny how all their laws and stipulations do not apply to themselves.
I get the pneumonia vaccine, because I have had it and am susceptible. Had it five times in three years. But guess what, I haven't had it since I've gotten the vaccines. Because it works! Unlike the covid one, which doesn't. I know covid is real, but like I said, am not gonna be shamed or forced to take a vaccine that does not work, by big pharma and government. Funny how all their laws and stipulations do not apply to themselves.
And it's doesn't prevent it, which USED to be the definition of a vax.
Last week was a tough one for me. My dad, who had been vaccinated, caught COVID on September 1st. He never told me because he thought he would be fine.

While I was in Colorado, on my son’s elk hunt, my dad started calling like crazy but we had very limited cell service. He was hospitalized and it didn’t look great. He was a fighter. He was in bad shape in the hospital from the 14th-22nd. He had a major turn on the 22nd and everything looked great. He was scheduled to get out 25th or 26th. My son and I talked to him on the 25th and we made plans for the winter. He was scheduled to get out on the 26th and he sounded great.

That night he took another major turn. They put him on a ventilator on Sunday the 26th. He was on the ventilator until Wednesday. He was on a continuous downward spiral and there was no hope. We never got the chance to talk with him again. He passed Wednesday the 29th. He only lived 2 min off the ventilator.

His Doctor told us that, at their Hospital, nobody who has been previously vaccinated, gotten the Delta variant, and gone on a ventilator had loved. She said she did not know of anybody in the state of Florida had lived who had been vaccinated, got the Delta Variant and then was put in a ventilator.

Prayers for everybody. I really hope everybody is safe and really pays attention to the warnings.
Last week was a tough one for me. My dad, who had been vaccinated, caught COVID on September 1st. He never told me because he thought he would be fine.

While I was in Colorado, on my son’s elk hunt, my dad started calling like crazy but we had very limited cell service. He was hospitalized and it didn’t look great. He was a fighter. He was in bad shape in the hospital from the 14th-22nd. He had a major turn on the 22nd and everything looked great. He was scheduled to get out 25th or 26th. My son and I talked to him on the 25th and we made plans for the winter. He was scheduled to get out on the 26th and he sounded great.

That night he took another major turn. They put him on a ventilator on Sunday the 26th. He was on the ventilator until Wednesday. He was on a continuous downward spiral and there was no hope. We never got the chance to talk with him again. He passed Wednesday the 29th. He only lived 2 min off the ventilator.

His Doctor told us that, at their Hospital, nobody who has been previously vaccinated, gotten the Delta variant, and gone on a ventilator had loved. She said she did not know of anybody in the state of Florida had lived who had been vaccinated, got the Delta Variant and then was put in a ventilator.

Prayers for everybody. I really hope everybody is safe and really pays attention to the warnings.
Damn tough story...so sorry..

So...does that story tell us to get vaccinated or don’t get vaccinated??....
Just be careful. I would not even try and tell people what to do with their own health. I have been vaccinated but don’t feel any safer than people who are not. Just remember that COVID can take a serious turn and has really hit home for my family.

I suggest everybody try and kelp themselves and their family as safe as possible and enjoy you hunting seasons.
I know that's true but it seems so strange to me. With all the overcrowded ER's and ICU's and over stressed nurses you'd think trying to keep people away would be a priority. What does it hurt to try? Many doctors swear they can be a benefit.


How many Dr are independent, vs corporate employees.

Notice it's the independent Dr's that talk about off label meds.
So...does that story tell us to get vaccinated or don’t get vaccinated??....
I guess getting vaccinated is better than not, at least from what they tell us, but how would they know over the long haul?

I think that unvaccinated people who get it and survive are the gold standard. They should spread their genes at every opportunity like a big old buck. :)

Don't let your guard down and be as safe as possible. I think some people got the jab and assumed they were safe (they believed the "science") and threw caution to the wind and then got nailed.
I guess getting vaccinated is better than not, at least from what they tell us, but how would they know over the long haul?

