61 Archery Elk Access


Very Active Member
Ended up picking up an ebike on sale last minute for this hunt and was seeking tips on maybe some narrower trails where it may be an access advantage. Also, seeking advice on what portions of the unit might be best to mix in some tree stand hunting. I see much of it is low oak brush. Got quite a few water tanks marked in those areas, so likely most of my scouting will be for trees suitable to hunt game trails. Departing Thursday. Will visit family including a new grand daughter in Fort Collins 6 days. Then put wife on a plane home and head to hunt unit August 27th for 6 days of pre-hunt scouting. Looking forward to getting away. Been a rough year at work. Thanks
Squeezing in a last public ice skating session at Notre Dame ice rink now. One on my favorite grampa leg strengthening exercises. Easy on my old joints. 44 year old Super Tacks lol.


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If you weren’t already a skilled mtn biker bring plenty of first-aid stuff, You’re going to need it riding if you try riding those trails. Your lunch is going to get eaten.
If you weren’t already a skilled mtn biker bring plenty of first-aid stuff, You’re going to need it riding if you try riding those trails. Your lunch is going to get eaten.
I actually expect to spend the bulk of my biking on the more developed roads, to spare my 4Runner any abuse. It's old but extremely clean.
I feel your pain, Zim. I have a 96 4runner that I got in 2006. It is a great vehicle, in great shape and have no desire to get rid of it any time soon. I want to keep it as is, and that means no unnecessary abuse.
I feel your pain, Zim. I have a 96 4runner that I got in 2006. It is a great vehicle, in great shape and have no desire to get rid of it any time soon. I want to keep it as is, and that means no unnecessary abuse.
CCity, I'm used to driving beaters for my hunts. Last Jeep Cherokee had 340k miles when retired. But picked up this 2007 in unreal clean condition, as if off the showroom floor, not even a scratch. Not used to hunting from one this clean.




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Nice rig Zim! Much nicer than my ‘96 3rd gen, which is in great shape for a 26 year old vehicle. I can see why you want to keep it in the shape that it is in..
Nice rig Zim! Much nicer than my ‘96 3rd gen, which is in great shape for a 26 year old vehicle. I can see why you want to keep it in the shape that it is in..
I’m afraid if I get a bull, the antlers are gonna hafta be bungeed to the luggage rack. I got the inside chock full, and the bike carrier will be mounted on the rear hitch. The last time I had to strap an elk head up there was AZ 2004 and I got flipped off before I even got out of the taxidermist’s subdivision. ?
As far as a bike goes like has been said if you aren’t already skilled it’s gunna suck. Also there are lots of areas that you won’t need to beat the hell out of your car to get to.
Update: Got so sick on the 9th day had to abandon all my gear in the field and drive to Urgent Care Montrose. I near passed out several times. The doc armed my with Codeine, antibiotics, altitude pills and more. Had to go to Grand Junction as all hotels in Montrose were booked. Told me to stay in town and take meds 3/4 days. I improved Saturday and more Sunday. All symptoms are diminishing. Going to Urgent Care was a good move, and they were even in my insurance network. Will rest one more day and see if cough is rubbed out, plus have belt tensioner replaced on the 4Runner. Also taking advantage to refine my OnX e-scouting.

BTW - Had no problem on my first two ebike trail rides. These were both pretty rocky single track trails. That's no concern at all. Rubbing out my virus from hell is my only problem.
Wow, that sucks. This was a virus exacerbated by altitude or what?
Yes, the combination. The other wild cards were age, possible partial lung damage from Covid 2020, & pacer/heart weakening. I know my tolerance to altitude has declined per a visit to Pike’s Peak this year as compared to previous. But the virus by itself is super nasty.
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Hopeful that you recover and get back after it. I would imagine that the bulls are going crazy by now.
Hopeful that you recover and get back after it. I would imagine that the bulls are going crazy by now.
It’s so hot I am not enthused to field dress an elk and get him packed out in a timely manner anyway. 100’s in the valleys and probably 85 up top. And in my condition even shooting one in the evening and packing him out at night would be very sketchy.
It’s so hot I am not enthused to field dress an elk and get him packed out in a timely manner anyway. 100’s in the valleys and probably 85 up top. And in my condition even shooting one in the evening and packing him out at night would be very sketchy.
I hear that. We really need some cooler weather to move in.
Zim if this were the Mt E tag you had a couple years ago (I'm assuming that is you by the sign name), Id offer a hand. I can't make it to CO though. Best of luck and be safe out there!
Zim if this were the Mt E tag you had a couple years ago (I'm assuming that is you by the sign name), Id offer a hand. I can't make it to CO though. Best of luck and be safe out there!
I'm onto some bulls now that I got some energy back. This virus drained me, but yesterday was able to hunt the AM and put a lot of miles on scouting. Got 2 good spots, with some eliminated. Now scooted to Montrose to work until stupid inferno temps decline. Yesterday had a 6x6 walk in front of me 40 yards bugling his fool head off at 3:45 pm, 86 degrees.
Seen on this thread the talk about e bikes. Are they legal to use past the signs that say "no motorized vehicles beyond this point"? Hope it cools down before the end of archery season.
Seen on this thread the talk about e bikes. Are they legal to use past the signs that say "no motorized vehicles beyond this point"? Hope it cools down before the end of archery season.
No they are not ! ,,,,but they are useable on trails that are open to dirt bikes and much more quiet
Update: Got so sick on the 9th day had to abandon all my gear in the field and drive to Urgent Care Montrose. I near passed out several times. The doc armed my with Codeine, antibiotics, altitude pills and more. Had to go to Grand Junction as all hotels in Montrose were booked. Told me to stay in town and take meds 3/4 days. I improved Saturday and more Sunday. All symptoms are diminishing. Going to Urgent Care was a good move, and they were even in my insurance network. Will rest one more day and see if cough is rubbed out, plus have belt tensioner replaced on the 4Runner. Also taking advantage to refine my OnX e-scouting.

