Wyoming Modified Season Proposals


Long Time Member
Here is the Current Proposals from 4/7/23. Lots of changes, some significant, some fairly mild.

WG&F: Due to extreme winter impacts on big game populations, Wyoming Game and Fish Department wildlife managers have made significant adjustments to hunting season proposals in many areas of the state.

Initial season proposals were presented during public meetings around the state in March.

The modified draft regulations will be presented to the WGFD Commission April 18 in Casper.

They didn't cut G at all which makes no sense to me other then the guys at the meeting must of been to busy coming up with hair brained ideas insted of trying to get tags cut
Were there also changes to resident tag numbers? I didn't see where those would have been listed. Saw the changes to season dates, harvest requirements, and NR. Just curious if there are more changes we don't see in these papers.
This is a joke right?
It is not a joke nor was it any attempt to imply it only effects NR's. I was just asking because it wasn't included. Just because I'm not a resident of WY doesn't mean I don't care about the livelihood of big game animals regardless of where I live.
It is not a joke nor was it any attempt to imply it only effects NR's. I was just asking because it wasn't included. Just because I'm not a resident of WY doesn't mean I don't care about the livelihood of big game animals regardless of where I live.
WY residents enjoy unlimited gen elk and gen deer tags.

So, the cuts in gen elk and gen deer are 100% borne by NRs. Not shared by residents.

He thinks it is a joke that you would think that WY resident gen “rights” should be somehow impacted by this winter.
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Shocked G didn't get cut at all. That isn't right. Bean counters must have eliminated that proposed change.
WY residents enjoy unlimited gen elk and gen deer tags.

So, the cuts in gen elk and gen deer are 100% borne by NRs. Not shared by residents.

He thinks it is a joke that you would think that WY resident gen “rights” should be somehow impacted by this winter.
General NR elk tags weren't cut...WTF are you babbling about?

General deer hunting season length was drastically cut for residents.
It is not a joke nor was it any attempt to imply it only effects NR's. I was just asking because it wasn't included. Just because I'm not a resident of WY doesn't mean I don't care about the livelihood of big game animals regardless of where I live.
All LQ deer or antelope tag cuts affect residents to the tune of 80% of amount cut. It's getting real hard to listen to the whining about general areas. If you don't like how those areas are treating NR then pack your poop and move to Wyoming.
And don't forget to buy a darn good snowblower while you're at it.
Why shouldn't the NR tags be the first cut and the deepest? NR should be, in every state, considered a bonus. In lean years, there shouldn't be bonuses. Residents should benefit from residency, in every state.

Having said that, when does Real Househusbands of Wyoming start filming? The drama in this forum is must read material.
^^^^ And yet you choose to add to it.
Made great points but then had to throw in a jab.

Is Crampy looking at the same proposals as the rest of us?

From talk at the meetings and on forums it sounds like some residents are going to be more than willing to limit themselves without G&F telling us to.
Some not so much.
^^^^ And yet you choose to add to it.
Made great points but then had to throw in a jab.

Is Crampy looking at the same proposals as the rest of us?

From talk at the meetings and on forums it sounds like some residents are going to be more than willing to limit themselves without G&F telling us to.
Some not so much.

2 things can be right at the same time. The Wyoming R shouldn't suffer until the NR tags are gone


The Wyoming page has become the Kardashians.
^^^^ And yet you choose to add to it.
Made great points but then had to throw in a jab.

Is Crampy looking at the same proposals as the rest of us?

From talk at the meetings and on forums it sounds like some residents are going to be more than willing to limit themselves without G&F telling us to.
Some not so much.
Crampy likes to talk, mostly out of his arse...
... The Wyoming R shouldn't suffer until the NR tags are gone

NO other mountain west state is handling similar situations like this. Your cooperating sister states would enact the cuts in a 90/10 fashion (or whatever their ratio is).

Let’s use Gen Deer (H) as an example:
NR tag cuts: 600 to 400 tags. 200 tags cut, 33% NR cut.
R tag cuts: ZERO, nada.
100% of the cut is borne by NRs.

WY is absolutely free to do it this way. My only point is that the other state residents (readers here) are noticing nuances like this. And we will all go back to our own states and similarly argue that ALL cuts made for drought/winter/whatever should come 100% out of the NR tag allocation before a single R tag is cut.

And yes, I understand LQ cuts are shared differently than GEN.
"My only point is that the other state residents (readers here) are noticing nuances like this. And we will all go back to our own states and similarly argue that ALL cuts made for drought/winter/whatever should come 100% out of the NR tag allocation before a single R tag is cut."

As they should, residents first for their states as well.
I don't see anyone from Wyoming saying they shouldn't.
No one is saying only cut NRs in Wyoming just do them first before R licenses are cut.
Same for any state, start with NR cuts.
NO other mountain west state is handling similar situations like this. Your cooperating sister states would enact the cuts in a 90/10 fashion (or whatever their ratio is).