I think that unvaccinated people who get it and survive are the gold standard. They should spread their genes at every opportunity like a big old buck. :)

Don't let your guard down and be as safe as possible. I think some people got the jab and assumed they were safe (they believed the "science") and threw caution to the wind and then got nailed.
I think the biggest problem is all the politicians saying it's the only way to go back to normal. If you dont get it, you're the devil and killing people. But, we see it is vaccinated people getting it and dying too. The vaccine plainly does not work. It is being pushed to line their pockets. Blame the unvaccinated all you want, when the true evil is the politicians. They are politicizing this and keeping it around. There's a reason they do not allow people to be treated. Only allow them to be ventilated, because once you're ventilated, it's pretty much all over. Very few survive it. Which, in the end, is very sad. Our doctors and government should be helping, not lining their pockets and politicizing it. Why have none of them gotten it and stayed sick? You have to be blind if you don't think there's a reason for that. There is a treatment, an effective one, but they will not allow it. They are keeping us divided and apart for a reason. They are controlling every aspect of this country now, and there is no opposition.

And for those who have had it, that is exactly the way I felt every time with bacterial pneumonia. Unable to breathe and have still not gotten back to the same as I was previous to it. Felt like death every time. Again, not saying it isn't real, but a lot of this can be avoided.
I have a half Dozen family members that work in Hospitals.
They are working their A$$ off so When someone says BS that nurses are just sitting around and try and make look like they are working and Covid isn't a big deal and the hospital are using it for a cash cow.
THAT story is full Horse $hit. period.

People who got the shots are still getting sick but Delta is now the new Virus stay tune there will be more coming down the pike.
Well, there certainly is more coming down the pike. Think about it. Vaccinated and unvaccinated can get it and spread it. 12 YO and under can't get vaccinated, (why not if it's so safe?). Then you have thousands of people from all over the world flying into and out of the US every hour and we have millions of illegals crossing the border and being shipped across the US that aren't tested or required to get vaccinated. If you get the virus you're told to go home and wait until it's so bad you end up in the hospital. And then when you do, you're an ahole for making the nurses do their job and taking up a bed.

What do they do for a covid patient in the hospital that they can't do before you get there? If they don't want you in the hospital try doing things that are proven to keep you out in the first place.

BTW, Fauci said it's too early to tell if we can have Christmas this year. He'll let us know.
He and his family are alive, unlike the 700,000 Americans who are not.
That’s the high water Mark now huh? Started out as “ vaccinated , you won’t get Covid!” Now its “vaccinated, maybe don’t die!!” Earning my trust more and more every day.

As a side note. Only person I personally know who’s died from Covid was fully vaccinated
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I have a half Dozen family members that work in Hospitals.
They are working their A$$ off so When someone says BS that nurses are just sitting around and try and make look like they are working and Covid isn't a big deal and the hospital are using it for a cash cow.
THAT story is full Horse $hit. period.

People who got the shots are still getting sick but Delta is now the new Virus stay tune there will be more coming down the pike.
I have family members who are nurses as well. Maybe your area is bad, but mine isn't. Our hospitalizations have been dropping on government stats as well. So, maybe the hospital overrun stories are horse sh*t too...... Just saying. It can go both ways. I have seen it with my own eyes, and have people who work in hospitals that I talk to on a daily basis also, like you.
Well I went on a fishing trip SEP 20th wit six other guys. One showed up sick. To make a long story short 4 of us have gotten sick. Myself and one other guy got tested and we were + for the Rona. I have been vaccinated and my symptoms have been limited to a stuffy noise and little shortness of breath. My daughter has been on the front lines treating Covid patents since this pandemic started and says the vaccine is meant to keep you out of the hospital and the morgue not prevent it. I trust her and in my case it seems to have worked. But I am sure you can find examples where it has not worked out that way. No-one can dictate how the body will react to a disease.
My only question is.... What's the point of the vaccine if you can still get it and pass it?
So you don't die from it.

That number is and has been greatly exaggerated. They have already proven that.
Who is "they"?