BTW - Had no problem on my first two ebike trail rides. These were both pretty rocky single track trails. That's no concern at all. Rubbing out my virus from hell is my only problem.
How has the trail riding been with full kit including the Bow?
Are you charging the E-bike at night with a generator? If so how long does it take to charge? Or do you have an extra battery and solar charge the one not being used? Thanks, I have only looked into these a little yet they seem like a good way to go.
Influenza from the gates of hell totally destroyed my hunt. If not, checkmate on this stud 9/16. He is standing 30 yards broadside from my tree stand in all these photos = tea cup groups. Hunt was totally stolen from me by some ass hole who just couldn’t stay home when they were sick. They just HAD to go out in public and share their crap with everyone.



Sad deal for sure.
Covid has messed up a lot of plans for tons of people. Sorry you were a victim.
It was not Covid. It was far worst! With Covid I could have been on stand day 14. With this ***** influenza my energy was sapped for 21 days, and the hacking cough every 30 seconds lasted 4 weeks. And into week five. My Covid was bad for O2 level = 85, but there was zero cough and zero congestion neither lung nor nasal. No problem sitting in tree stand. But this influenza resulted in uncontrollable coughing every 30 seconds. I’m going to be making major changes prior to any future hunts, including wearing a mask the month prior. And no door knobs, no humans. I waited 26 years and ended up with a nightmare. My strategy was perfect, except for touching one doorknob or something.
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Did you bring home the antlers of the bull you killed but did not recover for four days?
Yes I went down on the last day 9/30 per the other Hunter’s directions. He’s not big. Just a meat bull without the meat. ?


Congratulations, at least you were able to hunt. Son got Covid day before we were to leave on his antelope hunt. Now his job will not give him anymore time off. Three goes 12 years of Wyoming points out the window.

Not to change the topic, but what brand and model is that bike rack?
It’s a 2022 Rambo Roamer. Smallest battery. Was on sale so bought one in early August. Got upgraded from 21 to 22 due to over sales. It was marginally helpful for this hunt.

My downside was I waited 26 years for my hunt. It would have been excellent had I even had half my health. E-scouted and boots on the ground located two slammer wallow pods (7 & 12) getting hammered. I could have just sat these and killed a 350” bull if I’d not been infected. Instead I got screwed. I could ***** slap the soccer mom & rotten punk who gave me this. In a heartbeat.
BTW - When I returned home to Indiana yesterday I found we have at least four of our neighbors who have had this influenza also with 3+ weeks of the hacking cough. It hit them same as me, worse symptoms than Covid. Beware if you’ve not had it yet. Strongly advise all to get a flu shot! Small sample size, but they reduced my symptoms by 75% in 2019, 2020 & 2021.
It was not Covid. It was far worst! With Covid I could have been on stand day 14. With this ***** influenza my energy was sapped for 21 days, and the hacking cough every 30 seconds lasted 4 weeks. And into week five. My Covid was bad for O2 level = 85, but there was zero cough and zero congestion neither lung nor nasal. No problem sitting in tree stand. But this influenza resulted in uncontrollable coughing every 30 seconds. I’m going to be making major changes prior to any future hunts, including wearing a mask the month prior. And no door knobs, no humans. I waited 26 years and ended up with a nightmare. My strategy was perfect, except for touching one doorknob or something.
Had the same $hit! Didn’t seem to bother the fish, the last 2 weeks in Minnesota.
He's not big....that's a 300-310" bull lol
He may be big for an OTC/1 or 2 point unit, but not for unit 61. I would have scored a 350” minimum. Was chasing a 380” down by Big A Creek and got him in bow range three times until my knee said “enuf”! Everything is relative.
Saw you parked at that trail head. I wont mention it here. How was the hunting back in there in your opinion?
Very good but important to get there early Sept 2-16. After that the pressure pushes the big one 4 miles South.
I was there last Sat also. Scouting for 1st rifle. Walked about 2 miles back in there. Saw one decent . Some that sounded bigger.