Let’s use Gen Deer (H) as an example:
NR tag cuts: 600 to 400 tags. 200 tags cut, 33% NR cut.
R tag cuts: ZERO, nada.
100% of the cut is borne by NRs.

WY is absolutely free to do it this way. My only point is that the other state residents (readers here) are noticing nuances like this. And we will all go back to our own states and similarly argue that ALL cuts made for drought/winter/whatever should come 100% out of the NR tag allocation before a single R tag is cut.

And yes, I understand LQ cuts are shared differently than GEN.
Go for it, your State can handle it anyway they want. I also think they should reduce NR opportunities in your state before they start cutting Residents. Fully in support, it only makes on thing, and that's sense.

I would be quite happy just hunting my 2 buck deer, pronghorn buck, 3 elk, bear, lion, wolf and turkey tags here every year and forgo hunting your state.

Not breaking my heart, would actually be nice to concentrate more on Wyoming anyway...I tend to get pretty spread out when I draw too many tags elsewhere.
Wy residents forgo hunting Montana then please. I’ve followed most of these state policy forums, this one takes the cake. I don’t care what WY does, it’s the peoples attitudes. Montana has Nonresident Native tags, and the come home to hunt program (both programs discount tags) which goes against what you WY-res seem to believe is the way to handle things. I remember some WY-res member saying they participate in these programs right? If I’m mistaken, I apologize. If I’m not, typical blow hards that live by do as I say, not as I do. I know, it’s up to Montana to set its rules, people just play by them. Doesn’t mean it’s not being a hypocrite in the first order for those raging on about a res/nonres management ideology while participating as cheaply as possible any chance one can get in a system that goes against what they believe. How many discounted tag hunters donate to Montana wildlife beyond the reduced tag fee? Leave those tags for someone else’s kids, or at least pay full price, have some reciprocity for states that welcome non residents, or stay home. Don’t really care, but when people spout about 10+ tags in their pocket every year and still b#%€ that not one res tag should be cut as long as there is a single nonres tag available, screams selfishness. Then if those same people use other state’s programs, which they would advocate against in their home state, to procure more tags at a discounted rate, words such as hypocrite, self righteous, narcissist, and plain a-hole become proper adjectives in reference.
Wy residents forgo hunting Montana then please. I’ve followed most of these state policy forums, this one takes the cake. I don’t care what WY does, it’s the peoples attitudes. Montana has Nonresident Native tags, and the come home to hunt program (both programs discount tags) which goes against what you WY-res seem to believe is the way to handle things. I remember some WY-res member saying they participate in these programs right? If I’m mistaken, I apologize. If I’m not, typical blow hards that live by do as I say, not as I do. I know, it’s up to Montana to set its rules, people just play by them. Doesn’t mean it’s not being a hypocrite in the first order for those raging on about a res/nonres management ideology while participating as cheaply as possible any chance one can get in a system that goes against what they believe. How many discounted tag hunters donate to Montana wildlife beyond the reduced tag fee? Leave those tags for someone else’s kids, or at least pay full price, have some reciprocity for states that welcome non residents, or stay home. Don’t really care, but when people spout about 10+ tags in their pocket every year and still b#%€ that not one res tag should be cut as long as there is a single nonres tag available, screams selfishness. Then if those same people use other state’s programs, which they would advocate against in their home state, to procure more tags at a discounted rate, words such as hypocrite, self righteous, narcissist, and plain a-hole become proper adjectives in reference.
Maybe talk to your Montana State Legislature about why the R's there passed the OTC NR Native tags.

Your yelling and whining on the 'net won't help. Just be aware, it's going to be tough to change the Statute that give these benefits to the R's families that are direct beneficiaries of those reduced fee OTC tags.

Dumb legislation needs to hurt, and I won't apologize for taking advantage of it. I testified against them, as far as I know the only non resident who did. Apparently they know better and chose not to listen.

That's what your state chose to do, what your resident legislature chose to do.

They did raise the fees at least, I shot a lot of NR $64 deer and $80 elk. Again, that was the voice of Montana citizens, their wildlife, their rules.