Unlike the covid one, which doesn't.
The current vaccine was made against the initial virus. What is infecting everyone right now, the Delta variant, is different. The future variations of the vaccine will take this in to account. Do you think the flu vaccine is the same shot every year? It's not. It changes every year, based on the worst variants in the southern hemisphere.
They are politicizing this and keeping it around.
So you're saying politicians, deep down, just want to help kill as many people as possible? Yeah, that makes total sense . . .
So you're saying politicians, deep down, just want to help kill as many people as possible? Yeah, that makes total sense . . .
Don’t know much about politics huh? When have they ever had more power then they do now? Think there letting go of that? Pretty naive. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Yes I do believe the more death the better for our rulers. We give our liberty for security and the get to continue to get drunk on power.

One death is a tragedy, a million is statistic. And we all know the powers that be “never waste a crisis”
Yes, "mass murderer" is one of the most prominent characteristics of every politician. Totally agree. Keep going.
Yes, "mass murderer" is one of the most prominent characteristics of every politician. Totally agree. Keep going.
Any idea the yearly abortion numbers politicians fight so hard to raise higher and higher? Yeah, you keep going bud
So how come congrees and usps workers are exempt for the wuhan vaccine or excuse me it isnt a vaccine so the jab?

Why is plane full of democrats and everyone gets covid and not really much to hear about it?

Our county health officer was the first to be vaccinated. 2 weeks ago he was admitted to ER for covid.

Why is if I got covid they still want me to get the jab?

The fact that i have several questions and concerns its my personal choice of not getting the jab is my choice.

Wear a mask. Fauci says mask dont work. Ok now mask up. Ok 2 mask. Ok 3 mask. Kids are safe. Oh wait lets require them get a jab to go to school. No Christmas and no gatherings unless you're a politician or someone of importance cause mandates dont apply to us.
Ohh its the unvaccinated fault but yet overseas its the exact oppostie. Ohh wait lets have all the illegals come but yet darn it comes back to the unvaccinated.

But yet you still question why i question things. Cant believe a damn thing on the media. Media lied and lied for 4 flippin years.
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So how come congree and usps workers are exempt for the wuhan vaccine or excuse me it isnt a vaccine so the jab?

Why is plane full of democrats and everyone gets covid and not really much to hear about it?

Our county health officer was the first to be vaccinated. 2 weeks ago he was admitted to ER for covid.

Why is if I got covid they still want me to get the jab?

The fact that i have several questions and concerns its my personal choice of not getting the jab is my choice.

Wear a mask. Fauci says mask dont work. Ok now mask up. Ok 2 mask. Ok 3 mask. Kids are safe. Oh wait lets require them get a jab to go to school. No Christmas and no gatherings unless you're a politician or someone of importance cause mandates dont apply to us.
Ohh its the unvaccinated fault but yet overseas its the exact oppostie. Ohh wait lets have all the illegals come but yet darn it comes back to the unvaccinated.

But yet you still question why i question things. Cant believe a damn thing on the media. Media lied and lied for 4 flippin years.
EXACTLY!!! They are all exempt from the "rules" they create. How many of them have gotten sick?
usps workers are exempt for the wuhan vaccine
Do a google search with this topic and make sure you include "independent federal agency" and "OSHA".
If you want to know more about why the mandate doesn't apply to Congress then google search presidential power over executive branch employees versus legislative branch employees.
Our county health officer was the first to be vaccinated. 2 weeks ago he was admitted to ER for covid.

Everyone has a story about this one guy who my sister knows that has a cousin on Facebook . . . The number that I want to know is how many vaccinated people have been exposed to the coronavirus and been protected? No sickness, no symptoms. That number we will never know.

Why is plane full of democrats and everyone gets covid and not really much to hear about it?
That's not a sentence.

Wear a mask. Fauci says mask dont work. Ok now mask up. Ok 2 mask.
That will go down as an all-time colossal blunder in public health recommendations, and I agree, the 2 mask recommendation was painful to watch.
Ohh its the unvaccinated fault but yet overseas its the exact oppostie.
Media lied and lied for 4 flippin years.
4 years? Are you saying the pandemic started in 2017?
So you don't die from it.