So You lost that bull and another hunter found it? How did he contact you? Seems like we are missing a few parts to this puzzle?
I was sick for virtually the entire hunt. No pack out bears got my meat. I just ebiked the rack out the last day of the season.
I agree we are missing some info here....so you shot a bull and couldn't find it???? You shot a bull and got sick so couldn't pack it out?
I agree we are missing some info here....so you shot a bull and couldn't find it???? You shot a bull and got sick so couldn't pack it out?
Correct. Shot ~Sept 20 but he doubled back and fooled me. Arrow plugged both entry & exit so no blood trail. Found by another hunter Sept. 29. My illness had nothing to do with packing out. I had horses lined up if needed.
Correct. Shot ~Sept 20 but he doubled back and fooled me. Arrow plugged both entry & exit so no blood trail. Found by another hunter Sept. 29. My illness had nothing to do with packing out. I had horses lined up if needed.
Gotcha, super glad you got something from him then. And it's nice the other hunter gave you a heads up.

Had a bull I shot pretty high so not much of a blood trail. I was brand new to elk hunting and had no clue on how to really search. Found his carcass not far from where I stopped looking a week later and the head was gone.
Gotcha, super glad you got something from him then. And it's nice the other hunter gave you a heads up.

Had a bull I shot pretty high so not much of a blood trail. I was brand new to elk hunting and had no clue on how to really search. Found his carcass not far from where I stopped looking a week later and the head was gone.
Oh wow. This was the first time in 25 years I lost my elk meat. Truly sickening. I am an excellent field dresser and had the most family & friends ever before promised meat. Including my middle son & his family who moved to Colorado this year. I should have found this bull despite his double back. I had one do that in NM 5 years ago. Anyway it got right in with the rest of my bad luck on this trip. On return drive I had a five hour detour due to an accident inside an I-70 tunnel near Silverthorne, plus a two hour delay due to rush hour on I-80 thru Chicago South suburbs.
Dang dude that sucks about how your hunt shook out. With that said you seem very arrogant and have a terrible attitude. That’s a pretty nice bull and one many would be proud of. I get if you think your way better then what you received. But dang the way you presented that was awful.
Yes, you would be correct I was and still am in a very foul mood from the whole ordeal. Arrogant? I think not. I waited for this hunt 26 years and put an incredible amount of research, planning and scouting into this effort. I have decades of elk hunting experience with six 320”-350” archery bulls on the wall. I had what it takes to score a 340+” bull and had even better coming in to my tank/wallow. I cherish my elk meat but lost it for the first time in 25 years. This was not an OTC or 1/2 point unit.

In addition, I lost my entire 2020 hunting season to Covid, and failed to draw any western tags in 2021 despite 300+ points. So I was very excited to have this tag and devoted SIX FULL WEEKS from work to not waste one day of the opportunity. Only to get horrendously sick for 75% of the hunt. And the best 75%. So again yes you are correct I was and still am in a foul mood. It’s going to take a while to forget about this. Terrible attitude? Yes please excuse me but I’d be lying if I said I was ecstatic about how this hunt went. That’s just the way it is. I actually left out a lot of other bad stuff like right knee meniscus damage due to hyperextending on a fall. Oh boy that’s a nice bonus. Pain every day. And at my age guess what? The docs don’t want to remove stray cartilage. They want to replace with artificial steel knees.
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I wasn’t asking for an explanation. I was just voicing how it came across. You are welcome to agree or disagree. I don’t know you, maybe you are as bad ass as you say that’s cool.
Well I don’t ever recall referring to myself as bad ass. In fact at 63 years old my body is definitely on the down side. This was the first time I knew my run & gun skills were declined. Elk hunting is a young man’s sport. So that’s why I geared my efforts to scouting and sitting wallows early season with my Lone Wolfs. I took no less than three. Thought I made that quite clear. But I lost all my one week scouting + the entire prime wallow dates of 9/2-16 = three weeks. Don’t know how it comes across. I tend to be all about the facts. I don’t sugar coat anything and I have no rose colored glasses. I simply described what happened and how I feel about it. I’m sorry if you don’t approve. Just curious, how many hunts have you spent 25 points on and had ruined due to illness?

