Weird creatures


Long Time Member
Well time for a change on subject. Tired about 90/10 and residents vs non residents.

We found this at work today. Didn't know what the hell it was. Well google taught me it is a giant water bug. Uses those giant jaws to walk and catch little fish.

Ever seen one before? Or got weird creatures to show

Well time for a change on subject. Tired about 90/10 and residents vs non residents.

We found this at work today. Didn't know what the hell it was. Well google taught me it is a giant water bug. Uses those giant jaws to walk and catch little fish.

Ever seen one before? Or got weird creatures to show

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I've never seen one of those. It is creepy.

I also use Google Lens to figure out what things are. ?
I have seen those before and recognized what it was right off. We hide then in small ponds and stick tanks regularly around here. They eat other bugs too on top of fish. Pretty bad assed critter.
Well now that you posted this on the Wyoming Hunting Forum, people are going to want to squish one of them.......and since they are pretty scarce, the residents are going to want to squish 90% of them................and then the NR's are going to complain that the special right to squish one is too expensive........and then..........
We always seem to find a few cool critters. We love children of the earth... 2 years ago it seemed like we had massive numbers...

I almost had a taxidermy bill for a Pdog as well...

But let it live...

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That Albino prairie rat is pretty cool!
Reminds me of a trophy 4-point that I harvested several years ago while on a deer hunt.
Taxidermist said the cape was ruined though - lol

Well time for a change on subject. Tired about 90/10 and residents vs non residents.

We found this at work today. Didn't know what the hell it was. Well google taught me it is a giant water bug. Uses those giant jaws to walk and catch little fish.

Ever seen one before? Or got weird creatures to show

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Saw those in small creeks north of Ely while packing out at night a couple years ago. Creepy AF, made me think twice about stepping in the water.
Lots of meth heads in Rock Springs area. We are willing to waive any quotas on them. Come and get as many as you want. They are “weird creatures” for sure!
Toe Biters? Google search said they live in water?
Hard to tell how big they are in your original pic, but I'm seriously never going skinny dip'n again!!!!!

They bite people's toes in the water and is not a comfortable feeling from what I read.

They do live in water. We found ours in the building at work. It must of been lost. It was well over an inch long
Mormon cricket are somewhat simple but not the same. We have had morman cricket plague near Rangely to elk springs for the past 4-5 years including right now.
We have a pile of these beetles at our house right now… they are about as big as a quarter. There were 26 on the porch night before last!

We always seem to find a few cool critters. We love children of the earth... 2 years ago it seemed like we had massive numbers...

I almost had a taxidermy bill for a Pdog as well...

But let it live...

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My brother once ate one of those at a SuperBowl party, he got $8, and there was a $1000 side bet on if he would do it, rules were crewed up, show it, then swallow it all, he told me he could feel the back legs when it came out a few days later!
Well time for a change on subject. Tired about 90/10 and residents vs non residents.

We found this at work today. Didn't know what the hell it was. Well google taught me it is a giant water bug. Uses those giant jaws to walk and catch little fish.

Ever seen one before? Or got weird creatures to show

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Many years ago there was a low pressure chamber owned operated by the Navy. Up to a dozen folks inside, some Corpsmen and a couple techs, a console operator and the head dude/dudette. This chamber was designed to allow aircrew to experience hypoxia under controlled conditions. We also used it to allow SEALs to practice some phases of HALO jumps.

It had to be calibrated once a year to determine if it could hold air leaks within standards. No one inside. We would simulate 100,000 feet in altitude, hold it and then slowly descend to site level.

One time I wanted to see what would happen to a cockroach. So I got a beaker, put the roach on the bottom of the beaker.

On theway up: about 30k in altitude it got a little anxious. At 50k it started slowing down. At 70k it went belly up with no movement. We stayed at 100k altitude for the required time.

On the way down: about 80k, a leg twitched. At 50-60k it started trying to roll upright. At 45k it started crawling around.

Keep in mind the blood of most mammals will begin to boil at about 62k, assuming no pressure suit.
Well time for a change on subject. Tired about 90/10 and residents vs non residents.

We found this at work today. Didn't know what the hell it was. Well google taught me it is a giant water bug. Uses those giant jaws to walk and catch little fish.

Ever seen one before? Or got weird creatures to show

View attachment 110465
nfh that is a giant water bug. It can give you a painful bite but is not dangerous. They're usually found near water but are attracted to lights - yeah they can fly. In the SE US and in SE Asia there are species 2-3 inches long. Also in SE Asia they are eaten by humans.
nfh that is a giant water bug. It can give you a painful bite but is not dangerous. They're usually found near water but are attracted to lights - yeah they can fly. In the SE US and in SE Asia there are species 2-3 inches long. Also in SE Asia they are eaten by humans.
Sorry I see that you already knew what it was - I should've actually read your post first!
Black Witch moth. Rare around here (sw Wy). We often leave the back door open in the summer time at night. He was on the wall one morning. I thought it was a bat at first until I went for a closer look (we have a fair number of bats some years). I'm guessing a 7" wing span. I let him hang out for a day and the next morning he flew out the back door past me to freedom.



Hunted Ocellated Turkeys in the Yucatan peninsula in May of 2006. I couldn't believe the crazy bugs that were all over that jungle. Coolest one was a beetle of some sort. I guess they are called Glowing Click Beetles. They have weird neon green spots that glow in the dark. picks below. Not my pictures, but I thought they were cool.


Hunted Ocellated Turkeys in the Yucatan peninsula in May of 2006. I couldn't believe the crazy bugs that were all over that jungle. Coolest one was a beetle of some sort. I guess they are called Glowing Click Beetles. They have weird neon green spots that glow in the dark. picks below. Not my pictures, but I thought they were cool.

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Yeah those are click beetles. Most don't glow but some species in Latin America do. I've some that glow in northern Argentina and also Florida has a couple species that glow.

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