Who is "they"?

The current vaccine was made against the initial virus. What is infecting everyone right now, the Delta variant, is different. The future variations of the vaccine will take this in to account. Do you think the flu vaccine is the same shot every year? It's not. It changes every year, based on the worst variants in the southern hemisphere.

So you're saying politicians, deep down, just want to help kill as many people as possible? Yeah, that makes total sense . . .
Then why are vaccinated people still dying from it????

They are record auditors.

The vaccine was supposed to work against the Delta Variant as well, or did you forget what daddy Fauci and the CDC said?

Never said they wanted to kill everyone, but they will for control. You can bet your life on that one....

Any more questions?
Do a google search with this topic and make sure you include "independent federal agency" and "OSHA".

Everyone has a story about this one guy who my sister knows that has a cousin on Facebook . . . The number that I want to know is how many vaccinated people have been exposed to the coronavirus and been protected? No sickness, no symptoms. That number we will never know.

That's not a sentence.

That will go down as an all-time colossal blunder in public health recommendations, and I agree, the 2 mask recommendation was painful to watch.


4 years? Are you saying the pandemic started in 2017?
The total number of people who have had it will never be known, since 90+ percent are asymptomatic. So, why are all the numbers going UP when over 2/3 of the country is vaccinated??? Shouldn't it be going drastically down if the vaccine made even the slightest difference???

And no, he is not saying the pandemic started in 2017. He is stating the media is full of a bunch of lying a$$holes. They have been lying about EVERYRTHING for years. That is what he is saying..
The total number of people who have had it will never be known, since 90+ percent are asymptomatic. So, why are all the numbers going UP when over 2/3 of the country is vaccinated??? Shouldn't it be going drastically down if the vaccine made even the slightest difference???

And no, he is not saying the pandemic started in 2017. He is stating the media is full of a bunch of lying a$$holes. They have been lying about EVERYRTHING for years. That is what he is saying..
Again guys. This is real science we’re too dumb to understand. Sooner you accept that and surrender all your liberty the happier you will be
Do a google search with this topic and make sure you include "independent federal agency" and "OSHA".

Everyone has a story about this one guy who my sister knows that has a cousin on Facebook . . . The number that I want to know is how many vaccinated people have been exposed to the coronavirus and been protected? No sickness, no symptoms. That number we will never know.

Not a story and it happend. The town had a lot of questions but yet no replies from the almighty health officer.

That's not a sentence.

Guess i should of been more clear. The UK and Israel have a high vaccaction rate but yet who is getting sick? This issue is being ingorned.
That will go down as an all-time colossal blunder in public health recommendations, and I agree, the 2 mask recommendation was painful to watch.


4 years? Are you saying the pandemic started in 2017?

It's not only lies about covid but yet all the lies the media told the last 4 years. I would love to get into details but i will be censored due to it goes against the beliefs of the creator of this website
Again guys. This is real science we’re too dumb to understand. Sooner you accept that and surrender all your liberty the happier you will be
Ya, just like all the articles that they are putting out. Stating "dont do your own research when it comes to vaccines! Trust the government!" Just like Bill Gates said, America believes too much in freedom. But, he has stock in all of the companies that are pushing vaccines..... If you actually look into it, it all makes perfect sense. The problem is, too many people are blindly led by the media and NEVER perform research or initiate their own thoughts. "Geeeeee, the news said I have to take this, OK" Isn't it funny that all the politicians push something that they have ties to? Isn't it funny that all of these "role models" say people need to do it, when they also have incentives for it?
Again guys. This is real science we’re too dumb to understand. Sooner you accept that and surrender all your liberty the happier you will be

You're right. Thank god biden cant do sqaut to our factory that has well over a 100 employess
The total number of people who have had it will never be known, since 90+ percent are asymptomatic.
Interesting stat. Care to cite your source?
So, why are all the numbers going UP when over 2/3 of the country is vaccinated?
They're not. The numbers are going down.