One other thing to note is this was highly likely my last ever premium quality elk hunt. Given the crazy escalating applicant numbers and runaway outfitter welfare mentality these days, the odds are stacked heavily.
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I've had the wheels fall off of a few hunts. I've always hunted otc or 2nd choice, with a few reissued tags mixed in. I've went 7 for 7 on those elk tags. I've been saving up in Colorado and Wyoming for a special occasion. If and when that hunt takes place, I have a lot of hopes and dreams tied up. I also realize that I will probably have at lot more stress to perform on those hunts. I hate it for you how it turned out. My goal with those special hunts will be to have one or two of my best friends and my two boys along.
I wasn’t asking for an explanation. I was just voicing how it came across. You are welcome to agree or disagree. I don’t know you, maybe you are as bad ass as you say that’s cool.
Seems to be one excuse after another with this guy… way I look at. It’s life, it’s hunting. You can’t always pick the hand you’re dealt you just gotta roll with and do what you can. 25 preference points entitles you to absolutely nothing in this game. Looks like it was still a experience and still came home with some bone and a story to tell and someone to blame ?
Seems to be one excuse after another with this guy… way I look at. It’s life, it’s hunting. You can’t always pick the hand you’re dealt you just gotta roll with and do what you can. 25 preference points entitles you to absolutely nothing in this game. Looks like it was still a experience and still came home with some bone and a story to tell and someone to blame ?
So in other words your answer is zero. You’ve never lost 25 points to Illness but you want to tell me how I should feel about it?

OK everything is swell I even got rainbow unicorns prancing in my front yard this morning. I think I’ll drink my coffee on the front porch while reminiscing about my dream OIL hunt.
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sounds like you got sick then shot a nice bull, couldn’t find it, recovers then horns and then posted about it getting sick ruined your hunt?

maybe i’m missing something but sounds fairly successfull considering the circumstances.
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wait you shot this bull before, during or after you were sick?
Got sick 8/27. Shot the small bull (~290”) on 9/19 well after the herd bulls stopped coming to the wallows (9/16). At that date I had 90% of my energy back, but still hacking cough every 30 seconds. The cough did not end until 10/7 (6 weeks), but was manageable by pumping constant Ricolas until 9/27. Other hunter found my small bull 9/29 and I tagged it on the last day 9/30. At least the bears were happy. But had I known I’d lose the meat I’d have just eaten the tag.

Yesterday the wife & I got flu shots in an attempt to at least protect my Illinois deer season.
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They didn’t stop coming into wallows on 9-16
Trust me!
I saw a BIG bull laying in one yesterday.
The wallow I know of has several elk that use it daily.
No doubt there are exceptions to every rule, and elevation can make a difference too. I was up at 9,300’. However, in my three large wallow pods (7-12) my trailcams had only three medium bulls (310-320) come in 9/17-19, and a combined zero 9/20-30. I sat them those last ten days and never saw a single one visit. They poured in 9/2-16. Huge difference.
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Got sick 8/27. Shot the small bull (~290”) on 9/19 well after the herd bulls stopped coming to the wallows (9/16). At that date I had 90% of my energy back, but still hacking cough every 30 seconds. The cough did not end until 10/7 (6 weeks), but was manageable by pumping constant Ricolas until 9/27. Other hunter found my small bull 9/29 and I tagged it on the last day 9/30. At least the bears were happy. But had I known I’d lose the meat I’d have just eaten the tag.

Yesterday the wife & I got flu shots in an attempt to at least protect my Illinois deer season.
So you got sick and shot a bull knowing you were sick and that it would probably hinder your abilities in some fashion......you say you would have rather have eaten tag soup...then why did you shoot it knowing you were sick and probably couldn't function as well as you could have been?
I had the cell numbers of four local ranchers with horses that pack out elk. And a spot on my two mile trail in with great Verizon coverage. Although where I was primarily hunting I could have boned it out and ebiked it out myself if temps were cool enough. E-Bike has a walk assist mode and I have a large rear platform to handle 60#. So I had a plan A & a plan B. I am always aware of this wherever I hunt. I can’t backpack any longer due to pacemaker shoulder strap pressure. This packing takes top priority in all my hunt preparations and was planned months in advance. I had to stop chasing the 380” when I knew horses could not get to that part of Big A Canyon.