BTW, I already bought my half priced NR OTC tags for Montana for 2023... ? ?
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Don’t mistake me calling you out for being hypocritical as yelling and whining. I actually don’t have a problem with those programs, my problem is with people that whine and cry for theirs while not having a personal constitution to back it up beyond what benefits themselves. Just because something is legal, doesn’t make it right to us as individuals. Stand for something or stand for nothing. I have points all over the west, you’ve never seen me complain about state changes once on here. I rarely post except to help someone who asks about something I have knowledge of. I admit, you put a burr under my saddle pad when you claimed people need to make better choices in life when you received criticism for bragging about having an excessive amount of paid vacation, and now 10+ tags in your pocket yearly. Those are your choices, no one else’s, and not right (for whatever reasons) for anyone else. Think about how many people work, pay their taxes, just to pay your salary and paid time off. Maybe talking down to them isn’t the best way. Same for your opinions on hunting regulations or opportunities. We should all be on the same team, trying to be hospitable teammates even if we disagree. Most of communicating with others is tone, and you prove to be tone def on most topics (or just plain arrogant). For what it’s worth, I’ve sat at the Governors table beside him, the Attorney General, and MT’s federal Reps, Senator in the recent years. I met my wife 5 years ago in WA DC when I was invited. When/if I have something to say, I have no problem getting my opinions where they are useful. I have no personal need to whine, cry, or yell on the interweb. Difference? I recognize and delineate my opinion and selfish desires from what is sound management and best for the whole State of Montana. It’s past, present, and future residents. The economy, healthcare, water compacts, environmental concerns without sound science, Federal overreach overreach, and rural access to a whole array of services. I do love hunting and fishing, I care about it deeply. It is but a piece of the pie. If you don’t want people eating from your pie, don’t eat from others even if they offer. You know those guys in college that always showed up for a beer when someone else was buying, but never offered to buy? Mooch. Your constant remarks about NR deserving less, and now nothing are tired platitudes at this point. Maybe stop your yelling and whining on the net, we all know your opinion. Maybe, just maybe, if you learn humbleness and tone you can make some friends, or at least have objective people willing to listen and seriously consider your opinions.
Don’t mistake me calling you out for being hypocritical as yelling and whining. I actually don’t have a problem with those programs, my problem is with people that whine and cry for theirs while not having a personal constitution to back it up beyond what benefits themselves. Just because something is legal, doesn’t make it right to us as individuals. Stand for something or stand for nothing. I have points all over the west, you’ve never seen me complain about state changes once on here. I rarely post except to help someone who asks about something I have knowledge of. I admit, you put a burr under my saddle pad when you claimed people need to make better choices in life when you received criticism for bragging about having an excessive amount of paid vacation, and now 10+ tags in your pocket yearly. Those are your choices, no one else’s, and not right (for whatever reasons) for anyone else. Think about how many people work, pay their taxes, just to pay your salary and paid time off. Maybe talking down to them isn’t the best way. Same for your opinions on hunting regulations or opportunities. We should all be on the same team, trying to be hospitable teammates even if we disagree. Most of communicating with others is tone, and you prove to be tone def on most topics (or just plain arrogant). For what it’s worth, I’ve sat at the Governors table beside him, the Attorney General, and MT’s federal Reps, Senator in the recent years. I met my wife 5 years ago in WA DC when I was invited. When/if I have something to say, I have no problem getting my opinions where they are useful. I have no personal need to whine, cry, or yell on the interweb. Difference? I recognize and delineate my opinion and selfish desires from what is sound management and best for the whole State of Montana. It’s past, present, and future residents. The economy, healthcare, water compacts, environmental concerns without sound science, Federal overreach overreach, and rural access to a whole array of services. I do love hunting and fishing, I care about it deeply. It is but a piece of the pie. If you don’t want people eating from your pie, don’t eat from others even if they offer. You know those guys in college that always showed up for a beer when someone else was buying, but never offered to buy? Mooch. Your constant remarks about NR deserving less, and now nothing are tired platitudes at this point. Maybe stop your yelling and whining on the net, we all know your opinion. Maybe, just maybe, if you learn humbleness and tone you can make some friends, or at least have objective people willing to listen and seriously consider your opinions.
Meh, if I lived in Montana I would be doing something about guys like me getting the good deal tags.

As far as my choice to pursue the career I did, one of life's choices and I won't apologize for that any more than I do for choosing to live in Wyoming and hunting Montana with OTC tags. Won't apologize for using my leave how I want either.

I sacrificed a lot for those decisions, no question about that.

Because I'm a nice guy, and it sounds like you're so influential, I'm going to help you out just this one time. Next chance you get, while you're talking to the powers that be, show them these pictures.

Let them know, in their infinite wisdom, they gave me these elk for $80 (I filled every $80 tag and and half priced elk tag I've had in Montana, won't bore you with pics of all of them):




And these $64 deer (I've shot deer in Montana every year since 1979):





I won't bore you with the last half dozen half priced deer, if they don't get the hint from these pictures, that they're essentially giving away opportunity and their wildlife...well, isn't much else I can do or say to change it. You're welcome, in advance...it should make a pretty strong case for chit-canning those tags.

From here, that's on you and your Legislature to change, and apparently nobody has the stones or ability to change it. Like I already said, I testified against the give-away programs from the start, still think they're crap.

