What were you doing


Very Active Member
21 years ago today..I was hunting coyotes on deseret land and livestock when I first heard about it on the radio
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Oh, now I am awake. I was at work teaching a HazMat class. It turned into a keep people away from windows until they told us to go home early. Watched it on the e-news on our work PCS.
It was after being sent home with pay for the week that I used my time doing my business.
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Was in Douglas Wyoming working in the field. Watched the news during breakfast that a "small plane" hit the tower.

Work I had was in the Laramie peak area and walking out that night saw a 350 class bull with maybe 30 cows bugling like mad. Was sort of surprised there wasn't any archery hunters around, was maybe a mile from the truck.

In hindsight, it brought me a bit of levity knowing that nature just doesn't flat care about the trouble humans make for each other.

That levity nature brings is why I hunt, fish, trap and work in the field as much as I possibly can. The more time I spend doing that, the more things slow to the appropriate pace life should be lived.

We're our own worse enemies.
Was in Douglas Wyoming working in the field. Watched the news during breakfast that a "small plane" hit the tower.

Work I had was in the Laramie peak area and walking out that night saw a 350 class bull with maybe 30 cows bugling like mad. Was sort of surprised there wasn't any archery hunters around, was maybe a mile from the truck.

In hindsight, it brought me a bit of levity knowing that nature just doesn't flat care about the trouble humans make for each other.

That levity nature brings is why I hunt, fish, trap and work in the field as much as I possibly can. The more time I spend doing that, the more things slow to the appropriate pace life should be lived.

We're our own worse enemies.
I haven't liked many things you have said Buzz but this one would relate to most Sportsmen and does in a well put way.
Heard Some Scuffle before I Went To Work That Morning!

Got To Work & My Wife Called Saying a Plane Just Hit The Towers!

The Quietest Day I've Ever Heard!

No Planes Flying!

Not Even a Tweety Bird Chirping!

The Only True Silence I've Ever Heard!

This Country Has Been Falling Ever Since!

I was working in the tech support department for a software company and was on the phone with a customer. When the news broke, the entire office just fell silent and me and the customer both agreed that whatever issue we were working on could obviously wait.
Sept 11 was the result of us sticking our nose where it didn’t belong and pushing our beliefs on people not wanting them. We got what we deserved but instead of taking it like a man we started two senseless wars and ruined the lives of so many. Not to mention the long term cost of those wars with thousands of disabled vets etc, the list goes on and on and on.

Tragic what happened on American soil and abroad. All for nothing.
Saudi Muslim extremists did it.
Yep muslims did it. No muslims lifted a finger to stop them. Muslims praised them. The same muslims that actually fund them still have power.

All those "moderate muslims" don't believe lying to you is a sin. They don't believe raping a woman is a sin. They don't believe those people that flew those plains sinned.

A billion "moderate muslims" that don't value your life or respect the US Constitution are the issue.

Muslims did it.
Yep muslims did it. No muslims lifted a finger to stop them. Muslims praised them. The same muslims that actually fund them still have power.

All those "moderate muslims" don't believe lying to you is a sin. They don't believe raping a woman is a sin. They don't believe those people that flew those plains sinned.

A billion "moderate muslims" that don't value your life or respect the US Constitution are the issue.

Muslims did it.
Christians bomb abortion clinics, kill doctors that perform them, etc.
Just saying........

Yep muslims did it. No muslims lifted a finger to stop them. Muslims praised them. The same muslims that actually fund them still have power.

All those "moderate muslims" don't believe lying to you is a sin. They don't believe raping a woman is a sin. They don't believe those people that flew those plains sinned.

A billion "moderate muslims" that don't value your life or respect the US Constitution are the issue.

Muslims did it.
Dang straight , Muslims. And they want Muslim holidays that shut down public entities. There are some voted in Muslims I have a hard time with.
I don't forget nor will I forget 9/11. It was a dirty, dirty thing to do and Muslims celebrating showed on the news, then later on the news didn't want us to see it anymore.
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Dang straight , Muslims. And they want Muslim holidays that shut down public entities. There are some voted in Muslims I have a hard time with.
I don't forget nor will I forget 9/11. It was a dirty, dirty thing to do and Muslims celebrating showed on the news then later on the news didn't want us to see it anymore.
Show me a religion and I'll show you example after example of extremists.

Yes, it's indictment on religion and why the fastest growing religion is people that don't participate in organized religion.

I don't blame them.
I was about 30 minutes away, by car, at a military base. Even with a 3-star trying to arrange military travel, it took us nearly 3 days for general military air traffic to be up and running.
Dang straight , Muslims. And they want Muslim holidays that shut down public entities. There are some voted in Muslims I have a hard time with.
I don't forget nor will I forget 9/11. It was a dirty, dirty thing to do and Muslims celebrating showed on the news then later on the news didn't want us to see it anymore.
It wasn’t a dirty thing to do. Look at WHY they did it.