Do a google search with this topic and make sure you include "independent federal agency" and "OSHA".
If you want to know more about why the mandate doesn't apply to Congress then google search presidential power over executive branch employees versus legislative branch employees.

Everyone has a story about this one guy who my sister knows that has a cousin on Facebook . . . The number that I want to know is how many vaccinated people have been exposed to the coronavirus and been protected? No sickness, no symptoms. That number we will never know.

That's not a sentence.

That will go down as an all-time colossal blunder in public health recommendations, and I agree, the 2 mask recommendation was painful to watch.


4 years? Are you saying the pandemic started in 2017?
Just like congress NEVER wears their masks, unless the camera is on them? How many of them have been caught on hot mics admitting its all political theater???? Or have you been too blinded to see those?
I don't know, how many? You apparently do know.
A lot of them. It's easy to look up the videos. Their offices just say they were taken out of context, and liberals and fear mongers eat it up. How can "I have to put this on to keep up the political theater act" as putting on mask, be taken out of context? Ignorant people believe those excuses. Have you seen any of them on CNN, MSNBC or any of the left wing propogandists? No. You ask for sources, do your research. The info is easy enough to find. But, you have to stray away from the liberal media to find it. I know, it's tough. You can do it....
What about all of the Democrat politicians caught disobeying the rules they put in place? Forcing salons to open, jewelry stores, the list goes on and on. Caught with no mask on, having HUGE gatherings with no one wearing masks. But you are obviously blinded by it. I do believe covid is real, but I know something is fishy about the push for vaccines that don't work, as well as all of the hog wash going on with politicians. Some times 2+2 =4, and this seems like one of those times.
And it's doesn't prevent it, which USED to be the definition of a vax.
Wrong. "Breakthrough" infections have always happened with vaccines. E.g., we have always been told that the flu vaccine might not prevent infection, but might only lessen severity if you do get the flu. Same with Covid. Nothing shocking.
Flu shot, not flu vaccine. When I go to doctor, they ask me if I want my yearly flu shot, not a flu vaccine. CDC changed defs-- help yourself and look it up.
Sorry to hear that Camp. Hopefully DNR will work with you on this and salvage your points. Covid seems to affect everyone differently, especially those in the 60 plus age group. We had a strain of it come through Gunnison at the RMEF banquet in late august. I am unvaccinated and it hit me while I was up on the mountain. Was a 4 day battle of constant headaches, diarrhea, fatigue and overall just feeling weak and by day 5 I was able to get up and on my feet, I never lost my taste or smell though. Where as two of the guys I outfit with whom are 61&66 and unvaccinated absolutely got their asses kicked by it. Turned into a month long battle for both of them. Both were put on oxygen and medications, and both lost close to or more than 20lbs.
Flu shot, not flu vaccine. When I go to doctor, they ask me if I want my yearly flu shot, not a flu vaccine. CDC changed defs-- help yourself and look it up.
Thanks for the suggestion, I did.

Right off the CDC website:

What is a flu vaccine?​

Influenza (flu) vaccines (often called “flu shots”) are vaccines that protect against the four influenza viruses that research indicates most common during the upcoming season. Most flu vaccines are “flu shots” given with a needle, usually in the arm, but there also is also a nasal spray flu vaccine.
Hospitals are so overrun they're going to start firing people. Makes perfect sense.
Exactly!!!! Laying off nurses around the country but they are overrun! Makes perfect sense to be overrun and lay people off. The people arguing with it won't look into it though. You hit them with facts and they try to still push their narrative.
You hit them with facts and they try to still push their narrative.
Earlier I simply asked you to support your comment regarding 90% of covid cases being asymptomatic by citing a source and you said nothing. Why? Hit me with the facts.
The vaccine was supposed to work against the Delta Variant as well, or did you forget what daddy Fauci and the CDC said?
The Delta variant didn't exist when they started working on the current vaccine. Why is that so hard for people to understand? And when it comes to dying, it's pretty effective versus nothing:

According to a report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), unvaccinated individuals are 11 times more likely to die from Covid-19 than those who are fully inoculated.
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Earlier I simply asked you to support your comment regarding 90% of covid cases being asymptomatic by citing a source and you said nothing. Why? Hit me with the facts.