Over the years I’ve had many locals & even guides compliment my field dressing quality and extraction planning. They act stunned that a guy from the Midwest can do that solo but I was raised in the age of “there’s people starving in China”. Mao’s cultural revolution famine which killed millions. So that’s always been my mentality. I still tell my Chinese wife this when she leaves something on her dinner plate.
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What I am gathering from this is that the 20+ point unit is not all that much better than a 4/5 point unit aside from maybe a little less pressure. Some of those lower point draw units will produce 300-340 bulls with a few 350+
What I am gathering from this is that the 20+ point unit is not all that much better than a 4/5 point unit aside from maybe a little less pressure. Some of those lower point draw units will produce 300-340 bulls with a few 350+
I don’t know myself because I’ve not hunted any CO 4/5 points units. I will be saving for those going forward. So my opinion is worthless. What I can say is I’ve hunted some of the best units in the west, NV unit 111-222, AZ unit 1 (twice), WY unit 38, UT Book Cliffs, NM units 45 & 49 (5 times) and many more. I would rate CO 61 archery very high at about #5. It was excellent. Way better than the reviews I read about it. Had I not been sick my chance to score a 350” bull were 100%. And probably 25% to crack the 380”. That was my experience. I’d suggest anyone chasing the NW units to take a hard look at 61.
I don’t know myself because I’ve not hunted any CO 4/5 points units. I will be saving for those going forward. So my opinion is worthless. What I can say is I’ve hunted some of the best units in the west, NV unit 111-222, AZ unit 1 (twice), WY unit 38, UT Book Cliffs, NM units 45 & 49 (5 times) and many more. I would rate CO 61 archery very high at about #5. It was excellent. Way better than the reviews I read about it. Had I not been sick my chance to score a 350” bull were 100%. And probably 25% to crack the 380”. That was my experience. I’d suggest anyone chasing the NW units to take a hard look at 61.
OK. What do you think he would score? 30 yards broadside. This was a 100% kill shot for me. If he is not 350” he certainly is in the 340’s”. Im looking at a 340” & 350” on the wall right now and this guy is right there.


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Then why didn't you shoot it?
Because I was sick as a dog until 9/15. Had I not been sick I’d have identified this wallow on 8/28 when I was scheduled to scout this bench. I was unable to do so until 9/14 when I was finally well enough to scout a bit and put up three trail cams. Otherwise I’d been hunting this wallow 9/2-9/16. Who knows if the 380” was wallowing here the first two weeks. May have even shot him.
So that bull shows up 9/15 and 9/16, where you claimed before you were "90%" yet coughing.....then 9/19 you shot that "small" 300" bull to which you couldn't find until 9/29....so why did you not hunt those day if at 90%?
I didn't read all the posts but dam some of give the guy a break. I'm fit and 62 but its all slower and harder and hurts more and the recovery lots longer. But never been on a hunt when I was really sick except once when I was in the front of my truck trying to muster the strength to get out of get cab so I didn't puke on myself. I drove home. I was switching spots and had planned on hiking solo seven miles into the Maroon Bell the next day when it was hit by horrendous snow and wind. That bad sandwich might have saved my life (Don't ever eat at the barbeque place in Aspen) I'm sure he is disappointed after the long wait it didn't go as planned. Hunting throws things at you and sometime not good things. A young guy I am mentoring was devastated when he lost a big bull he hit this year with an arrow. Hunting can offer the greatest thrills and the greatest disappointments. I lost what would have been my best bull ever. Hit him twice, looked for months off and on. Its been 15 years and I feel sick to my stomach when I think about it.
What I am gathering from this is that the 20+ point unit is not all that much better than a 4/5 point unit aside from maybe a little less pressure. Some of those lower point draw units will produce 300-340 bulls with a few 350+
That's about right but the lesser pressure is huge. I alway have greats hunt in NM (all draw) and rarely see anyone too far from their trucks if at all. Completely changes the game
OK. What do you think he would score? 30 yards broadside. This was a 100% kill shot for me. If he is not 350” he certainly is in the 340’s”. Im looking at a 340” & 350” on the wall right now and this guy is right there.

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Sorry but I don’t see 340 or 350
Am I missing something?
Seriously if this bull is 350 I’ve been way off on judging bulls?
So that bull shows up 9/15 and 9/16, where you claimed before you were "90%" yet coughing.....then 9/19 you shot that "small" 300" bull to which you couldn't find until 9/29....so why did you not hunt those day if at 90%?
What is this some sort of FBI interrogation? Between 90% energy, blown out right knee, and ebike help, I felt I had enough in the tank to attempt to hunt about 9/15. But there was still the hacking cough to battle, which is HUGE for an archery hunt. I didn't find the 300" bull. Another hunter did, with a bear on top. I was very limited when I finally began hunting 9/15. Running-n-gunning was brutal. The only thing that kept me going was the looks I got at the 380" toad. Knee sounded like a bag of walnuts. I sat evenings at wallows. But not the best one because I wasn't able to check any of the trail cams until 9/17.