The US got what it was asking for. You don’t want stuff like that to happen stay the **** out of their business.
It wasn’t a dirty thing to do. Look at WHY they did it.

The US got what it was asking for. You don’t want stuff like that to happen stay the **** out of their business.

It's not as simple as what we were asking for. We as a nation have our will. They picked a side 80 years ago and we have kept them in a state of disarray and under our control ever since. It is absolutely imperative for the survival of this nation to try and control muslims, nazis, and communists.
It wasn’t a dirty thing to do. Look at WHY they did it.

The US got what it was asking for. You don’t want stuff like that to happen stay the **** out of their business.
Why they did that particular thing ? You are up in the night if you think we caused that. They have no love or room in their minds unless you are Muslim. They would lash out and attack us just because we let women have some voice and choices.
I went into the mechanical area of a building to talk to my refrigeration sub and he was standing there staring like he’d seen a ghost. I ask if he was ok and he just pointed to his radio. I think we both stood there stunned for 30 minutes before we even spoke.


More than Just My Eye Problem Though!
I recently went from two different pairs of reading glasses (1 for close up and one for distance) to a single pair of prescription progressive lenses. Now if I can just remember where they are.
Helping pack a buddy’s bull off the mountain today and we were talking about it, I was in 6th grade class, teacher brought a tv in and I remember seeing the second tower get hit then they turned the tv off and sent us home. I was pissed and wanted revenge, joined the army and deployed to Afghanistan, and now I see how ridiculous it all was. Just a kid with a misguided sense of patriotism
I was at work when my ex wife called.
I went to Best Buy and bought a TV for the office to watch it all.
I was in the middle of buying a new house and almost backed out and I’m glad I didn’t because it was the best return investment I ever made!
Helping pack a buddy’s bull off the mountain today and we were talking about it, I was in 6th grade class, teacher brought a tv in and I remember seeing the second tower get hit then they turned the tv off and sent us home. I was pissed and wanted revenge, joined the army and deployed to Afghanistan, and now I see how ridiculous it all was. Just a kid with a misguided sense of patriotism
I have no control over your self evaluation but I am thankful for what you did regardless of your motives.

It provided all of us with more real security than we could have ever had by staying here. Our safety isn't eternal. No one war will end all wars. At best it will save lives, execute our will, and reshape future warfare. The struggle will not stop.
I was at work listening to the radio and they said a plane crashed into one of the twin towers.

What???? A radio tower? Who would do that?
Even 20 years ago the military was still strong as far as soldiers go. I don't believe they are today.
And people like this Sam Brinton were never Assistant Secretaries of Spent Fuels in Nuclear Energy. I doubt he could have received a Q Clearance.
I was 42 at 9/11 and wished I could kick butt along with our Soldiers.
Had I been in Pashto or Dari language training instead of Russian I might have helped.
No one wants to work so why would they want to fight ?
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I was driving home, just off a 12hr grave from the refinery I still work at today. I was listening to Bob and Tom on the radio. I just remember them saying a plane just crashed into one of the twin towers, thinking they were joking at first. Then I soon could tell in there voices it was no joke! I got home, turned on the tv, just to see the second tower get hit. My wife was still in bed and I told her she needed to get up and come see this.
Pretty sad day…
I have no control over your self evaluation but I am thankful for what you did regardless of your motives.

It provided all of us with more real security than we could have ever had by staying here. Our safety isn't eternal. No one war will end all wars. At best it will save lives, execute our will, and reshape future warfare. The struggle will not stop.
Thanks, I look back at my time in with mixed feeling, met and served with some amazing men. Was able to do awesome things and learned a ton about myself, human nature, and very important life skills. I do not miss the horrible bureaucracy and the spineless leadership that seemed to run rampant. I am also saddened by the friends wounded, maimed, and killed all to further a military industrial complex, all the winning in the war on terror was accomplished in the first 6 months, we should have never attempted to stay let alone adventured into Iraq
North West Territories, setting on the tundra, 60 miles south of the Arctic Circle, waiting for a float plane to pick me up. It didn’t.

I’m not smart enough to Monday morning quarterback a football game let along the tragedies of humanity but I will try to learn from the past….. as far as I understand it.

Reflections……. are like snowflakes, none the same, everyone sees them from a unique perspective.
Why they did that particular thing ? You are up in the night if you think we caused that. They have no love or room in their minds unless you are Muslim. They would lash out and attack us just because we let women have some voice and choices.
You really think it was an unprovoked attack on the US? FFS if you believe that there’s nothing anyone can say to you regarding it.

