China Olympics


Active Member
Omicron is upon us. Whether Republican or Democrat, there is no denial that it is making people sick. Where did all this originate, China of course. That can’t be disputed and from a Chinese lab supported by Fauci. China did everything in their power to hide that fact while buying up the world’s supply of medical supplies. And on, and on….
WHY and HOW can the US support the Chinese communists by sending our athletes to complete in this farce. The US government and corporate America and the USOC are spineless. What diseases are the Chinese planning to send home to the US in our athletes and other visitors? I can’t imagine of a single past US president putting up with this crap and sending our Olympic team to China. Even Biden agrees with “Let’s Go Brandon”.
The U.S. should cut all ties with China. They depend on us.
We can survive without cheap plastic Chinese crap.
Fauci should be in prison.
100% boycott of the olympics.
lol......yeah.....that....and most of our meds, parts, tools, nuts and bolts......etc etc etc
really sad for the young Olympian athletes.....
The Chinese have killed millions around the world, killed around 800,000 Americans, sickened millions more with no end in sight, ruined economies around the world, help cause the inflation around the globe and we should be worried a few athletes can’t compete in the travesty of the Chinese Olympics? How is supporting the Chinese going to help anything in the US.??
you are right......We are screwed because for a while at least....we can't survive without them.....
you are right......We are screwed because for a while at least....we can't survive without them.....
All we have is our wallets and our votes to affect change. Vote the corrupt a holes out and do whatever we can not to buy Chinese. I will not watch the Chinese Olympics and I usually watch all I can of Olympic sports. Maybe if people don’t watch, corporate sponsors will rethink their support of our country’s enemies. Our leftist government and greedy corporations won’t do it if left to themselves. Maybe Americans can start the change.
The hated orange Man also funded the research in China
Always back to Trump, Trump, Trump…..
Of Any politician in the last 50 years, he tried to stem the tide of their crusade of world domination. Americans have to get beyond Trump and due what we can to save our country. Think beyond your hatred for one man and what is best for what you need and want for your country.
You Guys Have Heard Me Bitching about China Long Before Trump Got Involved!

We Have Funded/Built Their Military Advancements!
You can't say Elkassassin didn't warn us.

How could Trump have known? He was never a politician. But he knows China is hosing us.

China owns us. We should probably lay down at the Olympics and maybe they will take pity on us.
Always back to Trump, Trump, Trump…..
Of Any politician in the last 50 years, he tried to stem the tide of their crusade of world domination. Americans have to get beyond Trump and due what we can to save our country. Think beyond your hatred for one man and what is best for what you need and want for your country.
All I’m saying is true, Trump did provide funding for research in Wuhan just as many Presidents before him did. It has nothing to do with hating Trump.
China is and always has been a problem. They will screw you any way they can and there are many politicians and people here along with some companies that are holding hands with them.

Need to cut the cord to fix it.
It’ll be a damn shame if we don’t learn from this. This is exactly the wake-up call Americans needed to get their chit together.

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Omicron is upon us. Whether Republican or Democrat, there is no denial that it is making people sick. Where did all this originate, China of course. That can’t be disputed and from a Chinese lab supported by Fauci. China did everything in their power to hide that fact while buying up the world’s supply of medical supplies. And on, and on….
WHY and HOW can the US support the Chinese communists by sending our athletes to complete in this farce. The US government and corporate America and the USOC are spineless. What diseases are the Chinese planning to send home to the US in our athletes and other visitors? I can’t imagine of a single past US president putting up with this crap and sending our Olympic team to China. Even Biden agrees with “Let’s Go Brandon”.

???? Been putting up with it since Nixon. Money talks, bullshit walks. Same types been fine with sending kids all over gods creation to get ground up in never ending wars. Death don't matter if there is enough green.
lol......yeah.....that....and most of our meds, parts, tools, nuts and bolts......etc etc etc
Fix me now or fix me later… the past President was trying to fix it, that didn’t fit the swamps agenda…

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