The Delta variant didn't exist when they started working on the current vaccine. Why is that so hard for people to understand? And when it comes to dying, it's pretty effective versus nothing:

According to a report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), unvaccinated individuals are 11 times more likely to die from Covid-19 than those who are fully inoculated.
Now THAT is a made up stat. You actually believe anything coming from the CDC after the $hit show they've put on?? Look at the world numbers. What is your reason for America having a quarter of the cases worldwide? We are nowhere near a quarter of the population, so how does that work? Why are we the country that shut down and still have more? Hmmmm, could it be, I wonder, being used for control? This has been predicted by people. And going exactly towards their predictions... We are being herded and led to the slaughter. If we allow it to happen, we will be in China's shoes very soon. But some people just don't see it.

And an FYI, Delta was discovered in December.. I don't see it as being effective. Since slow Joe was voted in, and people are being vaccinated we have nearly half a million deaths. Plus, a hell of a lot more cases. Seems funny we had less than that the whole year and a half before. When there was no treatment, no vaccine. Before we knew anything about Covid. Now, we supposedly know how to stop it, but in less than a year, it has done more damage. Keep telling yourself these liberal politicians and media havent politicized this. When the US has more cases and deaths than a place like India, that should tell you something. Our hygene is light years ahead of theirs. We have been locked down, forced to wear masks and are vaccinating at a much higher rate. But, our cases are worse than where the Delta Variant started?? Commmmmmeeeeee onnnnnnnn, as Slow Joe would say, and use some logic here.

Look at the way we treat people with it. We do absolutely nothing, then when they get bad, but them to a death sentence with a ventilator. It is proven not to work, but we still use it. Most people who get put on it don't get off it. That right there in itself should tell you something.
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congratulations! You've won!
I have changed my point of view.

Please, stay unvaccinated.

Founder, can you add a bat-**** crazy emoji? Thanks.
Im bat $hit crazy, but more than half of the people Ive known that have gotten it have been vaccinated. I did not know anyone who had it until the end of 2020. Now I know dozens, and most of them have been vaccinated people. But, I am bat ish crazy huh?

And your comment about sources, I already responded about that. There are plenty of sources available. It's a simple search on the internet, and skip CNN and the liberal ones. All you'll get from them is doom and gloom. Go to peer reviewed articles. They'll also tell you a huge amount of our healthcare workers refuse the vaccine. But, they don't know what they are talking about, do they?
But, since you asked.... Here ya go.

That article is in February, and more than half had come since sleepy joe elected.

Here is another one for you... About highly vaccinated cases.

Here is another one about asymptomatic cases. Keep in mind, these are positive tested results. How many people don't get tested. I will find the articles if you wish. But when up to 75% of positive people are asymptomatic, that tells you how many don't get tested.
Heres one that shows over 80 percent.... But I am bat sheet crazy. This one is a PEER REVIEWED ARTICLE. Hopefully you know what that means....
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I git sicker than hell a few days before my Wasatch hunt started last Monday. I was coughing up blood for a couple days, but I managed to get well enough to hunt effectively. I still put on a ton of miles albeit slower than normal. Sorry about your luck, hopefully they’ll restore his points.

We're 9 months into 2021. More people have now died of covid this year than did in all of 2020. We had no vaccine last year. We have multiple vaccines this year. Something ain't right.

I git sicker than hell a few days before my Wasatch hunt started last Monday. I was coughing up blood for a couple days, but I managed to get well enough to hunt effectively. I still put on a ton of miles albeit slower than normal. Sorry about your luck, hopefully they’ll restore his points.