However, in the meantime, I'm going to continue to hunt every chance I get there with my family...with zero regrets.
Wy residents forgo hunting Montana then please. I’ve followed most of these state policy forums, this one takes the cake. I don’t care what WY does, it’s the peoples attitudes. Montana has Nonresident Native tags, and the come home to hunt program (both programs discount tags) which goes against what you WY-res seem to believe is the way to handle things. I remember some WY-res member saying they participate in these programs right? If I’m mistaken, I apologize. If I’m not, typical blow hards that live by do as I say, not as I do. I know, it’s up to Montana to set its rules, people just play by them. Doesn’t mean it’s not being a hypocrite in the first order for those raging on about a res/nonres management ideology while participating as cheaply as possible any chance one can get in a system that goes against what they believe. How many discounted tag hunters donate to Montana wildlife beyond the reduced tag fee? Leave those tags for someone else’s kids, or at least pay full price, have some reciprocity for states that welcome non residents, or stay home. Don’t really care, but when people spout about 10+ tags in their pocket every year and still b#%€ that not one res tag should be cut as long as there is a single nonres tag available, screams selfishness. Then if those same people use other state’s programs, which they would advocate against in their home state, to procure more tags at a discounted rate, words such as hypocrite, self righteous, narcissist, and plain a-hole become proper adjectives in reference.
Poor MT resident. Angry that WY residents get it better, so instead of fixing the issues in MT he wants to be up set at WY residents…
Anyone catch…. there is an issue. In the top part it states that all youth tags are Antlered only, but in unit 100 for the youth season it still lost any deer… I have already contacted the area Bio, and hope to get that cleared up. I really hope it was an oversight as every where else is state antlered only…

Also region W is not at a 20% cut to NR but again we are expecting over 40% adult mortality. I am good with the cuts this far, but hope the commission takes even more NR tags at least until we have a good idea of over all numbers and what the new buck doe ratios will look like.
Wy residents forgo hunting Montana then please. I’ve followed most of these state policy forums, this one takes the cake. I don’t care what WY does, it’s the peoples attitudes. Montana has Nonresident Native tags, and the come home to hunt program (both programs discount tags) which goes against what you WY-res seem to believe is the way to handle things. I remember some WY-res member saying they participate in these programs right? If I’m mistaken, I apologize. If I’m not, typical blow hards that live by do as I say, not as I do. I know, it’s up to Montana to set its rules, people just play by them. Doesn’t mean it’s not being a hypocrite in the first order for those raging on about a res/nonres management ideology while participating as cheaply as possible any chance one can get in a system that goes against what they believe. How many discounted tag hunters donate to Montana wildlife beyond the reduced tag fee? Leave those tags for someone else’s kids, or at least pay full price, have some reciprocity for states that welcome non residents, or stay home. Don’t really care, but when people spout about 10+ tags in their pocket every year and still b#%€ that not one res tag should be cut as long as there is a single nonres tag available, screams selfishness. Then if those same people use other state’s programs, which they would advocate against in their home state, to procure more tags at a discounted rate, words such as hypocrite, self righteous, narcissist, and plain a-hole become proper adjectives in reference.
Shouldn't this be in the Montana forum?
No truer words ever spoke on MM. The Wyoming page has become the Kardashians.
Most of us don’t understand the reference as we don’t watch the show. You and hossy must be be fans of the Kardashians? You must like it so much you think the WY forum is such and you keep coming back over and over again. Hahahahahhahahaha

Have fun watching the Kardashians. I just finished packing for 4 weeks of king fishing, brown bear hunting and mix in some antler hunting too.
Most of us don’t understand the reference as we don’t watch the show. You and hossy must be be fans of the Kardashians? You must like it so much you think the WY forum is such and you keep coming back over and over again. Hahahahahhahahaha

Have fun watching the Kardashians. I just finished packing for 4 weeks of king fishing, brown bear hunting and mix in some antler hunting too.

We get a whole month without you?
Buzz, I have no influence with anyone. I do have the ability to voice my concerns to the top, what gets done is out of my control. Montana is in a sticky situation at the moment. The optics are not favorable towards the Gov, but I’ll put the inside scoop on that in the MT forum for anyone interested. I applaud you Buzz, it’s not every day people own who they actually are. In response to your photos and comments about not wanting to bore me with more, I’m having a hard time with understanding your wildlife philosophy. Heard health, growing robust populations, managing for a combination of opportunity as well as mature animals? Seems it’s get tags, kill……and brag. I do thank you for being honest about who/what you are, I could work with that.
I would have liked to see more cuts. It seems to me if we lose 50% of collared animals (deer or antelope) then that should be the % of tag cuts made. Zero cuts in G makes no sense with 30+% dead already.

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