I know I'd have found that wallow on 8/28 because I had all 7 days of pre-season scouting planned geographically, before I got sick.
I might be missing something, but the bull in the wallow is not the same as the broadside night time photo.
Sorry but I don’t see 340 or 350
Am I missing something?
Seriously if this bull is 350 I’ve been way off on judging bulls?
Dude, As I said I am looking at two bulls on my wall right now scored by a P&Y measurer and entered into P&Y. They gross score 340 4/8, and 350 2/8 each. The bull in the photo has everything to at minimum sit squarely between these. Just can't judge the inside spread so well. Just look at the thirds, fifths & main beams. Mass looks even stronger than these two. Regardless that's just a matter of opinion.
I didn't read all the posts but dam some of give the guy a break. I'm fit and 62 but its all slower and harder and hurts more and the recovery lots longer. But never been on a hunt when I was really sick except once when I was in the front of my truck trying to muster the strength to get out of get cab so I didn't puke on myself. I drove home. I was switching spots and had planned on hiking solo seven miles into the Maroon Bell the next day when it was hit by horrendous snow and wind. That bad sandwich might have saved my life (Don't ever eat at the barbeque place in Aspen) I'm sure he is disappointed after the long wait it didn't go as planned. Hunting throws things at you and sometime not good things. A young guy I am mentoring was devastated when he lost a big bull he hit this year with an arrow. Hunting can offer the greatest thrills and the greatest disappointments. I lost what would have been my best bull ever. Hit him twice, looked for months off and on. Its been 15 years and I feel sick to my stomach when I think about it.
it was the tone of the posts that were hard to stomach. It’s just my opinion I guess but to come on and **** on your own fairly decent “meat” bull, that no less wasn’t recovered. To say it’s a sure thing at a 350 is ignorant. Is there that caliber of bulls sure there is. But the tone from the beginning was pure arrogance. The best hunters I know are quite modest. I by no means think I’m a better hunter. Actually I’m sure I’m probably not, and it doesn’t bother me. At some point a guy had to except you messed up.
it was the tone of the posts that were hard to stomach. It’s just my opinion I guess but to come on and **** on your own fairly decent “meat” bull, that no less wasn’t recovered. To say it’s a sure thing at a 350 is ignorant. Is there that caliber of bulls sure there is. But the tone from the beginning was pure arrogance. The best hunters I know are quite modest. I by no means think I’m a better hunter. Actually I’m sure I’m probably not, and it doesn’t bother me. At some point a guy had to except you messed up.
“ 100% chance of killing a 350” bull and 25% of a crack at a 380” bull”
Cmon man.
“ 100% chance of killing a 350” bull and 25% of a crack at a 380” bull”
Cmon man.
#1 - Had I not been sick the 9/16 bull is 100% dead. That’s just a fact. If you don’t think he’s 350” we will agree to disagree.
#2 - I didn’t get any photos of the biggest bull I chased but no question he was the third biggest bull I’ve ever seen in my life. Beat only by two Nevada bulls back in 2007. In 2020 I guided an Idaho guy to a 399” official P&Y in the same canyon where I saw those two big ones. The two I saw were very comparable. This 380” was incredible. I chased him for an hour along with an easy 340” 7x7 and a legit 320” I passed on. In an hour I got multiple great looks at all these. They were at the confluence of Red Canyon & Big A Canyon - reputation for big bulls after muzzleloader season. They got pushed in there no doubt. C’mon man you. I’ve been hunting elk since 1996 almost every year and got many on the wall. All DIY, and all but one archery. Sorry if these size bulls are not common in 61 but I take my scouting very seriously and I put a ton of work into my spots. The big one was 4+ miles back in from the trailhead. Nobody else was back there. Not even one boot track. Had bulls screaming everywhere but I’m old & slow. Experienced, but old & slow. Maybe you just need to get into some more remote parts of the unit. I just told you one! Freebie. I saw where that bull bedded and if I were 30 yo again I’d made a spike camp back there and worked on him. But at my age I chose the post-peak wallow route.
^^^ this post is case in point. You were,are, and never will be 100% on a bull elk. There are A LOT of factors that could ruin a hunt. With your years of experience you should know that. No one doubts you could kill a big bull but you sound ridiculous. I don’t think anyone doubts the caliber of bulls that can be found. I’m betting some of the above posters probably could find the same. The fact is you didn’t kill a 350 bull and it is what it is. You got sick and f it screwed you up boo hoo. Maybe next time you draw a good tag you should avoid all people for a month before your hunt.
^^^ this post is case in point. You were,are, and never will be 100% on a bull elk. There are A LOT of factors that could ruin a hunt. With your years of experience you should know that. No one doubts you could kill a big bull but you sound ridiculous. I don’t think anyone doubts the caliber of bulls that can be found. I’m betting some of the above posters probably could find the same. The fact is you didn’t kill a 350 bull and it is what it is. You got sick and f it screwed you up boo hoo. Maybe next time you draw a good tag you should avoid all people for a month before your hunt.
30 Yard broadside standing still in a wallow right in front of my Lone Wolf? You know the size of a kill zone on a mature bull elk??? Ya you are right the chance of a kill on that shot is only 99.99999%.