America got it what it deserved. Yes it was tragic. How we handled it was even worse.

Russian learned, we didn’t. Stay the **** out of their countries and you will not get attacked . It’s that simple.

The US tries to be the super hero for the world. Time to step back and let someone else do it. China? I don’t really care. But you go pushing your beliefs to other countries expect blow back.
You really think it was an unprovoked attack on the US? FFS if you believe that there’s nothing anyone can say to you regarding it.

America got it what it deserved. Yes it was tragic. How we handled it was even worse.

Russian learned, we didn’t. Stay the **** out of their countries and you will not get attacked . It’s that simple.

The US tries to be the super hero for the world. Time to step back and let someone else do it. China? I don’t really care. But you go pushing your beliefs to other countries expect blow back.
Oh….. that it were that simple…..
Muslim terrorists were given the green light by our own government. We had an agenda & the only way to get the support of the American people to start a war & go after Saddam Hussein was to kill 3000 Americans on our own soil.
Too bad we don’t have the same eagerness & enthusiasm when it comes to fentanyl & illegals crossing our borders daily.
You really think it was an unprovoked attack on the US? FFS if you believe that there’s nothing anyone can say to you regarding it.

America got it what it deserved. Yes it was tragic. How we handled it was even worse.

Russian learned, we didn’t. Stay the **** out of their countries and you will not get attacked . It’s that simple.

The US tries to be the super hero for the world. Time to step back and let someone else do it. China? I don’t really care. But you go pushing your beliefs to other countries expect blow back.
I did say that. I just believe they hate all our freedoms and want to attack. Getting involved did make it quicker but I still think they always want to attack like cowards.
Actually not Dayton Idaho, it is Dayton Washington . That was 1977 so I am forgetting. It is dang close to Idaho though.
???man I’m getting old. I read to Dayton and stopped, thinking you were talking Dayton Ohio. I later thought to myself….I don’t remember any ski lifts out that way lol.

77 was a good year….I was born in 77?
You’re probably right but I would like to believe if we never focked with them maybe they would of left us alone. I’m probably being naïve.
Well, I'm definitely no authority on it so I know my thoughts are just thoughts, lol. You are probably correct SS.
Sept 11
Was in Simi Valley building a mini storage complex.
We all spend a lot of time in the Super Shack that day.
You're Partially Right again SS!

I Worked For a African American Couple A While Back!

I've Never Heard The N Word Used That Much within an Hours Time ever!

They Were Calling Each Other The N Word in nearly every Sentence!

And black people call themselves n******* so do you call them that too?
You're Partially Right again SS!

I Worked For a African American Couple A While Back!

I've Never Heard The N Word Used That Much within an Hours Time ever!

They Were Calling Each Other The N Word in nearly every Sentence!
What's the n-word, and what part of Africa were they from?
Never forget!

I was 8 miles deep into the Gila Wilderness. Didn’t know what had happened untIl 3 days after. It was eerie quite for a few days with no plane traffic.
You're Partially Right again SS!

I Worked For a African American Couple A While Back!

I've Never Heard The N Word Used That Much within an Hours Time ever!

They Were Calling Each Other The N Word in nearly every Sentence!
Where have you been A hole? They don’t like to be called African Americans anymore!
You do know the Gov. calls it BIA or Bureau of Indian Affairs
574 federally recognized tribes are in the BIA.

So Yes I call them Indians.
That’s cool you suck off on whatever the govt says. I’m sure you’re getting ready to vote for Biden again you govt kiss ass
Anyone remember air travel before sept 11th and after? The terrorists focking won. While looking down from heaven Osama bin laden is laughing while he’s motorboating one of his many virgins watching us having to go through security at the airport.
Hit a nerve? How do you feel about the word midget? Bet that one stings huh?
You sure don’t like getting showed up do you? No nerve hit just pulling out facts. But you’re the Idaho tristate so we know what your response will be.

I have nothing against midgets. Unless you are one. Then I definitely look down on you ?
You sure don’t like getting showed up do you? No nerve hit just pulling out facts. But you’re the Idaho tristate so we know what your response will be.

I have nothing against midgets. Unless you are one. Then I definitely look down on you ?
I’m pretty sure you can only look down on toddlers. And Muslims are pedo’s in their heaven. Can’t motor boat 10 year old boys. Sounds like your a fan though. That’s kinda weird
Your insecurities are abound. I know you look up to me and that’s ok! I’m here for you JPstate
My insecurities!!:ROFLMAO: HA! I literally made you post a picture of your driver’s license on here!! That had to be one of the highlights of my trolling career. I got so under the skin of the MM lead troll that he went, got his wallet, took a picture of it and posted it on the internet.

Weak moment man. But yeah, my insecurities :ROFLMAO: too funny

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