View attachment 54277
Awesome bull... congrats!
Exactly!!!! Laying off nurses around the country but they are overrun! Makes perfect sense to be overrun and lay people off. The people arguing with it won't look into it though. You hit them with facts and they try to still push their narrative.
remember a year ago when they were front line heroes? now there just deplorable's
Here is another one about asymptomatic cases. Keep in mind, these are positive tested results. How many people don't get tested. I will find the articles if you wish. But when up to 75% of positive people are asymptomatic, that tells you how many don't get tested.
Heres one that shows over 80 percent.... But I am bat sheet crazy. This one is a PEER REVIEWED ARTICLE. Hopefully you know what that means....
I think the problem may be you are not understanding the articles or are you just skimming. Or do you think people will just assume that because you are posting something on the internet that your are actually posting something factual?


Now an analysis by a group of US medical researchers on more than 350 studies has found just over 35 percent of all COVID-19 infections don't proceed to a symptomatic phase.

Not 75%. Not 80%. Not 90%.

You literally posted a link discrediting what you are saying.

A quote from the other article you mentioned:

According to this new study, recent estimates suggest around 30 percent of people with COVID-19 never develop symptoms and may be 75 percent as capable of transmitting the virus as those with symptoms.

Do you understand what this means? It is not saying 75% of cases are asymptomatic.
I think the problem may be you are not understanding the articles or are you just skimming. Or do you think people will just assume that because you are posting something on the internet that your are actually posting something factual?


Now an analysis by a group of US medical researchers on more than 350 studies has found just over 35 percent of all COVID-19 infections don't proceed to a symptomatic phase.

Not 75%. Not 80%. Not 90%.

You literally posted a link discrediting what you are saying.

A quote from the other article you mentioned:

According to this new study, recent estimates suggest around 30 percent of people with COVID-19 never develop symptoms and may be 75 percent as capable of transmitting the virus as those with symptoms.

Do you understand what this means? It is not saying 75% of cases are asymptomatic.
Read the sentence just before the 75% statement... Where it says up to 81% of cases are asymptomatic. So, who is just skimming articles now? I knew that would catch you up and give me a "gotcha moment". But hey, I am the one skimming. I posted 75 to see if you would read the article or skim it looking for that number. And you fell, hook line and sinker. Gulped it down. Now who looks dumb? Like you are trying to make me look. Whoops. And what is worse? The 81% article is hyperlinked into this article! So it is completely a different color than the rest of the text. But you just wanted to "prove" me wrong. Stuck your foot in your mouth doing it. Do YOU understand what THAT means?
Now who looks dumb?
You do.

Here is the quote:
Early estimates ranged from just 4 percent of infections being asymptomatic, all the way up to 81 percent. Even as the pandemic ensued, figures conservatively estimated fewer than 20 percent of people might be infectious without showing any signs.

Now, read that very carefully. Early estimates . . .

And again, the paragraph above that:

Now an analysis by a group of US medical researchers on more than 350 studies has found just over 35 percent of all COVID-19 infections don't proceed to a symptomatic phase.
Again, click on the hyperlink and read the article that explains the 81%. Not coming from CDC. Not coming from liberal media. Not coming from CDC's "scientists". Coming from a peer reviewed article. You know, reviewed by other doctors (you know, the ones who actually see the patients) and stated to be fact, not opinion like CNN or those media outlets. But, hey, I really didn't expect you to do that. I expected you to argue about what liberal media tells you is fact. When they are the biggest liars in the world. Caught lying how many times......
Have you been drinking today?

You are asking me to read the article you are referrencing but I'm literally quoting from that article.

Starting to think you are just a troll that doesn't believe what you are posting.
No I'm not. I said click on the hyperlink in the article you are referencing. What is so hard to understand about that? But hey, I am over going back and forth. You are grasping at straws, wanted sources, I put them in front of you, and you don't understand. No matter what facts anyone puts in front of you, we will get "na uh! The CDC says! This media outlet says! Sleepy Joe says!!!" Instead of doing your own research like I have. Follow them to slaughter little sheep.
Maybe it doesn't turn into that if he doesn't take his jab at unvaccinated people. I was reading and not going to respond at all, except sorry to hear that. But, then he has to state respect your family and blah blah blah get the vaccine. Blaming his unvaccinated coworker, when for all he knows, it could have been him who gave it to everyone. That's what turned it into what it is now.

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