Here is photo from the last deer I shot in Illinois at that distance 11/16/2021. Seriously.

it was the tone of the posts that were hard to stomach. It’s just my opinion I guess but to come on and **** on your own fairly decent “meat” bull, that no less wasn’t recovered. To say it’s a sure thing at a 350 is ignorant. Is there that caliber of bulls sure there is. But the tone from the beginning was pure arrogance. The best hunters I know are quite modest. I by no means think I’m a better hunter. Actually I’m sure I’m probably not, and it doesn’t bother me. At some point a guy had to except you messed up.
With all due respect, making claims a person is "arrogant" purely by reading their internet posts is beyond preposterous. You don't know me. You never heard my voice nor my tone of voice. We’ve never had any in person interaction. C'mon man that's just ridiculous. Who ya crappin here?

Perhaps the better interrogation would be #1 - How old are you? #2 - How much elk hunting experience do you have? #3 - How many 320+ bulls have you harvested via DIY archery?
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30 Yard broadside standing still in a wallow right in front of my Lone Wolf? You know the size of a kill zone on a mature bull elk??? Ya you are right the chance of a kill on that shot is only 99.99999%.

Here is photo from the last deer I shot in Illinois at that distance 11/16/2021. Seriously.

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There are 1 billion things that could go wrong in ANY hunting situation. I don't care if your at 1 foot, or 70 yards away, things can happen. That's what he is trying to exclaim and it's true. For you to sit there and say "Ida 100% killed that bull" is a little ridiculous. Now If you had said " I 100% would be able to make a good shot" or "there is an enormously high chance I would have Harvested that bull" that would be a different thing. No shot at any animal with any firearm or bow is 100% guaranteed. Just like you are such an amazing amazing multi 320+ bull killer, yet you somehow lost that "insignificant" 300" bull you shot.
Making a good shot on a bull has absolutely nothing to do with tracking/recovery. They are two totally different things. My arrow plugged both the entry & exit wound resulting in zero blood trail. The bull ran straight West full bore, but double backed and ended up due East of me. In that West direction the bench fell off into a steep canyon. My recovery efforts were focused a quarter mile each way down that edge. However, that was the first bull I failed to recover since 1997. That’s 25 years! During that same time I can recall only two deer I failed to recover. My last three animals hit had zero blood trails, including the heart shot buck. Holes were plugged, yet I found two of them by doing grid searches. You wanna know how many guys PMed me they also failed to recover their elks this season alone? You wanna know how many fruitless tracking jobs I’ve helped other guys with that did not end in recovery? It happens. Last year in Illinois my buddy & I broke off our schedule for 3 hours to help a local track his deer. I ended up finding blood 1/4 mile from where it dried up. The guy couldn’t believe it. He was able to stalk it for a half mile when it jumped and never stopped. But I gave him a fighting chance by helping.

As to your 100% figure I clearly admitted I miscalculated that estimate and in fact it was only 99.9999% so why harp on about it? I’ll stick with that estimate. There’s just no way I’m gonna miss a slam dunk shot like that except for .00001% chance. It’s never happened yet. I have finished first in several 3D tourneys and I shoot every day during all my hunts. I have never met anyone who practiced as much as I do DURING the season. Even when I stayed in the field all day, I packed a practice broadhead and I’d find a dirt pile to shoot into mid day. I just know on an elk hunt a bow takes a lot of bangin around and must be tested regularly.

Can you kindly answer the three questions?
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More ? :poop:!!!!
Seems like several punk rookies flinging crap because nobody answers basic experience questions. I may be old & slow, but not stupid. Quite sure some here simply don’t like it when a nonresident has **** tons more experience at Western game hunting than they do. Well guess what? That’s what happens when you been doing this long enuf. Don’t need some teenager telling me what a mature bull is when they obviously never shot a single one in their entire freakin lives. WTF

To quote Mike Ditka……..”Who ya crappin”?
I’ll be done after this. Not that any of this is any of your business. I’m 33, I’ve elk hunter since I was 22, I have zero 320 plus bulls. In fact not once did I question your prowess. My whole point is you seem arrogant and un appreciative of the bull you did harvest. I don’t anyone care how good you are at cutting an elk up or how good you are at elk hunting.
So in other words your answer is zero. You’ve never lost 25 points to Illness but you want to tell me how I should feel about it?

OK everything is swell I even got rainbow unicorns prancing in my front yard this morning. I think I’ll drink my coffee on the front porch while reminiscing about my dream OIL hunt.
Nope never allowed myself to suck into the preference point hole that bad. But I do have a “similar” life experience. I tore my ACL my senior year right in the middle of wrestling season. The year I was supposed to win it all. Chose to wrap it up and kept wrestling. Didn’t win that state title but I finished what I started. Junior year got the flu the week before the state tournament and gutted it out. Chit happens, it’s nothing in life is promised to us. Just Gods way of testing us. You’re posts come off like your that guy you meet at the bar wearing a sitka vest that one-ups every story you tell him and is the greatest of whitest hunters.
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Seems like several punk rookies flinging crap because nobody answers basic experience questions. I may be old & slow, but not stupid. Quite sure some here simply don’t like it when a nonresident has **** tons more experience at Western game hunting than they do. Well guess what? That’s what happens when you been doing this long enuf. Don’t need some teenager telling me what a mature bull is when they obviously never shot a single one in their entire freakin lives. WTF

To quote Mike Ditka……..”Who ya crappin”
I’ll be done after this. Not that any of this is any of your business. I’m 33, I’ve elk hunter since I was 22, I have zero 320 plus bulls. In fact not once did I question your prowess. My whole point is you seem arrogant and un appreciative of the bull you did harvest. I don’t anyone care how good you are at cutting an elk up or how good you are at elk hunting.
I was 33 on my first elk hunt in 1996. I can only wish I started at 22. This is for young guys. But my dad didn’t hunt, nor did ANY of my friends or relatives. And this was loooong before YouTube, OnX, goHunt, etc. Huntin Fool was just a paper newsletter then. Yet I ventured out solo, drove 1,400 miles alone, and taught myself based on one VCR tape. All applications were paper back then, with fees up front. Please don’t hate me just because I got in the game when trophy elk tags were plentiful and a mathematical reality. It’s the internet and outfitter welfare that destroyed all that. Not me. No question I was fortunate to draw and score on many premium tags back when they were available, but I learned on many dawg hunts as well. Hell I struck out 5 times in NM before finally scored a 330” in the Pecos.

At 63 all four of my wheels are falling off at the same time. Meniscus damage in both knees. One severed ACL. Two torn Achilles. Pacemaker. Both rotator cuffs hanging on by a thread. Everything hurts. I have to pry my ass out of bed at 4 am when the alarm sounds. I needed influenza like a hole in the head. I call all this stuff experience. You call it arrogance. It seems elk hunting has truly come a looooong way from what it used to be, when my simple truthful descriptions are viewed as fantasies by today’s youth. And I’m interrogated like a criminal. Sad but I can assure you they are not. I’m sorry these type tags are no longer attainable. I wish everyone could experience what I did. But I did my part trying to salvage some of these tags in Arizona 2012 HB2072 when SFW tried to hijack 500 of the best tags in that state away from the DIYers. Busted that legislation via help from KTVK Phoenix that to date has resulted in 5,000 premium tags remaining in YOUR hands……..taxpayer’s hands. Please don’t say I didn’t do my part.
this threads pretty fun. should be renamed "trials and tribulations of a flatlander" though. its got trees stands and every thing :LOL:
What the thread appears to be is several haters taking out their tagless frustration by beating down an old nonresident by posting mindless junior high school bad jokes. Strictly because they missed out on the good old days, and I did not. BTW - I have a son, two grand daughters, neice & nephew and more all Colorado residents. Probably more family there than half the critics calling me a "flatlander" here! ? Go figure.
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Well at least you should be happy that you got to go hunting. My son had a very good Wyoming antelope tag (took 12 points to draw in special). He got Covid the day before we were to leave. He has been trying to get his work to let him go. But they will not give him anymore time off. Be happy for enjoying the time you spent in the outdoors.
Not gonna kick a dog while he is down. I can empathize with plans going off the rails, especially after waiting so long to hunt. Those seemed like some nice bulls to me. Not many guys have 2, 330 plus bulls hanging on their walls for as much as the chit talking flies. I hope to be chasing bulls into my 70’s but I get it at some point the wheels fall off. That’s why I defend my Septembers so damn hard, I know in actuality I don’t have that many.

Colorado Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Rocky Mountain Ranches

Hunt some of the finest ranches in N.W. Colorado. Superb elk, mule deer, and antelope hunting.

Frazier Outfitting

Great Colorado elk hunting. Hunt the backcountry of unit 76. More than a hunt, it's an adventure!

CJ Outfitters

Hunt Colorado's premier trophy units, 2, 10 and 201 for trophy elk, deer and antelope.

Allout Guiding & Outfitting

Offering high quality mule deer, elk, bear and cougar hunts in Colorado units 40 and 61.

Ivory & Antler Outfitters

Hunt trophy elk, mule deer, moose, antelope, bear, cougar and turkey on both private land and BLM.

Urge 2 Hunt

We offer both DIY and guided hunts on large ranches all over Colorado for archery, muzzleloader and rifle hunts.

Hunters Domain

Colorado landowner tags for mule deer, elk and antelope. Tags for other states also available.

Flat Tops Elk Hunting

For the Do-It-Yourself hunters, an amazing cabin in GMU 12 for your groups elk or deer hunt.

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